Eternal Existence

Chapter 739 Liu Wuxiang


Chen Feng was spitting blood in the blood-gathering bead. If he hadn't used the blood-gathering bead to block himself at the critical moment, he would have been slapped into pieces by the opponent.

Chen Feng's attack power has reached 200 million pounds, but the opponent's attack is obviously no longer measured in pounds. In Chen Feng's opinion, the opponent's slap just now is enough to blow up a planet.

And that is not the opponent's strongest attack.

"Can't let the opponent run away." Chen Feng shouted.

Although the opponent burst out with powerful power, Chen Feng knew that this demon god would not stay to continue fighting unless the opponent was stupid.

Without Chen Feng's words, the hellhound had already rushed up quickly, just relying on the speed to entangle the demon god. The demon god's injuries were getting more and more. Even if Chen Feng didn't take action, the hellhound could deal with the opponent after a long time.

However, Chen Feng was also afraid that something unexpected would happen. Such a good opportunity to hunt the demon god could not be missed.

"If I can't kill you with one blow, I'll use it twice or three times. It's a pity that my cultivation is not enough, and the Heaven Devouring Demon Art I practiced is also incomplete, otherwise I can suppress the opponent directly." Chen Feng has come out of the Blood Gathering Pearl, holding the Blood Gathering Pearl with both hands, and his pale face has recovered.


The Blood Gathering Pearl turned into a blood light and flew out. The demon god had long noticed Chen Feng's movements. After suffering a loss, the demon god did not dare to be careless, so he fought hard and was hit by the hellhound and quickly dodged to the side.

The Blood Gathering Pearl missed, but the blood light emitted by the Blood Gathering Pearl enveloped the demon god. With a low shout from Chen Feng, streams of fresh leaves shot out from the wound of the demon god and all fell into the Blood Gathering Pearl.

"This is the blood of the demon god. If there is more, the Blood Gathering Pearl should be able to advance, but absorbing the blood of the earth immortal, it should be able to produce a high-level blood fruit, which is much better than directly absorbing the essence and blood."


The demon god finally got rid of the blood-gathering bead and felt that one-third of the blood in his body had been lost. The demon god only felt weaker.

At this time, the Phantom Divine Marten was like a black light, and its sharp claws grabbed the demon god's eyes. With a sizzling sound, the demon god screamed, and his face was covered with blood. Although he closed his eyes, a piece of flesh was also grabbed.

"Dark Hell Claw!"

The hellhound hit the demon god with one claw, leaving a deep hole again.

"Blood-gathering bead! Suppress!"

Chen Feng quickly formed seals with both hands, and the blood-gathering bead quickly enlarged, like a blood-red meteorite that smashed the demon god heavily to the ground.


The demon god roared angrily, and at the same time, the blood flowing out began to burn, and the black flames became more and more vigorous and began to spread into the body.

"Is it going to self-destruct?" Chen Feng shouted.

"It's not self-destruction, it's a secret technique, burning the devil's blood to increase strength. Hey, this guy probably doesn't have the courage to self-destruct, but it's useless now." The hellhound's nether eyes opened again, and the burning devil fires went out wherever the blue eyes passed, and the last look pierced the soul of the demon god again.

And Chen Feng also took the opportunity to control the blood gathering bead and devoured nearly half of the other party's blood.


The hellhound quickly took action and took out the magic core. As the magic core disappeared, the demon god suddenly collapsed.

Then, thorny tentacles crawled out of the blood gathering bead and devoured the essence and blood in the demon god's body.

Suddenly, the blood pool in the blood gathering bead boiled, and the area was constantly expanding. The blood and nether tree growing next to it also began to grow.

This is the essence and blood of the earth immortal, which is a great tonic for the blood and nether tree. As the blood and nether tree grew wildly, the blood and nether fruits also increased.


As the essence in his body was completely devoured, the demon god suddenly exploded and turned into powder all over the sky. Chen Feng waved his hand, and a space ring and a small copper hammer fell into his hands.

"Everyone has contributed, let's see if there are any good things. This is for you." Chen Feng waved his hand and threw the copper hammer to the hellhound.

"I have a Taoist weapon on me, and this copper hammer is not suitable for me." The hellhound smiled and threw it to the Phantom Divine Marten.

"Although I want it very much, it is not suitable for me." The Phantom Divine Marten shook his head and threw it to the Nine Nether Earth Python.

Finally, the Nine Nether Earth Python looked at Chen Feng and then collected it excitedly. Speaking of which, the Nine Nether Earth Python is also a demon beast, and it just happens to use this magic weapon.

"The magic core is also yours." Chen Feng took the magic core from the hellhound and felt it, and then threw it to the Nine Nether Earth Python.

After getting the magic weapon and the magic core, the Nine Nether Earth Python was so excited that he couldn't say anything. With these two things, his strength has increased exponentially, and it is only a matter of time before he breaks through.

Speaking of the fight just now, the hellhound contributed the most, but unfortunately it had nothing suitable for itself, so it seemed that it wasted its efforts for the time being. The Phantom Divine Marten also devoured the soul of the escaping earth immortal, and its strength would be greatly increased after refining it.

