Eternal Existence

Chapter 772: East Dragon Palace

Chen Feng's actions stunned all the cultivators, especially the cultivators who did not take Chen Feng seriously at the beginning, and looked at Chen Feng in fear, fearing that Chen Feng would suddenly kill them.

Not only these people, but also Jian Qingwu and others looked at Chen Feng in shock.

"Big sister, who is this?" A female cultivator with a hot body, charming appearance, and extremely sexy clothes whispered in Lan Ling's ear, and her eyes lit up when she looked at Chen Feng.

"I am Chen Feng, and I am honored to meet all the senior sisters." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I don't deserve the title of senior sister, just call me Hu Xian'er. Thank you for helping me just now." The hot female cultivator came to Chen Feng generously.

Seeing Chen Feng and others reminiscing about the past, the other cultivators who were released said goodbye one after another. Although some people were cold, they did not dare to say much, after all, Chen Feng's methods just now were somewhat shocking.

Just as these people were leaving, Chen Feng's voice rang in their ears again: "I hope you all leave Donglong Island immediately, because I will take over this island next. If anyone makes trouble, don't blame me for being rude."

Accompanying Chen Feng's voice was a bloody light full of murderous intent, which contained extremely strong power of the Great Dao. All the cultivators who heard these words shuddered, but some people did not take Chen Feng's words to heart, but turned around and continued to fly to the island, either killing people or plundering things.

Chen Feng's eyes gradually became cold, but soon returned to calm. In Chen Feng's view, these cultivators were not worth worrying about. They could be caught by Donglong Island before, and it would be okay if they left quickly now. If they wanted to make trouble, they would definitely die faster.

"Since you are looking for death, there is nothing I can do." Chen Feng sneered in his heart, and turned around to see Jian Qingwu and others looking at him in surprise and curiosity.

"You guy, what you just said is not true, right?" Jian Qingwu couldn't help but say.

"Of course it's true."

"I think you are talking nonsense. This island belongs to the Golden Turtle Ancestor." Jian Qingwu is a carefree person and doesn't have much concerns when speaking.

"Okay, since you are out of trouble, I think you should leave quickly. I will go to Daluo Academy after I deal with things here." Chen Feng waved his hand to everyone and said no more. His figure flashed a few times and disappeared in the depths of Donglong Island.

"This guy is so arrogant. Isn't it just promoted to a human immortal? What's so great about it? I have also been promoted to a human immortal." Jian Qingwu said unhappily.

"Your human immortal is not as good as Chen Feng's human immortal." Lan Ling said with a smile.

"Big sister, what should we do next? Can we really leave here like that guy said?"

"Well, since we are out of trouble, let's leave. If we alarm the Golden Turtle Ancestor, we may not be able to leave." Lan Ling nodded and said seriously.

"Is what Chen Feng said just now true? No matter how powerful this guy is, he should not be the opponent of the Golden Turtle Patriarch.

"Yes, we were rescued by Chen Feng after all. It would be a bit unfair to leave like this."

"I think we should follow him and see what he is going to do."

"Forget it, let's leave Donglong Island first and see the situation from a distance." Lan Ling said.

When everyone evacuated Donglong Island, there were several fights on the island. These fights were almost all between monks who escaped from prison and sea monster guards. Although there were many vicious monks, they were imprisoned in prison for too long and their cultivation was affected. How could they be the opponents of these vigorous sea monster guards?

As Chen Feng walked along, he saw several people being killed by sea monster guards.

But soon Chen Feng was also stopped. Three sea monster guards besieged him. Chen Feng, the result was that these sea monster guards were controlled by Chen Feng, and then they left soul imprints in the other party's sea of ​​consciousness, and then they were released again after they developed into his subordinates.

Finally, Chen Feng encountered the obstruction of a master, and two sea monster guards of the middle-level earth immortal level attacked Chen Feng one after another.

