Eternal Existence

Chapter 791 Chaos

Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!

Under this sound wave, some monks with weak cultivation fell from the sky one after another, making big pits on the ground.

But some powerful monks did not take it seriously. For example, the old monster Panshan rode a black water dragon and rushed straight into the virtual city. The huge black water dragon collided and destroyed many buildings, including the virtual city. A large part of the city walls collapsed.

"Hahahahahaha, no matter how powerful your Xu family is, you can't go against so many monks in the cultivation world, right? If you are wise, hand over that kid just now, or your Xu city will be reduced to ruins today." Old Monster Panshan laughed loudly. laugh it out.

"Yes, no matter how powerful your Xu family is, if you dare to stop us, don't blame us for being rude." Several high-level immortals also agreed.

"Since you are looking for death, then come in." The voice of the Xu Family Earth Immortal gradually became calmer.

"Let's all come together, there's nothing to be afraid of."

A total of hundreds of monks poured into the virtual city. The lowest among these monks was the Human Immortal, and the strongest one was of course the old monster Panshan. However, as soon as everyone entered the virtual city, they felt that the situation was somewhat beyond their imagination.

At this time, the great formation in Xu City has been fully activated. The great formation in Xu City was perfected by several immortals from the Xu family after tens of thousands of years. As soon as it was activated, even the old monsters from Panshan came to threaten it.

Sure enough, a famous immortal began to be slaughtered, and the old monster Panshan was also besieged by two earth immortals. However, with the cooperation of the black water dragon, everything was fine for a while.

"I was careless." Panshan Old Monster's fiery heart began to cool down.

"Don't kill me. I intend to leave Xu City immediately." Someone finally began to beg for mercy.

"I just wanted to leave now. It's already too late. All the monks who entered Xu City today will die."

After all, the Xu family is an old and first-class family with a very deep foundation. There are countless human immortals and there are also some earthly immortals who are in charge. Coupled with the city defense formation, the monks who come in are completely one-sided. .

"Hahahaha, I'm here." At this time, a burst of wild laughter came from a distance, and the sound impacted, causing the entire formation of Xu City to shake.

"Who is coming?" The Xu family monk shouted, feeling something bad at the same time. The aura of the fairy weapon just now may have alerted many hidden old monsters.

"My ancestor, Void Soul, I have no other intention of coming here this time. I just want to see what kind of magical weapon I just saw." A black shadow floated into the Void City, and the voice that came out was also eerie.

"If you don't have any immortal weapons, you'd better leave." The Xu family's Earth Immortal said in a deep voice.

"Hahaha, you are lying. Hey! Isn't this the old monster Panshan? Why are you here, old guy? It seems that your situation is not good." At this time, the ancestor of Void Soul saw the old monster Panshan. .

"Hmph! It's you, old guy. There is indeed an immortal weapon here, and it's a pretty good one, but I'm afraid it won't be that easy to get it." The old monster from Panshan was fighting against an increasingly powerful formation. Fa, although he was a little happy to see the ancestor of Void Soul appear, he still said angrily. After all, there was no friendship between the two.

"It's simple, just ask the Xu family to give way." The ancestor of Xuhun said with a smile.

"It's so easy for you to say."

"I said that your Xu family already has an immortal weapon, why don't you take out this immortal weapon now?" Ancestor Xu Hun said with a smile to the immortal of the Xu family.

"Are you an idiot?" the Xu Family Earth Immortal sneered.

"Since we can't reach an agreement, we have no choice but to take action. Your Xu family has been arrogant for too long. Today is the time to be shattered."

"It's just you people." The Xu Family Earth Immortal said disdainfully.

"And us."

One after another, figures continued to break into the virtual city. In just a few breaths, eight earth immortals appeared above the virtual city. The tyrannical pressure made the monks in the entire virtual city unable to lift their heads in discomfort.

"What? There are so many earthly immortals, it's troublesome." The Xu family monk began to panic.

"Hahahahaha, when the immortal weapon is born, it should be mine." A rougher voice sounded, and a stronger body appeared above Xucheng.

It turned out to be a demon fairy.

"It's up to you to see if you have the ability." It's another demon fairy born with two horns.

"Hurry and invite ancestors, things are serious." The Xu family monks were really panicked, and even several earthly immortals felt that they were powerless.

"Hahahahaha!" Chen Feng couldn't help laughing in the secret. From the beginning, Chen Feng had planned to see this kind of result. At this time, seeing so many earth immortals pouring into the virtual city, Chen Feng Feng knew his chance had come.

"Hey!" But Chen Feng still sighed.

"In order to save Ye Ziming this time, I made such a big noise, and more importantly, I formed a deep hatred with the Xu family. I'm afraid there won't be peace in the future."

"But for my friends, everything is worth it."

Finally, Chen Feng's eyes became firm again. Ye Ziming was Chen Feng's friend in the early days of his cultivation, but they hadn't seen each other for many years, so he didn't know what had changed.

