Eternal Existence

Chapter 740: Death Desert

"Brother Chen, didn't you come in by yourself?" Liu Wuxiang seemed to have no intention of looking at the three guards behind Chen Feng.

"I was with a few friends, but they have already separated. I'm just a little bit surprised that this Tianchen battlefield was not discovered by anyone before. How come so many people came in this time." Chen Feng's face showed doubts: "In the fairy world, ghosts The world, the demon world and the underworld, I don’t know if there are masters in other human worlds.”

"This thing is a bit strange. I got the news accidentally at the time, and then followed others to fish in troubled waters. I originally thought it was just a monk from the fairy world who accidentally discovered it, but now it seems that is not the case at all."

"There are too many masters from all walks of life coming in. I wonder if there are any more powerful monks coming in?"

"You are talking about upper immortals. It should be impossible. According to some information I know, most of the people who come in are earth immortals. Of course, there are also some human immortals. As for upper immortals, maybe this level of existence is not what we can do. understand."

The two were very fast and encountered nothing else along the way. They arrived at the Desert of Death a few days later.

"This desert is said to be tens of millions of miles long, and there are some dangerous places in it. Even during the war, few people chose this desert. It is said that some immortals entered it and never came out." Liu Wuxiang said.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party knew so much about the history of Tianchen battlefield.

"Haha, it seems that Brother Chen still doesn't know the origin of this Tianchen battlefield." Liu Wuxiang said with a smile.

"Oh, I'd like to hear the details." In fact, Chen Feng really didn't understand it at all.

"Actually, this is easy to say." Liu Wuxiang smiled: "As the most powerful existence in the universe, the fairy world will naturally have many enemies, such as the demon world, the underworld, the ghost world and other powerful worlds. He is always spying on the fairy world, trying to break into the fairy world and take possession of this most fertile resource. It can be said that the battle between the fairy world and these worlds has never stopped. "

"I have heard about this matter, but in addition to the fairy world, wars are often launched between these worlds." Chen Feng nodded.

"This is naturally true. These worlds all want to expand their power and occupy more territory. The demon world and the underworld want to carve up the fairy world, but if there is a chance, the demon world will also take the opportunity to enter the underworld and snatch resources. Just say Isn’t your eternal world at war with other worlds?”

"I don't know how many billions of years this kind of struggle has lasted, and maybe it will continue in the future."

"Yes, this kind of fight will never stop unless the entire universe is destroyed." Chen Feng nodded.

"Sometimes the battle naturally cannot be carried out on both sides' home soil. You must know that millions of monks are involved in a war of this level. Among them, the human immortals are only the lowest soldiers, and even the earth immortals are just the lowest soldiers. Just a general, even in a large-scale war, the Earth Immortal is nothing more than cannon fodder."

"Even existences at the level of the fairy world and the demon world will not be able to bear long-term wars."

"So I'll find another place to solve the problem." Chen Feng sighed, finally understanding the origin of the Tianchen battlefield.

"Yes, this Tianchen battlefield is what was left after the war." Liu Wuxiang nodded, and then continued: "The people who participated in the war were the fairy world, the demon world, the demon world, the ghost world, the underworld, and some special races. At that time, The number of people has exceeded ten million, and I don’t know how many immortals have died among them. I heard that there are beings beyond the immortals who have taken action, but I don’t know if it is true.”

"Of course, I only know this, no matter how much more I don't know. As for how this space battlefield is closed, how it is sealed, and how it is opened, I don't even know."

"Haha, Brother Liu is quite honest." Chen Feng laughed.

"It's just some insignificant news. It's a bit surprising that Brother Chen knows that this is the Desert of Death." Liu Wuxiang waved his hand.

"I heard it from others, but I don't know if it's true or not." Chen Feng also shook his head.

"If you can get one or two fairy fragments here, this trip will not be in vain."

Then the two of them entered the vast desert. At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly remembered that he entered the secret realm in the sea of ​​​​stars. It was also a desert like this at that time, but he entered the Lingyuan Tower not long after. In the Lingyuan Tower, he gained a lot. Those spiritual trees alone were a huge treasure. However, he only made it to the fifth floor before being teleported out. However, he still got a jade talisman. After getting the jade talisman, Chen Feng I know that if I want to continue to enter, I need the strength of a human being.

"At that time, the tower said that the Lingyuan Tower was a complete immortal weapon. When you have enough cultivation, you must try it again." Chen Feng was still very curious about the Lingyuan Tower, because the treasures in the Lingyuan Tower There are really too many, far more than the Tianju Immortal Mansion in me. Of course, there are many places in the Tianju Immortal Mansion that I have not yet opened.

But Chen Feng thought about it, it would definitely not be easy to possess an immortal weapon like Zhou Tianshu, a heaven-defying spiritual tree.