Chen Feng used the Longevity Spear to fight with the opponent for several rounds and knocked the opponent away repeatedly, and then did not waste time, and directly used the power of the blood-gathering beads. The ropes condensed by the two blood forces instantly entangled the opponent.

"Golden Turtle Ancestor, haven't you come out yet." Chen Feng's voice rushed out, covering the entire Donglong Island.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Another cultivator arrived, and what surprised Chen Feng was that the other party was all human cultivators, all of whom were middle-level human immortals.

Chen Feng immediately understood that these four people were the four great guardians on Donglong Island. After all, the entire Donglong Island was not full of sea monsters, but there were still some human cultivators.

"Who are you, sir, and you actually came here to make trouble. "One of the monks with a goatee asked grimly.

"I'm here to take over Donglong Island." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Since our Golden Turtle Ancestor occupied Donglong Island for 20,000 years, countless monks have come to cause trouble, even a few earthly immortals, but in the end they all died or fled. Young man, I see that you are a human being, so you should leave here immediately, and we will pretend that we have never seen you." The gloomy aura on the face of the goatee suddenly disappeared, and it became smiling.

"The four of you are kind." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense, it's just a small human immortal." One of the extremely strong monks suddenly jumped out, waved his hand, and a huge axe appeared in the air, and chopped it towards Chen Feng.

This is a fourth-grade holy weapon, containing the sharp and domineering power of Gengjin. When the monk wields it, it seems to split the planet with one axe.

Chen Feng's face was calm. He suddenly raised his hand and easily grabbed the giant axe. The fierce attack force did not even cut Chen Feng's skin.

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly turned dark, and the dark night streamer shot out, instantly wrapping up the strong monk. Then his eyes kept turning, and a trace of black streamer condensed into a rope, quickly blocking the surrounding void. Then Chen Feng stepped forward and punched, and the strong monk screamed and flew backwards.

The longevity step took out, as if stepping through the universe, crossing time and space, and came to another person. With a wave of his hand, the palm print was like a mountain, quickly and strongly suppressed, and another monk was knocked away.

"There are two more." After Chen Feng quickly dealt with the two people, he was about to make another move, and the attacks of the other two had arrived.

"Heaven and Earth Cage!"

"Black Tortoise Shield Armor!"

To Chen Feng's surprise, the other two used defensive tactics. The goat-bearded man used the power of space, which contained the strange immortal law. He compressed the space around him again and again.

The other skinny old man used the earth-based defensive tactics. A thick layer of light yellow armor blocked Chen Feng, preventing him from attacking.

Seeing the two's tactics, Chen Feng laughed immediately. Originally, Chen Feng was a little worried that the attack from the two would make him flustered. In fact, Chen Feng also knew that if the other four fought hard, he would be in trouble.

There were already various calculations in his mind, but the situation in front of him made Chen Feng feel stunned.

Shaking his head, Chen Feng took out the Longevity Spear. At the same time, his body shook, and the blood beads floated above his head. The thick blood light enveloped the surroundings, covering Chen Feng, and there was a weird and bloody feeling.

"The power of the Great Dao, no, it's a Dao weapon, retreat quickly!"

The four cultivators immediately noticed the power fluctuations emitted by the Blood Gathering Pearl. They were horrified and lost their fighting spirit. This was the gap in realm, which could not be made up by strength.

As soon as the fighting spirit of the four people disappeared, Chen Feng immediately felt it. He stabbed the Longevity Spear in his hand fiercely, and at the same time, a blood light shot out from the Blood Gathering Pearl and blessed the Longevity Spear, which increased the speed and power of the Longevity Spear several times out of thin air.


The sky and earth cage exploded, and the black tortoise shield armor appeared dense cracks, and then suddenly exploded. A bright light flashed, and the four cultivators all vomited blood and flew backwards.

This scene happened to be seen by Liu Jia and Mo Wen who happened to catch up. The two opened their mouths wide, with a look of shock on their faces, and they didn't know what to say.

