Eternal Existence

Chapter 765 Prelude

I don't know how many thunder balls I have absorbed. At this time, another thunder pool has been built in the Changsheng Tower. The thunder and lightning are rolling and sticky, and they are about to form thunder water. Chen Feng just took a look and took a breath of cold air. It would take a long time for him to refine and absorb so much thunder and lightning power.

Chen Feng also understood at this time that although the thunder tribulation in front of him seemed monotonous, it was not simple. On the contrary, it was incredibly powerful. If he hadn't swallowed the Changsheng Tower, this series of violent attacks would have seriously injured him if he didn't die.

In Chen Feng's analysis, each thunder ball is equivalent to a full-strength attack of a half-step human immortal. So far, more than a thousand thunder balls have fallen from the tribulation cloud.

Finally, the thunder tribulation disappeared, the tribulation cloud dissipated, and the laws of heaven and earth fell on Chen Feng's head. Chen Feng successfully passed the tribulation and was promoted to the ninth level of the heavenly man realm, one step away from the human immortal.

According to Chen Feng's current situation, he can continue to overcome the tribulation and attack the human immortal without any problem, but Chen Feng forcibly suppressed the fluctuations in his body. Of course, Chen Feng only barely suppressed it. As long as his strength increases a little more, it will automatically trigger the heavenly tribulation.

Unlike the thunder tribulation, overcoming the heavenly tribulation is the real struggle with heaven.

"Brother Chen, you won't succeed just like this, right?" After a long time, Liu Wuxiang came to Chen Feng. Chen Feng's eyes were slightly closed, as if he was asleep.

"What do you think? Of course I succeeded. I am now a cultivator of the ninth level of heavenly man." Chen Feng opened his eyes and said lightly.

"Ninth level of heavenly man, ninth level of heavenly man, why do I feel that this matter is a bit awkward." Liu Wuxiang shook his head. Although he had seen too many geniuses in the fairy world, he had never met someone like Chen Feng.

"Once Chen Feng reaches the fairy world, I am afraid that he will be like a dragon entering the sea, and his future is limitless." Liu Wuxiang thought to himself.

In the next day, no one appeared, and the two of them practiced quietly in the desert.

For a whole day, the two of them consumed a lot of energy, but they did not fully recover from their injuries, because the destructive power of the immortals exceeded their current level.

"It seems that it will take some time, but I already have the power to protect myself. What do you think, Brother Chen, are you interested in entering again?" Liu Wuxiang asked with a smile.

"Forget it, I have gained a lot this time. I have also stayed in the Tianchen battlefield for a long time. I am afraid that some friends outside are anxious."

"Besides, it is not safe here. If the other party chases us out again, hehe, it will not be easy to escape again." Chen Feng said with a smile.

So Liu Wuxiang took out the void array platform, and the two began to hurry on their way. They stopped only after leaving the Death Desert.

"I should go back to the fairyland too." Liu Wuxiang said after thinking about it. In fact, Liu Wuxiang also gained some things this time. After returning, he will practice and advance without any problem.

"I can't go to the fairyland now, Brother Liu, it seems that we don't know when we will meet." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"There will definitely be a chance, but Brother Chen, aren't you worried?" Liu Wuxiang suddenly said at this time.

"What are you worried about?" Chen Feng was a little confused.

"Brother Chen, aren't you worried that I will reveal your identity as a member of the Immortal Clan?"

After hearing this, a hint of murderous intent flashed in Chen Feng's eyes, but he quickly hid it again: "Haha, I believe Brother Liu won't, because doing so will not do you any good."

"Haha, yes, I really regard Brother Chen as a friend, and of course I won't reveal such things, and I have something else to discuss with Brother Chen next." Liu Wuxiang said with a smile.

"Oh, what is it?" Chen Feng asked in confusion.

"I mentioned it before, actually, this time when I entered the Tianchen battlefield, I had my own goals. I originally wanted to explore with Brother Chen, but I didn't expect to encounter the Tianchen Ancient City."

"In fact, the place I'm going to is also an ancient relic, and its value should be no less than that of the Tianchen Ancient City."

"It's no less valuable than the Tianchen Ancient City." Chen Feng was really shocked. The two had just come out of the Tianchen Ancient City and almost left their lives. Of course, the benefits they got from it were also huge. The gains are proportional to the risks. But for these cultivators, as long as there are benefits, they will go and try it even if it takes risks.

Liu Wuxiang thought about it, struggled in his heart, and then took out a disc-shaped object, just like a broken disc. As soon as the object was taken out, Chen Feng felt a strange force spreading in the space, and the magnetic pole points on his feet began to rotate slightly.

"Hey! What kind of magic weapon is this?" Chen Feng said in surprise.

Liu Wuxiang pointed out, and the fragments were split into two, one half of which fell into Chen Feng's hands. Chen Feng immediately felt as heavy as a mountain, and there was also a chaotic magnetic force, which disturbed the true energy in his body.

