Eternal Existence

Chapter 771: Prison

"Hehe!" Chen Feng just smiled and didn't say anything more. As Chen Feng's cultivation level improved, his mind and knowledge became broader and broader, and he didn't care about trivial matters at all.

Having had experience fighting with the immortals, Chen Feng didn't take such cultivators who had just entered the realm of human immortals seriously.

"Since you are so powerful, you must help rescue Junior Sister Xie and others." Chen Xing'er continued.

"I can only do my best." Chen Feng nodded.

"By the way, aren't the two sisters Jian Qingwu and Jian Qingling with you?" Chen Feng realized at this time that he didn't see the two sisters.

"They separated from us as soon as they got on the island. I don't know how they are now, whether they have been caught."

Chen Feng nodded and said nothing more. Since Lan Ling and others have come out, he doesn't have to worry about the next few things.

However, before everyone had time to act, a large number of cultivators arrived, and they launched an attack without saying a word.

"These people are really not afraid of death." Tian Ming and his men all had cold murderous intent on their faces. They had been trapped in Kunlongtan before, and they had been holding back their anger for a long time. Now they all vented it on these soldiers.

There were at least hundreds of cultivators, but they were all in the realm of heaven and man. Dozens of people were killed in one contact, so the remaining cultivators were all scared and stopped attacking, but they did not leave. Instead, they watched from a distance and shouted from time to time.

"I didn't expect you to escape from Kunlongtan, but it's still a dead end." Finally, human immortals arrived, and there was more than one. Several human immortals appeared from all directions of Donglong Island, accompanied by a set of layers of restrictions.

"I'll deal with these people, you go find Senior Sister Xie." Chen Feng said and waved his hand, and the Changsheng Sword appeared in his hand.

"Chen Feng and I will stay, you go." Lan Ling's body was shining with lightning, and there was an extra domineering spear in her hand.

A female cultivator who looked a little delicate actually held a domineering spear in her hand. It did look a little uncoordinated, but Lan Ling's move was really shocking, and lightning flashed, just like a female war god, majestic and domineering.

"Okay, you two be careful." The others were very straightforward. After leaving Chen Feng and Lan Ling, Tian Ming and others looked at each other and separated to find Xie Hongyan and others.

"Hehe, what's the matter, Senior Sister Lan Ling thought I couldn't handle it myself." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I don't mean that, I just want to fight quickly." Lan Ling said with a smile, and the spear in her hand had already started to attack.

Chen Feng smiled, and the Changsheng Sword in his hand vibrated at a breaking speed, and the sword energy crossed the space, making waves of explosions.

It was the wind and thunder swordsmanship that Chen Feng had comprehended. At this time, Chen Feng was already in the realm of human immortals, and he could exert the power and essence of wind and thunder.

At present, a human immortal was strangled to pieces by the sword energy before he approached Chen Feng, and even his soul was shattered and disappeared in the world.

"How is it possible?" Chen Feng's move frightened all the immortals, including Lan Ling.

Killing a primary immortal in seconds, could this guy be a mid-level immortal? No, from the aura on his body, it can be seen that he is a primary immortal, and he has just been promoted for a short time.

Everyone was surprised and hesitant, but Chen Feng did not stop. He attacked the immortals with the sword of immortality in his hand at a speed like the wind.

"Sword Qi Explodes!"

The violent sword energy was compressed into a point, and then suddenly exploded. The violent explosive force generated blew away several immortals, and even the surrounding space had cracks in the sword energy.

"This guy is powerful, let's do it together."

Lan Ling fought two immortals alone, still relaxed and at ease, and had the upper hand, while Chen Feng fought against more than a dozen immortals alone, and killed the opponent and kept retreating.

"This is the realm of human immortals. It is indeed very powerful. Immortals, this thing is beyond the concept of mortals." Chen Feng sighed in his heart, but soon he was full of passion, and his fighting spirit burst out, and the attack power he launched became stronger and stronger.

