Eternal Existence

Chapter 741: Immortal Sword Sect Monk

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang stared at each other. The scene was a little calm. After that, the quicksand around them continued to flow into the potholes.

"Can you see anything?" Chen Feng turned to ask Cerberus.

"I'll give it a try." Cerberus nodded.

The Hell Dog's Nether Eyes can look up into the sky and down into the Netherworld. Chen Feng should be able to see some clues about what is below.

Bang bang bang bang!

But what is strange is that as the Cerberus's gaze penetrated deeper into it, explosions began to be heard from the black hole, while the Cerberus kept retreating, and even the Nether Eyes were closed.

"what happened?"

"There is a strong power of law below, it seems." Speaking of which, the hell dog began to think deeply.

"I'll take a look again."

This time, with the insight of the Netherworld Eye, the deep hole below began to expand to all sides, and there seemed to be bursts of roaring and muffled sounds in it, as if there were evil demons imprisoned thousands of feet underground.

"It seems that there should be something below." Liu Wuxiang said.

"There can't really be any monsters. If you put it this way, we are really lucky." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's the breath of the underworld." Cerberus finally confirmed.

"Underworld Qi, the restriction of the underworld, could it be the cave left by the masters of the underworld back then?" Liu Wuxiang's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I'm not sure. There seems to be power fluctuations below, but I haven't noticed any life fluctuations. Maybe they are really relics left over from the past."

"What do you think, Brother Chen?" Liu Wuxiang looked at Chen Feng.

"You can go in and take a look." Chen Feng said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I think so too. Regardless of whether there is any danger down there, we have to go check it out. If this deep hole appeared sooner or later, there must be a reason why it appears under our feet now. Maybe it's ours." What a chance." Liu Wuxiang said with a smile.

Just when Chen Feng and the others made up their minds to go in and investigate, two rays of light, one green and one white, came from a distance across the sky.

"Hey, someone is here. He is from the immortal world. Maybe he is an old acquaintance." Liu Wuxiang underestimated.

"It's them, but why are there only two of them?" At this time, Chen Feng also received a reminder from the tower.

At that time, there were four monks, three men and one woman, riding on the void array to break through the space, and they happened to collide with Chen Feng. More importantly, Ta also did some tricks on the opponent.

"The other two are probably dead." Chen Feng maliciously guessed.

"They're not dead. The mark is still there. I guess these people separated for some reason, but it's okay. We can defeat them one by one." Ta laughed.

"The other party is an authentic Earth Immortal, and he is also from the immortal world. He probably knows Liu Wuxiang. If the other party joins forces, I can't stop him. I have no choice but to find a way to escape." Chen Feng shook his head secretly.

"Maybe the other party has a grudge."

"That's the best thing."

"One is a human immortal, and the other is not even a human immortal, get out of my way." The young man in white and silver light armor just glanced at Chen Feng casually, then a look of disdain flashed in his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, the two The sword energy actually wanted to kill Chen Feng and the two of them.

"Hehe." Liu Wuxiang raised his head and smiled. Chen Feng clearly saw the sneer on the corner of his mouth and the murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

At this time, the woman in green had seen Liu Wuxiang's face clearly, her expression changed drastically, and she immediately opened her mouth and exclaimed: "Be careful."

Bang! Bang!

The sword energy emitted by the young man dissipated instantly, and then an even stronger energy rushed towards the two Earth Immortals like an overwhelming force.


Chen Feng's eyes shrank. Chen Feng didn't take action just now. The sword energy was dispersed by Liu Wuxiang, and the next attack was also issued by Liu Wuxiang.

In fact, Chen Feng was curious about Liu Wuxiang from the beginning, because Liu Wuxiang gave Chen Feng an unfathomable feeling. Chen Feng had always wanted to see Liu Wuxiang's true methods, but he never had the chance.

In front of him, Liu Wuxiang just waved his hand casually, breaking the opponent's attack and also launched a violent attack.

"This hand contains the two powers of yin and yang, and they are integrated with each other. There is no conflict or rejection. It can easily break through the attacks of the earth immortal. This should be an immortal technique." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk!

The young man in silver armor was not simple either. Facing this attack, his expression remained unchanged. With a wave of his hand, his five fingers fired out five sword energy at the same time. A series of cuts cut Liu Wuxiang's attack into pieces.

"Pure sword energy, it should be a sword cultivator, right?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"It took a few hits, but it was still death." One move failed to kill two ants, and the opponent counterattacked, and it was in front of Junior Sister Qing, which made the young man feel that he had lost all face.

"Senior Brother, wait a moment and do it." Just as he was about to continue, Junior Sister Qing's voice came to his ears.

"Really? I want to see who died." Liu Wuxiang sneered and took a step forward. The murderous aura on his body immediately rose into the sky. Looking from a distance, there was a stream of fiery red air rising straight into the sky on the desert.

