Eternal Existence

Chapter 795: Void Compass

"Xu family's immortal weapon?" Chen Feng was puzzled.

"Yes, it is the Void Compass, the most powerful immortal weapon of the Xu family, and also the foundation of the Xu family. It has been protecting the Xu family since its establishment. It is said that the Void Compass is a very powerful existence among immortal weapons." Ye Ziming Chen Feng said.

"That's troublesome." Chen Feng nodded.

"But the Void Compass is not a complete immortal weapon." Ye Ziming added.

Chen Feng was even more surprised, and his eyes involuntarily swept towards the ancient compass in Ye Ziming's hand, and an idea flashed out.

But before the two of them could speak again, a human immortal cultivator was caught in the void turbulence. The gray and seemingly powerless space turbulence was like a storm full of jagged teeth. This human immortal only had time to scream before he turned into fragments and then turned into the void, without even a trace of his spiritual imprint left.

Everyone was terrified, and began to dodge, trying to stay away from the void turbulence, but these void turbulences were everywhere, like spirit snakes constantly wandering, and the monks present began to suffer casualties.

The Phantom Divine Marten and the Hellhound surrounded Chen Feng and Ye Ziming on the left and right. At this time, the two demon fairies were also uncomfortable, because this space gave people a sense of danger.

The energy of the Haili Pearl wrapped Chen Feng up, blocking the void turbulence around him. Then Chen Feng found that the effect of the Haili Pearl at this time was far less than the usual state, but fortunately it blocked the attacks from all sides.

As for the two demon fairies, they waved their spears easily, and the gathered void turbulence was dispersed before it got close.

What surprised Chen Feng the most was that these void turbulences got into the compass as soon as they approached Ye Ziming. Ye Ziming was the most relaxed among the crowd.

Seeing this, Chen Feng was more certain of his guess.

"Is this the only attack method of the void compass?" Chen Feng said.

"It's hard to deal with just this one method. Now these void turbulences are not the strongest, and there is no human control. I think the Xu family earth immortals will control the immortal weapons to attack next, and these people will definitely die." Ye Ziming looked at the panicked cultivators with pity.

"I'm afraid you will die first." These cultivators, under the threat of life, aroused the ferocity in their hearts and rushed towards Chen Feng and Ye Ziming.

"Chen Feng, this matter is all caused by you. I will drag you down with me even if I die." A high-level human immortal gnashed his teeth and said. This high-level human immortal's cultivation is indeed extraordinary, but there is no Taoist weapon to protect him. At this time, he has been injured by the impact of the void turbulence.

"It's not my fault for this. It's just that you are too greedy." Chen Feng said and waved his hand. A beam of light swept out from the Haili Pearl and swept the opponent out directly. It was a coincidence that this high-level human immortal was unable to control himself under Chen Feng's attack and was wrapped up by the void turbulence. After screaming a few times, he died.

"I think it's better for everyone not to fight among themselves. The most important thing now is to rush out together. At least don't fight before rushing out, otherwise everyone will die here." Chen Feng said loudly.

Chen Feng's words had some effect. Several monks who wanted to rush up stopped immediately. After a quick exchange, they nodded. It seemed that they agreed with what Chen Feng said for the time being.

Because at this time, the Xu family monks had already controlled the void compass to really launch an attack.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Countless streams of void turbulence quickly condensed together to form a long void long sword, and then chopped it heavily. A monk did not dodge and was directly split in two under the void long sword.

Next, the void turbulence began to gather and condense regularly, and one void long sword after another was condensed.

These void long swords were condensed by the power of the void. Their own power could easily throw away the void. The monks who did not condense the power of the Great Dao or did not have the protection of the Dao weapon were quickly killed by the sweep of these void spears.

"Ah! You Xu family are going to kill us all."

"My master is the old man Tianhun. You Xu family dare to kill me, let me out quickly."

"If you kill me, my brothers will avenge me. You Xu family just wait for revenge."

Faced with killing and death, these cultivators have begun to collapse psychologically. This death does not even have the opportunity to seize the body or reincarnate the soul. Under the long sword of the void, these people's fate is to be annihilated.

After the long sword of the void swept across, the remaining cultivators were less than tenth of their strength. This scene made Chen Feng a little speechless.

"It's really cruel. It's true. Xucheng has been destroyed like this. Even if these people have a backer, it's useless. It seems that I am within the range of the Xu family's must-kill."

"But the current situation is still good for me. I think the blood-gathering bead should also be advanced."

The blood-gathering bead in Chen Feng's hand turned quickly, because the blood power generated by the killing of the cultivators was all swallowed up. Feeling the boiling blood pool in the blood-gathering bead, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Chen, you can still laugh in this situation." Ye Ziming said with a wry smile.

