Eternal Existence

Chapter 742: Entering the Deep Cave

Li Wenhou and He Qingqing exchanged a look, and then said: "Okay, after we talk, you must promise not to do anything to us."

"If you don't provoke me, I won't take the initiative." Liu Wuxiang nodded.

"We are here for the bones of the Immortal." Marquis Li Wen said.

"The bones of the Immortal. Haha, I don't know if what you are saying is true or not. It's not just nonsense." Liu Wuxiang was secretly communicating with Chen Feng when he said this.

"There are indeed traces of immortality here. It seems that our visit is not in vain."

"How about we take action directly, capture the other party, and then search for the other party's consciousness."

"Brother Chen, you are more ruthless than me, but it's difficult, so I'd better interrogate you first."

"We learned this news from Tian Xiaozi, but Tian Xiaozi encountered some troubles and was temporarily entangled. We rushed here quickly, thinking that we could get some benefits before the other party arrived." Li Wenhou said.

"That's right." Liu Wuxiang looked at the other person and chuckled.

"What I said is real."

"I know what you said is true, but you haven't told me everything you know, such as where the immortal's bones are, the origin of the immortal, how to get in after finding the bones, and other things. Marquis Li Wen, do you think I am Liu Wu? Is Xiang a fool? It’s so easy to fool him.”

"Brother Liu, I think it's better to kill the other party and just search for the soul." Chen Feng spoke at this time.

"What are you, hey! You are the kid that day."

"Yes, it's that native, Liu Wuxiang. You are a figure after all. How come you got mixed up with such a native?"

At this time, Li Wenhou and He Qingqing also recognized Chen Feng. After all, the first person the four of them met when they came to take Tianchen Space was Chen Feng. However, these people did not take this native in their eyes at all, and even now, After recognizing Chen Feng, both of them had expressions of contempt on their faces.

"Are these two fools? Don't you see that even Cerberus is my subordinate?" Chen Feng sneered in his heart, but he didn't say anything. Cerberus also took a step forward appropriately, with demonic energy all over his body. It is also mixed with a strong smell of hell.

"With the addition of this senior demon fairy, I think I'm sure of killing you two." Liu Wuxiang sneered.

"Okay!" Marquis Li Wen sighed, and then took out something.

"Compass, it's like a magic weapon like treasure hunting." Chen Feng thought secretly.

After Li Wenhou took out a compass, He Qingqing took out a fiery red spirit stone and placed it on it.


A red beam of light shot out from the compass, hovering briefly before entering the black hole underground.

"Is this here, or was it attracted by the cave in the first place?" Liu Wuxiang said with a frown.

"It should be here. Although my magic weapon is not a high-grade magic weapon, but combined with the Immortality Stone, I should be 70 to 80% sure."

"Even the Immortal Stone is ready. It seems that we have prepared it for a long time. You two don't need to worry. If we really find something good, I will share it equally with you." Liu Wuxiang said with a smile.

"I hope you keep your word, otherwise we will be dead or alive." Li Wenhou gritted his teeth and said.

"Brother Chen, what do you think?" Liu Wuxiang asked secretly.

"We were going down originally. Besides, what these two people said is not entirely true, and it is not true. However, there is underworld energy down there. Could it be the immortal of the underworld? That is Hades."

"I'm not worried about these two people. If something goes wrong, the two of us can definitely kill each other. I'm just afraid of something down there, because I feel a slight sense of crisis."

"Oh, I have always had a sense of crisis since I entered this space. If there is no danger, how can there be good things?"

"Brother Chen is right."

"Let's go, you two take the lead. If you dare to play any tricks, I will kill you immediately." Liu Wuxiang shouted to Li Wenhou and the other two.

Chen Feng was secretly amused when he saw it. A human immortal scolded two earth immortals, but the other two didn't dare to resist. This scene was really weird.

Li Wenhou and He Qingqing's expressions changed, but they didn't say anything in the end. They stepped on the void formation platform and entered the dark deep cave in a flash.

Liu Wuxiang also took out the void array and followed closely. Looking at the dark and motionless black hole below, Chen Feng also felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

"It feels like there should be something good down there."

Cerberus swayed, its body expanded dozens of times, and the shadow of its true body also emerged. Chen Feng and Phantom Divine Marten stood on the shoulders of Cerberus.

"It looks like we need to rob a void array, or get a high-level flying magic weapon." Chen Feng thought to himself.

The Cerberus was very fast, and it didn't take long to catch up with the opponent. The surroundings were dark, and the sound of quicksand continued to pass over. After only falling a thousand meters, everyone encountered a restriction.

Liu Wuxiang took action and broke the restrictions in front of them. Everyone continued to move forward, but then there were more and more restrictions, and the obstacles they encountered became more and more weird.