Since they separated from Chen Feng, Liu Jia and Mo Wen started to venture on Donglong Island. They were lucky and soon found the spiritual medicine they needed. They were originally planning to leave. However, some incidents occurred on Donglong Island due to the intrusion of Chen Feng and others. Out of curiosity, they began to go deep into the depths of Donglong Island. They advanced all the way without any danger. After finally avoiding some crises, they saw a young cultivator fighting against four mid-level earth immortals just after they climbed over a mountain. They were shocked and secretly guessed who this young man was. However, after seeing Chen Feng's appearance clearly, Liu Jia and Mo Wen were shocked beyond words. They didn't know what words to use to describe their feelings at this time.

Before they entered the island, they knew that Chen Feng came from the Tianjian Sect. Although they were a little surprised, they didn't have too many thoughts. Later, Chen Feng and the two left, which also made them a little dissatisfied. To be honest, Mo Wen and Liu Jia only regarded Chen Feng as an existence like themselves. At this time, they saw Chen Feng beat back four mid-level earth immortals with one move, and they knew that Chen Feng and the two of them were not people of the same level at all.

"Hey, let's leave quickly. This island is too chaotic. I didn't expect that even the inconspicuous Chen Feng is so powerful."

"Yes, curiosity can kill people. Let's leave quickly."

Liu Jia and Mo Wen wanted to leave, but it was not so easy because they were discovered by two sea monster guards. There was another big battle next.

When the two rushed out of Donglong Island, they were covered with wounds and embarrassed. After a bitter smile, they left Donglong Island. Although they were a little embarrassed, fortunately, the purpose of this trip had been achieved.

"Can you give us a way out?"

On the other side, Chen Feng had completely taken the advantage. He stood in front of the four people with the Longevity Spear in his hand and used the power of the Taoist weapon. It was too easy to suppress these immortals.

Chen Feng felt like he was bullying people.

If Chen Feng's idea was known to others, they would definitely laugh their heads off. You know, Chen Feng is a beginner immortal, and the four cultivators in front of him are indeed intermediate immortals.

"Okay." Chen Feng nodded, stretched out his finger and pointed, and a stream of light split into four and entered the sea of ​​consciousness of the four people.

"Not good!"

These four people were stronger than the previous Siren Guards. They knew what Chen Feng wanted to do at the first time. Their faces changed drastically. If their sea of ​​consciousness was controlled, they would be controlled by others in the future. The other party's thoughts could make them live a life worse than death.

So the four people began to resist desperately.

"Soul-calming spell, soul-calming." Chen Feng shouted coldly, and four golden talismans entered the sea of ​​consciousness of the four people. Under this talisman, the boiling sea of ​​consciousness of the four people immediately stabilized and calmed down.

Chen Feng took the opportunity to leave a mark in the sea of ​​consciousness of the four people.

"Humph, don't be honest." Chen Feng shouted.

The four intermediate-level immortals looked at each other, with sadness in their eyes, and shouted to Chen Feng at the same time: "Meet the master."

At this moment, the lives of these four people no longer belong to him. From now on, as long as Chen Feng has a thought, these people will abide by it unconditionally.

"Follow me, you won't suffer any loss. Okay, you can retreat. I will call you after I take over Donglong Island." Chen Feng said lightly.

The four of them sighed and then retreated. At the same time, they felt a little uneasy, wondering what their future fate would be.

"Half of the Siren Guards have been subdued by me. Why hasn't the Golden Turtle Patriarch come out?" Chen Feng was a little confused at this time. It stands to reason that with such a big movement happening on Donglong Island, the Golden Turtle Patriarch should also show up. .

"Maybe the ancestor of the Golden Turtle is not here. If that's the case, he still has a lot of energy left." Chen Feng thought to himself.


Chen Feng speeded up and followed the route he had obtained before.

Next, Chen Feng basically encountered no obstruction, because at this time, Donglong Island was in chaos, all the guards were dispatched, and some of them were subdued by Chen Feng.

