Eternal Existence

Chapter 794: Trapped

"Be careful. The wooden staff in Xu Changkong's hand is not simple. It contains the power of an immortal weapon." Ye Ziming said in a low voice.

"You also called these three words "Xu Changkong", no matter how big or small. Since you have always been stubborn, after I capture you, I will use the soul harvesting technique. By then it will be too late for you to regret." Xu Changkong's The voice also became colder.

"If I could search for souls, would you still lock me up? I'm afraid I would have been tortured by you." Ye Ziming sneered, and the compass in his hand turned rapidly. Disappeared in hand.

At this time, Xu Changkong dodged to the side strangely. Just when Chen Feng felt strange, a blood flower bloomed on Xu Changkong's chest, the wound opened, and the whole person was almost split in half.


The compass appeared again in Ye Ziming's hand, quickly rotated and then disappeared again. This time Xu Changkong was even worse, and the newly grown arm was chopped off again.

Chen Feng was secretly surprised. He didn't expect Ye Ziming to be so powerful. He couldn't fly in the sky even after a lot of effort. Unexpectedly, he was injured repeatedly under Ye Ziming's hands, and it became a one-sided situation.

"Brother Ye, good job, I'm here to help you." Chen Feng said and waved his hand, and two Bingyouhan beads collided against the virtual sky one after another.

"Brother Chen, be careful." At this time, the compass in Ye Ziming's hand suddenly grew in size and rotated to block the two of them.

Although Xu Changkong was injured, the power contained in the wooden staff in his hand was finally released. Invisible and immaterial lines were derived from the wooden staff, constantly impacting the compass in front of the two people.

Every impact caused the compass to emit a dazzling light, and the tyrannical force hit the compass. The resulting aftermath caused the space to be torn apart, and empty holes to be penetrated. Even Chen Feng could feel the opponent's... Strong attack power.

"Brother Ye, are you okay?" Chen Feng then noticed that Ye Ziming's face was flushed and his whole body was shaking, as if he could no longer hold on.

"I can't exert the power of this fairy weapon yet. I'm afraid I'm no match for Xu Changkong." As Ye Ziming spoke, hemorrhage had already begun in his seven orifices.

"Hold on." Chen Feng said and put his hand on Zi Ming's body. The powerful infuriating energy rushed into the opponent's body. Zi Ming's body shook, and the compass in front of him also stabilized.

"It's about time we arrived." Chen Feng said as he took back the Bingyou Hanzhu.

"Do you have other friends?" Zi Ming was a little surprised.

"You think I can get here by myself." Chen Feng laughed.

"The Void Moro Umbrella!"

At this time, Xu Changkong's attack changed again. The wooden staff in his hand vibrated violently, and the dotted lines began to expand to both sides, and then suddenly closed. It was like a giant umbrella closing, wrapping up Chen Feng and Ye Ziming.

"Now even if you have the immortal weapon in hand, don't even think about rushing out." Xu Changkong finally laughed.


At this time, Chen Feng laughed, and the Bingyou Hanzhu in his hand began to rotate violently, and then flew out quickly.

"This move again, it's useless." Xu Changkong sneered.



"Then try this."

At this time, the Phantom Divine Marten and the Cerberus descended from the sky at the same time, stabbing the virtual sky with their fairy weapons.

"not good!"

This time Xu Changkong's face turned extremely ugly, and cold sweat was pouring from his body.

If you really want to talk about it, the strength of Cerberus is no less than that of Xu Changkong, plus the Phantom Divine Marten, if the attack does not fail, Xu Changkong will definitely die.

The attack did not fail, but one of the attacks was blocked by a sudden stream of light.

It was a long whip that stretched infinitely from a distance, and it just blocked the attack of the Phantom Divine Marten, while the attack of the Cerberus fell heavily on Xu Changkong.

Then Xu Changkong's entire body immediately fell into pieces, leaving only a little spiritual light that penetrated into the wooden staff, and then disappeared in a flight.

Although Xu Changkong is not dead, his body has died and his soul has been destroyed. It is not easy to recover. If the attack of Phantom Divine Marten had not been blocked, Xu Changkong would not have even the last bit of aura left.

At this time, Chen Feng's Bing Youhan Bead fell into the air and turned around to hit the long whip. However, the long whip circled like a dragon and then swept towards Chen Feng and Ye Ziming.

"Another one comes to die."

The Phantom Divine Marten and the Cerberus held spears, one to attack the whip, and the other to attack the monks in the distance. These two demon fairies, plus the holy weapons in their hands, can be regarded as the top existences in the Void City. .

The monk who came out this time was also a middle-level earthly immortal, and the magic weapon whip he produced was also a good Taoist weapon. Like Xu Changkong's wooden staff, it contained the power of an immortal weapon.

