Eternal Existence

Chapter 750 Tian Xiaozi

"Not good!"

Seeing the fate of the Liusha Patriarch, the others were all terrified. They flew away quickly like lightning, and some even pierced through the void to dodge.

"It's what they deserve!" Liu Wuxiang sneered.

"You don't have enough strength. It would be better if you could just kill these people." Chen Feng said.

"You are cruel enough."

The Qiankun bag was useless and broke directly. Even the small world condensed by the earth immortals was useless.

Everyone was honest. At least no one rushed to attack again.

"Humph, it's just a small secret realm. It's far from the level of the small world." Liu Wuxiang said disdainfully.

Chen Feng nodded. Chen Feng communicated with the tower these days and learned some things about cultivation. For example, after cultivating to the earth immortal, some powerful cultivators can condense their own world in their bodies. Of course, it was just the simplest small secret realm at the beginning.

The small secret realm is already a small world. It contains its own Tao and laws, which is much stronger than the barrier.

Using one's own Dao and laws to fight against cultivators who have not condensed the Xiaoqian Secret Realm is simply bullying. Sometimes a simple fight can determine the winner.

Moreover, cultivators who can condense the Xiaoqian Secret Realm also represent better development in the future, laying the foundation for future promotion to a higher realm.

And if the Xiaoqian Secret Realm wants to advance again, it will be the Xiaoqian World. Only then can it be considered to truly have its own world power. Not only will the power increase exponentially, but more importantly, the life span will be improved, and it will be improved to an exaggerated degree.

The promotion of the Xiaoqian World to the Daqian World, but the next level is not something Chen Feng can understand, and the tower will not say more. It is not good for Chen Feng to say more now.

"It is not easy to condense your own Xiaoqian Secret Realm, and it is also a number one figure." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It seems that this city that suddenly appeared is a little bit not simple. I don't believe that there are no immortal weapons in it. Brother Chen, the next fight must be very fierce. I hope that the two of us can cooperate sincerely." Liu Wuxiang said in a deep voice.

"No problem. One person's power is a bit weak, and we really need cooperation." Chen Feng nodded.

"Brother Chen, if we can cooperate happily this time, there will be another benefit waiting for us next." Liu Wuxiang said meaningfully.

"Really? I'm really looking forward to it." Chen Feng smiled and didn't think much about it. He thought Liu Wuxiang was just talking casually in order to win him over.

After all, the hellhound and tree demon behind him are two demon fairies, and their strength is still very strong.

"There are more than 20 earth immortals who have appeared, and they are still increasing. I don't believe that there is no one watching in secret."

"There are a total of 36 red pillars. There will definitely be more in the future, but I don't know what they represent."

"The strongest earth immortal who came here is only a mid-level earth immortal. If a high-level earth immortal really comes out, I'm afraid he can sweep all the cultivators present."

"It's not that simple. The stronger the cultivation, the harder it is to enter the Tianchen battlefield. Even if you enter, you will suffer strong suppression."

For the next three days, Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang have been quietly waiting for the development of things. Although some people are curious about the combination of Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang, no one came forward to cause trouble. Of course, some people recognized Liu Wuxiang's identity, and a large part of the reason was that there were two demon immortals standing behind Chen Feng.

"People from the fairy world, the demon world, the ghost world, and the underworld have arrived."

"There is also the Savage World over there. Hey, that group of cultivators should be from your Eternal World. There are quite a few people."

At this time, the eyes of the hellhound suddenly lit up, and after scanning around, it became quiet again.

"Senior Hell, what are you doing?" Chen Feng was a little confused.

"Nothing, I just felt the breath of hell." The hellhound said lightly.

"Someone from hell has come too." Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang looked at each other.

Compared with other worlds, hell has a mysterious color. Although it is usually mentioned that hell is not compared with some higher-level worlds such as the demon world and the underworld, but to be honest, cultivators from all walks of life have to admit that hell is very powerful, so powerful that these higher worlds are afraid of it.

It's just that because hell is deep in the universe, plus some other reasons, there are many evil and powerful creatures in hell, and the cruelty, chaos and danger level in it far exceed the underworld and ghost world.

"There should be some cultivators whose origins cannot be seen, but they should be the small world below, which is not even comparable to the eternal world, let alone compared with the fairy world." When Liu Wuxiang said this, his face was full of pride.


At this time, Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and he looked at the five cultivators who had just arrived with interest, a young man at the human fairy level with four earth fairy level guards.

"Brother Chen, do you know this person?" Liu Wuxiang was a little curious about Chen Feng's reaction.

"We've fought before." Chen Feng said with a smile. In the previous fight with the opponent, Chen Feng had always been at a disadvantage. Later, as his strength grew, Chen Feng wanted to get back at him, but Chen Feng still had some concerns. After all, the opponent also had four earthly immortal-level guards. A situation where both sides suffered losses was not what Chen Feng wanted to see.