The Changsheng Sword has been upgraded to the level of a first-grade holy weapon. The attack power exerted in Chen Feng's hands is comparable to other third- and fourth-grade holy weapons.

"These human immortals are too weak. They are simply incomparable to those encountered in the Tianchen battlefield at that time." Chen Feng also frowned slightly. Fighting with these beginner human immortals seemed a bit bullying.

Fighting with cultivators of the same level, Chen Feng was confident that he could sweep everything.

Finally, after Chen Feng killed two more people, the other human immortals stopped attacking and began to flee in all directions. They looked at Chen Feng as if they had seen a ghost.

Chen Feng's opponent dissipated, and the two human immortals who fought with Lan Ling could not hold on. After one of them paid a heavy price, the two also fled to a distance.

"Chen Feng, it seems that you have a lot of experience after not seeing you for a few years. I didn't expect you to be so powerful now. If you go to Daluo Academy, you will be a famous figure." Lan Ling looked at Chen Feng in surprise.

"Oh, I wonder what level I will be in Daluo Academy?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

Lan Ling pondered for a moment and then said: "I should be among the top few in the same realm."

Chen Feng nodded, and was a little surprised in his heart, but he was relieved soon. He had just entered the realm of human immortals, and there was really no comparison with those old guys who had cultivated for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

But Chen Feng was just a little surprised. If he really took action, once he used the power of the magic weapon, he would be able to kill even the earthly immortals, let alone these human immortals.

Of course, Chen Feng would not be so arrogant as to think that other people did not possess immortal weapons. Although he had various thoughts in his mind, Chen Feng yearned even more for a place like Da Luo Academy.

This is an existence beyond the first-class sect.

"It seems that after things calm down, it's time to go to Da Luo Academy. It's just my life experience." Thinking of this, Chen Feng shook his head again.

"Let's settle the matter at hand first." Chen Feng and Lan Ling began to head towards the depths of Donglong Island together.

As the two of them moved forward, the surrounding scenery gradually became more beautiful. Birds were singing and flowers were fragrant, auspicious animals were hiding in the grass, small rivers were flowing, and various fish and shrimps were drifting with the waves. There was a moist air of water and wood in the air, which made people feel like they were taking a deep breath. Feel refreshed.

"I didn't expect the scenery here to be so beautiful. No wonder some people say this is a paradise." Chen Feng couldn't help but admire.

"Donglong Island is indeed a good paradise, but it is occupied by the high-level demon king, Patriarch Jinluo. The other monks are jealous and there is nothing they can do about it." When Lan Ling said this, she rolled her eyes, and then He looked at Chen Feng with a half-smile: "What, could it be that you have some ideas about this place?"

"I do have some ideas. If I can get rid of the Golden Turtle Ancestor, I plan to snatch this island." Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and this idea really came up in his heart.

"Haha, I'm just saying this, you really have this idea. Although the ancestor of the Golden Turtle is a high-level demon king, he has a hundred thousand years of skill. In addition, there are restrictions on the island and some well-connected people. Demon Cultivator King, even if the Earth Immortal comes here, he won't get any benefits." Lan Ling was a little surprised by Chen Feng's reaction and said quickly.

"Since the ancestor of the Golden Turtle is so powerful, you humans and immortals are really not afraid of losing your life when you come to take risks." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Although the Golden Turtle Ancestor makes the decision on Donglong Island, under normal circumstances, the Golden Turtle Ancestor will not take action. Besides, when our Daluo Academy students come to pick some elixirs, the other party will turn a blind eye. It's just that I don’t know why something unexpected happened this time, and I still haven’t figured it out yet.”

"In this case, let's find the Golden Turtle Ancestor and ask him clearly in person." Chen Feng said lightly.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy." Lan Ling said and looked forward.