"Good guy!" Chen Feng was so surprised that his expression changed.

"With this level of murderous intent, how many people will be killed?" Chen Feng was shocked.

"Actually, there are some skills that cultivate murderous intent. Although this person has amazing murderous intent, it does not mean that he must have killed so many people." Cerberus whispered beside Chen Feng.

In fact, Cerberus and Phantom Divine Marten also had plans to take action just now, but they were stopped by Chen Feng.

"Liu Wuxiang, you are Liu Wuxiang." The young man in silver armor suddenly exclaimed.

What puzzled Chen Feng was that the two earth immortals who had just arrived actually had a trace of fear and vigilance in their eyes.

"Tsk tsk, this Liu Wuxiang is quite powerful."

"So you are from the Immortal Sword Sect. It's your bad luck to run into me." Liu Wuxiang said, and his murderous intent suddenly retracted, but the next moment he was in front of the two people. He pushed out his hand, and the power of yin and yang surged, forming a huge vortex. This vortex was silent, but the destructive power contained in it made Chen Feng in the distance clearly feel it.

"Wait a minute." The two earth immortals said while laying down layers of sword energy in front of them, but it was just defense.


Like a volcanic eruption, Junior Sister Qing was blown away, and the young man in green armor also retreated in embarrassment.

"Hey, Liu Wuxiang's strength!" Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and at the same time he was a little confused. He didn't understand why the steady Liu Wuxiang suddenly became murderous.

"Liu Wuxiang, now is not the time to fight, stop immediately, don't think we are afraid of you."

The two earth immortals were a little depressed. If the other two partners were there, they would definitely fight Liu Wuxiang without saying a word, but they were not sure of winning against Liu Wuxiang, not to mention the others.

So a few thoughts flashed through their minds quickly, and then Junior Sister Qing rushed towards Chen Feng.

It seemed that she wanted to catch Chen Feng first. Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang stood together just now, so they were naturally considered to be Liu Wuxiang's companions.


Who knew that Junior Sister Qing was hit hard by a huge black claw before she got close to Chen Feng. This time it was even heavier than Liu Wuxiang's attack just now. A big hole was smashed in the ground, and Junior Sister Qing didn't come out for a while.

"In the same realm, you human cultivators are still too weak, even in the fairy world." The hellhound said proudly.

In fact, these two Xianjianmen monks were only at the bottom of the sect, and they were not comparable to the ghost generals and demons they had met before. This was one of the reasons why Chen Feng thought Liu Wuxiang had suddenly become stronger.

When Junior Sister Qing was beaten away, the silver-armored monk felt a jolt in his heart, and knew that things were out of his control. He did not expect that there was such a powerful existence besides Liu Wuxiang.

At this time, Liu Wuxiang's attack became more fierce, and a huge black hole kept flashing in Liu Wuxiang's palm, just like a winter gushing out powerful power.

Without Junior Sister Qing's cooperation, the silver-armored monk was no match for Liu Wuxiang, and was beaten away in just one breath.

However, Liu Wuxiang, who had the upper hand, did not continue to attack, but came to Chen Feng's side in a flash.

"Brother Chen, these two are from Xianjianmen, and they have some grudges with me. Otherwise, let's join forces to kill each other and divide the things equally." Liu Wuxiang suggested.

"I don't have any objection, but the other party must have some reason to come here." Chen Feng said lightly. He knew from Liu Wuxiang's introduction that Xianjianmen was a sect in the fairy world, but Liu Wuxiang didn't say the specific level.

"Brother Chen, what you said reminded me that these two people must have a reason to come here." Liu Wuxiang nodded, then took a step forward and stepped in the void to the other party.

"Liu Wuxiang, this time not only our Xianjianmen has people coming in, but also Xuantianmen, Qingyuan Pavilion, and even Dark Night Immortal Mansion. If these people know you are here, you will be dead." The silver-armored monk said viciously.

"Oh! Really?" Liu Wuxiang showed a half-smile on his face: "You two should be He Qingqing and Li Wenhou from the Xianjian Sect. I'm not wrong, am I? I don't know how many people like you have killed. In a word, what are you two doing here?"

"Don't rush to answer, you should think about it carefully. I think you should know that if I am determined to kill someone, it will be useless even if you two are ten times more powerful." Liu Wuxiang said coldly.

He Qingqing and Li Wenhou hesitated, their eyes intertwined, obviously discussing something.

Chen Feng was thinking about something. From the situation just now, it can be seen that Liu Wuxiang should have some background in the fairy world, especially Li Wenhou's words pointed out that Liu Wuxiang seems to have many enemies in the fairy world.

"I don't believe you will use that method?" Li Wenhou said, while He Qingqing was ready to fight on the side.

Although he felt it was unnecessary, Chen Feng still took two guards to block the two people's retreat.

"You can try, but I have to tell you that once you try, the result will be death." Liu Wuxiang stretched out his hand and waved it.

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