Eternal Existence

Chapter 749: Unable to Approach

"Such a big city, I don't believe there are no good things in it."

"In that case, we should find a way to get in first." Liu Wuxiang said, taking out a glittering talisman and sticking it on his body, and then with a bang, a layer of barrier rose up, wrapping Liu Wuxiang up.

"The power of the Great Dao is at least a talisman made by a high-level earth immortal." Chen Feng said in surprise.


Liu Wuxiang rushed up under the pressure, just like a sharp blade cutting water, facing the waves.

"Ah!" Chen Feng sighed.

"This guy is usually so smart, how could he make such a mistake at this time."

Even Chen Feng could see that the city in front of him was not simple, and it was impossible to rush in, and Liu Wuxiang might have been stimulated by doing this.

"It seems that I robbed a fairy weapon before. This guy is still angry."

This time Liu Wuxiang exerted his powerful strength. Not only did he have the talisman to protect himself, but the demon refining pot in his hand also emitted a strong force.

However, even so, Liu Wuxiang's speed of advancement was getting slower and slower. When he was still hundreds of miles away from the city, he was fixed in the sky and could not move forward any further.

"How is it possible!" Liu Wuxiang shouted, and the muscles on his face began to twist. A stream of power gushed out of his body. At this time, Liu Wuxiang's body was clearly bursting with the breath of an earthly immortal.

"I shouldn't be able to rush in." Chen Feng shook his head and looked at Liu Wuxiang in the distance rushing like crazy.

At this time, standing behind Chen Feng was a hellhound and a middle-aged man with a thin figure and dry skin.

This middle-aged man was transformed by a tree demon. As for the Phantom Divine Marten, he was practicing in the Longevity Tower because of his gains.

"It is definitely impossible to rush in. If you want to rush in, I think you need at least an immortal weapon." The tree demon said lightly, with a face expression.

"Then wait and see the result. I think we should be able to enter after the whole city comes out. Unfortunately, I don't know how many people will be attracted by then."

After bursting out with powerful power, Liu Wuxiang began to move forward again, but after moving forward for a distance, his figure condensed again.

At this time, there was still a long distance from the city, and as the city rose, the pressure spread out became stronger and stronger, and then Liu Wuxiang's figure began to slowly retreat.

"Is it going to retreat?" Chen Feng said secretly.

Then Chen Feng turned his head, his eyes flashed with light, and his vision directly shuttled tens of thousands of miles.

"Someone is coming."

Seeing that he was about to get close to the city, but couldn't go any further, Liu Wuxiang showed an unwilling look in his eyes, and finally gritted his teeth and made a decision.


With a crisp sound, it seemed that something cracked in the body, and then a trace of immortal power flowed out. This time, Liu Wuxiang's whole person was like a burning fireman, turning into a big fireball, and rushed forward again.

"Hey! The breath of immortals, this guy is really not simple." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

This time Liu Wuxiang seemed to have infinite power, and the pressure in front of him seemed to be non-existent. He rushed to the front of the city in one breath and was about to enter the city.


Just when Liu Wuxiang was about to enter the city, a red light shot up into the sky. Liu Wuxiang was like a kite with a broken string, or a meteorite that was hit and flew backwards quickly.

"Sure enough, even the immortal weapon can't get in." Chen Feng shook his head, stepped forward quickly, and stretched out his hand to stop Liu Wuxiang.

The power like a mountain and a sea was transmitted to Chen Feng, and he was directly bounced away, flying dozens of miles before stopping.

"Good guy."

Chen Feng was shocked, and his whole body's true energy circulated several times, and the discomfort on his body gradually disappeared.


Liu Wuxiang lay on the ground, blood kept flowing out of his mouth, and he struggled for a few times but couldn't stand up.


The monks in the distance arrived and attacked Liu Wuxiang as soon as they came up. The long sword in his hand suddenly surged to hundreds of feet, and cut down Liu Wuxiang's head.

Liu Wuxiang sneered, and a black hole rose in front of him, sweeping himself into it directly, avoiding the opponent's attack and reaching dozens of miles away.

But the man's sword flashed and flew out of his hand, chasing him again.

At this time, Chen Feng arrived and blocked Liu Wuxiang. Lightning flashed and knocked the opponent's sword away.

"Brother Liu, are you okay?" Chen Feng asked.

"It's just a minor injury." Liu Wuxiang struggled to stand up, with immortal energy swirling around him, constantly repairing his injuries.

Chen Feng smiled and didn't say much. In Chen Feng's opinion, Liu Wuxiang was actually seriously injured. Although he recovered quickly, it would take some time.

"I thought it was someone, it turned out to be Huo Liu Zhenren. I remembered what happened just now." Liu Wuxiang said lightly, and the demon refining furnace flew out and landed in his palm.

"Demon refining furnace, you are Liu Wuxiang." Huo Liu Zhenren's eyes shrank involuntarily after seeing Liu Wuxiang's appearance clearly.

"Liu Wuxiang, if it was in the fairyland, I wouldn't dare to touch you, but here, no one would know if I killed you." Huo Liu Zhenren calmed down and said with a sneer.

