Eternal Existence

Chapter 793: Void Absolute Slash

"The situation is very favorable to me. As long as I can deal with the guy in front of me, it will be fine. Alas! It will be a bit troublesome if I don't use the immortal weapon." Chen Feng shook his head and waved his hand. The blood-gathering bead turned into a ball of blood light and flew away.

Xu Changkong waved the wooden stick in his hand and was about to stop the blood-gathering bead, but at this time, the thunder bead burst into lightning and rushed in another direction.

Xu Changkong was a little surprised, but he didn't panic. He smiled and waved the wooden stick in his hand. The space was chaotic and he actually blocked the blood-gathering bead and the thunder bead at the same time.

"Huh! Do you think I only have these few magic weapons?" Chen Feng smiled and two ice beads hit Xu Changkong.

These two ice beads are the Ice Ghost Cold Beads, which Chen Feng extorted from the Ice Ghost Giant Beast. If these two ice beads are not magic weapons in essence, strictly speaking, they should be things like the demon core inner pill bred by the Ice Ghost Giant Beast.

So in Chen Feng's hands, it is easier to control and exert powerful power than magic weapons.

The power of extreme cold enveloped everything. When it reached its extreme, it could freeze the world. The ice balls moved forward side by side and rotated rapidly. The power emitted made Xu Changkong feel palpitations from the bottom of his heart.

These two ice beads have the power of top-grade Taoist tools. They have the Ice Avenue of the Ice Ghost Beast in them. It is not easy to be hit by one, let alone two of them colliding together.

After feeling the danger, Xu Changkong exerted the Great Void Art to the extreme, but still retreated under the impact of the two Ice Ghost Cold Beads. As for the Blood Gathering Bead and the Thunder Bead, he could not care so much for the time being.

The space began to be frozen, and it was still spreading. If Xu Changkong was not proficient in the art of space, he would have been trapped at this time.



With two loud noises, the whole virtual city began to shake. The Blood Gathering Bead and the Thunder Bead fell to the ground, and two huge deep pits appeared. I don’t know how many buildings were destroyed.

The power of the virtual city formation is constantly weakening due to the destruction of many cultivators.


Under Chen Feng's control, the Blood Gathering Pearl and the Thunder Pearl flew forward again, and this time the place where they collided was exactly where Ye Ziming was imprisoned.

Sure enough, the prohibition flickered, the formation was activated, and the Blood Gathering Pearl and the Thunder Pearl burst into dazzling light, even covering the sky with color.


Chen Feng also groaned. No matter how powerful he was, he was only a beginner immortal. He had just used several Taoist tools to attack, which made Chen Feng's physical strength overdrawn, and his spirit began to wane.

However, Chen Feng took a deep breath and performed the Zhoutian running secret technique recorded in the Changsheng Zhenjing. The Changsheng Zhenqi flowed unsteadily, and Chen Feng's eyes brightened again, and the aura of his whole body changed from empty to vigorous again.

"The accumulation in my body is not worse than that of the earth immortal. I want to see how powerful this guy is." Chen Feng also became fierce. With a wave of his hand, the Haili Pearl also rumbled towards the empty sky to suppress it.

Xu Changkong himself retreated repeatedly under the attack of the two Bingyouhan beads. At this time, he could no longer block the Haili beads and was knocked over several times. The wooden stick in his hand almost fell off.

"Ye Ziming, why don't you come out quickly." At this time, Chen Feng suddenly shouted, and the sound kept rolling in the entire Xucheng. This shout contained a trace of immortal law. Not to mention the entire Xucheng, even a thousand miles below the Xucheng can hear it clearly.

However, what disappointed Chen Feng was that he did not get a response from Ye Ziming, and other abnormal things happened.

"Could it be that Ye Ziming was not imprisoned here? That's not right. According to the information I got, it should be like this." Chen Feng was a little surprised, and then shouted again.

"As expected, you came here for Xu Ziming. Chen Feng, you are really loyal. You dare to go against our entire Xu family for a little Xu Ziming." Xu Changkong had already gotten rid of Bingyouhanzhu's pursuit and was looking at Chen Feng coldly. In Xu Changkong's eyes, Chen Feng had become a strong threat to him, because of the several Taoist artifacts floating in front of him.

"You have many magic weapons on you, which is really powerful. I am afraid I can't resist with only one Taoist artifact, but don't forget, this is Xucheng, the main city of our Xu family. If there were no means, how could it be passed down for tens of thousands of years." Xu Changkong said as he raised the wooden staff in his hand, and then strands of energy gathered towards Xu Changkong like the wind. At this time, Xu Changkong and the entire Xucheng seemed to have merged into one.

"With the help of the power of Xucheng." Chen Feng's face was solemn. He didn't think any more. He waved his hand, and the blood-gathering beads and thunder beads bombarded the distant buildings again. Every building that was smashed meant that a set of formations was broken. If Chen Feng was given time, he could completely demolish the entire Xucheng.

Xu Changkong didn't give Chen Feng time, because Xu Changkong had gathered enough power at this time.