"This man is called Tian Xiaozi, from the Tianluo Sect." Liu Wuxiang said lightly.

"He should have some status, right?"

"Hey, he's just a young man who relies on his family's power. If he didn't have four guards, he wouldn't have survived long in the Tianchen battlefield." Liu Wuxiang said disdainfully.

Chen Feng didn't take it seriously. They had fought before, and Tian Xiaozi was still very powerful.

While the two were talking, Tian Xiaozi also noticed Chen Feng, with a curious look in his eyes, and then walked over.

"Liu Wuxiang, why are you here too?" Tian Xiaozi frowned at Liu Wuxiang.

"I should say this." Liu Wuxiang said lightly.

Although Liu Wuxiang didn't look very good, Tian Xiaozi still didn't dare to be careless. Even if he brought four earthly immortal-level guards, he didn't want to conflict with Liu Wuxiang.

"Hehe." Tian Xiaozi smiled, then looked at Chen Feng: "Boy, you ran fast that day, and I didn't expect that we would meet again now. I just don't know if it's your misfortune."

"Maybe it's your misfortune." Chen Feng showed a teasing look in his eyes.

"Or we can fight again now."


Tian Xiaozi's face turned cold, and he stretched out his hand to hit Chen Feng. The white air in his palm exploded, and the extremely cold breath enveloped Chen Feng.

"Hey!" Chen Feng smiled coldly, and a flash of lightning appeared with a flick of his finger, the lightning in the Taoist thunder bead.


Tian Xiaozi didn't expect Chen Feng to be able to use the power of the Taoist weapon right away, and he retreated repeatedly due to carelessness, suffering a small loss.

"Hahaha, Tian Xiaozi, if your Tianluo Sect is not very capable, don't come out to embarrass yourself." Liu Wuxiang laughed.

"Yes, if the intermediate-level human immortals in the fairy world are only at this level, I will be really disappointed, and I won't even have the mind to transcend the tribulation and ascend." Chen Feng also laughed.

"Well said, in fact, the fairy world is still good, but the cultivators living in it are not very good. If this friend wants to ascend, he can go to our underworld. Our underworld welcomes capable people the most." At this time, a young man with a pale face came over with a group of cultivators.

"What did you say?" Tian Xiaozi's face turned pale and blue, which was very ugly. He had already lost face when Chen Feng forced him to retreat. Now someone came forward to laugh at him. He could no longer hold back. He pointed his finger and used the Tianluo Sect's unique skill, Tianluo Finger.

The wind from his finger pierced through the void with a hissing sound, and it actually pierced directly on the forehead of the person who came. With a light snap, the wind from his finger dissipated, and there was not even a trace on the other person's forehead.

"Are you tickling me?"

The pale young man waved his hand with a mocking look on his face, then turned his head and smiled at Chen Feng: "My name is Qinghun, may I ask what this person's name is?"

"Eternal World, Chen Feng." Chen Feng's voice was flat, but it spread far away, and some cultivators looked over with some surprise.

"Does our Eternal World have such a powerful young man?"

"I haven't heard of him. He's not even at the level of a human immortal, but the two demon immortals behind him are not simple."

"I wonder which hidden old monster's disciple he is with two guards of this level."

"But he's still too young, full of youthful vigor, and doesn't know how powerful this place is."

Several cultivators were secretly talking about Chen Feng. It was obvious that these people were also from the Eternal World, but they were all earth immortals. If it were normal times, they would never take cultivators of Chen Feng's level seriously.

"All these immortal cultivators deserve to die. One day I will lead people to kill into the immortal world and expand our underworld territory." Qinghun said as he looked at Tian Xiaozi coldly. Two blue eyes flashed like lightning and Tian Xiaozi attacked.


An earth immortal behind Tian Xiaozi stepped forward, stretched out his hand and grabbed Qinghun's eyes into pieces.

"If you don't dare to fight one-on-one, you can come together." Qinghun sneered, and the ten or so underworld generals behind him all surrounded him. Under the tyrannical pressure, Tian Xiaozi and others retreated again and again.

Seeing that someone was going to fight, the other cultivators present were all delighted and wanted to fight and kill more people, so that there would be less competition in the future.

However, there were many people watching the excitement, and a few people came forward to participate. A few people who were watching the excitement at the beginning discussed and surrounded them. They were also people from the underworld. It seemed that they were going to join forces to besiege Tian Xiaozi and others.

In fact, there were the most immortal cultivators present, but these people were all watching the excitement and obviously had no intention of intervening.

"It seems that this Tianluo Sect seems to have a bad reputation in the immortal world." Chen Feng whispered.

"Hey, this is the situation in our immortal world. Usually, our own people fight fiercely. How can I stand out if this kind of thing does not involve me? It's good enough not to add insult to injury." Liu Wuxiang said with a sneer.

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