"This is made from star cores. It has a strong magnetic force and is also the key to enter that strange place. I will take it out and give half to Brother Chen now. I hope we can cooperate again at that time." Liu Wuxiang said with a smile.

"Of course no problem, I have also gained a lot from cooperating with Brother Liu." Chen Feng nodded and agreed.

Since they had made up their minds to leave, the two were also very straightforward and did not stay any longer. Liu Wuxiang directly took out the void array platform, broke the space, and quickly disappeared.

"Tower, can you really get out?"

"Why, you still don't believe me."

"Then after you get out, can you come back in?"


This time, Ta was too lazy to speak and directly opened a space passage, then wrapped Chen Feng and escaped into it.

"Hey kid, get ready later."

"Preparation, what preparation?" Chen Feng was a little confused.


In the eternal world, in the Daluo Mountains, above one of the peaks, a hole suddenly opened in the space. A ball of energy wrapped around a monk and flew out, landing heavily on the top of the mountain. Under the tyrannical impact, the entire The 10,000-meter-high mountain peaks shook.

"Ta, what did you do?" Chen Feng climbed out of the dirt and gravel dissatisfied.

"I can only say that you are stupid." Ta said lightly.

Chen Feng shook his head, feeling the familiar world around him, and knew that he had arrived in the eternal world.

"I don't know how far it is from the Tianjian Sect. It seems I need to find someone to ask." Chen Feng thought to himself.


Before Chen Feng had time to check the situation around him, a violent breath burst out from his body, like an uncontrolled flood gate. The breath rushed straight into the sky. In just a few breaths, the sky was filled with tumbling waves. The dark clouds were so dark that people felt panicked.

"So fast." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"I told you to be prepared." Ta said calmly.

"This time it should be a natural disaster. I didn't expect that the natural disaster in the eternal world will not be very strong since it directly passed through the half-step human immortal." Chen Feng said lightly, but he didn't have too much worry.

In the Eternal Life Tower, after listening to Chen Feng's words, the tower showed a faint smile waiting to see the fun.

"Senior, it shouldn't be that easy for Chen Feng to overcome the tribulation." The tiger demon stepped forward and said somewhat flatteringly.

"I don't know about this, but I see that you guys have been quite busy recently. Are you ready to overcome the tribulation?" Ta said calmly, and his voice became colder.

"Hehehehe." The tiger demon smiled dryly and stepped aside, causing several other demons to laugh.

"Since I can't suppress it anymore, let's go through the tribulation here." Chen Feng shook his head helplessly.

Chen Feng is not worried, which does not mean he will be careless. You must know that in the past, it was a thunder catastrophe. What he has to face this time is a heavenly catastrophe. It is also the most important first level on the path of cultivation. Once successful, he will enter the level of the immortal way. After understanding the laws of immortality, the level of life undergoes earth-shaking changes.

What's more important is that once he becomes a human immortal, Chen Feng will know some things he wants to know, such as his origins.

"Ta! Do you think I can succeed this time?" Chen Feng couldn't help but ask.

In fact, in Chen Feng's heart, he will definitely be able to successfully overcome the tribulation this time, but thinking about how he will know his life experience after the tribulation, he can't help but feel a little excited, and there is also an indescribable feeling, because Chen Feng's cultivation A large part of the motivation comes from this.

"How can I know? Maybe it won't succeed." Ta didn't want to give Chen Feng face.

Chen Feng shook his head and began to adjust his mentality. His mental state calmed down completely. Only then could he mobilize all his strength in the next scene.

"Generally speaking, thunder tribulations are caused by thunder elements descending from the sky to attack, but heavenly tribulations are different. Heavenly tribulations contain various sources of power, and sometimes attacks are launched one after another. Speaking of which, the power of heavenly tribulations is greater than that of thunder tribulations. Many times more powerful.”

After all, being promoted to an immortal represents the transformation from a mortal to an immortal. One step to reach heaven and one step to become an immortal. This is an improvement between levels of life.

I don’t know how many monks will be troubled by this level.

There seemed to be no change in the signs of overcoming the tribulation. They were still violently rolling clouds of tribulation, but the power brewing in them and the overwhelming power of heaven and earth made Chen Feng understand that this was a different catastrophe than before.

What Chen Feng didn't know was that the place where he appeared had some origins in his imagination, because it was not too close to the Tianjian Mountain Range. It could be said that this was not the sphere of influence of the Tianjian Sect at all.

The movement of Chen Feng as soon as he came out of the space passage had already alerted some nearby monks, and the subsequent heavenly tribulation even alerted some powerful monks who were practicing in seclusion.

You must know that generally speaking, when going through a tribulation, they will choose a quiet place, arrange it carefully, and leave restrictions in advance. Most monks even find people close to them to act as protectors when they go through the tribulation. People like Chen Feng are so confused. To cross the tribulation casually is simply seeking death in the world of cultivation.

So before Chen Feng started to overcome the tribulation, some people had already set their sights on Chen Feng.

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