Eternal Existence

Chapter 796: Opening the Channel

"Take action!" Seeing Chen Feng take action, the monks present also launched their strongest attacks. It is not easy for the monks to survive until now. They are earth immortals themselves and have Tao weapons in their hands. The combined attack power is still It's very strong, plus the two demon fairies use their fairy weapons to attack at the same time.

A channel was opened in space again, this time the channel was wider and deeper, and seemed to lead to the deepest part of the universe.

"It's my turn." The compass in Ye Ziming's hand suddenly bloomed with light, and the opened void channel immediately stabilized, and there was no longer a turbulent flow of void flowing in like before.

"Let's go, we don't have much time." Ye Ziming waved his hand, and the compass reached his head, covering Chen Feng and the two demon immortals.

As for the other monks, they were naturally excluded. You must know that Ye Ziming is not sure that he can rush out now, let alone allocate some energy to take care of other people.

Even so. There were still two people who wanted to rush over, but were bounced away by the power emanating from the compass.


The compass wrapped everyone and quickly got into the space channel. With the compass's protection, all the turbulent flow of the void was blocked from the outside.


After Ye Ziming and others entered the void passage and disappeared, the remaining monks were all dumbfounded, and then they scrambled to enter the passage, but only two people entered the void passage and closed it.

The remaining monks immediately cursed and secretly regretted that they should have attacked Chen Feng and Ye Ziming from the beginning.

"Forget it, we died here because of our greed." An Earth Immortal looked bitter.

"Although this is the case, no one wants to die like this. I have been practicing till now and have gone through countless hardships. To die like this, everything is in vain."

"There is nothing we can do about it. This time we destroyed Xu City to a great extent. Even if we surrender to the Xu family, they will not let us go."

"Yes, all the monks who came to make trouble in our Xu City this time will die." The voice of the Xu family monks came from the void.

"What's the point of killing us? Don't forget, who is the culprit this time?"

"This is nothing you should worry about. Okay, let's send you on your way."

Not to mention whether these people will be killed by people from the Xu family, the situation of Chen Feng and others is not good either.

At first, everyone was walking through the void passage under the cover of the compass in Ye Ziming's hand, and they were safe and sound, but soon, countless void turbulence began to squeeze in from all directions.

Although the compass in Ye Ziming's hand is magical, after all, Ye Ziming's own cultivation is not enough to travel in the void for too long.



The spears in the hands of the Phantom Divine Marten and the Cerberus were supported at the same time, and the power of the fairy weapon enveloped everyone and re-stabilized the void passage.

"Should we leave the space created by the Void Compass now?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"Not yet!" At this time, Ye Ziming was sweating profusely. In order to control the compass in his hand, he was already starting to feel a little overdrawn.

Chen Feng frowned a little, then stretched out his hand, and the immortal energy poured into Ye Ziming's body continuously.

With the help of Chen Feng's true energy, Ye Ziming's whole body was shaken, his energy was full, and the compass above his head began to stabilize.

Chen Feng didn't take it seriously at first, thinking that his strong energy would be enough to support Ye Ziming, but soon Chen Feng discovered that his idea was wrong.

Ye Ziming was like a black hole, constantly swallowing the infuriating energy sent by Chen Feng. With Chen Feng's infuriating energy, Ye Ziming's power to activate the compass became more and more powerful, and Ye Ziming began to increase the power of the compass. Absorb force.

"Brother Chen, can you support me?"

"no problem."

When he said this, 30% of Chen Feng's internal energy had been consumed. Chen Feng felt a chill in his heart and began to absorb the power from the acupoints.

The longevity energy was replenished to a full state after just a few quick circulations, and then flowed out at a very fast speed.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Every acupoint was opened, and Chen Feng's whole body began to vibrate slightly. The roar coming from his body became louder and louder, like thunder.

"We are about to break out of the space created by the void compass." Ye Ziming's eyes lit up.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and increased his Qi output again.

Just behind the two of them, the space passage was rapidly collapsing, and a long void knife that stretched across the sky broke through the void and slashed at Chen Feng and the two.

"It's an attack launched by the Xu family monks. Block this attack." Chen Feng shouted.

The Phantom Divine Marten and Cerberus turned around, and struck out the spears in their hands at the same time, stabbing the void sword on the left and right.


This should be regarded as an indirect collision of three immortal weapons. The movement produced was like a planet suddenly exploding, and the chaotic power of the void continued to sweep across the starry sky.

Even Chen Feng and others were affected, but the force of the impact suddenly accelerated the forward speed.

"He rushed out."