Four humanoid monsters covered in scales stood in front of the two of them. They were more than a foot tall. They were holding giant Poseidon Forks and had blue eyes. They stood in a row and looked at Chen Feng and the two indifferently.

"This is the siren guard on Donglong Island. It is difficult to deal with." Lan Ling's face was a little solemn.

"A sea monster at the level of a demon king must be very difficult to deal with. There are three of me and one of you." Chen Feng waved his hand, and this time he took out not the Eternal Sword, but the Eternal Spear.

"I thought you would do it yourself." Lan Ling rolled her eyes at Chen Feng. Lan Ling was not worried about Chen Feng. Lan Ling had clearly seen Chen Feng's methods before. Lan Ling considered herself to be a master at the same level. , but compared with Chen Feng, she seemed a bit weak, which shocked Lan Ling, who regarded herself as a senior sister.

Chen Feng said nothing. He waved the spear in his hand, and thousands of air currents enveloped three of the siren guards.

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!

The four siren guards roared at the same time, and their bodies grew larger again. All the scales on their bodies stood up, their blades glowed with cold light, and their eyes began to turn blood red. Coupled with the soaring demon power, they gave people a strong oppression. feel.

Three siren guards fought against Chen Feng, and the last one launched an attack on Lan Ling.

Ding ding ding!

Chen Feng struck very quickly, and the long spear immediately left a series of attacks on the opponent.

The three Kraken guards flew out at the same time. Chen Feng did not continue to pursue them, but showed an interesting look in his eyes.

"The defense is so strong!" Chen Feng was a little surprised. Although his attack just now was a little scattered, it was not something that ordinary human immortals could resist. The three siren guards in front of him, except for some white spots on their bodies, were not at all. There was no damage at all. It could also be said that Chen Feng's attack just now did not break his defense.

The three Kraken guards raised their Poseidon forks and launched a powerful and intensive attack around Chen Feng. Chen Feng did not give in with the longevity spear in hand, and the fight with the opponent was extremely fierce.

On the other side, Lan Ling's fighting style is also very violent, with splashes of water on one side and thunder and lightning on the other. In terms of excitement, it is even more exciting than Chen Feng.

After fighting for hundreds of rounds, three Poseidon Forks stabbed Chen Feng at the same time, and the longevity spear in Chen Feng's hand also stabbed out.

Bang bang bang!

Three Poseidon forks pierced Chen Feng's body, bursting out with dazzling sparks. As a result, Chen Feng remained motionless.

The long-lived spear in Chen Feng's hand suddenly penetrated one of the sea-monster guards. A wave of waves spread along the long-lived spear in the opponent's body, and then the sea-monster guard lay straight on the ground motionless.

At this time, Chen Feng's physical body could not be harmed even by a fifth-grade holy weapon. The Poseidon Fork in front of him was only a first-grade holy weapon. Even if Chen Feng did nothing and stood still, no matter how much the opponent attacked, he could not hurt Chen Feng.

Next, they fought again. Chen Feng barely evaded the opponent's attacks, letting the attacks fall on him like a tickle. He quickly swung his spear and quickly took down the other two siren guards.

Looking at the other side, Lan Ling also knocked away her opponent. At this time, Lan Ling's whole body was flashing with lightning, she jumped up, and the spear in her hand turned into a beam of lightning, trying to kill the opponent. .

"Show mercy." Chen Feng shouted.

Although Lan Ling looks like a delicate female cultivator, once she fights, her soaring fighting spirit far exceeds that of most other cultivators. However, when she heard Chen Feng's shouting, although she felt unhappy, she still stopped what she was doing. In a flash, he arrived in front of Chen Feng. Looking at the three siren guards lying on the ground, he was secretly surprised.

"Why didn't you kill the other party?" Lan Ling was a little surprised.

"Haha, if we kill all the monks on Donglong Island, who will look after my home and the courtyard in the future? These siren guards are good, they are all at the level of demon kings. It would be a waste to die even one of them." Chen Feng smiled. said.

