Eternal Existence

Chapter 730: Fire Spirit Stone

"Brother Jian, this cave seems a little unusual." Jian Xiao said.

"Of course it's not." Chen Feng took out a teleportation talisman, and after crushing it, the space was only turbulent for a while before returning to calm.

"These teleportation talismans are made by high-level human immortals, and there is even a trace of earthly immortal power in them. Generally speaking, as long as the jade talisman is crushed, even human immortals cannot stop it."

"Now I just hope there are no monsters left by the ancients here."

"We are now in the depths of the volcano. Not long after entering the passage, I even lost my sense of direction." Jian Xiaotian looked around.

"The spiritual energy here is very rich, and it seems to have a strong attraction to me. It's really strange." Chen Feng was a little confused. You know, even the fairy energy doesn't have such a strong attraction to him.

"Tower, do you know what force is attracting me in secret?" Finally, Chen Feng asked the tower helplessly.

"Hehe, feel it yourself." The tower laughed.

Chen Feng nodded, began to feel it carefully, and searched in his body along this strong attraction.

Seeing Chen Feng standing still, Jian Xiaotian understood that Chen Feng might have discovered something, so he walked forward alone, hoping to discover something.

As Chen Feng immersed himself in his mind, he finally felt the throbbing in his body clearly and carefully after he was completely calm.

At the same time, a trace of energy emerged from deep inside Chen Feng's body. These energies were hidden very deeply, and he had not noticed them during his cultivation during this period of time. Chen Feng had even forgotten that there was still such energy in his body.

"This is the world's origin power hidden in the body, which has not been completely refined." Chen Feng exclaimed.

A few years ago, Chen Feng swallowed a piece of the world's origin fragment, which greatly improved Chen Feng's cultivation and made his body several times stronger. According to the tower, this was to prepare for the cultivation of the chaotic body. Originally, Chen Feng thought that the world's origin power he had obtained at that time had been completely refined. At this time, under the attraction of the mysterious power, he discovered that Chen Feng actually had such a powerful energy hidden in his body. After observation, Chen Feng was surprised to find that the origin power he had refined and absorbed at that time was less than 30%, and the rest was all hidden in a peculiar way. He did not pull it out in his usual various cultivations.

"So I have this kind of power hidden in my body." Chen Feng said lightly.

"You just know that there is more than that. You are now like a dormant volcano, with powerful power in your body. If you can't completely refine it, it will suddenly erupt one day and you will be shattered. Of course, if you can completely melt the power in your body for yourself, then it will be easy to advance to the realm of human immortals, and you can even conflict with a higher realm."

"Then what about this attraction?" Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

"Stupid, this is of course the origin of the power that attracts you." Ta laughed.

"Original power, isn't it the origin of the world?" Chen Feng caught the meaning of Ta's words.

"Yes, it is indeed the origin of the world, but it is a little different." Before Ta answered, Chen Feng said again, his eyes brighter, as if he had caught the source of these attractions.

"Some world planes have the power of origin, and some life planets also have the power of origin. Even some meteorite fragments floating in the universe have the power of origin. To summarize, these power of origin can be called the power of origin of the universe, the power of chaos."

"The last time you absorbed the power of origin from the life world plane, and the next one you will encounter is the power of origin from the life planet."

"Speaking of this, I also feel a little strange. This is a huge space plane. Even if it has it, it should be the power of origin of the life world." Ta smacked his lips and said with some doubt.

"Why bother so much? Just do it for yourself."

"Yes, it is good for you. This time, the power of origin should be able to lay the foundation for your cultivation of the Chaos Body. Of course, whether you can succeed in the future depends on your luck."

"Hehe, I hope there will be more power of origin, so that I can also benefit from it. You know, this energy is very good for my strength."

"Tower, could it be that all life planets and life worlds have the power of origin?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"How is this possible? Only a few have the power of origin. Okay, let's not talk about this. I want to feel it well."

After Chen Feng came to his senses, he found that Jian Xiaotian was not beside him, but stood in the distance motionless.

"What is this?" At this time, Chen Feng found that a huge human-shaped statue appeared in front of Jian Xiaotian at some point.

This human-shaped statue is not very big, and its face is lifelike, but it gives people a strong impact. This is a spiritual impact, a spiritual oppression, which makes people feel like a mountain in front of them that makes people breathless.

Chen Feng shook his head, feeling a little shaken, and then he saw Jian Xiaotian still staring at the statue, as if communicating something.