Ye Ziming exclaimed, and the void passage suddenly disappeared. Chen Feng felt that the surroundings were empty. Looking from a distance, there were stars twinkling. With his consciousness spread, he could also detect meteorites floating rapidly in the distance. Chen Feng immediately knew that he was in the outer starry sky.

"It's actually outside the territory." Chen Feng was surprised.

"It is indeed an extraterrestrial starry sky." Cerberus said.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to break out of the origin world and go to the outer domain to make a living, you must be a cultivator with earthly immortals. Of course, high-level human immortals can also do this, but the chance of surviving in the outer space is very small.

Let alone other things, the meteorites that appear occasionally in the universe can kill a human immortal, not to mention the void turbulence that tears the space, the destroyer void storm in the universe, and all kinds of magical and dangerous special regions in the universe.

The universe is vast and boundless. There are many places where immortals with cultivation levels higher than the upper immortals will die after encountering them. Cultivators of Chen Feng's realm basically go to death in the outer space.

Of course, it's different with the protection of high-level magic weapons.

At this time, the phantoms of the spears in the hands of the Phantom Dirk and the Hellhound shook a few times, and then gradually faded, just like a burning candle suddenly extinguished.

"What is this?" Ye Ziming didn't understand the reason for the matter, so he naturally felt a little confused.

"This is not a real immortal weapon, but a phantom separated from the immortal weapon." Chen Feng said.

"So that's how it is." Ye Ziming nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Two seniors, please go to the tower and rest first." Chen Feng waved his hand and communicated with the Longevity Tower. The Phantom Divine Marten and the Hellhound disappeared immediately.

"Now the most important thing for us is to open up the space channel again and return to the Eternal World. I think Brother Ye, you should be able to do it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's no problem." Ye Ziming nodded, and then the compass in his hand turned quickly. A trace of strange space laws emerged, and soon a stable space channel was constructed in the void.

"Let's go."

The two entered the space channel one after the other. This time, the passage was almost the same as the usual teleportation array, except that one used the power of the array and the other used a magic weapon to open it directly.

When the two returned to the Eternal World, they were still in the territory of the Xu family, but they were far away from Xu City. They casually found some cultivators to inquire about the situation. The two knew that the Xu family was rectifying Xu City on the one hand and sending people to arrest Chen Feng and Ye Ziming on the other.

"Where are we going now? This is the territory of the Xu family. If we are discovered, there may be some trouble." Ye Ziming said with some concern.

"Don't worry, go to my territory." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You mean back to Beiyuan! By the way, Brother Chen, how did you come to Zhongyuan, and what is your strength?"

"Why, haven't you heard some rumors? Forget it, let's talk about you first. How long have you been imprisoned in the Xu family?"

"I was imprisoned the second year after returning from Beiyuan, and I didn't see the light of day until today." Ye Ziming said with a wry smile.

"You were imprisoned for such a long time, no wonder you didn't know my situation and your cultivation. I remember that when you left, you were only at the fourth level of the secret realm, and now you have cultivated to the realm of human immortals. I think this abnormal speed should be related to the compass in your hand." Chen Feng looked at the compass in Ye Ziming's hand and said with a smile.

"Brother Chen guessed right. I can be here today because of this magic weapon, and I was imprisoned because of this magic weapon." Ye Ziming looked at the compass in his hand and smiled bitterly.

"Brother Ye is really lucky. He can get the immortal weapon. It's only a matter of time before he ascends to the immortal world. But I think this compass should have something to do with the Void Compass of the Xu family, right?" Chen Feng and Ye Ziming are old friends with a deep friendship. There are some things that they will not be shy about.

"You guessed right. To be exact, the magic weapon in my hand is the Void Compass." Ye Ziming took a deep breath and said.

"Oh!" Chen Feng nodded and waited for the other party's next words.

"The Void Compass of the Xu Family is not complete. The compass in my hand was separated from the Void Compass before, or it can be said to be a fragment, equivalent to one-third of the whole. This is also the reason why I couldn't really resist the attack of the Xu Family before."

"Since I got this compass, it has been integrated with my soul. The Xu Family cannot deprive it. If they kill me, the fragments of the Void Compass will disappear into the void again. I am a disciple of the Xu Family branch and have been oppressed since childhood. So the best result is to temporarily imprison me. Once they find a good way, they will kill me and then seize the compass fragments. When the Void Compass restores its full power, the overall strength of the Xu Family will be improved to a higher level."

"So, although I have escaped now, I will face the pursuit of the Xu Family no matter where I go."

"If your power is strong enough, not only will you not be afraid of the other party's pursuit, but you can also snatch the body of the Void Compass, merge it into one, and take it for yourself. At that time, you will have a complete immortal weapon." Chen Feng said with a smile.

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