Soon, a huge glittering golden palace appeared in front of Chen Feng. For Chen Feng, the scale of this palace was okay, but it was a bit tacky, at least not the type that Chen Feng liked.

The main reason for coming here is that this is the core of the entire Donglong Island, the Donglong Palace, and the control core of Donglong Island is in this Donglong Palace. This is also where the ancestor of the Golden Turtle lives on weekdays.

Two siren guards, one on the left and one on the right, stood like door gods. Before Chen Feng could get closer, one of the siren guards had already launched an attack on Chen Feng.

"It's stronger than the previous mid-level demon king, and it's close to the high-level demon king. Unfortunately, it's still no match for me." Chen Feng didn't dodge, and directly struck out with the big hand seal of longevity.


The big hand seal of longevity was shattered, but Chen Feng moved his steps, stepped forward quickly, and struck another sky-breaking fist, hitting the siren guard hard.


At this time, another siren guard took action, and the timing of the attack was very good. The Poseidon Fork in his hand stabbed Chen Feng.

Chen Feng chuckled and allowed the Poseidon to stab his chest, because Chen Feng wanted to feel the current condition of his physical body.

Kick, kick, kick!

Sparks bloomed, and a mountain of power pushed Chen Feng back. Every time he took a step back, the ground shook violently.

Traces of blood seeped out from Chen Feng's chest, and Chen Feng finally suffered some flesh injuries.

"The opponent is a sixth-grade holy weapon. It can break through my defense, but its power is limited." Chen Feng also had a general understanding of the strength of his physical body. If he uses his physical body at full strength, he can compete with seventh-grade holy weapons or even eighth-grade holy weapons. Taste the sacred vessel.


Seeing that his full-strength shot only slightly broke through Chen Feng's skin, the Kraken guard was also stunned. Finally, another Kraken guard had flown upside down into Donglong under Chen Feng's attack. In the palace.


Two bloody lights attacked the Siren Guard in front of him, one on the left and the other on the right. This was the attack from the Blood Gathering Bead.

However, this time the Siren Guard was not hit as Chen Feng imagined. Instead, he waved the Poseidon Fork in his hand to block the bloody attack, but the result was that he retreated continuously into the hall.

Chen Feng stepped into it. As soon as he entered, before he had time to observe the surrounding situation, an air current rushed through the space. Chen Feng immediately understood that an attack was coming, but what surprised Chen Feng was that this sudden attack did not seem to be... Sent by the two previous Siren Guards.

Chen Feng quickly punched and collided with the opponent's attack. The heavy power of the earth hit Chen Feng in waves along his arms. Chen Feng involuntarily stepped back. Before he could stand still, the two Kraken guards One on the left and the other on the right, they attacked Chen Feng and killed him.


Blood light flashed, and a blood barrier enveloped the whole body. After two collisions, the siren guards who attacked Chen Feng were ejected at the same time.

At this time, Chen Feng also saw a khaki figure attacking him from above.

"A battle puppet that contains the way of earth, the level of a high-level immortal." Chen Feng was a little surprised, and mobilized the blood gathering beads to strengthen his defense.


The huge fist hit the blood barrier, and the blood barrier cracked and trembled. Even Chen Feng wondered if it was about to break.

"What a powerful attack." Chen Feng was really surprised. He stretched out his hand to grab it, and the blood-gathering beads began to rotate violently in his hands. A stream of blood-colored light continued to impact and hit the battle puppet.

The battle puppet retreated continuously, but there were not many wounds on its body. At this time, the two siren guards took the opportunity to attack Chen Feng again.

"A good combat puppet." Chen Feng was a little surprised.


The blood-gathering bead suddenly grew in size, and the two siren guards who rushed up were swept away by the blood light and flew backwards. They fell to the ground and could not get up again.


The blood-gathering bead is like a burning sun, or like a meteor streaking across the starry sky, suppressing the battle puppet.