A long light blade appeared in front of Xu Changkong, constantly floating and floating, still devouring the power around.

"I'm afraid I can't resist it." Chen Feng understood that even if he had the Haili Pearl to protect himself, he might not be able to withstand the opponent's move. Although the opponent's light blade might not be able to break his defense, the power generated by the attack alone could shock him to death.

"I'm afraid I can't avoid the longevity step, but it's impossible. I can try, but I need to use some power. Tower, help me draw a trace of the power of the immortal weapon." Seeing that the opponent was about to complete the attack, Chen Feng said hurriedly.

"Hmph, if you can comprehend one or two more moves of the Longevity Step, it would be easy for you to dodge this kind of attack." Ta took the opportunity to attack Chen Feng.

"What's the point of saying this now? If I can dodge with the Changsheng Step, why would I look for you?" Chen Feng spoke more directly.

"Boy, try my move of Void Absolute Slash. This is a very powerful attack in the immortal arts. If you can take it, I will never stop you." Xu Changkong smiled. In Xu Changkong's opinion, if this move is used, the opponent will not be able to dodge unless he can cultivate to the upper immortal realm.


The Void Light Blade slashed out fiercely, and the void was cut open like a thin piece of cloth under the sharp knife, sweeping to both sides.

The space was cut open, and the power of the void continued to flow out, causing the power of the Void Light Blade to rise again.

The power of the avenue emerged, the power of the void exploded, and the psychedelic colors, the illusory and real power were constantly derived.

Wherever the light blade passed, nothing could resist it, and everything would be cut open and shattered.

The blade flashed by, and Chen Feng disappeared, looking as if he was hit by the blade.

The blade flashed with light, driving its solid tail, destroying tall buildings one after another. An unlucky demon fairy had just rushed into the inner city and had not figured out what was going on when he was hit by the blade, and then his body was shattered and his soul was destroyed.

Even the demon fairy could be easily killed in seconds, so what about Chen Feng?

After launching this big move, Xu Changkong's face suddenly turned red, and then quickly turned pale. The attack just now consumed a lot of Xu Changkong's energy.

"Something's wrong!" Because he didn't see Chen Feng's figure, Xu Changkong's face became more solemn. The wooden stick in his hand stirred the wind and clouds, and checked the situation around him.


Two ice cold beads rotated left and right and attacked Xu Changkong. The ice cold beads had not arrived yet, but the chill they emitted penetrated into Xu Changkong's body, causing cultivators of Xu Changkong's level to shudder.

Then the space suddenly tore open, and Chen Feng took a step out of it. At this time, Chen Feng's face was not good, and the degree of paleness was no less than Xu Changkong.

Mobilizing the power of the immortal weapon into the body, stimulating one's own strength to perform the longevity step, this itself is a way to burn life, but Chen Feng's accumulation is too deep, and he doesn't care about these.

Chen Feng stretched out his finger and pointed at Xu Changkong, and a sharp gust of wind shot out. This is the power of the immortal weapon forced out of Chen Feng's body. Although it is only a trace, the attack power is more concentrated, and the effect is better than the attack method of Hailizhu.


Xu Changkong's arm exploded directly and turned into a ball of blood mist, but Xu Changkong did not scream or change color, but his body shook twice, and then turned around and hit Chen Feng again with the wooden stick in his hand.

"This guy is really powerful. If there are a few more cultivators like this from the Xu family, it will be really difficult to deal with them in the future." Chen Feng thought to himself. Facing the attack, Chen Feng just took out the Haili Pearl to block it.


But something happened that surprised Chen Feng. A blood flower bloomed again on Xu Changkong's body, and Xu Changkong's other arm also turned into pieces.

This time, Xu Changkong's face finally moved, and he looked forward in shock. Of course, his eyes were not on Chen Feng, but on another cultivator who had just appeared.

This was a young man with tattered clothes. Although he was skinny, he had a very tough feeling. His face was smiling, but his eyes were shining, like two condensed small suns, which made people dare not look directly at him.

The young man held a strange-looking compass in his hand. There was a gray airflow floating on the compass, and there were ancient handwritings hidden in it.

"Ye Ziming!"

"Xu Ziming!"

Chen Feng and Xu Changkong exclaimed at the same time.

"Brother Chen, I never thought you would come to save me." Ye Ziming looked at Chen Feng with a bright smile on his face, which made Chen Feng seem to see the young man of that year again.

Then Ye Ziming looked at Xu Changkong again: "My name is Ye Ziming, my last name is Ye, not Xu."

At this time, Ye Ziming's voice was so cold that it could penetrate into people's souls.

"Since you are out of trouble, things are simple. Let's leave here first." Chen Feng has calmed down. Although he has some doubts in his heart, now is not the time to chat.

"If you want to leave, I'm afraid it's not up to you." Xu Changkong also calmed down at this time. The two arms that were cut off have grown again. At the same time, he muttered something, and the wooden stick in his hand began to shine brighter and brighter.

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