Eternal Existence

Chapter 792: Void Sky

Seeing the Phantom Divine Marten killing everyone with a spear in hand, Chen Feng also wanted to go forward and fight. However, Chen Feng still remembered his mission and endured it. However, to be on the safe side, Chen Feng once again released a The demon fairy, that is the hell dog.

Speaking of which, among the four great demon immortals, only Cerberus has stabilized its cultivation level due to the last breakthrough. This is also the reason why Chen Feng released Cerberus. If he releases the tiger demon, tree demon or wind and thunder double-headed dragon, he will probably face difficulties as soon as he comes out. The threat of disaster.

The strength of the Cerberus is even higher than that of the Phantom Divine Marten. At this time, it is also holding a spear in its hand, spreading vertically and horizontally, and its destructive power exceeds that of the Phantom Divine Marten.


A spear was thrust out, and a passage of unknown distance appeared in front of him. Chen Feng quickly rushed in, leaving only two demon fairies to attract the attention of others.

"There's another fairy weapon, what's going on?"

Not to mention that the monks of the Xu family were surprised at this time, even the monks from all walks of life temporarily stopped what they were doing. The appearance of three immortal weapons in the Xu family looked a bit strange.

"Ancestor Rukong, what is going on? Why do you have so many immortal weapons in your virtual city?" A demon immortal with advanced cultivation shouted coldly.

"Someone is plotting this secretly to bring you into conflict with our Xu family. Can't you still see it?" The Liuhun Patriarch is an Earth Immortal from the Xu family. Although he is worried about the monks who are taking advantage of the situation in front of him. I hate him to the extreme, but I don't show it on the surface. After all, now is not a good time to fight.

"In this case, we don't need to fight anymore."

"That's true. I think we should give it up for now." The Rukong Ancestor said immediately.

"It's okay to stop, but you, the Xu family, are not allowed to stop us, and you have to remove the big formation in Xu City. We will leave as soon as we find the immortal weapon." The old monster Panshan said gloomily, and at this time, the old monster Panshan passed by. After a hard fight, he looked a little embarrassed, but the aura on his body was even more violent.

"This is impossible." The Xu Family Earth Immortal simply refused.

"It seems that your Xu family wants to possess three immortal weapons for yourself. How can such a good thing happen? It seems that we have to take action." An earthly immortal with a golden body said.

"Let's do it, the Xu family is stalling for time."

"Your name is Ancestor Liuhun, and my name is Ancestor Xuhun. I have long wanted to see the Xu family's great void technique, and I just want to ask for advice today."

"I'm here to accompany you. I'm afraid that none of you monks here will be able to leave today."

"I think today is the day when your falsehood is shattered."

The two sides did not reach an agreement and started fighting again. The Xu family relied on its deep foundation. If it really comes to a point where there is no need to wait, some hidden old monsters will come out, and there are more and more of these monks from all walks of life, and there are more and more powerful people. He came from afar for the fairy weapon of Xucheng.

"Found it, it should be right ahead." Chen Feng had just searched the consciousness of a Xu family monk and found out the specific location where Ye Ziming was imprisoned.

As a result, Chen Feng began to speed up, but he was still stopped not far from where Ye Ziming was being held.

A young Earth Immortal looked at Chen Feng with calm eyes, but Chen Feng felt a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

"Intermediate Earth Immortal, the master of the Xu family finally showed up." Chen Feng did not dare to be careless, and was secretly on guard.

"This commotion in the city should be caused by you, Chen Feng, Island Master Chen, a genius monk from Beiyuan Taiyi Sect." The young man spoke calmly and directly pointed out Chen Feng's identity.

"Hahahaha, I don't have that much energy. I just came to Xu's house as a guest. In this chaos, I also lost my direction and came here after running around. Since there is nothing to do, I will leave first. "

Chen Feng certainly does not want to fight with the opponent, because Chen Feng's ultimate goal this time is to rescue Ye Ziming. Once he fights with the opponent, some unnecessary changes may occur.

However, it was impossible for Chen Feng to leave in the situation in front of him. He saw that the other party just waved his hand gently, and the surrounding space changed. Chen Feng felt a lightness under his feet. The surroundings were filled with various gravitational forces. At first glance, there were all kinds of things in the distance. Dots of stars turned out to be in the starry sky of the universe.

"Good guy, I don't know whether this move is space transfer or space isolation. I am now in the virtual city, not in the virtual city. It is normal for such people to travel across space and travel outside the territory." Chen Feng He was a little surprised in his heart, but he didn't panic. Instead, he waved his hand and the Haili Pearl flew out and wrapped himself up.

Faced with masters of this level, blood gathering beads and thunder beads are no longer very useful unless Chen Feng's realm can also be promoted to Earth Immortal and the full power of both can be exerted.

"The best Taoist artifact contains Yuanchen Crystal Water. It's not bad. Bring it to me." The young man said and just waved his hand. Chen Feng felt that the Haili Pearl was shaking violently and would leave him at any time. In the end in hand.

Chen Feng quickly concentrated his mind, used all his strength, and accompanied Haili Zhu's own strength, and finally resolved this suction force.

