Eternal Existence

Chapter 768 Absolutely No God

"I hope I can calm him down." Lan Ling said secretly.

"Hahaha, Junior Sister Lan, why are you here?" At this time, a loud laugh came from a distance. Lan Ling looked up and saw a black light passing by in the distance, and her face suddenly became solemn.

"This guy is here, it's really troublesome." Lan Ling felt a little uneasy.

A young man dressed in black and with a handsome face appeared in front of Lan Ling. His smile was very bright, but his eyes flashed a bit of lust when he looked at Lan Ling.

"Brother Jue." Lan Ling stepped forward respectfully and saluted.

"Haha, Junior Sister Lan, don't be so polite. What's the point of being polite to me?" Senior Brother Jue said with a smile, his eyes were hot, staring at Lan Ling tightly.

Under the other party's gaze, Lan Ling frowned secretly, but did not say anything. The cultivator in front of him was called Jue Wushen, who was a mid-level human immortal and had some influence in the Daluo Academy. However, he was vicious and evil, and he didn't know how many young female cultivators he had harmed. After Lan Ling was promoted to a human immortal, he set his sights on Lan Ling, but Lan Ling never gave him a chance. In addition, Lan Ling also had some influence and backers in the Daluo Academy, which made Jue Wushen dare not go too far in public.

"Who is this?" Then Jue Wushen looked at Chen Feng, with a trace of murderous intent in his eyes.

"This is a student of our academy." Lan Ling said lightly.

"Oh, really? Why haven't I seen this person before." Jue Wushen said and took a step to walk towards Chen Feng.


Lan Ling stepped forward and stopped Jue Wushen: "Senior Brother Jue, Junior Brother Chen is comprehending the laws of the immortal way and cannot be disturbed by others."

"Junior Brother Chen, I don't know this Junior Brother Chen." Jue Wushen waved his hand, and an undercurrent condensed out of thin air and rushed towards Chen Feng.

"You!" Lan Ling's face changed, and she was about to step forward to stop him, but Jue Wushen waved his hand to stop Lan Ling again.


Lan Ling gritted her teeth, and the power of thunder and lightning burst out from her body. She was full of fighting spirit and shot a lightning bolt at Jue Wushen.

Jue Wushen stretched out his hand and crushed the lightning bolt, and smiled: "Why are you angry, Junior Sister Lan? If you want to spar, we have plenty of time."

There was not only lightning in Lan Ling's eyes, but also sparks of anger. It was nothing that she couldn't beat Jue Wushen, but Chen Feng couldn't tolerate being disturbed. She didn't stop Jue Wushen's attack just now, which made Lan Ling angry and angry. Since things were like this, she might as well fight with the other party, so that the other party would know that she was not so easy to mess with.

However, Lan Ling still took the time to look at Chen Feng in the gap between the actions. In Lan Ling's mind, Chen Feng must have been interrupted by Jue Wushen in his practice, but she was surprised when she saw it, because Chen Feng was still sitting on the ground motionless, and Jue Wushen's attack disappeared without a trace.

"How is it possible?"

Not only Lan Ling was surprised, but Jue Wushen was also secretly shocked. Others didn't know, but Jue Wushen himself knew that although the attack just launched was inconspicuous, the attack power contained in it was so strong that even the initial human immortals had to be careful to deal with it.

"Hey, I was wrong." Jue Wushen sneered and was about to attack again, but he was entangled by Lan Ling and couldn't free his hands for a short time.

"Xiao Qi, do it." Jue Wushen shouted coldly, and the space began to distort. A group of black shadows emerged from the space. After squirming a few times, it quickly turned into a short monk. After this monk came out, he didn't stop. The long sword in his hand flashed and stabbed Chen Feng.

"Despicable." Lan Ling was furious. Jue Wushen had some background. This black shadow monk who came out of the void was Jue Wushen's dark guard. He usually hid in the dark and helped Jue Wushen kill many opponents.

Moreover, this dark guard was also a human immortal. How could Chen Feng resist it?

Just when Lan Ling was worried, Chen Feng also changed. Facing the assassination of the dark guard, Chen Feng did not move, but a huge black shadow suddenly appeared in front of Chen Feng.

The black shadow just flashed, and the dark guard disappeared.


Lan Ling and Jue Wushen were both shocked and retreated at the same time, no longer fighting. Only then did they see clearly that the huge black shadow in front of Chen Feng was actually a monster.

It was in the shape of a mink, with sharp claws, a fluffy long tail, triangular ears, and some psychedelic eyes.

Just when Lan Ling and Jue Wushen wanted to see clearly what kind of monster it was, the monster changed and quickly turned into a human form. A cold-blooded boy in black appeared in front of them.

"What kind of monster was that just now? It seemed to be the Phantom God Mink, and it looked like it should be a top demon king. It killed one of Jue Wushen's dark guards right away. This is really interesting. If I had known that Chen Feng had this method, I wouldn't have to worry." Lan Ling breathed a sigh of relief and stopped fighting with Jue Wushen. Instead, she came to the Phantom God Mink and saluted respectfully.

"Hello, senior."

"Well, you're welcome." Phantom Divine Sable said lightly.