"If you want to fight, just do it. Let's see who kills who." The demon furnace in Liu Wuxiang's hand kept spinning.

"Brother Liu, let's retreat a little first." Chen Feng spoke at this time.

Liu Wuxiang also had this idea. He and Chen Feng retreated more than 3,000 miles in one breath before stopping. His body was shining, and a roar sounded in his body. His pale face gradually turned rosy.

Seeing Liu Wuxiang retreating, Master Huoliu did not pursue him. In fact, it was difficult to deal with Liu Wuxiang alone, not to mention Liu Wuxiang had companions.

Two red light pillars shot straight into the sky, echoing each other, and more like a powerful pressure emanating from the city.


Two more monks flashed two colorful lights in the air. Before these two people arrived, a crack opened in the space not far from Huoliu Zhenren, and a tall monk stepped out in one step.

"I don't know how many monks will be attracted, and I don't know when this city will emerge completely? And what are these two red pillars of light?" Chen Feng said in a low voice.

"These two beams of light should be emitted by the spirit gathering array, but this requires a large amount of top-grade spirit stones." Liu Wuxiang said.

"A large number of top-quality spiritual stones." Chen Feng laughed: "I hope I will gain something this time."

"Since we can't rush in, we'd better wait and prepare in advance. It would be great if we could recruit a few more helpers." Liu Wuxiang thought for a while and said.

Seeing that another person had arrived, the first Huoliu Master couldn't bear it anymore. With a wave of his hand, the huge Qiankun Bag covered the sky and covered the city in the distance. The Qiankun Bag was dark and emitted a strong suction force, and the space The power surged, and he actually wanted to take this city in directly.

"What an idiot." Cerberus laughed behind Chen Feng.

Liu Wuxiang's face turned red. In fact, Liu Wuxiang had this plan in mind before, but he was knocked away before he could make a hasty move.

"court death!"

However, as soon as Master Huoliu made a move, the other monks couldn't stand it. A demon god who had just arrived held a mace and bombarded the Qiankun Bag in mid-air.


The Qiankun bag exploded, and the power of space rolled around in chaos. The space was torn open, and there were space cracks everywhere. Master Huoliu spurted out a mouthful of blood, and at the same time, he attacked the demon with a huge long sword.

The two quickly got into a fight.

"There must be some ruins in such a big city, and maybe there is more than one immortal weapon. You two watch the others while I put the city away."

"Yes, ancestor!"

At this time, three more people came out of the void. These three people were headed by a middle-aged man, and the other two seemed to be subordinates. So far, the first small group had appeared.

The middle-aged man's eyes were like lightning, sweeping around. He paused when he glanced at Chen Feng and others. Chen Feng immediately felt a flash of lightning in front of him, and the powerful pressure made his mind shake.

"Brother Liu, this man seems to come from the fairy world. You should know him." Chen Feng asked in a low voice.

"This is the ancestor of Liusha, a middle-level Earth Immortal. He practices Liusha Dao. The other two are his subordinates. They are also first-level Earth Immortals. They are famous in some areas, but they have no backing. They are just casual cultivators. ." Liu Wuxiang said calmly.

"Intermediate Earth Immortal, I wonder if it has been condensed into its own world."

The Liusha Ancestor looked back and took action. The huge Qiankun Bag swelled wildly, and the strong suction force enveloped the entire city.


Another crimson pillar rose up and directly penetrated the Qiankun Bag of the Liusha Ancestor. After a wave of shaking force spread, the Qiankun Bag was shattered into pieces.

"Sure enough, it's not simple. Let's just take it into my world." The Quicksand Ancestor's face turned red, and then he waved his hand, and a large amount of yellow sand spurted out from the palm of his hand. It kept flying and flowing, forming a quicksand. world.

"Ancestor Liusha, it's not that easy for you to take over this ancient city." At this time, a red-haired man carrying a red-gold long stick shattered the space and landed.

"Ancestor Chi Yan, you came quickly enough, but you are still a step too late. This city belongs to me." Ancestor Liusha sneered, and the size of the world of sand in his hands was getting bigger and bigger, and it had already enveloped the city.

Ancestor Chiyan sneered, and quickly swung the long golden fire stick in his hand, splitting the entire space into two, usually with blazing flames, and usually with a dazzling metallic color.


Ancestor Liusha's two men immediately stepped forward and took out magic weapons to resist the attack of Ancestor Chiyan.

"court death!"

Ancestor Chiyan sneered, and violently stirred the long stick in his hand. The power of the law continued to change, and he easily flew away the two men of Ancestor Liusha.

"Collect it from me!"

In just such a short time, the world of Liusha Ancestor has collided with the city. The Liusha World, which is ten thousand times stronger and stronger than the power of the domain, was directly pierced by a crimson light pillar. Then another crimson light pillar rose into the sky. Liusha Laozu Zu's quicksand world became riddled with holes and finally shattered.


The rising city suddenly rose up, forming a substantial shock wave that swept around. The quicksand ancestor who was closest to him screamed and turned into a bloody man and flew backwards.

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