Cerberus waved his hand quickly, and a dark mass was directly exploded. It turned out to be a ball of extremely compressed yellow sand.


Li Wenhou and He Qingqing are also taking action. They practice the authentic fairy sword technique. The sword technique has an ethereal and fairy spirit, but it contains domineering lethality in the light wind and clouds. He's right in the middle of it all, but he's also cunning and cunning.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng also stayed in Tianjian Sect for a while, and he still admired the swordsmanship of Tianjian Sect. Sometimes he thought that Tianjian Sect should be the highest place in the field of swordsmanship in the entire Eternal World, but compared with the swordsmanship that the two people in front of him casually displayed, it still lacked something.

"Is it the law of immortality that is missing, or is it because of the difference in realm? However, the foundation of the sects in the immortal world should not be comparable to that of Tianjian Sect."

"What is the sound below?" Liu Wuxiang's voice pulled Chen Feng back from his thoughts.

The sound of wind, whimpering, and the collision of objects.

"It's a sandstorm!" The hellhound exclaimed.

Pah pah pah pah!

The tornado composed of dense yellow sand has swept over from below, instantly drowning everyone in it.

This is not an ordinary sandstorm, because Chen Feng just took out a broken holy weapon and threw it down. It turned into fragments in the sand and dust in less than a breath, and then turned into powder, merging with the sand and dust, and could no longer be distinguished.

"It's just a small sandstorm, break it!" Li Wenhou and He Qingqing's sword energy spun around them, and they were not affected by the sand and dust around them, and they moved forward quickly.

Liu Wuxiang's skills were a bit weird. Two streams of air rushed out of his body and quickly merged into a huge black hole. Wherever he passed, the yellow sand disappeared after entering the black hole. It seemed that Liu Wuxiang was much more relaxed than Li Wenhou.

As for the hellhound, it broke in with its powerful demonic power and abnormal body. The sandstorm around it couldn't even touch the hellhound.

"Senior hellhound, do you know what kind of skills this is?" Chen Feng looked at Liu Wuxiang in front of him with some surprise.

"It seems to be a fairy art of Yin and Yang and Five Elements, but I don't know the details." The hellhound shook his head.

"I don't know even more." Seeing Chen Feng's eyes looking at him, the Phantom Dirk shook his head again and again.

"It's the Yin and Yang Mixed Cave Sutra. This is a good fairy art. It is said that it has been lost in the fairy world for a long time. I didn't expect that after so many years, I would see it again." The voice of the tower sounded in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Immortal arts?" Chen Feng nodded. He was not surprised by the word "immortal arts", but because the immortal arts that the tower said were good must have their own unique features.

"The long-lost immortal arts have reappeared. It seems that Liu Wuxiang is also a person of luck. With the magic weapon like the demon refining furnace, he is indeed not afraid of ordinary earth immortals."

The further down they went, the more powerful the sandstorm became. Later, the yellow sand condensed together and formed various sharp edges to cut towards everyone.

"I wonder what power can make the yellow sand condense into this state?"


A huge ghost face made entirely of yellow sand suddenly rushed from below, and its open mouth seemed to swallow everyone. This situation suddenly appeared in the dark environment, which made everyone feel a little creepy.


A sword light flew out and touched the ghost face, and then with a bang, the ghost face exploded and turned into sand all over the sky, but then these sand grains seemed to be controlled by someone, and quickly condensed, and soon four spears whistled and stabbed at everyone.

"Could it be that someone is secretly controlling it?"

Although it was a little weird, the four spears were easily broken by everyone.


A strange-looking monster roared up from below. Although it was a dead thing condensed from sand and dust, the evil aura it carried surprised everyone secretly.

"This is a dark armor beast, a monster from the underworld. Let's attack together." Liu Wuxiang had already taken out his weapon at this time, a black and white spear, a residual image flashed, and he had already launched an attack on the roaring monster.


Li Wenhou and He Qingqing did not hesitate, and two sword energies broke through the wind and waves and slashed over.

"Let's do it too." Chen Feng said.

The hellhound and the phantom divine mink simultaneously shot out two groups of compressed demonic power. After the joint attack of the three parties, the dark armor beast below was quickly broken up and turned into yellow sand all over the sky, but at the moment when the yellow sand dispersed, a trace of strange airflow spread out in all directions and quickly drilled towards everyone present.

"Be careful, it may be the resentment of the immortal before his death."

"Watch me refine it."

Chen Feng only felt a wisp of dark air entering his sea of ​​consciousness like a spirit snake. Chen Feng immediately saw a giant with thick bone armor roaring to the sky. Dense dark patterns were all over his body. The fierce aura emanating from his body made Chen Feng's mind tremble.

"This should be the immortal!" After barely saying this sentence, Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness began to vibrate violently, as if it was about to break.

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