Eternal Existence

Chapter 780: Ice Monster

"Ice Ghost Giant Beast." Chen Feng nodded.

"It is indeed big enough."

"There are still many Ice Ghost Giant Beasts in the universe, but generally speaking, they will not appear in the life world or life planet. The Ice Ghost Giant Beast in front of us should be the cultivation of the top earth immortal, and it is about to break through to the level of the upper immortal. I just don't know how it is trapped here." The hellhound said.

"In this case, the one who can trap the other party is at least a top earth immortal, and he is suppressing it with the sea eye."

"Yes, that's right. If such a big beast is released, I'm afraid the entire Eternal World will be in chaos. I don't know how many people will die under the other party's icy power.

"I didn't expect that a small human cultivator could collect the Deep Sea Eye and break the seal here. Speaking of which, I have to thank you very much. "The Ice Ghost Beast looked at Chen Feng and said, at the same time, the temperature around him began to drop sharply, and even frost appeared in the space.

"I didn't expect to see the Ice Ghost Beast here. Speaking of which, I am very curious. How could a strange beast like you from the universe not travel in the starry sky, but come to our Eternal World, and be suppressed in the deep sea." Chen Feng also said with a smile.

The Ice Ghost Beast's eyes suddenly lit up, and a cold current rushed towards Chen Feng. With two crisp sounds, the defenses of the Blood Gathering Pearl and the Thunder Pearl were immediately broken, but this chill was still blocked by the Sea Pearl.

"It seems that you are not a simple kid, and you know a lot. "As the Ice Ghost Beast spoke, its entire body began to emit a dazzling light, and a strong aura emanated from its body, and its huge body began to swell again.

As the Ice Ghost Beast struggled, the ropes that bound it began to tighten, but Chen Feng had already seen that the energy in these ropes was constantly being consumed, and even cracks began to appear in some places.

Chen Feng knew that it was only a matter of time before the Ice Ghost Beast escaped.

Chen Feng rolled his eyes, then turned and left.

"Little brother, please stay." As expected, just as Chen Feng thought, the Ice Ghost Beast began to speak to keep Chen Feng when he saw him leaving.

"Oh, I wonder if there is anything else?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I hope you can help me out of this predicament." The Ice Ghost Beast's huge body seemed to be inflated, becoming even bigger.

"Haha, if I help you out of this predicament, what benefit can I get? "Chen Feng laughed.

In fact, when Chen Feng saw this giant beast, many thoughts flashed through his mind. It's not that Chen Feng didn't have the intention to subdue the other party, but after planning for a while, he felt that the possibility of success was not great.

Although he could subdue some demons and immortals with the help of the power of the Longevity Tower in the past, the other party was only at the level of the primary earth immortal, which was not comparable to the top earth immortal in front of him.

If he took advantage of the other party before he got out of trouble, even if he used the immortal weapon, Chen Feng would not be sure to deal with the other party. In the same words, the other party was at least a top earth immortal. Who knows what other hidden means the other party has.

But now the Ice Ghost Giant Beast asked Chen Feng to help, and Chen Feng began to mutter in his heart again. What if the other party got out of trouble and it was not good for him? The other party was so big, just a few somersaults, I am afraid that the island above would sink.

"Benefits, what benefits do you want?" The Ice Ghost Giant Beast suddenly stopped struggling, and stared at Chen Feng with two rounds of eyes like the scorching sun.

"It depends on what benefits you can give, but you have to give the benefits first, I'm afraid you will turn against me after I rescue you. "Chen Feng said with a smile.

The Ice Ghost Beast thought for a moment, then opened its mouth and a round ice ball flew towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng grabbed it and immediately felt the surging icy power contained in the ice ball. Just a glance at it made him feel a little cold.

"This is a Taoist weapon." Chen Feng not only felt the icy power, but also the power of the Great Dao.

"This is the Ice Ghost Cold Pearl I cultivated, which is equivalent to a top-grade Taoist weapon. What do you think?" said the Ice Ghost Beast.

"It's really good, but one is not enough. I want two." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Do you know how much it costs and how much time it takes for me to condense an Ice Ghost Cold Pearl?" The Ice Ghost Beast said coldly.

"Haha, that's your problem. "Chen Feng laughed again.

The Ice Ghost Beast stared at Chen Feng for a while, and Chen Feng was still smiling, without any other reaction.


Another Ice Ghost Cold Bead flew towards Chen Feng, and the Ice Ghost Beast agreed.

"Boy, you just need to find a way to break these ropes." The Ice Ghost Beast said and began to struggle again. The ropes on his body, which were condensed from unknown energy, began to tighten again, and even cut into the flesh of the Ice Ghost Beast.

"Well, now that everything has been collected, I have to work hard. "Chen Feng said as he took out the Haili Pearl. Under Chen Feng's urging, a knife-shaped light blade shot out from the Haili Pearl and fiercely cut at a rope on the Ice Ghost Beast.

Swish, swish, swish!

In the following time, Chen Feng used the power of the Haili Pearl to activate the Changsheng Condensation Technique, constantly condensing ice blades and cutting at a point on the rope one after another.