As for Chen Feng, he did not need to devour other energies for the time being, because there were still many powers in his body that had not been completely refined.

After handling the things here, Chen Feng looked at the other side, and he was really surprised when he saw it.

Because the immortal from the immortal world had actually controlled the situation, a huge furnace-like magic weapon trapped the ghost general in it, with flames rolling, immortal weapons lingering, and various forbidden energies constantly flashing. No matter how the ghost general struggled, he was only getting deeper and deeper.

"This magic weapon is upright and righteous, and it looks like a real magic weapon of the immortals." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"This should be a demon refining furnace. Many people in the immortal world can refine it, but the one in this person's hand should be a high-grade Taoist weapon. It seems that this person is not simple." The hellhound said with a smile.

"You know a lot of things." Chen Feng looked at the hellhound and smiled.

"The previous master was also an immortal after all. I still know a little about the situation in the immortal world." The hellhound laughed.

"I am Liu Wuxiang, hello." A young man in white came over with an exquisite demon refining furnace in his hand, his face full of smiles, but in the depths of his eyes, there were some thoughts that outsiders could not see.

"Chen Feng, I have seen the immortals in the immortal world." Chen Feng's face was also full of smiles. As for the three demons of the hellhound, they had transformed into human form again and stood behind Chen Feng. They did not speak, but were secretly on guard.

"I don't dare to be an immortal. I am only the lowest existence in the immortal world. I think Brother Chen is also a person of great status in the lower world. I wonder which sect he is from?" Liu Wuxiang spoke casually on the surface, but he was secretly guessing Chen Feng's identity in his heart.

A small cultivator who is not even a human immortal, with three powerful demons as guards, and most importantly, he just killed a demon god, which is why Liu Wuxiang was secretly on guard.

"No sect, no sect, just a casual cultivator. Look at the magic weapon in Brother Liu's hand, it is full of immortality, exquisite and beautiful, I think it is also from the hands of a famous master." Chen Feng looked at the demon refining furnace in Liu Wuxiang's hand. Although the ghost general was still struggling in it, the breath transmitted was getting weaker and weaker, and it was thought that it would not last for much time.

"I am also a casual cultivator in the immortal world. This time I accidentally found a passage to enter here. There are still many things I don't understand, so I want to ask Brother Chen for advice." Liu Wuxiang did not look down on Chen Feng because of his cultivation. On the contrary, Liu Wuxiang was very calm towards Chen Feng. He thought that the battle just now was also in Liu Wuxiang's eyes. The fighting power that Chen Feng burst out was beyond the reach of ordinary human immortals.

"I also have some things to ask Brother Liu."

"Where is Brother Chen going next?"

"I'm going to the Death Desert ahead."

"What a coincidence, I also planned to do so."

So the two of them joined together and moved forward while talking to each other. Of course, the most common thing they said was to get the details of each other.

In Chen Feng's heart, he also thought that Liu Wuxiang was not simple. Not to mention his cultivation, Liu Wuxiang's attitude towards Chen Feng was different from that of other immortal cultivators. He was not arrogant, nor did he look down on people. Unlike some immortal cultivators who were ants, Liu Wuxiang put himself and Chen Feng on the same level, although most of the reason was that Chen Feng showed his strength. But Liu Wuxiang's attitude that did not seem to be fake still made Chen Feng secretly reduce some hostility.

However, the vigilance did not decrease. After all, in this space now, anyone who was randomly pulled out was not a simple person.

"This person has a noble temperament. He should be from a famous sect. If the entire immortal world has this temperament, then my previous guess was wrong. However, this person seems warm on the surface, but the murderous aura he exudes unintentionally still shows that this person has been killing frequently recently. It must be extraordinary to be able to kill a local immortal." Chen Feng secretly used the blood-gathering bead and noticed some subtle details.

"I wonder if Brother Liu can tell me about the situation in the immortal world?" Chen Feng asked.

"Of course, there is no problem. Although I am just a small figure, I still have some understanding of the situation in the fairy world." Liu Wuxiang smiled and began to narrate the situation in the fairy world as if he had no intention.

On the way, Chen Feng was mostly listening.

"What this person said is true." The hellhound secretly sent a message to Chen Feng.

"Hehe, there is no need for the other party to lie to me about this kind of thing." Chen Feng smiled.

According to Liu Wuxiang's narration, Chen Feng had an intuitive framework of the fairy world. How to say it, to sum it up in a simple sentence is that the fairy world is a place that is wider and more chaotic than the eternal world.

Of course, this breadth in Liu Wuxiang's words is boundless and endless. As for how big the fairy world is, let alone a high-level human immortal like Liu Wuxiang, even the upper immortals who are more powerful than the earth immortals can't tell clearly.

"The fairy world is so big, and there are countless cultivators, so of course there will be no shortage of struggles." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Liu Wuxiang was a good speaker and good at talking. After describing the situation in the fairyland to Chen Feng, he did not ask too much about the situation in the Eternal World. Perhaps in his heart, he still looked down on these lower worlds.

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