Eternal Existence

Chapter 779 Black Hole

Just when Chen Feng collected the sea eye and was about to leave, he suddenly found a round black shadow deep in the seabed. Chen Feng walked forward and found that it was a black hole.

The location of this black hole was exactly the center of the sea eye. At this time, the sea eye was collected, and the things covered underneath were exposed.

This black hole was only the size of an ordinary house, and it was under the sea thousands of miles away, so it was easy to be overlooked. Even Chen Feng almost missed it.

The black hole was quiet, but there was a thin film on the surface. It was this film that blocked the huge pressure of the sea water above.

"What is this?" Chen Feng stepped forward and used his soul power to investigate, but in the end he found nothing.

"Is it a passage, an ordinary pit, or a teleportation array." Chen Feng thought in his heart, and did not rush forward.


Chen Feng waved his hand and sent out a strong wind. The strong wind fell on the black hole and was immediately bounced out by the film above.

Chen Feng nodded. His attack just now was enough to hurt the human immortal, but the film in front of him did not move. However, it would not be too simple to appear under the giant sea eye.

After thinking for a while, Chen Feng decided to go in and see what was going on.


Chen Feng launched two more attacks, but they were still blocked by the film above the black hole. Chen Feng thought about it and stretched out his palm towards the black hole.


As soon as Chen Feng's palm touched the film above the black hole, a cold force came out of the black hole and spread along Chen Feng's arm to his body.

Chen Feng had never encountered such a strong cold air. In just a blink of an eye, his arm was covered with frost, and half of his body lost its intuition.

"Not good!"

Chen Feng moved his feet and retreated quickly, while urging the fire power of the Fire Cave to drive out this cold power.

It would have been better if Chen Feng didn't use his internal energy. When he activated the internal energy, the cold power shrouded in Chen Feng's arm suddenly drilled into Chen Feng's body like a spirit snake, and his whole body and soul began to freeze.

Chen Feng's thinking began to slow down, and the feeling of being on the verge of death surged into his heart. Chen Feng felt that he had never been so close to death.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Yiyuan acupoint gushed out a powerful force, and the Demon Sealing Sword began to hum.

The magnetic pole acupoint also began to agitate, and the energy in it began to churn.

The three-star acupoint began to communicate with the three stars in the depths of the universe through time and space.

The four-pole acupoint crossed the sky and the earth.

The five-element acupoint reversed the reincarnation.

The door of Liuhe opened.

The acupoints opened one after another, gushing out pure and domineering power, just like volcanoes erupting in Chen Feng's body, constantly impacting the icy energy entering his body.

At this time, the magic weapons that Chen Feng suppressed in the acupoints were all holy artifacts at the lowest level. So many holy artifacts erupted together, plus Chen Feng's own power, a trace of icy air began to retreat, and Chen Feng finally took back a little initiative.


The Blood Gathering Pearl and the Thunder Pearl vibrated at the same time. The addition of the two Taoist instruments finally wrapped up the icy power in the body, forming a ball in Chen Feng's palm.

Chen Feng used the Heaven Swallowing Absorption Technique to try to absorb a little bit, and immediately felt the icy feeling spread throughout his body again, even his blood was frozen, but after several rotations of the Changsheng True Qi, his body gradually returned to normal, and Chen Feng also felt that his true Qi had increased a little.

"What a powerful icy power, but I can also swallow and absorb it, it just takes time." Chen Feng smiled and waved his hand to collect the icy air in his hand. This is a good thing, no less than the Ocean Marrow he just got.

"It seems that I have to be careful." Chen Feng said, using the Blood Gathering Pearl and the Thunder Pearl to protect himself. After thinking about it, he was still worried, so he activated the Haili Pearl again to form a barrier to protect himself.

The Haili Pearl is a top-grade Taoist weapon, a magic weapon of the same level as the collected Sea Eye. It can be regarded as the most powerful magic weapon below the immortal weapon. Although it is not an offensive magic weapon, it can still be used for self-defense.

Besides, there is Yuanchen Crystal Water in the Haili Pearl, which belongs to the power of water. Even if it encounters the power of ice, it should be able to neutralize it.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the two swords of life and death flew out, one black and one white. Two sword lights flowed in front of Chen Feng.

Since Chen Feng was promoted to the human immortal, these two long swords that have been with Chen Feng for a long time have also been promoted to the level of the eighth-grade holy weapon. If they merge with each other, they can break through to the level of the ninth-grade holy weapon.


At this time, under Chen Feng's urging, the two swords of life and death began to merge, and finally condensed into a giant black and white long sword, which quickly pierced through the black hole in front of it.


With a slight sound, Chen Feng thought he succeeded, but soon found that things were not what he imagined. A wisp of white gas emanated from the black hole and quickly enveloped the giant sword of life and death. Chen Feng only felt that his sea of ​​consciousness was bright, and he actually lost contact with the long sword.

