Eternal Existence

Chapter 748 Shock

"What!" The moment Chen Feng came out, the cultivators fighting with Liu Wuxiang looked even uglier.

This sneak attack has completely failed so far.

"Come out!"

Chen Feng whispered, and then began to observe the situation around him.

"Tower, was that the power of the immortal weapon just now?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"Of course, these two immortal weapons have stabilized, but it is still difficult to subdue them. It takes some time, but it is not a problem to make them emit some power occasionally." Tower said happily.

Gu Feng rolled out of the void covered in blood, with skin and flesh all over his body rolling up, and there was not a single good place.

"Hey, this Liu Wuxiang really hides his strength. I didn't expect that he is actually a terrestrial immortal. It's not simple, but I didn't see it before." Chen Feng saw the situation of Liu Wuxiang fighting with the other party.

"Tiger demon, come out to help, and kill the other party together with the hellhound." Chen Feng's voice sounded in the Changsheng Tower.

"This!" The tiger demon hesitated. The severe injury suffered by the tiger demon before has not been fully recovered. More importantly, these demon immortals have gained some insights because of helping to suppress the immortal weapon, and are experiencing the cultivators.

"Hmph!" Seeing that the other party did not move, Chen Feng snorted coldly, and his face immediately became a little gloomy.

"I'll go."

Before Chen Feng could speak again, the wind and thunder double-headed dragon flew out of the Longevity Tower. It rushed directly into the battle group of the hellhound.

The combat power of the wind and thunder double-headed dragon exceeded that of the hellhound. In addition, after staying in the Longevity Tower for a period of time, it comprehended the laws of the immortal way, and its cultivation was improved. After rushing up, it was just a ball of lightning, and it blew away the fire.

"It's just a small first-level earth immortal, hellhound, you are too stupid." The wind and thunder double-headed dragon sneered.

"Then you come." The hellhound shook and actually retreated.

"Hmph, let's see how I deal with the other party." The wind and thunder double-headed dragon shook its head and attacked with both heads at the same time. After the two powers of wind and thunder merged together, a circular light wave was formed, which rushed straight towards the distant fire.

The move looked simple, but the attacked fire felt a jolt in his heart, and a bad feeling spread throughout his body.


It was very simple, the fire was hit, and then vomited blood and flew out, and it was unknown whether he was dead or alive.

"How is it possible? How did your strength increase so much? The power of the two avenues of wind and thunder has increased a little." The hellhound widened his eyes with an expression of disbelief.

"Humph, I have been practicing recently, unlike you, who has been foolishly acting as a thug outside." The wind and thunder double-headed dragon said disdainfully.

The hellhound almost spit out a mouthful of blood: "Aren't you a thug now?"

"That's a high-level thug who is stronger than you."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's kill the other party quickly."

"This time I really lost a lot. If I don't leave now, I won't be able to leave." The cultivator with a mark on his forehead was called Fantian. When he saw Liehuo defeated, he knew that the situation was completely beyond his control. So after forcing Liu Wuxiang to retreat, he quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed. Gu Feng and Liehuo suddenly drilled into the void and disappeared. Then the power of the surrounding space surged, and the whole person disappeared.

"Want to leave!"

"Stay here."

Liu Wuxiang and the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon attacked at the same time, hitting the void, but the attacks of the two were quickly rebounded, and the void seemed to become a whole and solidified.

"Humph, he actually let the other party go."

"Condensed his own world, no wonder."

Seeing that things were impossible, the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon once again turned into a stream of light and entered the Longevity Tower.

Everything returned to calm. Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang were safe and sound, while the attackers suffered heavy casualties.

"Brother Chen, the real person does not show his face." Liu Wuxiang stepped forward and said with a smile. A look of fear flashed in his eyes again. The appearance of the wind and thunder double-headed dragon made Liu Wuxiang begin to doubt Chen Feng's identity.

"Same here." Chen Feng smiled.

At this time, Liu Wuxiang had recovered to the realm of human immortals. Hearing this, he smiled bitterly: "It's just some means, with strong sequelae."

"This is a very strong killer." Chen Feng looked unconvinced.

"Haha, forget it. This time I have gained a lot, and after a fight, I have some insights. I want to rest for a while before moving forward. Brother Chen, what do you think?"

"No problem, I also need to recover some strength." Chen Feng nodded in agreement.

Then the two returned to the desert ground. After arranging some restrictions, Liu Wuxiang took out a cave and invited Chen Feng to enter.

"The Taoist artifact and the Immortal Residence, Brother Liu is really generous."