With a bang, a rope was finally cut off, and the Ice Ghost Beast was shocked and struggled more violently.

"It's okay that the Haili Pearl is not a combat magic weapon, otherwise it shouldn't be too difficult to break the opponent's rope."

After breaking two ropes on the opponent's body in a row, Chen Feng stopped and took a rest for an incense stick of time before starting again.


The Ice Ghost Beast also broke free from several ropes, but there were too many ropes on the Ice Ghost Beast. At the current speed, it would take at least several days to get all of Chen Feng's ropes free.

The Ice Ghost Beast had been trapped here for such a long time, so of course it didn't care about these few days, but Chen Feng didn't want to spend so much effort.

So Chen Feng shook his palm and put away the Haili Pearl, then shook his hand, and the Longevity Spear appeared in his hand, and a trace of the power of the immortal weapon quickly drilled into the Longevity Spear.


Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Longevity Spear flashed quickly. With a snap, a chain was broken.

"The power of the immortal weapon!" The Ice Ghost Beast's eyes lit up again, looking at Chen Feng, with a look of vigilance in his eyes. The human in front of him had an immortal weapon, so it was not impossible for him to kill himself.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The Longevity Spear in Chen Feng's hand kept stabbing out, and every time it stabbed out, a rope would be cut off. After cutting dozens of ropes in a row, Chen Feng stopped, put away the Longevity Spear and went to the side to recover his strength.

Although the Ice Ghost Beast was somewhat dissatisfied with Chen Feng's failure to take action, it did not say anything. As the number of ropes on its body decreased, the Ice Ghost Beast's strength began to gradually recover, and in the end, the ropes were broken one by one.


The last two ropes were finally broken, and the Ice Ghost Beast shrank in size and quickly came in front of Chen Feng, with flashes of fierce light in its eyes.

"Why, you want to take action?" Chen Feng smiled and stood up. With a wave of his hand, a spear appeared in his hand. This time it was no longer the Longevity Spear, but the phantom of the Sky-piercing Spear.

Feeling the pressure of the immortal weapon emanating from the Sky-piercing Spear in Chen Feng's hand, the Ice Ghost Beast's eyes suddenly shrank and changed. Looking at Chen Feng's smiling eyes, he began to think in his heart.

"Haha, thank you for your help. In this case, let's say goodbye. Maybe we will meet again in the future." The Ice Ghost Beast said, turning into a stream of light and rushing out quickly, disappearing in a flash.

In fact, after escaping from the trap, the Ice Ghost Giant Beast did have the intention to attack. After all, the two Ice Ghost Cold Beads that he refined took some effort. According to the Ice Ghost Giant Beast's plan, it was natural to snatch them. However, after Chen Feng took out the immortal weapon, the Ice Ghost Giant Beast sensed a trace of dangerous breath from his body.

This made the Ice Ghost Giant Beast very angry. A small human immortal could actually bring him a crisis. However, after some thinking, he gave up the intention to attack, because he had just escaped from the trap, and it was not a good time to attack. However, he had left a mark on the other party. When his strength was fully restored, he would come to trouble this kid. Immortal weapon? Hehe, he did have it.

"Tower, if the other party had attacked just now, could he have captured this beast?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Only 70% sure." Tower said lightly.

Chen Feng nodded, said no more, then drilled out of the black hole, broke through the sea water and quickly returned to Donglong Island.

This time, Chen Feng gained a lot from entering the sea. The first was the Eye of the Deep Sea, a top-grade Taoist artifact. The second was two Ice and Cold Beads. The third was to subdue the Golden Turtle Ancestor.

After arriving at Donglong Island, Chen Feng released the Golden Turtle Ancestor.

"Since you have surrendered to me, I have always been very generous to my subordinates. You used to be the master of Donglong Island, and you will manage this area in the future." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Thank you, Master." The Golden Turtle Ancestor sighed in his heart, but his face was very respectful.

"Just call me Young Master in the future." Chen Feng nodded, and then began to summon the three people of Youtian Ancestor.

Because of the soul imprint, Youtian Ancestor certainly could not resist Chen Feng, and came to Donglong Island in fear under Chen Feng's summons.

The moment they saw the Golden Turtle Ancestor, the faces of the three turned pale at the same time.

Under the pressure of Chen Feng's eyes, the three demon kings knelt down with a plop, begging for mercy. The souls of the three were controlled by Chen Feng, and Chen Feng could kill the three people with just one thought.

"It seems that my prestige has not been established yet. Even my subordinates dare to betray me. How do you think I should punish you?" Chen Feng said as his mind moved. The three demon kings immediately held their heads and screamed in pain.

The face of the Golden Turtle Patriarch changed. He wanted to speak but finally lowered his head and remained silent.

"Please spare my life, young master. I will never dare to do it again."

"Please give us another chance, young master."

The three demon kings could no longer bear it and began to roll on the ground, but they did not forget to beg for mercy while screaming.

After an incense stick of time, Chen Feng withdrew the soul attack on the three people and said lightly: "The death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped. I punish you to double the territory within one month."

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