Chen Feng was frightened at this time, and quickly stepped forward and grabbed the long sword with one hand. Although there were layers of protection, Chen Feng still felt like holding a piece of ice in his hand.

Buzz buzz buzz!

The giant sword of life and death hummed, and the power of life and death began to flow, merging with each other but repelling each other. The black and white luster was strong, and it continued to emit a strong breath.

Chen Feng's two circles lit up, and his heart moved. These two long swords of life and death were created by heaven and earth. They were themselves transformed by the purest life and death energy. They have very strong potential. They have been with me for so long. Although the advancement is a bit slow, it is stable. Is it time to advance?

Chen Feng guessed correctly. The two swords of life and death were indeed about to advance. Just now, they were enveloped by the power of ice. The two swords of life and death stimulated the power of life and death on their own. The way of life and death is one of the two most powerful ways of all cultivation paths, surpassing the way of ice and cold. At this time, after a period of suppression and absorption, they actually began to advance.

Chen Feng was surprised and immediately took out a large number of top-grade fire attribute spirit stones. The spirit stones shattered, and a stream of fire power drilled into the two swords of life and death.

This time, the two swords were immediately balanced, the chaotic aura was somewhat stable, and the speed of advancement began to stabilize.

Chen Feng took out more spirit stones and prepared them on the side. Chen Feng had no shortage of fire spirit stones, on the contrary, he had a lot, but there were not many ice spirit stones. However, Chen Feng was not worried because he could use Yuanchen Crystal Water to replace them. Besides, there was a stronger ice power in the black hole.

It took a total of three days for the two swords of life and death to advance. After three days, the two swords of life and death finally stabilized and turned into a stream of light and drilled into Chen Feng's body, falling asleep like a human.

At this time, the two swords of life and death have been promoted to the level of ninth-grade holy weapons, but it is still in the transition period. Chen Feng cannot use these two long swords in a short time.

"It seems that if I want to blast open the barrier in front of me, the holy weapon is not enough. I need to use the Taoist weapon." Chen Feng thought about it, and a blood light flashed when he raised his hand.

The film above the black hole shook and immediately returned to calm.


The lightning flashed, but there was still no result.

Chen Feng frowned, shook his palm, and took out the Haili Pearl. Speaking of it, Chen Feng has been very good at using this top-grade Taoist weapon since he got the Haili Pearl.

The Haili Pearl slowly turned in Chen Feng's hand, emitting a water-green luster. It felt as deep as the sea at a glance, and the waves of light naturally emitted were like top-grade crystals.

Chen Feng held the Haili Pearl and slowly pressed it towards the black hole. On the surface, Chen Feng's movements seemed very slow, but in fact, Chen Feng had exerted all his strength.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!

A series of crisp sounds began to explode, and the film on the black hole began to vibrate violently.

"There's a way!"

Chen Feng was delighted and continued to activate the Haili Pearl. Before the Haili Pearl suppressed it, sparks began to flash above the black hole. Chen Feng's muscles began to tremble, and his palm could no longer move forward.

After persisting for an incense stick of time, Chen Feng felt that he could not continue unless he could fully activate the power of the Haili Pearl.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to stop, the pressure in front of him suddenly eased, and the Haili Pearl in Chen Feng's hand slammed into the black hole.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The film on the black hole began to crack, and then it exploded with a bang, and the black hole broke open. A cold air that was many times stronger than before came out of the black hole. Even if Chen Feng had a magic weapon to protect himself, he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Holding the Haili Pearl in his hand, looking at the black hole in front of him, Chen Feng was a little stunned.

"Who is outside? Why don't you come in?" A soul wave came out from the black hole, which frightened Chen Feng.

"Who is inside?" Chen Feng asked, and at the same time he understood that it should be the other party who made a move inside, so he opened the film on the black hole.

"I am not a human?"

"If it is not a human, could it be a demon beast or a magic beast?" Chen Feng thought about it and walked in.

As soon as he entered the black hole, the front suddenly lit up. After seeing the situation in front of him clearly, Chen Feng was surprised.

It is obvious that there is an independent space in the black hole. There is indeed a creature in the space, a creature so huge that even Chen Feng was shocked.

The body of 10,000 miles has exceeded Chen Feng's imagination. Not to mention that he has never seen it, he has never heard of it.

However, Chen Feng soon saw that on this huge body, there were ropes condensed from unknown energy. These ropes were either outside or penetrated the other party's body, tying up the giant beast layer by layer.

Seeing Chen Feng coming in, the giant beast swept his eyes across. Chen Feng couldn't help trembling under the other's gaze. This was not because of fear, but because of coldness.

"It turns out that the cold air is emitted from this giant beast." Chen Feng suddenly realized.

"Ta! What kind of creature is it at this time? It shouldn't be from the eternal world, right?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"It's just a strange beast in the universe." Ta said lightly, but he was not surprised.

"It really comes from outside the domain. What's its specific name?" Chen Feng nodded.

"This is the Ice Ghost Beast." Ta didn't speak, but the hellhound spoke.

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