"Since it is a Taoist artifact, it is not an Immortal Residence. It is only for daily cultivation and residence, and has no offensive function. Come, Brother Chen, come and taste the fine wine I brought from the Immortal Realm."

"You're welcome then."

The two stayed there for a month. In fact, the injuries on their bodies before did not matter. It was just that they gained something from the process of fighting. Most of the time in this month was spent on cultivation and understanding, and the rest of the time was spent on talking and communicating with each other.

Although both sides had their own ulterior motives, they still admired each other after a period of getting along. In addition, they could not figure out each other's details, so they had been getting along quite happily.

"I didn't expect the cultivators in the Savage World to be so powerful." Chen Feng said with emotion.

"We are only the best of them. I heard that the Savage World is only at the lower level in the war with the other worlds. It is not even ranked as high as your Eternal World." Liu Wuxiang said with a smile.

"Is that so? I don't know."

"I see that Brother Chen has been suppressing his strength. If you want to overcome the tribulation, I can protect you." Liu Wuxiang's eyes suddenly turned.

"Haha, thank you for your kindness, Brother Liu. If you really can't suppress it, I will really trouble you."

"Haha, Brother Chen is polite."

After saying some meaningless words, the two began to move forward again. This time, their speed began to slow down. The previous gains made them think that it would be great if they could encounter a few more corpses of the immortals.

It's a pity that in the next period of time, the two gained nothing, except for the yellow sand all over the sky.

"The breath of life here has almost disappeared. It seems that our luck is not very good recently." Liu Wuxiang shook his head.

"It's already pretty good. It's said that half of the monks who come in will die here, and the remaining half will get nothing, so our luck should be very good." Chen Feng looked calm.

"Brother Chen, what you said makes sense."

A few more days passed, and now even Chen Feng had the idea of ​​returning.

"We have traveled tens of millions of miles. Hey, it seems that it is a bit inconsistent with what we knew before."

"Such a large desert should not be the only one we come in."

"I think if we don't find anything next, we should leave here."


Just as Chen Feng and the others were discussing leaving, the ground began to shake slightly, and every grain of yellow sand was shaking.

"There's movement!"

The two showed surprise on their faces.

A red beam of light shot up into the sky in the distance, tearing through the sky, and all the energy in the void rolled out.

"Such a strong breath, immortal aura, no, demonic aura, no, what kind of power is this?"

"Let's go and see, it may be something that has come into the world."

"Let's go, use my void array."


The void array is basically a smaller version of the teleportation array, constantly flashing in the air, and can advance tens of thousands of miles each time.

Even at this speed, the two still took half a day.

"Good guy, it's tens of millions of miles away again."

"This death desert doesn't have such a large area at all. It should be the effect of the space law here."

The red light column has not dissipated, but has become more and more intense. When Chen Feng and the others arrived, the red light column had a diameter of 100 miles and went straight into the sky. As for where the top leads to, it can't be seen.

"This is!"

Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang looked at the scene in front of them in amazement.

A grand ancient city is slowly emerging from the depths of the desert. The reason why it is called grand is because the two have not seen the whole picture yet. Only the part that has been exposed exceeds the largest city they have ever seen in their lives.

Chen Feng was born in the Eternal World, so it was easier to deal with. Although there were large cities, they were only in the lower world. However, Liu Wuxiang was different. He was from the Immortal World and had seen a lot. He had never seen such a huge and majestic city, which made the two of them excited and expectant.

The red light column emerged from one of the cities. As the city rose, the yellow sand around it was directly melted away in the invisible force, and the yellow sand in the distance was swept away layer by layer.

The ancient breath came to the face, followed by rolling pressure, which made Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang's clothes move without wind, and a suffocating feeling pushed the two to retreat continuously.

The two looked at each other, and rushed forward several times like they didn't believe in evil, but in the end they returned in vain. Under the pressure of the huge and strong city in front of them, they could only retreat thousands of miles in one breath.

"I can't get close, Brother Liu, you come from the Immortal World, you are knowledgeable, do you know what's going on in front of you?" Chen Feng asked in a deep voice.

"This is obviously the remains of an ancient city. It's just that for some unknown reason, it has reappeared. If we can enter it, we will definitely gain a lot." Liu Wuxiang said after thinking for a while. In fact, Liu Wuxiang didn't see the clue.

"It should be like this, but I don't know when this city will completely emerge. The most important thing is that we can't get in now. Such a big movement can be detected even thousands of miles away." Chen Feng said with some worry.

"I don't know how many people will be attracted by then." Liu Wuxiang's face also changed.

"There are many cultivators from all sides entering the Tianchen battlefield this time. The two of us are not strong. If there are too many people, we will definitely suffer if we fight for treasures." Chen Feng continued.

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