If he faced one demon immortal, he would not be afraid, but if he faced two demon immortals, he would probably follow in the footsteps of Xu Changkong.

"Tianfeng, don't fight head-on with the opponent, quickly mobilize the void compass." At this time, Xu Changkong's voice came to Xu Tianfeng's ears.

"I think there is something wrong with using the void compass." Xu Tianfeng's face darkened, and with a wave of his hand, he retracted the void whip, and at the same time used the void technique to quickly retreat, avoiding the attack of the hellhound.

"There is no other way. More and more cultivators are entering Xucheng. Even if we drive them all out, Xucheng will be destroyed beyond recognition. Now we can only use the power of the Void Compass to kill all these people. This will let the cultivation world know how powerful our Xu family is."

"There is another point. Xu Ziming said that we can't let him go no matter what. You should know how important Xu Ziming is to our Xu family."

"Okay, this is the only way. Are you okay with your injury?"

"You won't die, but you need time to recover."

"Let's go quickly. If it's too late, you may not be able to get out." Ye Ziming suddenly said at this time.

Although he didn't know what Ye Ziming meant, Chen Feng still nodded, indicating that at the same time, although he had just injured an earthly immortal, the Xu family was a first-class family that could be passed down for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. There would definitely be more powerful cultivators. Chen Feng had already exposed the power of the immortal weapon, and he didn't want to expose all his cards.

"Let's go. I also have a bad feeling."

The Xu family cultivator retreated, but it was not so easy for the two to leave, because most of the cultivators in the city were led by Chen Feng. At this time, if Chen Feng wanted to leave Xu City, he had to at least avoid the crowd.

With two demon immortals protecting him, plus Chen Feng and Ye Ziming could mobilize the power of immortal weapons, if they were facing these cultivators on weekdays, it would not be a problem to rush out, but it would take some time.

As the crisis in his heart became stronger and stronger, Chen Feng knew how troublesome these cultivators in front of him were.

"It's this kid who has an immortal weapon."

"This kid is called Chen Feng, catch him."

"Go, rush out quickly, and kill whoever blocks you." Chen Feng said murderously.

"That's no problem." The Phantom Divine Marten and the Hellhound all laughed. These demon beasts are born to like killing. Even if they have cultivated to a high level, there is a killing factor in their blood.

In the universe and time, no matter which star field the creatures are from, once they cultivate, they have two purposes, one is to prolong life, and the other is to kill and fight.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Although the attacks of the two demon immortals did not seem to have many tricks, they just pierced the spears straight forward, but their power was much greater. Every time they attacked, a cultivator was killed. In the blink of an eye, a large area of ​​cultivators in front of them was vacated.

Seeing the two demon immortals so powerful, the other cultivators retreated unnaturally. Although the immortal weapons were important, their lives were more important.

"Let's go!"

With the two demon immortals leading the way, Chen Feng and Ye Ziming felt the pressure was relieved and quickly followed.

"These four guys have immortal weapons on them. Stop them and don't let them leave Xucheng." At this time, a cultivator suddenly shouted.


The compass in Ye Ziming's hand suddenly disappeared. When it returned to his hand again, the cultivator who had just shouted had been cut in half.

"You are such an idiot. Since you know that the other party has a fairy weapon, why don't you stay away? We can't fight head-on."

Everyone is greedy and wants to grab the fairy weapon, but under the threat of absolute strength and life, it is more important to keep your reputation first.

"Island Master Chen, you have lured all of us here, but it's not right to leave like this." At this time, someone came out to block the way of Chen Feng and his companions.

Three earth immortals, two demon immortals, and a group of phantoms floating, and it is impossible to tell what level of cultivators they are.

"What a trouble!" Chen Feng shook his head secretly.

"Everyone should get out of the way. At the same time, I advise you to leave Xucheng first, otherwise it will be too late and it will be difficult to get out." Chen Feng said.

"If you want to get out, it's very simple. Just hand over the fairy weapon in your hand."

"That's right, as long as you hand over two fairy weapons, today's matter will be settled."

"Hey! Since you insist on seeking death, there is really no way." Chen Feng shook his head, waved his hand, and Hailizhu appeared in his hand, and he was about to rush out.


But at this moment, the world suddenly shook, and then everyone felt that their eyes went dark. When their vision recovered, they found that the surroundings were gray and there were chaotic space turbulence everywhere, which seemed to be in the void.


Chen Feng and Ye Ziming sighed at the same time.

"It's still too late."

"This is really troublesome."

"Brother Ye, you should know what's going on, right?" Chen Feng turned his head and asked.

"This is because the Xu family used the immortal weapon. We should have been transferred to a special space by the immortal weapon. It is extremely difficult to get out. Even if we can get out, the chance of surviving in the void is very small. I'm afraid these cultivators in front of us will die." Ye Ziming frowned and said.

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