Eternal Existence

Chapter 781 Huitian Sword Sect

Seeing that Chen Feng did not kill them, the three of them were relieved, but after hearing what Chen Feng said next, they became nervous again.

Doubling the territory is not an easy task. If it could be done, it would have been successful before, and it would not have waited until now.

You should know that although the four demon kings of Youtian Patriarch are powerful in this sea area and are feared by all, they are only limited to this sea area. If you look further, there are also powerful demon kings in the deep sea. On the contrary, there are many, even sea monsters that are more powerful than these four demon kings.

If the four demon kings of Youtian Patriarch join hands, it is not impossible to expand the territory, but doubling it in a month is a bit difficult.

"Why, is there any difficulty?" Chen Feng said lightly.

Patriarch Youtian nodded: "It is a bit difficult."

Chen Feng thought for a while: "You three, plus Patriarch Jinbie, and then I will dispatch Jiuyou and Bingshuang, this should be OK, right?"

After hearing this, several demon kings breathed a sigh of relief. The Jiuyou and Bingshuang mentioned by Chen Feng were the Jiuyou Earth Python and the Bingshuang Snake Demon. These two demon kings have now advanced to the level of top demon kings, and they are born with water attributes, so they can exert their full strength in the sea. However, these two demon kings have completely surpassed the strength of the four demon kings, and with the sea monsters on the four islands, it should be enough to expand the territory.

In the following days, Chen Feng began to practice on Donglong Island, while Patriarch Youtian and his subordinates began to fight north and south.

Chen Feng's idea was also very simple, that is, to develop his own strength here.

As for the eight demon kings who successfully passed the tribulation, they did not go back after coming out of the Longevity Tower, because the strength of the demon kings has reached a stable period. It is not very useful to stay in the Longevity Tower any longer. It is better to come out. Besides, it is a bit suffocating to stay in the Longevity Tower all the time.

Chen Feng is not worried. With the existence of eight top demon kings, it should not be a problem to shock the sea area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles, unless the earth immortals take action. Of course, under normal circumstances, cultivators who can cultivate to the level of earth immortals in the Eternal World either retreat for a long time or enter the vast outer space to venture. Simply staying in the world of life is not the best development.

Sure enough, with the help of these demon kings, Chen Feng's power began to expand continuously. The four demon kings of the Golden Turtle Patriarch kept snatching pieces of land and conquering more cultivators.

At first, the four demon kings were a little dissatisfied under Chen Feng's oppression, but as the territory expanded, the four demon kings began to feel more and more proud, and their dissatisfaction with Chen Feng gradually decreased, and they even felt that this kind of life was the best.

Half a year passed in a flash, and Chen Feng's territory expanded more than three times compared to before. With the rise of Donglong Island, some people panicked, and some people came to seek refuge, but fortunately Donglong Island was in the vast sea, and did not trigger attacks from major forces on land.

"It's stable here. I should go to Tianjian Sect after being out for so long." Chen Feng had the idea of ​​going out after practicing that day.

After all, he entered the Tianchen battlefield from Tianjian Sect with the help of Tianjian Sect, and there were also a group of Chen Feng's good friends in Tianjian Sect.

"I haven't seen you for so long, I wonder what changes Jian Xiaotian and the others have made?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

This time, Chen Feng left all eight demon kings behind, after all, Donglong Island also needed to be guarded.

Besides, there are several great demon immortals in the Changsheng Tower, so even if they meet earth immortals, they can fight.

Although Donglong Island is tens of millions of miles away from Tianjian Sect, with things like teleportation arrays, Chen Feng didn't spend too much time at all.

Directly enter a large city, spend some spirit stones, use a large teleportation array to start long-distance teleportation.

Chen Feng also stayed in the Central Plains for a while, and he also had some objective cognition of the Central Plains. Whether it was the powerful sects or the numerous cultivators here, they were not comparable to the Northern Plains. In the Northern Plains, some large sects were directly controlled by the major first-class sects, while in the Central Plains, large cities with more than 10 million people were very popular, and the popularity was equivalent to the medium-sized sects in the Northern Plains.

Without talking along the way, Chen Feng soon came to the Tianjian Mountains and entered the Tianjian Sect. Because Chen Feng had the identity of the honorary elder of the Tianjian Sect, he was not blocked.

The first place Chen Feng went to was the mountain where Jian Xiaotian was, but Chen Feng was empty, and then went to find Wen Shaoxiu, but still empty.

In desperation, Chen Feng's soul power unfolded, and the mountains within a radius of 10,000 miles were all within Chen Feng's perception. Finally, Chen Feng found Jian Xiaotian and others, and then Chen Feng smiled.

"It's really time to come back. I didn't expect Jian Xiaotian to be overcoming the heavenly tribulation."

Chen Feng's figure flashed and disappeared into the void.

Jian Xiaotian was indeed undergoing a tribulation, while Wen Shaoxiu and others were guarding the area. The place where he was undergoing a tribulation was a remote area in the Tianjian Mountains. There were no living creatures here, and there were almost no weeds growing there, because many cultivators of the Tianjian Sect liked to undergo a tribulation here.