The battle puppet stamped its feet, roared to the sky, and then punched the blood-gathering bead hard.


Bloody yellow light bloomed at the same time, dazzling and chaotic. The blood-gathering bead fell into Chen Feng's hand. The blood pool in it was boiling continuously, making Chen Feng almost unsteady. After being shocked, he looked at the opponent again, and the battle puppet kept on the ground. He struggled, but couldn't get up for a while.

"Although it is a high-level immortal-level battle puppet, it contains the power of the earth element." Chen Feng's eyes were bright, and he stepped forward to take the battle puppet into the Tower of Eternal Life.

As for the other two sea monster guards, they still used the previous method and planted soul imprints in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"First find the core array eye that controls Donglong Island. After refining it, the entire island will be under my control." Chen Feng's eyes kept scanning and soon found the array eye.

In the center of the palace, there is a round crystal pillar with carved patterns and dense runes on it. It is dazzling at a glance. It is the core array eye of the entire Donglong Island. After refining it, it can control the forbidden array of the entire Donglong Island.

Chen Feng smiled and was about to move forward, but someone was faster. Two monks rushed in from the left and right, grabbing the crystal pillar frantically, ignoring Chen Feng.

"Haha!" Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

The blood beads in his hand shook, two blood lights flashed, and the two monks fell to the ground at the same time, and then exploded with a bang. The floating spirit was absorbed cleanly, leaving only a little debris.

"You really don't know how to live or die." Chen Feng sneered, waved his hand, and the blood-gathering beads flew out, blocking the entrance to the hall.

Then he strode forward and stretched out his hand to grab the crystal pillar.


Chen Feng's consciousness gushed out and began to refine the array in front of him, but Chen Feng's consciousness was attacked as soon as he entered it.

"Who is it, looking for death!"

A thunder-like sound rang out, trying to shatter Chen Feng's consciousness, but Chen Feng practiced the soul-suppressing spell, and his soul was condensed, so this level of attack did not do anything to Chen Feng.

A mini golden turtle appeared in front of Chen Feng, staring at Chen Feng with his eyes, and the aura of the demon king was clearly visible.

"This should be the thought of the Golden Turtle Ancestor. It seems that the Golden Turtle Ancestor is indeed not here. Well, let's eliminate the other party's thoughts first." Chen Feng smiled, waved his hand, and the Longevity Handprint attacked the golden turtle.

Facing Chen Feng's attack, the golden turtle showed a mocking look in his eyes, motionless, allowing Chen Feng's attack to fall on him.

The attack dissipated, and the golden turtle remained motionless.

"Human, with this little strength, you can actually find this place. It seems that you are lucky, but now your luck ends here." The golden turtle said as it jumped forward, its body infinitely enlarged, and directly suppressed Chen Feng.

Looking at the golden turtle's actions, it actually wanted to kill Chen Feng in one move.

"It's so strong with just a thought. It's worthy of being a demon king who has cultivated for 100,000 years. But it's your bad luck to meet me." Chen Feng said as he held up the sky with both hands to support the golden turtle's suppression.


Under the suppression of the golden turtle, Chen Feng's soul incarnation suddenly exploded and turned into scattered energy.

"Humph, with this little strength, it's vulnerable." The golden turtle sneered, and its body slowly shrank, trying to lie down and continue sleeping.

However, the scattered soul energy quickly gathered, and in the blink of an eye, Chen Feng reappeared, and his body looked more condensed than before.

"Hey! Boy, you are quite capable. Well, I will kill you again." The golden turtle said as he was about to attack again.

"Just go ahead, let me see the strength of you old turtle." Chen Feng smiled.

"Looking for death!" The golden turtle was a little irritated by Chen Feng, and still pounced and rushed towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng raised his hand, a thunder ball flew out quickly, and then exploded with a bang. The golden turtle was completely wrapped in thunder and lightning, and fell to the ground, shaking all over.

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