Phantom Divine Sable is a top demon king. If it weren't for the secret technique used by the tower to suppress it, it would probably have to pass the tribulation as soon as it came out. At this time, Phantom Divine Sable came out to protect Chen Feng, so Chen Feng really didn't have to worry.

"It turned out to be a top demon king. This kid really has a background. Hahaha, fortunately I didn't make a move, otherwise I would be dead this time."

"Yes, yes, with this level of guards, you don't need to think about it to know that this guy is not simple."

"There's a good show to watch. Jue Wushen has always been arrogant, and this time he finally kicked the iron plate."

Needless to say, Phantom Divine Sable also decided to kill Jue Wushen. This is not a difficult thing for Phantom Divine Sable.

As soon as he said it would start, the Phantom Divine Marten turned into a stream of black light and attacked Jue Wushen.


With just one contact, Jue Wushen was torn into pieces, but a ball of spiritual light quickly broke through the space and disappeared.

The Phantom Divine Marten shook his head and did not chase him. Just now, he was careless and let the other party's soul escape.

However, Jue Wushen's body was broken. If he wanted to survive, he could only take over other absorbed bodies, and recovering his strength was not something that could be done in a short time, so it was not enough.

Seeing that the Phantom Divine Marten did not say anything before starting, but easily broke Jue Wushen's body, Lan Ling was immediately shocked.

Looking at Chen Feng who was still practicing motionlessly, Lan Ling's curiosity about Chen Feng began to rise sharply.


Not long after, two more cultivators arrived. Two figures, one white and one red, landed in front of Lan Ling and stepped forward to call her "Big Sister".

The two female cultivators were extremely beautiful, but they looked exactly the same. They were twin sisters. The female cultivator in the red skirt was tall, with long legs, bright eyes, and was lively and cute. The female cultivator in the white skirt was quiet and elegant, giving people a feeling of tranquility.

"Why are you two here?" Lan Ling asked with some surprise.

The two female cultivators were the sisters Jian Qingling and Jian Qingwu. They were born in the Tianjian Sect, but they were students of the Daluo Academy. However, they have now entered the realm of human immortals and are at the same level as Lan Ling.

"Something happened. Senior Sister Xie and the others encountered some troubles." Jian Qingwu said hurriedly.

"What happened to Hongyan and the others?" Lan Ling asked with some surprise.

"We took a mission to collect some spiritual medicines on Donglong Island, but we didn't expect to meet the Golden Turtle Ancestor. At this time, Senior Sister Xie and the others were still trapped on Donglong Island. Only we sisters escaped." Jian Qingwu said quickly, with an anxious look on her face.

"You are confused. The Golden Turtle Ancestor on Donglong Island is already at the level of a high-level demon king. Not to mention you, even I am not his opponent." Lan Ling was also a little anxious.

"But, but, if we don't go, Senior Sister Xie and the others will definitely be in danger. Senior Sister, don't you have a good relationship with some senior brothers and sisters in the academy? You can go to them for help." Jian Qingling said.

"It's the only way now." Lan Ling nodded, and there was no better way.

"Then let's go quickly. Hey, who is this?" At this time, the two sisters saw Chen Feng.

"Isn't this Chen Feng? Why is he here? No, didn't he enter the Tianchen battlefield? Why did he suddenly appear here?"

"And who is this person? He has a strong demonic aura."

"It's the demon king."

"Senior Sister, what's going on? Why is Chen Feng here? And it seems that he has reached the realm of human immortals. It's almost here."

"It's just right to pull Chen Feng up, and it can also increase a bit of strength."

The two sisters talked back and forth, making Lan Ling feel a little speechless.

"I don't know your questions. I just arrived, and Chen Feng just succeeded in the tribulation. This is his guard. I don't know the rest." Lan Ling said simply.

"Forget it, in this case, we won't wake him up. Let's go quickly, there's no time. :

Lan Ling nodded, and finally bowed to the Phantom Divine Marten, and then left with the two sisters.

Chen Feng finished his training three days after the two sisters left. As soon as he opened his eyes, the light flashed, and his clothes moved without wind. The aura on his body was completely different from before. Now Chen Feng's body was flowing with the aura of immortals.

"I feel that I am more than ten times stronger than before. The most important thing is that I can now communicate directly with the immortal world. The speed of training has increased several times, and my strength is increasing every moment. "Chen Feng carefully felt the situation in his body.

After being promoted to human immortal, it can be said that Chen Feng has changed inside and out. The two most important points are: first, he can communicate with the immortal world. He can continuously absorb immortal energy from the immortal world through daily practice. Second, he opened up the longevity cave. All the longevity weapons entered the longevity cave. Under the dual nourishment of the longevity cave and the power of the heavenly tribulation, all the longevity weapons were promoted to first-grade holy weapons. Moreover, there are many mysteries in the longevity cave, which Chen Feng has not had time to develop yet.

"Senior Phantom, thank you for your hard work." Chen Feng said.

"If you continue to practice, I will not be able to suppress the aura on my body." Phantom Divine Marten also breathed a sigh of relief. The result of not being able to suppress the aura is to pass the tribulation, but Phantom Divine Marten is not ready yet.

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