Eternal Existence

Chapter 770 Rescue

In the previous chat, Chen Feng already knew that Mo Wen and Liu Jia came to Donglong Island to look for several spiritual medicines containing the power of sunflower water. Although these spiritual medicines are not very old, they are precious and are rarely found in the inland. Mo Wen and Liu Jia came to Donglong Island because they could not think of any other way.

Although the overlord of Donglong Island is the Golden Turtle Ancestor, the Golden Turtle Ancestor usually likes to sleep for a long time. In addition, the area around Donglong Island is actually very large. Occasionally, some cultivators will come in to adventure and gain some benefits.

"Since we are on the island, you two should say goodbye." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Uh, Brother Chen, aren't you also here to look for spiritual medicine? Let's go together." Mo Wen said puzzledly.

"No, I have my own things to do. Let's say goodbye to each other and see you later." Chen Feng said no more, bowed and said goodbye to the two.

"This guy." After Chen Feng left, Mo Wen and Liu Jia looked at each other with dissatisfied expressions.

"Forget it, everyone has their own plans. Let's go. It's dangerous here and we can't stay for long."

After Chen Feng left the two, he began to release his soul power. After entering the human immortal, his soul power also underwent earth-shaking changes. It was no longer the soul of an ordinary person, but the soul of an immortal that contained the power of the immortal way. With this sweep, the situation of the places he passed by was clearly reflected in Chen Feng's senses in a three-dimensional situation.

In the past, Chen Feng's soul power could sweep a distance of 20,000 miles. Now that he has been promoted to a human immortal, it is no problem to sweep 200,000 miles.

Of course, the Donglong Island in front of him is not 200,000 miles. Chen Feng's divine consciousness covered the entire island. Then he found that the entire island was hazy and could only see the general appearance. If he wanted to look further, it would be like seeing flowers in the fog, which was not real at all.

"Sure enough, there are some tricks that even my divine consciousness can't see through." Just as Chen Feng was carefully searching for the traces of Lan Ling and others, suddenly a very strong divine consciousness was like a sharp blade slashing in the air.

The thoughts released by Chen Feng were immediately cut off neatly, making Chen Feng feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Have you been discovered?" Chen Feng's face did not change, and the whole person became unreal, as if he had escaped into another layer of the void.

Sure enough, the next divine thought swept over, sweeping again and again, but did not find Chen Feng's existence.

"After being promoted to human immortal, the role of the Dark Cave and the Void Cave has become more and more important." Chen Feng nodded secretly, and his divine thought moved, and the thoughts remaining in the void became active again, following the path of the divine thought that swept over.


Chen Feng's figure kept moving, changing rapidly, dodging the restrictions around him and the divine thoughts that kept sweeping over.

Finally, Chen Feng met two patrolling monks. Chen Feng stepped forward and quickly controlled the other party. Without interrogating, he directly used the soul search technique and knew everything he wanted to know.

"In the trapped dragon pond." After dealing with the bodies of the two, Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and he had an intuitive and comprehensive understanding of the entire Donglong Island in his heart.

Half an hour later, Chen Feng found the Kunlongtan, and easily detected the existence of Lan Ling and others.

"No way, it's so easy to find." Chen Feng himself was a little surprised. The smooth development of things was beyond his imagination.

After thinking for a while, Chen Feng went directly into the Kunlongtan. It was called the Kunlongtan, but in fact it was just a depression on Donglong Island, and there was not even any water in it.

Including Lan Ling, a total of six cultivators were trapped here.

The six cultivators were all in the realm of the initial stage of human immortals, but they could enter the Daluo Academy to practice, and the initial stage of human immortals were enough to match the ordinary middle-level human immortals in the cultivation world.

"I'm sorry for everyone. I didn't expect this Golden Turtle Ancestor to be so powerful." Lan Ling said apologetically.

"Junior Sister Lan, don't feel guilty. We were careless and didn't take Donglong Island seriously. But don't worry. I don't think the Golden Turtle Patriarch will kill us easily. After all, with the strength of the Golden Turtle Patriarch, he doesn't dare to go against our Daluo Academy."

"Well, what Brother Tian said makes sense."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. If that were the case, the Golden Turtle Patriarch wouldn't have arrested Junior Sister Xie and others. This clearly shows that he didn't take our Daluo Academy seriously. Moreover, our brothers and sisters have disappeared on Donglong Island before, and there is a task to kill the Golden Turtle Patriarch on the bounty list of our academy."

"Killing the Golden Turtle Patriarch is too difficult. The most important thing for us now is to escape."

Everyone talked about it. At first, they were in a good mental state, but soon they found that they couldn't rush out at all. At this time, everyone realized that the famous Kunlongtan was indeed difficult to break.

"Kunlongtan, it is said that even dragons can be trapped. Now it seems that there are indeed some special places. I think everyone should not waste their energy and wait for the Golden Turtle Patriarch to appear."


