Eternal Existence

Chapter 766 Yin Fire

Different from what Chen Feng had guessed, the first wave of attacks was still violent thunder power, but it was not ordinary thunder, but Vajra Black Thunder emitting dazzling golden light, which was far superior to the thunder that Chen Feng encountered when he was in the Heavenly Man Realm.

"Why is it still thunder? Don't other people use other original powers to overcome the heavenly tribulation?"

"But it's okay this way. I'm used to the power of thunder and lightning."

Chen Feng just thought that this golden lightning had arrived in front of him. This golden lightning was solid and round, emitting a dazzling golden luster, as if it was coated with a layer of gold. Although the power contained in it was terrifying, Chen Feng didn't take it seriously.


So, Chen Feng suffered a small loss the first time he came into contact with it. He was struck by this lightning and even his sleeves were shattered.

"Uh! I was a little careless." Chen Feng got up and looked around, feeling a little embarrassed, but fortunately no one saw it.

"Stupid, this is a heavenly tribulation. Do you think it's still the thunder tribulation of the past?" Ta said with some regret.

"Hehe, it's just this level, it won't be a big threat to me, but this kind of lightning is interesting." Chen Feng smiled indifferently.

"This is the Vajra Black Thunder, you are capable, this is the thunder that will appear when you are promoted to a high-level human immortal."


The speed of the lightning is not fast, Chen Feng still has room to talk to the tower, so when the second lightning came, Chen Feng stretched out his body and punched the golden lightning into pieces, and all the golden light entered Chen Feng's body.

"Huh! The power has doubled, how is it possible." Chen Feng's body shook a few times, feeling a little incredible.

"Hey!" The tower laughed in the dark, and seemed to be very happy to see Chen Feng's surprise.


The third golden lightning began to fall, still the same size and brightness as before, but Chen Feng felt something was wrong, so he punched out and added a little more force.


The golden light exploded, and the Diamond Black Thunder was shattered by Chen Feng again, but Chen Feng's figure suddenly paused, and then a powerful force passed through Chen Feng's body to the ground, and then countless cracks appeared on the mountain under Chen Feng's feet, and finally exploded with a bang, and a mountain of more than 10,000 meters was broken into pieces.

"It has doubled again." Chen Feng exclaimed directly.

"Boy, you are so lucky, you encountered the Nine Nine Black Thunder, hehe, this is only the third one, enjoy it." Ta laughed.

"Nine Nine Black Thunder, a total of nine Black Thunders?"

"Yes, each lightning after that is twice as powerful as the previous one, you can imagine it."


The fourth lightning broke through the robbery cloud and fell on Chen Feng's head.

"It's just nine, too weak." Chen Feng roared, and the sound was heard hundreds of miles away. The hard fist seemed to be made of gold and iron, and it collided heavily with the golden lightning.

"Who is this person who is undergoing the tribulation here and actually triggered the Nine-Nine Mysterious Thunder? This person is not simple, and his future achievements are immeasurable. It is not impossible for him to ascend to the immortal world." A human immortal who was cultivating thousands of miles away was startled. Seeing the dazzling golden black thunder in the sky, he opened his eyes in surprise. There are many kinds of thunder tribulations, and there are many kinds of heavenly tribulations. This human immortal has only heard of the level of the Nine-Nine Mysterious Thunder, and he has never seen it.

"Let's go and see who is undergoing the tribulation. This Daluo Mountain Range is not a place where just anyone can undergo the tribulation. Is it the disciple of those old guys, or the student of the holy land?"

The fifth lightning was shattered.

The sixth was also shattered.

The seventh lightning Chen Feng felt the pressure of a mountain. This time Chen Feng was directly smashed into the ground. A huge pit appeared on the ground, and it was unknown how deep it was. The mountains within a radius of 100 miles around had long been turned into ashes, and the creatures within a radius of 1,000 miles had completely fled, and this range was constantly expanding.

"It's only the seventh one, and I'm tempted to use my magic weapon. I really underestimated this heavenly tribulation." Chen Feng smiled bitterly. His body, which had finally recovered, was damaged again. His two arms were pitch black, but there were golden lightning flashing on them.

"The eighth one will be twice as strong. I should be able to resist it." Chen Feng thought about it, and a spear appeared with his palm.

This is the Longevity Spear condensed by Chen Feng. Although the Longevity Spear is not a holy weapon at this time, it also has the strength of a ninth-grade treasure. However, Chen Feng is not sure at all to use the Longevity Spear to fight against the next tribulation thunder. However, Chen Feng also has his own plan, which is to let the longevity weapon advance with his own advancement.


The Longevity Spear pierced the golden black thunder, making a bang of metal collision. Chen Feng's whole body was shaken, and blood flowed out of his seven orifices. As for the Longevity Spear in his hand, it was broken inch by inch, and finally exploded with a bang, and then turned into pieces.