"I hope so." Chen Feng smiled.

At this time, Chen Feng was only followed by Cerberus and Phantom Divine Martial. As for the Nine Netherworld Python, he had received great benefits and entered the Eternal Life Tower to practice.

Seeing the magic core and magic weapon obtained by the Jiuyou Earth Python, the eyes of the demon kings such as the Earth Violent Bear were red, and they couldn't wait to come up and snatch them away.

"This is too unfair." The fiery-tempered Flame Demon Ape's body started to burn with flames.

"Hmph!" The Nine Nether Earth Python just snorted coldly and ignored everyone, but the Nine Nether Earth Python was secretly sneering and proud in his heart: "You deserve it, who asked you to stay in there one by one? After refining this magic core, you can at least become a top demon king. With this Taoist weapon, tut tut, I can fight against the earth immortals."

"Oh! What a pity, I didn't come in at that time." The four-eyed fox was a little unwilling.

Compared with the envy of these demon kings, the tiger demon, the tree demon, and the wind and thunder double-headed dragon didn't care, but just looked at them in surprise.

"This little guy is generous enough." The wind and thunder double-headed dragon underestimated and fell into a deep sleep again.

"It has flown tens of thousands of miles, and there is not even a trace." Liu Wuxiang looked at the endless yellow sand helplessly.

"It's too long, let's go down and take a look." Chen Feng suggested.



After Liu Wuxiang landed, a strong force was released from his feet. After he flew up again, the yellow sand where he was standing just now began to sink continuously, and soon formed a huge sand pit.

"The sand layer here is very thick, at least a thousand feet." Liu Wuxiang laughed.

"It's really strange, how could such a landform be formed." Chen Feng was also a little surprised. At least in the Eternal World, he had never heard of such a large-scale desert.

"What's so strange about this? When I was wandering in the outer space, I once saw a huge planet covered with yellow sand."

"There is such a thing. Brother Liu has been wandering in the outer space, and he is really knowledgeable."

"No, no, the outer space is too dangerous. I was just following the team at that time. If I want to travel alone in the starry sky, I must cultivate to the level of a terrestrial immortal." Liu Wuxiang waved his hands hurriedly.

Next, Chen Feng used the pupil technique to check the surroundings, but unfortunately there was no life fluctuation within a radius of ten thousand miles.

"Brother Chen is actually cultivating the dark magic pupil!" Liu Wuxiang was really surprised.

The Dark Demon Pupil cannot be cultivated successfully casually. At least Liu Wuxiang has not seen any immortal who has successfully cultivated it. At this time, Liu Wuxiang even suspected that Chen Feng was deliberately disguising himself. He was not a cultivator in the Heavenly Realm, but an extremely powerful Earthly Immortal master.

"Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean there is no such thing. In our hell, there are many people in the Human Immortal Realm who have cultivated the Dark Demon Pupil. I heard that there may be some in the Demon Realm and the Ghost Realm, but there are very few who have truly cultivated to the mastery level." At this time, the hellhound interrupted.

"Haha, it's me who is ignorant." Liu Wuxiang smiled, and at the same time agreed with the hellhound's statement. After all, places like Hell and the Demon Realm are easier to cultivate the Dark Demon Pupil.

"It seems that something is wrong here." The hellhound looked around with a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Oh, I wonder what this senior has discovered?" Liu Wuxiang was very respectful to the hellhound.

The hellhound opened his nether eyes, and a blue beam of light instantly drilled into the yellow sand.

"Is there something underground?" Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang looked at each other and thought so at the same time.

"Sure enough, there is something, get out of the way." The hellhound grabbed Chen Feng and retreated the moment it spoke. The Phantom Divine Marten was good at speed, and it had already flown up when the hellhound spoke.

Liu Wuxiang hesitated for just a moment, and the next moment his figure was erratic and turned, and he was ten miles away.

A whole piece of yellow sand suddenly sank, and then began to spread around, as if there was a huge funnel underground, or a monster with its mouth open, constantly swallowing the yellow sand around.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Liu Wuxiang felt his feet soften, and hurriedly retreated again, and finally flew directly into the sky.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng also used the pupil technique to check the situation below. At this time, a large hole with a radius of 100 miles appeared below, round and dark, and the quicksand around was still flowing in. Chen Feng's eyes were cut off by an invisible force as soon as they made contact.

"It can't be such a coincidence." Liu Wuxiang smiled bitterly.

It has been a while since I entered the desert with Chen Feng. I just stopped casually and stepped on it casually. How could this happen?

"There is no life fluctuation. I thought a monster would come out directly." Chen Feng looked at the black hole below, very calm, but it gave people a feeling of fear, as if this black hole could swallow everything, including life.

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