A cultivator's eyes widened as soon as he finished speaking, because a young cultivator suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Chen Feng, how did you get in?" Lan Ling recognized the person and came to Chen Feng in surprise.

"Of course I came to see you. I was relieved to see that you were fine." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Junior Sister Lan, who is this?" Someone next to him asked curiously.

"By the way, let me introduce you to everyone. This is Chen Feng, from Beiyuan. Chen Feng, these five are my senior sisters and brothers." Lan Ling quickly and simply explained the situation of both parties in the middle.

"Chen Feng, I know you." A cultivator in blue clothes said with a smile.

"Oh, you know me?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"My name is Tian Ming. I heard Jian Qingwu talk about you. I heard that Brother Chen is a genius and has a high level of cultivation. Today I see that it is true. I just didn't expect that Brother Chen has also been promoted to the realm of human immortals. It is really gratifying." Tian Ming looked at Chen Feng with a smile, and was very friendly.

"Haha, Brother Tian is really flattering." Chen Feng waved his hands repeatedly.

"Okay, don't be so mushy there, Chen Feng. You really shouldn't come in." Lan Ling frowned and spoke at this time.

"Oh! Why?" Chen Feng asked lightly.

Looking at Chen Feng's dazed look, the six people present all shook their heads secretly and began to doubt whether Chen Feng was as capable as they heard.

"Was it easy for you to come in?" Lan Ling asked.

"Of course." Chen Feng nodded.

"Then do you think it's easy to leave?"

"Of course."

"If it's easy to leave, do you think we will still be here?" Lan Ling said with a headache, not understanding why Chen Feng suddenly became so stupid.

"Uh! I understand, but just because you can't get out doesn't mean I can't get out." Chen Feng nodded and said indifferently.


A beautiful female cultivator with almond eyes and peach cheeks pouted and whispered, and the others looked at Lan Ling with inquiring eyes, as if asking something.

"Hehe!" Chen Feng just smiled and didn't say much.

"I wonder where Senior Sister Xie and the others are?" Chen Feng asked.

"Sister Xie and the others have been captured by the other party. They should be imprisoned on Donglong Island. It's just that we were trapped after we arrived. I don't know the specific situation." Lan Ling said with some concern.

"So let's leave here first." Chen Feng nodded.

"Hey! I'm saying, do you know the situation now? We are in the trapped dragon pond. Even high-level immortals can't rush out of this place. I really don't understand if there is something wrong with your brain." The beautiful female cultivator Chen Xing'er couldn't help but fire at Chen Feng.

"Whether there is a problem with my brain or not, you will know it later." Chen Feng smiled, not caring about the dissatisfaction in the other party's words, but performing the dark pupil technique to sweep the surrounding situation.

"Hey! It's the dark magic pupil." At this time, everyone was finally a little surprised. They didn't expect that this inconspicuous young man actually cultivated the dark magic pupil, and it seemed that he had some skills, not the kind that had just been cultivated.

"Even if he cultivated the dark magic pupil, what can he do? It won't have much effect on the current situation."

"That's not necessarily the case. Maybe he can find loopholes and gaps in the surrounding restrictions."

"I'm afraid it's not that easy."

Just as several people were discussing, Chen Feng waved his hand and took out a spear.

The spear was the longevity spear, but the aura on it came from the immortal weapon Piercing the Sky Spear. Just a wisp of aura was released, and the surrounding space began to vibrate.

"Although the Eternal World is an ancient world, the stability of the space is still not as good as the Tianchen battlefield. No wonder you can communicate with the fairy world in the realm of human immortals."

"What is this?" Everyone, including Lan Ling, was stunned.

"You guys step back a little." Chen Feng said calmly, thrusting out the Longevity Spear in his hand. Wherever the spear passed, ripples appeared in the space.


A passage appeared in the space, and the situation outside could be seen through the exit of the passage.


Everyone was dumbfounded, looking at what was happening in front of them in disbelief.

"What are you still standing there for?" Chen Feng frowned and said.

"Oh oh!" Lan Ling and others came to their senses, and immediately stepped forward, passed through the space channel, and left the power range of Kunlongtan.

"Huh, it's out like this, it really feels unreal."

"Yes, I heard that only earth immortals can come out of Kunlongtan, but the power contained in Chen Feng's attack just now seems to be?"

"It's the power of immortal weapons."

Although these people are students of Daluo Academy and are top geniuses in the entire Eternal World, none of them has immortal weapons. Before, several people also used Taoist weapons to bombard the surrounding prohibitions, but they did not succeed.

At this time, everyone's face changed when they looked at Chen Feng. The most realistic thing is that no matter where you are, strength is respected. Chen Feng's action just now easily won the respect of everyone.

"It seems that there is no problem in rescuing Junior Sister Xie and the others." Lan Ling also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haha, thank you so much, Brother Chen."

"Humph, I didn't expect you to have some skills. I misunderstood you just now." Chen Xing'er said with a slightly red face.

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