Eternal Existence

Chapter 782: Xu Family

It was already a month after Jian Xiaotian finished his training. Seeing Chen Feng coming, Jian Xiaotian was naturally very happy, and inevitably had another round of drinking.

During this period, the top leaders of Tianjian Sect also came to Chen Feng, all for the purpose of winning over Chen Feng. Chen Feng was not surprised by this. After all, Chen Feng now had his own power, and many sects in the Central Plains wanted to win over this emerging power.

Chen Feng was the honorary elder of Tianjian Sect, and now he has become an honorary elder of a higher level, which made Chen Feng laugh.

After staying in Tianjian Sect for a while, Chen Feng decided to leave. Now that he had his own territory, he could not live in Tianjian Sect permanently. Besides, Chen Feng also had some things of his own.

"Well, when my cultivation is stable, I will go to Donglong Island to see what Brother Chen's territory is like. But Brother Chen, don't you want to go to Daluo Academy?" Jian Xiaotian asked with a smile.

"Of course I have to go to Daluo Academy, but before that I have to go to Xu Family." Chen Feng said.

"Xu Family!" Jian Xiaotian was a little surprised. Chen Feng didn't go to Xu Family to do anything.

"I have a friend there." Chen Feng said casually.

"Xu Family is a first-class family, and its strength is not much worse than our Tianjian Sect. Brother Chen should be careful if he does anything. If you need manpower, just notify us." Jian Xiaotian knew that something must be wrong when he saw Chen Feng's expression.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on." Chen Feng smiled.

After saying goodbye to Jian Xiaotian and others, Chen Feng did not go directly to Xu Family, but returned to Donglong Island first, and took eight sea monster guards of the immortal level as guards before rushing to Xu Family.

For Chen Feng, bringing some sea monster guards was not for fighting, but for pomp. In addition, he was also a hegemon after all, so there were some things that he didn't need to do himself. In Chen Feng's opinion, going to Xu Family with a group of guards was more imposing than going alone.

"Humph! If that's the case, it would be better if you just released the demon fairy. Wouldn't it be more imposing?" Tower directly refuted Chen Feng.

Of course, in the face of the tower's rebuttal, Chen Feng directly chose to filter.

Sure enough, in the following journey, some trivial matters were all handled by his guards. Chen Feng was busy with his training and traveling, which was quite leisurely.

The Xu family is located in the edge of the Central Plains. It ranks in the middle among the first-class forces in the entire Central Plains. In addition, the geographical location is remote, unlike the Tianjian Sect, which is constantly in conflict with other sects.

Chen Feng is now a human immortal. Even without using the teleportation array, his speed is very fast. He can easily travel hundreds of thousands of miles a day. In addition, Chen Feng is riding a flying warship, and his speed is even faster.

Without using the teleportation array, he entered the territory of the Xu family in less than ten days.

After entering the territory of the Xu family, Chen Feng began to slow down, and then secretly asked someone to inquire. To Chen Feng's surprise, there was no one like Ye Ziming in the Xu family.

"Ye Ziming should not lie to me, and the skills he used at that time were clearly the Xu family's void technique. It seems that I can only go directly to the Xu family to find him." After a fruitless inquiry, Chen Feng decided not to hesitate and go directly to the Xu family.

Of course, going to the Xu family was open and aboveboard. Chen Feng crawled out of his guards and went to the Xu family to pay his respects.

The Xu family was located in Xu City, which was a huge city and was well-known throughout the Central Plains. Chen Feng felt the prosperity of the city as soon as he entered Xu City. As for the cultivators on the streets, there were too many to count.

"The population of this city is at least over 30 million, but I don't know how many people there are in the Xu family?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

After casually wandering around the city, Chen Feng was received by the Xu family. Chen Feng's trip was naturally as the owner of Donglong Island. Although Chen Feng's actions made the people of the Xu family a little strange, Donglong Island has been in the limelight recently. Although it is not a first-class force, it is located overseas and has many powerful sea monsters under its command. In addition, there are eight top demon kings sitting in the city. Generally, first-class sects will not provoke Donglong Island at will.

So in the face of Chen Feng's visit, the Xu family is welcoming.

It was also considered that Chen Feng had face. The Xu family sent four immortals to receive him, which made some cultivators who did not know the reason curious. You should know that in the hundreds of thousands of miles, the Xu family is the real overlord and supreme existence. The person who can make the Xu family send immortals to receive him must be extraordinary.

"I am Chen Feng from Donglong Island. I am here to visit you. I am just giving you a small gift. It is not a respect." Chen Feng nodded to his men, and the two sea monsters immediately took out boxes of gifts.

These gifts were specially prepared by Chen Feng before he came. They were all seafood near Donglong Island. Although they were not expensive, they were enough for gifts.

Seeing the gifts that Chen Feng brought out, the smiles on the faces of the four immortals of the Xu family became more intense, and they were also a little proud in their hearts. Although they did not understand Chen Feng's intention, this move was undoubtedly a respect for the Xu family.