The golden lightning that had not completely dissipated hit Chen Feng's chest heavily, causing a big hole to appear on his chest. However, Chen Feng smiled. Although this level of injury was serious, it was nothing to him. Chen Feng was happy that although the Longevity Spear was broken, it was stained with the aura of the heavenly tribulation. After it was reunited in his body, it greatly shortened the distance to advancement.

Snap, snap, snap!

Flesh and blood flew, muscles grew, and bones healed. Soon the wounds on Chen Feng's body were completely healed. Chen Feng's eyes were solemn, but full of fiery aura. This kind of pressure gave Chen Feng a good feeling, and Chen Feng felt it. This is a different feeling than before.


The ninth golden thunderbolt finally landed, its size and color remained unchanged, but Chen Feng felt a strong threat.


The Eternal Life Sword and the Eternal Life Sword crossed and flew out, striking at the thunder and lightning like lightning. The thunder and lightning remained motionless, but the Eternal Life Sword and the Eternal Life Sword were directly shattered into pieces.

"The Mahamudra of Immortality!"

Chen Feng pushed out both hands at the same time, and huge palm prints flew out, like divine hands that covered the sky, grabbing the golden mysterious thunder.

The golden Xuan Lei was caught by the palm, and then stopped suddenly. The entire space seemed to be silent, leaving only a huge palm.

"What kind of secret technique is this? Is it an immortal technique?" Someone saw Chen Feng's Immortal Hand Seal from a distance and couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The large handprint of longevity floating in mid-air began to appear dense cracks, making a series of sounds, and finally exploded with a bang, and a ball of golden light bombarded Chen Feng again.

"Hahaha, it worked right away." Chen Feng laughed and stretched out his hands to grab the golden light.

The power of golden thunder and lightning instantly enveloped Chen Feng, bursting out with dazzling light. From a distance, it looked like a scorching sun exploding.

"This guy is really crazy, but it looks like he should have succeeded."

"Hmph, it's a success. I just happened to get it."

The golden thunder and lightning began to shrink in scope, and finally all the power of thunder and lightning entered Chen Feng's body. Chen Feng stood on the ground intact, with a smile on his face.

"I finally succeeded. Now I will be a human immortal, and it's time to know my life experience." Chen Feng only had joy in his heart and didn't care about the injuries on his body.

But soon the smile on Chen Feng's face disappeared and was replaced by confusion, because Chen Feng did not feel the coming of the Immortal Law.

There is only one reason to explain this situation, and that is that the catastrophe is not over yet.


A ball of light black flames rose up from Chen Feng's body and quickly enveloped Chen Feng. Then the calamity cloud rolled, and the power of fire gathered in the surrounding heaven and earth, flying towards Chen Feng one after another. Chen Feng was on fire from the beginning. It turned into a huge fireball.

"What's going on?" Not only Chen Feng, but also the monks watching secretly from a distance were confused.

The Nine-Nine Mysterious Thunder Tribulation has obviously ended, so why does the Tribulation Fire appear again?

"It's the Yin Fire of Destruction. This guy is dead. Hey, the final result will definitely be burned to ashes." Someone sighed.

"The Yin Fire of Destruction still burns internally and externally at the same time. Don't say that you have not become a human immortal. Even if the human immortal comes, you will be burned to death. Those who survive the catastrophe can survive the Yin Fire of Destruction. Among a thousand people, only those who can Come out alone."

"The chance is one in a thousand, maybe this guy can survive."

"I don't believe it anyway."

Chen Feng's situation is indeed not good at this time. Chen Feng has had the experience of being reborn, and he often practices in the Thunder Pond. He also uses other original powers from the Heavenly Tribulation to strengthen his body, but all the sufferings cannot be compared with now. .

This is a feeling that Chen Feng has never experienced before.

A trace of fire burned from the depths of his heart, then grew crazily, and soon spread throughout his body. This kind of flame was cool and cool, but it had powerful destructive power. It didn't want to be a fire in the heart. In Chen Feng's opinion, it was simply Between real fire and virtual fire.

Then the flames from the outside world began to touch his body. Chen Feng only felt that his internal organs were burning, his blood was burning, his muscles, bones, skin and flesh were burning, and even his soul began to burn.

Chen Feng's mental power could no longer be concentrated. Under this extremely yin fire between heaven and earth, Chen Feng felt that he had only one way to be destroyed.

If it weren't for Chen Feng's physical strength and the refining that absorbed the power of the world's origin, Chen Feng would have been burned to ashes at this time.

But now Chen Feng's situation is also a little bad, and the ordinary flame burning is different. This is a kind of destructive Yin Fire that burns both the soul and the body into nothingness.

"Hey, if you can't burn me to death right now, it's up to me to take action next." Chen Feng felt that passive burning like this was definitely not an option, so he took the risk and gritted his teeth to use a method to resolve the crisis situation at hand.

Swish swish swish!

The acupoints opened up in the body opened one after another, exuding strong suction, and continued to crazily swallow and absorb the destructive Yin Fire in the body.

Sure enough, as a large amount of Yin Fire was absorbed, Chen Feng felt much more comfortable in just half a breath, and even a cool feeling rose in his body.

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