"Yes, it seems that you are just a first-level human immortal, but you have such a level of cultivation, which is rare in the world of cultivation. Let's do it this way. You just need to be honest and submit, choose to join our Xu family, and work for our Xu family in the future. "Feng Qi, we won't pursue the trouble you caused, write it off, and you can have a better development in the Xu family in the future, young man, what do you think?"

"I wonder what you call me, senior?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Xu Changkong!"

"It turns out to be the ancestor of Changkong. I'm sorry, I want to ask about someone from my senior." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You're talking about Zi Ming, right?"

"Not bad." Chen Feng nodded.

"As long as you join our Xu family, you will naturally be able to meet Ziming."

"But I have caused such a big trouble, I doubt whether your Xu family will still receive me sincerely." Chen Feng shook his head.

"I said yes, how about it, young man, although you also have some power, it doesn't seem to be much in our Xu family. You have to think about it." Xu Changkong's expression was still dull, but Chen Feng I feel more and more oppression from the other party.

"I still want to meet Ye Ziming first." Chen Feng shook his head.

"In this case, I still need to take action. After I capture you, you will naturally be able to simply Ziming. By the way, Ziming's name is Xu Ziming, not Ye Ziming." Xu Changkong said, stepping forward and grabbing with his palm. , the void turbulence derived from the void, rolling and rolling, Chen Feng immediately felt like a small boat in a tsunami, out of control, and the pressure around him would swallow him up at any time.

"This is the real Great Void Technique." Chen Feng's eyes lit up, then turned dark, and he moved quickly, trying to get out of the conflict, but Chen Feng felt that the surroundings around him were extremely sticky, and his smooth movements in the past became Slow down.

"It's useless, your level is too low, and you have only scratched the surface of the application of laws. I think you should just let it go." Xu Changkong said and grabbed it again with five fingers. Chen Feng felt his eyes darken, and a feeling of suffocation spread. All over the body.

This is the gap in absolute strength. Chen Feng knows that he can't compete with the opponent without using magic weapons.

When he was in the Heavenly Realm, Chen Feng could leapfrog and kill opponents. Sometimes he could defeat the opponent several levels apart. However, as the level of cultivation increased, this gap gradually narrowed. Under normal circumstances, the difference was one The realm is very different. Those with a higher realm can basically kill those with a lower realm in an instant.

Chen Feng is only a first-level human immortal. It stands to reason that he has no resistance at all against an intermediate earth immortal. The opponent can kill Chen Feng with just one look.

Especially when the opponent takes action, Chen Feng cannot resist it. However, although Chen Feng is a little nervous, he is not worried at all. Firstly, Chen Feng still has some hidden trump cards in his hand. Secondly, Chen Feng is on the Tianchen battlefield and on the battlefield. Having fought against immortals before, Chen Feng didn't have much fear of the earthly immortal in front of him psychologically. As for the oppression of his aura by the other party, it was nothing to Chen Feng.

"Open it for me!"

The Haili Pearl in Chen Feng's hand vibrated violently, and a ball of bubbles enveloped Chen Feng in it. The power of the avenue surged, forming a separate world, and Chen Feng regained his freedom again.

Next, the Haili Pearl began to rotate violently, and waves of water ripples impacted all around. Wherever it passed, the space created by the empty sky was shattered, and even the stars in the distance began to disappear.

The Haili Pearl is a top-quality Taoist weapon. It has the power of water. It can attack and defend in all aspects. With the protection of the Haili Pearl, Chen Feng thinks that the other party should be unable to do anything to him.

Of course, Chen Feng didn't just want to block the opponent's attack, but wanted to get rid of the opponent, or defeat the opponent, and then rescue Ye Ziming.

Just when Chen Feng was quickly planning how to take action, a long wooden stick appeared in Xu Changkong's hand. This wooden stick didn't look strange except that it was smooth, but Xu Changkong held the wooden stick in his hand. With a sudden stroke of the staff, the power of the void surged and mixed into a torrent. Under the impact, the water patterns from the Haili Pearl were broken, and it hit Chen Feng as hard as the Milky Way.

Although he was protected by the Haili Pearl, Chen Feng still felt as if he was hit by a mountain peak. His whole body swelled, and a mouthful of blood almost spurted out.

"It's a top-grade Taoist weapon. Coupled with the Immortal Technique and the Great Void Technique, this guy is not easy to deal with." Chen Feng secretly smiled bitterly, but the confrontation just now still caused some changes in things, that is, the space created by the surrounding void sky Start to crumble.

Chen Feng took the opportunity to use the Step of Immortality, moved out, and stood in the virtual city again.

"It's a pity that I haven't fully mastered the Eye of the Deep Sea. Otherwise, with two top-quality Taoist weapons, it shouldn't be a problem to defeat the opponent. Now, I need to put some thought into it." Chen Feng looked at the situation around him and felt the Phantom God again. Chen Feng suddenly laughed due to the state of Marten and Cerberus.

So far, there is only one middle-level earth immortal from the Xu family, and the two demon immortals he has sent are killing everyone with their immortal weapons. If the entire Xu city had not been blessed with magic power to operate the formation, I am afraid that it would have been bombarded by this time. It was in ruins, but now it seems that it was only a matter of time that it was completely destroyed.

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