Chen Feng was not worried about being discovered. At this time, Chen Feng used the concealment technique recorded in the Scripture of Immortality. Even monks with higher realms than Chen Feng would find it difficult to detect Chen Feng. In addition, Chen Feng cooperated with the Dark One. With the power of acupoints, virtual acupoints and magic weapons, Chen Feng was confident that unless the Earth Immortal came to him, he would not be able to notice his location.

Finally, the city became more chaotic, and Chen Feng also started to take action. He spread out his dark eyes and looked for loopholes and weaknesses in the formation. Chen Feng began to move deeper into the virtual city.

The progress went smoothly. During this period, Chen Feng took action to restrain several Xujia monks, including a human immortal. Chen Feng used the soul-searching technique on these people and roughly knew the location where Ye Ziming was imprisoned.

Although he knew the general power, Chen Feng's progress slowed down because the closer he got to the core of Xu City, the more restrictions there were around him, and the Xu family monks he encountered became more and more powerful.

When approaching the core of Xu City, even Chen Feng secretly realized: "The Xu family is stronger than I imagined. I hope that everything goes smoothly to rescue Ye Ziming, otherwise I will waste so much effort and time. If it fails, wouldn’t I be very depressed?”

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The battle became more and more intense, and the entire Xu City was shrouded in colorful light. The sounds of fighting and shouting were endless. Chen Feng felt it carefully, and then smiled.

“I think it’s been a long time since Xu City was so lively, right?”

"I hope you don't blame me. I'm doing this for my friends."

Chen Feng sneaked secretly all the way without any conflict with the Xu family monks, and finally entered the core area of ​​Xu City.

At this time, the spear that Chen Feng threw into the ground was finally found. As soon as the spear came out, the powerful aura of the fairy weapon exuded made all the monks involved even more crazy.

The spear first fell into the hands of the Xu Family Earth Immortal, but before he could put it away, it was snatched away by Panshan Old Monster again.

Then the old monster Panshan was plotted by his allies and fell into the hands of a demon fairy.

The virtual city formation trapped the demon fairy and snatched the spear away.

If all the monks come to fight for it again.

The scene became more chaotic.

"Ta, you said there won't be any immortals here, right?" Chen Feng always likes to ask Ta at critical moments. Although sometimes he can't get the exact answer, Chen Feng becomes calmer in his heart. Maybe this is also a reason. It's a form of self-deception.

"Maybe, maybe not." Ta's answer was very straightforward and concise, but Chen Feng almost fell to the ground after hearing it.

"If you say it, you haven't said it yet." Chen Feng rolled his eyes.

"Haha, that's not necessarily the case." Ta smiled and said no more.

The restrictions at the core of the virtual city are more complicated, and the large formations are interlocking, which is dazzling. Chen Feng can't help but feel a little worried after seeing clearly with his dark eyes. Although he can see all the loopholes in the restrictions, Chen Feng cannot Rush over without leaving any trace.

"If we rush in forcefully, it will definitely attract the attention of the monks of the Xu family. Hey! How can these people be so stupid that they haven't broken in yet. It seems that some means need to be used."

Chen Feng thought for a while, waved his hand, and another spear appeared in his hand, and then threw it violently. The spear burst out with dazzling light, piercing through the layers of restrictions, and was inserted heavily into the ground, and then the ground Start rolling it out in circles.

Buildings began to collapse one after another, and the monks in the buildings began to flee in panic.


The Phantom Divine Marten turned into a ball of black light and flew out, transformed into its true form, looked up to the sky and roared, quickly stepped forward, grabbed the spear stuck on the ground, and swung it with such force that even the void was torn apart.

"Another magical weapon."

"Another immortal weapon has been born, in the inner city."

The monks who were fighting were startled again, and then their eyes turned redder. With so many people fighting for an immortal weapon, they must have been under a lot of pressure. At this time, another immortal weapon was born, and some crazy monks were already facing the virtual city. Rush to the core.

"It's the inner city, something is wrong."

"Why do I feel like this is a trap?"

At this time, the monks of the Xu family instinctively felt that something was wrong. Even the stupidest person could tell that this matter was not simple. However, under the temptation of the fairy weapon, countless monks became red-eyed, and there were also Monks from further away were coming in a steady stream, and it was extremely difficult for the Xu family to stop the situation in front of them.

"Let them go, and they are seeking death. After this incident, we must find out who is behind it. If they dare to cause trouble for our Xu family, they are simply reckless."

Even so, Chen Feng's goal was achieved. The Phantom Divine Marten killed everyone with the fairy weapon in hand. You must know that the Phantom Divine Marten is a demon fairy. Its realm is much higher than Chen Feng's, and the power that the fairy weapon can exert is also greater. Strong, as soon as the two Earth Immortals rushed over, one was picked to death by the Phantom Divine Marten with a spear. While fighting, the Phantom Divine Marten was still destroying the restrictions and buildings in the city. Soon the entire inner city was in chaos.

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