Eternal Existence

Chapter 767: Longevity Point

"Good, it works!" Chen Feng was certain in his heart. The suction from the acupoints became more intense. As a trace of Yin Fire entered the acupoints, the magic weapon that suppressed it began to vibrate, helping to refine the Yin Fire on the one hand, and using the Yin Fire to condense itself on the other.

Time passed by, and the cultivators who were watching in the dark could not bear it anymore, because in their eyes, the huge fireball was still burning, and the calamity clouds in the sky had not dissipated, which meant that Chen Feng was still alive and still undergoing the calamity.

"How is it possible? Who is this guy? How could he not be burned to death in the Yin Fire of Destruction?"

"It should be that some magic weapon is working again."

"No matter what, this guy is dead."

After absorbing the Yin Fire of Destruction, the magic weapons that suppressed the acupoints advanced one after another, and at the same time, the acupoints began to expand their range. Finally, the Yin Fire that grew in the body finally disappeared completely, and the damaged body began to slowly recover.

Next, Chen Feng had to deal with the Yin Fire in his body. The Yin Fire outside his body came from the universe, and there were more of them, and they were more powerful. The magic weapon in his body could not completely devour them in a short time.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, and concentrated on comprehending the Changsheng Sutra.

"This kid." Seeing Chen Feng's actions, Ta laughed immediately.

"As long as the Changsheng acupoint can be opened, the current situation should be solved. The Changsheng acupoint is unique to the Changsheng clan. Since I am a member of the Changsheng clan, I will be promoted to a human immortal. I should be able to open it, but the location is not easy to find." Chen Feng thought secretly in his heart.

When Chen Feng's skin and flesh were about to be completely burned, Chen Feng finally found the existence of the Changsheng acupoint in a void space in his body.

"Finally found it, open it for me." Chen Feng's consciousness was like lightning, turning into a sharp cone, and heavily stabbed on the Changsheng acupoint.


It was as if a mysterious world was opened, and the ancient and mysterious power erupted from it. Chen Feng's soul was trembling. At this time, Chen Feng had a feeling that this opened longevity acupoint far exceeded other acupoints in the body, and even all the acupoints added together could not compare to this acupoint.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The longevity acupoint had just opened a gap, and all the longevity weapons floating in Chen Feng's body flashed into the longevity acupoint.

Chen Feng's mind moved and he had insight into everything. The space in the longevity acupoint that had just been opened far exceeded other acupoints.

A trace of Yin fire began to enter Chen Feng's body, gathering into a stream and entering the longevity acupoint. In just a few breaths, the fireballs around Chen Feng had dissipated, leaving only Chen Feng who was burned dry by the fire.

The power of the origin began to radiate, and Chen Feng's body began to regain vitality, but this required a process.


The power of heaven and earth surged, the laws of immortality descended, and a misty and mysterious aura of immortals emanated from Chen Feng.

At this moment, Chen Feng was promoted to a human immortal.

A soaring aura began to expand from inside to outside, the earth trembled, the space was oscillating, and the cultivators thousands of miles away were secretly surprised when they felt this aura.

"He can even survive the catastrophe of destroying the Yin Fire. This guy is really against the sky."

"This aura is not like a newly promoted human immortal at all. I'm afraid that even a mid-level human immortal can't compare to it."

"We can't wait any longer. If we don't take action now, there will be no chance."

"Forget it, this person is too powerful. He must have some background. We can't provoke him."

"Humph, this is on my territory. It caused such a big commotion and destroyed the mountains on my territory. If I don't take action, I will be laughed at by others."

"Brothers, take action together. Let's divide the things together."

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Three cultivators rushed towards Chen Feng at the same time. All three of them were half-step human immortals. They were usually the top figures in this thousand-mile radius. No one said anything when they took action, or everyone was waiting to see Chen Feng's strength.

Although Chen Feng had become a human immortal after the tribulation, he was too seriously injured before and his strength had not recovered. It was normal for the Heavenly Realm cultivators to take advantage of him.

However, facing the attack of three half-step human immortals, Chen Feng did not even open his eyes, but stretched out his fingers and flicked them casually. The three cultivators immediately screamed and fell to the ground, with flames coming out of their bodies. After a breath, the three people turned into ashes, and the breeze blew and dissipated in the air.

"It's the Destruction Yin Fire." Everyone was shocked in secret. The three half-step human immortals were killed so easily just now, which was beyond everyone's expectations and gave everyone some shock.

"What should we do? This guy is so powerful. He is now comprehending the laws of the immortal way. As time goes by, his cultivation is stable, and we can't succeed."

"Attack together."

"Do it."

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Several more cultivators jumped out. These people were all Heavenly Realm cultivators. Of course, one person would not dare to step forward at ordinary times, but it was different now. So many cultivators would definitely take advantage of it if they acted together.

"Hmph, you idiot looking for death."