Although Chen Feng was very fast, he used the art of concealment and sneaked in the void, so even Wen Shaoxiu and others did not notice him.

Just because Wen Shaoxiu and others did not notice him did not mean that others could not find Chen Feng's whereabouts. Chen Feng turned his head suddenly before he could stand firm, but there was nothing behind him.


The dark magic pupils were in motion, and a wisp of black light shot out from his eyes. A tall middle-aged cultivator appeared in front of Chen Feng. This middle-aged cultivator hid in the space in a peculiar way. If Chen Feng hadn't used the dark magic pupils, he really couldn't find him.

"Top-level human immortal!" Chen Feng was a little surprised, but he didn't worry too much. He should be a cultivator of the Tianjian Sect who could hide here, and he was watching Jian Xiaotian's tribulation, so he was most likely Jian Xiaotian's master.

"You are Chen Feng, right? Not bad, you can actually see my figure. I am Xiaotian's master." The middle-aged cultivator said with a smile, and at the same time he secretly regretted that such an excellent talent was not a disciple of this sect.

"So Senior Tianming." Chen Feng saluted quickly. The middle-aged cultivator in front of him was Tianming Immortal, Jian Xiaotian's master, a top-level human immortal, and a high-level among the high-level in the Tianjian Sect.

"No need to be polite." Tianming Immortal smiled, looked Chen Feng up and down, and was even more surprised.

"It seems that Elder Chen has gained a lot in the Tianchen battlefield?"

"Just some small gains." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Originally, Tianming Immortal wanted to continue asking Chen Feng about what happened in the Tianchen battlefield, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea. Everyone has their own secrets, and it is better not to ask some things.

"Do you think Xiaotian can successfully pass the tribulation?" Tianming Immortal changed his topic.

"It should be possible." Chen Feng looked at the situation in the tribulation and said, although Jian Xiaotian looked a little embarrassed, but in Chen Feng's eyes, there is no problem in passing the tribulation.

Speaking of which, although Jian Xiaotian has a spiritual body, his cultivation has improved too fast in recent times. If he can endure for a while, it should be easier to pass the tribulation.

After listening to Chen Feng's point of view, Tianming Immortal nodded in appreciation. Jian Xiaotian is in the situation that Chen Feng said at this time.

"In fact, there is a reason why Xiaotian chose to pass the tribulation at this time." Tianming Immortal suddenly said meaningfully.

"Oh, what is the reason?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Xiao's friend has been promoted to human immortal, and has made a great name for himself overseas. Naturally, he was stimulated in his heart, and with the inner demons causing chaos, he chose to cross the tribulation in advance." Tianming Immortal said with a smile.

Chen Feng's heart moved. He didn't expect that the Tianjian Sect had already known about his actions, but then he became smaller. He occupied Donglong Island, had eight demon kings under his command, and many sea monsters. This was a very strong force, which would definitely cause some turmoil in the cultivation world. It was normal for these big sects to know about it in the shortest time.

"Haha!" Chen Feng smiled and said no more.

While the two were chatting, Jian Xiaotian had successfully crossed the tribulation. Although he was a little embarrassed and had scars all over his body, he successfully advanced to the realm of human immortal.

Tianming Immortal secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then nodded to Chen Feng, took a step and disappeared.

"This Tianming Immortal is good to his apprentice." Chen Feng smiled, then his figure flashed and came to Wen Shaoxiu and others.

Seeing Chen Feng suddenly appear in front of them, Wen Shaoxiu and others were shocked, but then they rushed up enthusiastically.

"Hahahaha, Brother Chen, long time no see."

"Yes, long time no see, it seems that everyone has made progress." Chen Feng naturally saw that Wen Shaoxiu and others had been promoted to the realm of human immortals.

"That's not as fast as Brother Chen's progress. I don't know when Brother Chen came out. I heard that Brother Chen occupied a piece of land overseas. I wonder if it's true?" Wen Shaoxiu said with a smile.

"I was directly teleported to the vicinity of the Daluo Mountains." Chen Feng briefly described his situation.

Hearing that Chen Feng really occupied an island and subdued some sea monsters, everyone was surprised and envious, but thinking about the strength Chen Feng showed in the Tianchen battlefield, this shock was diluted a little.

"When Junior Brother Xiaotian finishes his training, we must not return until we are drunk." Li Shilong said on the side.


It was three days later when Jian Xiaotian finished his training. Unexpectedly, Jian Xiaotian had another understanding after comprehending the immortal law, and then entered into training again.

"This!" Everyone looked at each other and laughed.

"Since Junior Brother Xiaotian is immersed in cultivation, let's leave first." Wen Shaoxiu suggested.

Although this is the territory of the Tianjian Sect, everyone still set up some restrictions around them before leaving with peace of mind.

When they arrived at Wen Shaoxiu's residence, it was naturally a lively scene. Everyone talked about various things that happened in the cultivation world. Of course, Chen Feng couldn't help but talk about what he encountered in the Tianchen battlefield. Although Chen Feng picked up some unimportant things to talk about, everyone was amazed.

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