When Lan Ling heard this, she rolled her eyes at Chen Feng again. She felt that although Chen Feng was powerful, he was still too arrogant at times. She came here to rescue Junior Sister Xie and the others, so she didn't think much about other things. Seizing Donglong Island is even more unreliable.

Not to mention that the golden turtle ancestor is a high-level demon king, and there are several powerful demon kings and golden turtle ancestors surrounding Donglong Island, which is very difficult to deal with.

At first Lan Ling thought that Chen Feng was just talking and didn't take it seriously. Then when she saw Chen Feng's actions, she realized that her understanding of Chen Feng was far from enough.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the immortal energy mixed with immortal energy poured into the bodies of the four siren guards. The wounds on the siren guards began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon the four Siren Guards stood up again, their eyes were blood red again, and they wanted to step forward to fight. Chen Feng smiled faintly, and his eyes flashed, and the four Siren Guards became quiet, with a look of struggle in their eyes. , but soon surrendered, and at the same time stepped forward and knelt down on one knee: "I have met the master."

"Get up." Chen Feng said calmly, and then waved his hand: "Let's spread out. Do whatever you need to do next."


The four Kraken guards bowed respectfully and then walked away.

As soon as Chen Feng turned around, he saw Lan Ling looking at him with a curious look. Chen Feng couldn't help but laugh: "Why are you looking at me like this? I will be embarrassed."

Hearing this, Lan Ling's face turned red, and then she said in surprise: "You just conquered the other party."

"It's very simple, just leave an imprint on the opponent's consciousness." Chen Feng waved his hand casually.

"This is called simple." Lan Ling still couldn't accept it. Capturing and subduing the opponent was a very common thing, but it was incredible to complete it in such a short period of time.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Let's leave quickly. By the way, can you still contact Tian Ming and the others?" Chen Feng changed the subject.

"No, there are many restrictions on this island, and it is shrouded in a magical power. I can't sense the other party at all." Lan Ling shook her head.

"Just follow me." Chen Feng smiled easily, opened his dark eyes, and led Lan Ling around, avoiding restrictions everywhere.

Lan Ling said with some surprise: "I didn't expect your Dark Demon Eyes to be so powerful."

"Haha, the Dark Demon Eye is certainly one of the reasons, but the more important thing is that I searched the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness just now. I already know the situation on this island very clearly, and I also know that the two sisters Jian Qingwu have arrived. Where." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's good, that's good. Then, where did the two sisters go?"



After advancing for another half an hour, Chen Feng and the two stopped.

"Huh, Donglong Island is not big, but there are too many restrictions on it, especially the mysterious power that seriously interfered with my sense of direction." Chen Feng also felt a secret but domineering force at this time. This invisible power is more powerful than all the forbidden fakes on the island combined.

"This power should come from under the island. I will slowly explore it after I occupy the island." Chen Feng made up his mind.

"Ahead is a prison on Donglong Island. Sister Jian Qingwu, Senior Sister Xie and others are imprisoned in it, and there are also some other people imprisoned in it," Chen Feng said.

"I know this. Our original goal was here, but we didn't know the location. I didn't expect you to find it so quickly." Lan Ling nodded.

This prison is usually guarded by four junior demon kings and one mid-level demon king-level siren guard. Due to changes in the past few days, there is one more intermediate demon king guarding the prison than usual. "Chen Feng said.

"Two mid-level demon king-level siren guards are in trouble now." Lan Ling frowned.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this matter." Chen Feng waved his hand and deliberately looked calm, making Lan Ling couldn't help but laugh after seeing it.

Chen Feng thought for a while, stretched out his palm, and then a bit of blood emerged from his palm, and it got bigger and bigger. Finally, a blood ball the size of his head started to rotate in Chen Feng's palm.

Feeling the energy contained in the blood cells, Lan Ling couldn't help but take a few steps back.