"Haha, Island Master Chen is too polite. Come on, please take a seat." The immortals of the Xu family were very polite.

After a meaningless conversation, the immortals of the Xu family finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked casually: "Is there something going on when Island Master Chen came to our Xu family this time?"

Chen Feng laughed: "Yes, there is something going on."

"Oh! I don't know what it is. If you can use our Xu family's help, just ask."

"I'm here to find someone." Chen Feng said while secretly observing the other party.

"Looking for someone, is it someone from our Xu family?"

"I think so."

"Who is it?"

"Ye Ziming." Chen Feng said lightly.

After hearing Chen Feng's words, the four immortals were stunned at the same time, and then a gleam of light flashed in their eyes, but they soon returned to calm.

"Ye Ziming, I haven't heard of him. Could he be an outsider of our Xu family? I can ask someone to help Island Master Chen to check, but I don't know what the relationship between Island Master Chen and this Ye Ziming is, and why he is sure that he is a member of our Xu family?" This immortal stared at Chen Feng with his eyes.

"A friend, but he helped me before. I haven't seen him for many years. This time I happened to pass by here, so I thought of coming to see him." Chen Feng smiled casually, and at the same time, his mind began to turn. From the other party's reaction just now, it was obvious that he knew Ye Ziming, but he pretended not to know this person.

The other party's eyes that just happened to bloom just now made Chen Feng have a bad guess in his heart.

"I don't know what cultivation level this friend of Island Master Chen is?" The immortal pretended to ask unintentionally.

"Hehe, a beginner immortal." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Originally, Chen Feng's words were perfunctory, but he didn't expect that the eyes of the four immortals in front of him would light up again, especially the one who was talking to Chen Feng. The expression on his face was even more strange.

"What's wrong? Do you know Ye Ziming?" Chen Feng's heart moved, thinking that Ye Ziming would not really cultivate to the realm of immortals, this was too fast.

"Hehe, I don't know him, I don't know him." The four people said hurriedly.

Then Chen Feng did not mention this topic again, but chatted with the other party casually for a few words and then said goodbye.

"Oh, Island Master Chen finally came once, how can you leave now, you have to stay here for a while."

"Yes, yes, if Island Master Chen leaves now, the superiors will definitely blame you, and outsiders will also say that our Xu family does not treat guests well."

"Since Island Master Chen is here, stay first, at least have fun in our Xu City."

Seeing that Chen Feng was about to leave, the four immortals were more enthusiastic than one, and would not let Chen Feng leave no matter what.

Chen Feng had planned to leave, but the other party's unusual attitude made Chen Feng's heart move, and he decided to stay first to see what the other party was going to do.

"Haha, since you are so enthusiastic, I will be polite." Chen Feng laughed.

The Xu family moved quickly, and soon took Chen Feng to an exquisite and elegant courtyard.

"This is the residence of our Xu family for VIPs. The place is not big. I hope that the island master Chen will not find it too simple."

"No, no, the environment here is really great, much better than our Donglong Island." Chen Feng deliberately pretended to be surprised.

"Humph, bumpkin." Seeing Chen Feng's expression, the immortal who led Chen Feng here sneered in his heart, but his face was full of a kind smile.

"I will arrange some smart guys here. If you have anything or need anything, just tell me."

"You are too polite."

"Island Master Chen has been tired all day. Just take a rest. I will come to accompany you to play tomorrow."

"Haha, thank you very much."

After the Xu family immortals left, Chen Feng waved his hand, and the eight sea monster guards immediately dispersed and quickly searched in the courtyard. It didn't take long for them to find some restrictions. These restrictions are of various types, and some of them have the function of peeping and surveillance.

"It turns out that they have no good intentions. You stay around and don't let anyone come in to disturb me. If someone breaks in by force, kill them without mercy." Chen Feng thought for a while and ordered.


The eight sea monster guards nodded in unison and disappeared silently.

Chen Feng sat casually on a jade-carved chair in the courtyard, closed his eyes slightly, and began to perform a tracking technique.

This tracking technique was found by Chen Feng in the Changsheng Zhenjing. His cultivation level was not high enough in the past, so he started practicing after entering the human immortal realm this time.

Just when he was talking to the Xu family immortal just now, Chen Feng had quietly left a mark on the other party. At this time, Chen Feng was using the tracking technique, and the other party's every move was under Chen Feng's control.

"Hmph, I want to see what you are doing."

The four Xu family immortals did not notice anything unusual. After saying goodbye to Chen Feng, their faces turned a little gloomy the moment they turned around, and there was even a flash of light in their eyes. Chen Feng clearly saw that this was a trace of murderous intent.

"Well, they actually have murderous intent against me. It seems that things are interesting." Chen Feng sneered in his heart, not daring to be careless, and spied on the other party's every move.

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