"Of course I can laugh. The Xu family's method has increased my strength." Chen Feng said as he waved his hand. A huge blood handprint whistled out and collided with a long sword in the air that swept across.

This blood handprint was formed by Chen Feng using the power of the void in the blood-gathering bead. As for the power, Chen Feng had no idea because this was the first time Chen Feng had used it.

The Void Blade carried an indomitable momentum and directly cut through the Immortal Handprint, but it began to dissipate before it reached Chen Feng, and was finally smashed into pieces by Chen Feng's punch.

"It seems that the power of the Void Compass is just average." Chen Feng shook his head.

Ye Ziming also shook his head, but he was not as relaxed as Chen Feng. Although these Void Blades did not pose any threat to Ye Ziming, Ye Ziming himself knew the Void Compass very well and knew that the next attack would be more fierce.

"Open a passage and rush out." Chen Feng said as he used all his strength to activate the Haili Pearl, emitting a dazzling light, and a beam of light rushed towards the void.

Chi Chi!

The Phantom Divine Marten and the Hellhound attacked at the same time, moving forward with all their strength, and the spears in their hands also stabbed out at the same time and landed in the same place.


A long void passage was opened, and Chen Feng was surprised and was thinking of taking the opportunity to get out. But a stream of rolling void turbulence flowed out of the space channel, like a mountain torrent, directly drowning a terrestrial immortal in it.

It was bad luck for this earthly immortal. Seeing Chen Feng open the passage and right beside him, he wanted to rush in at the first time, so he ended up being destroyed.

"It's useless. The Void Compass controls the power of the void. If you want to open the void passage, unless you use a higher-level immortal weapon, the passage you open will only bring more dangerous destructive power." Ye Ziming said as the compass in his hand kept turning, and one after another of the Void Long Swords were bounced away.

This time even Chen Feng felt it was difficult. If even the immortal weapon couldn't break the cage, then he really couldn't get out.

Seeing that Chen Feng and Ye Ziming were relatively safe here, the remaining cultivators came to the two of them, and Chen Feng and Ye Ziming didn't stop them. In their opinion, these people were dead today.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The Void turbulence began to change again, and strands of Void turbulence quickly condensed, and the power of the Void Long Sword formed became stronger and stronger.

Not only the Void Long Sword, but soon a Void Long Spear condensed and attacked Chen Feng.

This ice blade condensed by the power of the void contains the power of immortal weapons and the power of the void. Even cultivators who are proficient in the laws of space cannot dodge. There is only one way to face this kind of attack, that is to resist it head-on.


The Phantom Divine Marten and the Hellhound attacked from the left and right, and two spears blocked Chen Feng, just breaking the attacking spears, but the two demon fairies also stepped back a few steps, and the spears in their hands dimmed a little.

After all, these two spears are just the power extracted by Chen Feng through the power of the Longevity Tower. They can only be regarded as the clones of immortal weapons, not real immortal weapons. Although they are very powerful, they are not enough to face the attacks of magic weapons at the same level of immortal weapons. In Chen Feng's opinion, if there are several more such collisions, the spears in the hands of the two demon fairies will be broken.

But he can't mobilize the clones of immortal weapons in a short time.

Therefore, the most important thing at the moment is to break through the space created by the void compass and reach the outside world.

But even the attack of the immortal weapon can't break this space, and even Chen Feng can't do anything for a while.

"Brother Chen, let your two friends retain their strength first. I have a way to try." Ye Ziming secretly sent a message to Chen Feng.

"You have a way." Chen Feng looked at Ye Ziming with some surprise. Everyone was fighting to the death. Ye Ziming was undoubtedly the most relaxed. No matter what attack, the compass in Ye Ziming's hand could swallow or deflect the attack.

While the two were secretly communicating, another spear rushed towards Chen Feng. It seemed that the Xu family cultivator hated Chen Feng to the extreme. This time, according to Chen Feng's instructions, the two demon immortals did not stop it and let the void spear rush over. When the void spear was about to reach Chen Feng, the compass in Ye Ziming's hand flew out suddenly, just flashing quickly in the air, and the void spear was neatly cut into several sections, and then quickly dissipated.

"Everyone, take action together and take out the strongest attack. I have a way to open the passage and take everyone out." Chen Feng rolled his eyes and shouted loudly.

"Okay, let's attack together."

At this time, there were less than ten surviving cultivators, and they were all earth immortals. Everyone had already made up their minds to die, but after hearing Chen Feng's shout, they couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope.

It's better to try it out than to die. Let's fight once.

"Let's attack together." Chen Feng said, urging the Haili Pearl with all his strength to attack a point in the space.

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