It's too scary. If this blood ball attacks you, you will either die or be injured.

The most important thing is that Lan Ling felt a trace of the power of the Dao from this blood ball, which can only be possessed by Dao weapons or earth immortals.

"I heard that Chen Feng stayed at the Tianchen battlefield for a long time. It seems that he gained a lot." Lan Ling thought to herself.


The blood ball flew out quickly, directly passed through the layers of restrictions, and then exploded violently over the prison. Lan Ling only saw a ball of blood exploding, and then nothing could be seen beyond the sea of ​​​​blood in the sky.

The power of blood enveloped the entire prison. The cultivators below the human immortal realm fainted immediately, followed by the sea monster guards at the human immortal realm. In the end, only two sea monster guards at the intermediate demon king level were still struggling to resist, but fainting was a matter of time.

Chen Feng did not kill these people, because these were his own team members, and managing Donglong Island would depend on these people.


Then Chen Feng stretched out his palm again, and this time it was not a blood ball that emerged from his palm, but a fist-sized thunder ball.

"This guy!"

Lan Ling was really shocked, because the destructive power contained in the thunder ball was no less than that of the blood ball just now.

The thunder ball flew out and bombarded the prison directly. With a loud bang, all the restrictions in front of it were blasted open, and a big hole was blasted open on one wall of the prison.

The cultivators imprisoned in the prison only felt their whole bodies relax, and the restrictions on their bodies were eliminated one by one. They were surprised and happy, and a little confused, not understanding what happened.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Several cultivators flew out first, they were Jian Qingwu, Xie Hongyan and other students of Daluo Academy.

"Big sister."

"Big sister came to save us."

"Hey! Who is this person? Is he a new junior brother in the academy?"

"Chen Feng, you are here too. You have successfully passed the tribulation. I didn't expect that you have cultivated to the level of human immortal so quickly."

A group of female cultivators chattered and surrounded Chen Feng and Lan Ling. Especially Xie Hongyan and Luo Pianpian were a little surprised to see Chen Feng appear.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

After everyone, more cultivators continued to appear. When the entire prison was empty, there were more than a hundred cultivators present. What surprised Chen Feng even more was that most of these hundreds of cultivators who were imprisoned were human immortals.

However, some of these immortals had yellow faces and muscles, and their spirits were dim. It was obvious that they had been imprisoned here for a long time.

"It was this young man who attacked us just now. He let us out."

"Thank you for your help, friend. I'm Jifengxian at home. If you need anything, just tell me."

"I'm Jinguangxian. Thank you for your help, friend."

"The three of us have been imprisoned here for hundreds of years. I didn't expect that we would be able to get out. What's your name, brother? If you need anything, just tell me."

Some monks came to Chen Feng one after another, with a look of gratitude on their faces.

Of course, some people didn't take Chen Feng seriously. After they came out, they left quickly. Soon, a fight was heard in the distance.

Some people even started to slaughter the monks from Donglong Island who fainted on the ground.

Chen Feng's face changed, and he shouted softly: "Stop!"

The few people who attacked were stunned for a moment, and then ignored Chen Feng, but continued to attack.

"Humph, someone is looking for death, there's really nothing we can do."

As Chen Feng spoke, blood light bloomed in his palm again, and a ball of blood turned into a blood light and attacked the few people who attacked.

"Hmph, a mere trick." These people didn't take Chen Feng seriously at all, and they were ready to attack in the face of the blood light attack.


However, at this time, the blood light suddenly lit up, the blood ball exploded, and a trace of blood power quickly penetrated into the bodies of these people, and then the bodies of these cultivators began to expand rapidly, and finally exploded with a bang, turning into a blood mist all over the sky.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and all the blood mist gathered in Chen Feng's palm, forming a blood ball again, but the energy in this blood ball was a little chaotic. The blood ball turned a few times and disappeared in the palm of his hand.

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