None of the immortals watching secretly took action. They were all immortals, and their realm was far higher than those immortals, so they could naturally see the situation in front of them.

"It seems that even if an immortal took action alone, it might not succeed. We need to contact other partners."

"Forget it, this guy must have a strong backer. Let's just watch the fun. I have cultivated to this point with great difficulty, and I don't want to die in such a muddle."

"This is the territory of Daluo Academy. There should be masters here. Let's see what happens first."

"The situation is a bit strange. Don't do it for now."

Several cultivators have arrived in front of Chen Feng. Chen Feng's eyes are slightly closed and he is motionless. This makes the other party a little surprised.

"Do it!"

"Haha, go to hell."

Everyone attacked at the same time, but a circle of blood light bloomed from Chen Feng's body, covering everyone and the attack.

All the attacks disappeared, and all the cultivators turned into human skins. This is the result of the matter.


Even the immortals hiding in the dark took a breath of cold air, and their eyes became hot again. It was clearly the breath of a Taoist weapon just now.

"It turns out that this person has a Taoist weapon to protect him. No wonder he is so confident and bold in his tribulation."

"Tao weapon, it's actually a Taoist weapon, it's mine."

"Haha, what luck, I didn't expect to encounter a Taoist weapon, it seems that I have to take action today."

A human immortal was the first to lose patience, stepped on the void, rushed towards Chen Feng with a long sword in his hand, and a thick sword aura attacked Chen Feng in mid-air.

The sword aura was red, solid and sharp, and it could blast a thousand-foot peak in front of it into pieces. At this time, Chen Feng was comprehending the laws of immortality. If he took action to resist, it would disturb his practice.

The most important period after the tribulation is this period. Chen Feng was a little helpless. Just as he was about to release the monster in the Longevity Tower, a blue light fell from the sky and landed in front of Chen Feng, turning into a young female cultivator in blue.

This female cultivator had an ordinary appearance and an ordinary figure, but the momentum on her body and the lightning in her eyes still made the attacking human immortal hesitate for a moment.

The young female cultivator stretched out her hand and grabbed it easily, and the sword energy was crushed and dissipated. She turned her head and looked at Chen Feng calmly, revealing an indescribable smile.

"It turned out to be Lan Ling, I really didn't expect it." Chen Feng had already recognized the person.

This female cultivator was the senior sister of Daluo Academy, the first person under the human immortal at that time, and a genius cultivator with a thunder elemental body. However, the momentum on her body at this time had already shown that Lan Ling had been promoted to the human immortal realm.

"You can practice with peace of mind, and leave the rest to me." Lan Ling said lightly.

"Haha, then thank you, senior sister Lan Ling, I'm afraid you can't stop so many greedy guys around." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You don't need to ask this, this is the territory of our Daluo Academy, I think these people will be restrained." Lan Ling said with a smile.

Chen Feng was a little surprised that he was on the territory of Daluo Academy, but he didn't think about it anymore, but immersed himself in the mind to comprehend the immortal law that had descended before.

"It turned out to be Lan Ling, why did you stop me?" The person holding a long sword looked at Lan Ling with a wary look in her eyes.

Lan Ling was born in Daluo Academy, which is one of the four holy places in the Central Plains. Not to mention a small casual cultivator like herself, even the first-class sects dare not easily provoke it.

"This is a student of our Daluo Academy who is undergoing the tribulation here, but you attacked him. I want to ask you what's going on? Tie Jianxian, do you not take our Daluo Academy seriously?" Lan Ling said lightly.


Tie Jianxian's face suddenly changed, and at the same time he secretly said that it was bad luck. He didn't expect that the one who attacked was a student of Daluo Academy. If the other party pursued it, he would not have enough lives even if he had nine lives. "Hehe, misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding." Tie Jianxian's face changed, and then he squeezed out a few smiles, and finally turned and flew away.

"Hey! There's nothing to see, the other party is a student of Daluo Academy." Seeing Lan Ling standing in front of Chen Feng, all the cultivators in the dark sighed.

Although Lan Ling is a new immortal, she is very well-known. The title of the eldest sister of Daluo Academy is not something that anyone can have.

Lan Ling looked around calmly, sweeping across the distance, making everyone in the dark feel the pressure, and then sat about a mile away from Chen Feng, obviously to protect Chen Feng.

"This girl is not simple. I heard that she has killed two mid-level human immortals in just two years since she was promoted to human immortal. I don't think we can do it today."

"Hehe, since she is a student of Daluo Academy, there is really no need to do it. Let's go."

"No hurry, no hurry, anyway, there is nothing to do, and you can get to know each other later. This kind of genius must be made friends."

Seeing that the name of Daluo Academy suppressed the surroundings, Lan Ling was secretly relieved. In Lan Ling's perception, there are at least a dozen human immortals hiding in the dark within a thousand miles. If the other party really takes action, she can't resist it.

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