At this time, the humanoid statue suddenly vibrated, and there seemed to be light flowing out of its eyes, and then an invisible wave spread out, including Jian Xiaotian.

"Brother Jian!" Chen Feng was shocked and immediately stepped forward to pull Jian Xiaotian out, but a powerful and domineering force ejected, and Chen Feng was like being struck by lightning, and the whole person kept retreating. When he stood firm, Jian Xiaotian had disappeared with the statue.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng went forward to investigate. The ground was smooth without any other traces.

"Don't worry. Your friend should have received the inheritance. Hey, it seems that you are not the only one who has the opportunity and luck." Ta said with a smile.

"If I had luck and opportunity, I would not have suffered so much since childhood, and I would not even know my origin." Chen Feng said self-deprecatingly.

"Maybe this is a good thing. You should regard these things as your tribulations."

"What should I do now? Go directly to find the origin fragments?" Chen Feng took out the sword of death and kept slashing on the ground, cutting deep sword marks, but these sword marks quickly recovered.

There is a powerful and invisible force shrouding the surroundings.

"Don't worry, there are some other things here." Ta said, and a force condensed into substance shot out, directly piercing a bottomless hole under Chen Feng's feet.


The overbearing power of fire gushed out from the deep hole, as if there was a fire dragon raging below.

"I hope there will be some spiritual stones." Chen Feng hesitated and jumped into the deep hole.

During the descent, some restrictions still appeared from time to time, but they were all blasted away by the power of the Longevity Tower, allowing Chen Feng to move forward without a trace of progress.

The high temperature around him had reached a terrifying level, even the elite of black iron could be melted. Chen Feng was enveloped by the power of the Longevity Tower, and felt the fiery and hot airflow outside, and was secretly shocked.

"When I break through to the realm of human immortals, I may be able to condense my body in such a place, but not now."

I don't know how many restrictions I have passed through, and finally there was nothing in front of me. Chen Feng knew that he had drilled out of the strange cave and reached the bottom of the volcano again.

"This is a top-grade fire spirit stone." Chen Feng laughed at the dazzling red crystal in front of him.

With a wave of his hand, an irregular crystal the size of a fist fell into his hand, and the hot breath seemed to burn his palm.

"Although it is not as good as the immortal crystal, the grade is higher than the holy crystal. The most important thing is that there are enough of them. Since Jian Xiaotian is fine, I will also collect more spirit stones. This is the foundation of cultivation." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his hand and grabbed it. Pieces of fiery red spirit stones flew up one after another, forming a mighty river of spirit stones that rushed towards Chen Feng. They began to disappear about ten feet away from Chen Feng. The space fluctuated, and a space channel appeared in front of Chen Feng.

Ten thousand pieces!

Fifty thousand pieces!

One hundred thousand pieces!


One million pieces!


Ten million pieces!

As the spirit stones flowed, Chen Feng silently calculated in his heart and stopped when the spirit stones reached fifty million pieces.

"Hey, plus the fire spirit stones on the previous few people, it is estimated to be close to 100 million. I didn't expect that this volcanic area would breed so many top-grade spirit stones. After solving this matter, it seems that I have to find other cultivators to plunder." Chen Feng said as his body swayed and directly entered the boiling magma.

The temperature in the magma is naturally higher. It not only contains the power of fire, but also a trace of fire poison, which constantly impacts the energy shield around Chen Feng. However, the waves spread out in circles, and the magma around was pushed away.

"Such a large volcano should have more than just some spiritual stones." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"There should be a ground fire core, Ta, this thing should be of some use to you, right?"

"It depends on what level it is. Some high-grade ground fire cores can even be comparable to the power of the origin of the world." Ta said lightly.

"I hope it is a high-grade ground fire core, otherwise it can only belong to me. After I ascend to the human immortal, I will use it to refine magic weapons." Chen Feng smiled.


During the descent, Chen Feng took out a small piece of five-element stone marrow and threw it out. In the blink of an eye, the five-element stone marrow began to melt slowly.

Chen Feng waved his hand and quickly took back the Five Elements Stone Marrow: "This is a treasure, I really don't want to melt it."

The biggest feature of this Five Elements Stone Marrow is that it is hard, and ordinary holy tools are difficult to break.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng tried to absorb some fire power into his body, and suddenly he felt as if there were countless fire snakes wandering in his body, and it was like a volcano was about to erupt, and the skin all over his body became hot.

After running the technique for a few rounds, this uncomfortable feeling slowly disappeared, and then a trace of dark red air flow shot out from Chen Feng's fingertips.

This is the fire poison contained in the fire power.

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