Eternal Existence

Chapter 729 Collection

"It turned out to be a ninth-grade holy weapon containing the power of Tao. No wonder I didn't rush out this time. If the other party had used this magic weapon at the beginning, how could I have persisted until now?" Jian Xiao said.

"It's a bit strange. If it's a normal magic weapon, let alone a holy weapon, even a Tao weapon doesn't need to be activated like this?" Chen Feng's eyes flashed when he said this, and he immediately noticed a cold silent thought.

"It turned out to be contaminated by demonic energy, which contains a trace of powerful demonic thoughts and some other things, but this octagonal holy weapon contains the power of Zhoutian Bagua, which is just right for me to use." Chen Feng laughed when he said this.

Chi chi chi chi chi!

Heaven and earth, wind and thunder, water and fire, mountains and swamps, eight kinds of power emanated from the edge of the octagon, covering the surroundings, forming a separate time. In this world, the holder of this holy weapon is the master, who can control everything and even change the laws of heaven and earth.

And Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian are in this range.

Waves of pressure enveloped the two, and Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian suddenly felt like a mountain pressing down on them.

"This is the power of the law of heaven and earth in the Zhoutian Law." Chen Feng's mind moved, and all the Zhoutian acupoints started to operate. The Bagua sword suppressed in the acupoints also began to hum, and the eight swords rose to the sky, surrounding Chen Feng and the other person, resisting the pressure from all sides.

These eight long swords are all second-grade holy weapons. They have been nourished in the Zhoutian Bagua acupoints for a long time. Although they are far from being comparable to the ninth-grade holy weapons, they can exert the strongest power in Chen Feng's hands, and for a while they can resist the pressure from all sides.

"Your is the small Zhoutian, and mine is the big Zhoutian." The blood-colored lines on the short monk's body exuded a scarlet luster, and the energy in his blood was constantly flowing, giving him an evil feeling.


A force of wind and thunder shot out quickly, with pure and powerful power, and directly hit the long sword in front of Chen Feng.


The lightning burst out, and the long sword began to shake violently.


Another force came out, this time it was the power of water and fire, but it was still blocked by Chen Feng.

"The magic weapon is good, but it's a pity that you can't exert all the power." Chen Feng said as he stretched out his finger and flicked it. A little blood light spread out from his hand, turning the surrounding Bagua sword domain into blood red.

Then Chen Feng began to move forward step by step. Wherever he passed, the laws of the Zhoutian world arranged by the short monk were broken one after another, and it did not cause any damage to Chen Feng at all.

"No matter how powerful it is, it is just a holy weapon, and my blood-gathering bead is already a middle-grade Taoist weapon, containing the power of the Great Dao. It is easy to break through your small world." Chen Feng said in a low voice.

You must know that there is only one way to break the Zhoutian world created by the holy weapon in the hands of this short monk, that is, to exert a more powerful force.

If Chen Feng really wanted to fight with the other party in normal times and see the power of this octagonal holy weapon, but now Chen Feng has a sense of urgency, as if something is calling him, plus Jian Xiaotian beside him, so Chen Feng plans to get rid of the other party as soon as possible.


Another circle of blood light emanated from Chen Feng. Later, Chen Feng simply took the blood-gathering bead in his hand. Wherever the waves of pressure passed, the surrounding space power was broken, just like a burning fire burning the surrounding water mist. Wherever it passed, the water mist dissipated.

"It's a Taoist weapon, how is it possible, how is it possible, how can this guy have a Taoist weapon, who is this person?" The smile on the face of the short monk had disappeared, and turned into a look of horror.

Originally thought that taking out this magic weapon could deal with the other party, this is his ultimate killer, but he didn't expect the other party to take out a more powerful magic weapon and directly turn the tables.

Feeling the world he had inspired constantly breaking, the short monk cried out in pain in his heart: "Why, why? It's so unfair. For this octagonal compass, I gave everything, even my soul was demonized by the evil thoughts in it, but I still can't exert all my power. This young man can easily exert the power of that Taoist weapon."

"God is so unfair."

"In that case, hehe, let's fight to the death." The short monk's face kept changing, and finally turned into a grim smile. Later, he made up his mind and calmed down. Only the violent killing intent in his heart was constantly conflicting.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. This person can't exert the full power of the Taoist weapon. You go forward and entangle the other party for a while. I will now stimulate the full power of the octagonal holy weapon. After killing the other party, the Taoist weapon will belong to you." After the short monk calmed down, he began to communicate with his companions.

But after Chen Feng took out the Blood Gathering Pearl, these cultivators were stunned. The magic weapon of the Daoqi level was not something these people could deal with. At this time, everyone was a little hesitant when they heard the voice transmission of the short cultivator.

"Hmph, can't you see the situation clearly? The other party is going to kill us all. The spatial force in this cave is chaotic and cannot be teleported out. If I lose, I may still be able to escape, but you will definitely die." The short cultivator continued.

Sure enough, these words moved these cultivators. The short cultivator was right. The situation in front of them was originally a life-and-death situation.

"How to do it?"

"It's very simple. Buy me three breaths of time."

"No problem, Thunderbolt Bomb!"

"Blood Detonation Yuanshu!"

"Blood Transformation Technique!"

"Magic Weapon Disintegrate!"

After these cultivators made up their minds and made their choices, they immediately exerted their strongest power in order to entangle Chen Feng for a while.

"Just in time!"

Chen Feng smiled coldly. The attack methods of these people did not pose any threat to him at all, and they could not even break Chen Feng's defense.

And Chen Feng also knew the plans and intentions of these people, so he flicked the blood-gathering bead in his hand, and a thick blood light spread out, dissolving all the attacks. At the same time, the blood light rolled up and collected all these people into the blood-gathering bead.

The fate of these people is very simple, that is, to increase some of the energy of the blood pool and turn it into some nutrients for the blood tree.

Using Taoist tools to deal with these cultivators who are not yet in the heavenly realm, Chen Feng felt a little shameless.

The short monk's eyes exuded a crazy look, his body shrank, and his blood, essence and soul were completely extracted and injected into the octagonal compass. Then the shriveled body began to collapse and finally turned into nothingness, leaving only the octagonal compass spinning and rotating continuously. There was a constant roar from the center, and the pressure emitted began to emit demonic energy.

The demonic thoughts contained in the octagonal compass were fully activated by the short monk, making the power of the octagonal compass displayed to the greatest extent possible.

"It's useless. No matter how powerful the holy weapon is, it is only a holy weapon. It will never be as good as the most rubbish Taoist weapon." Chen Feng shook his head and was a little surprised by the short monk's actions.

However, Chen Feng also understood why the other party did this. If he could survive the crisis in front of him, he would have the opportunity to reshape his body and revive in the future. Otherwise, if he fell into Chen Feng's hands, his soul would be destroyed.

Strange sound waves began to be transmitted from the octagonal compass, as if there were demons roaring in it, and as if countless wronged souls were fighting and complaining.

A trace of evil thoughts mixed in it, quietly trying to get into Chen Feng's body and affect Chen Feng's mind.


The blood-gathering bead flew out slowly, and at the same time it was constantly getting bigger, just like a burning planet rushing forward. The evil thoughts around it made sharp sounds and then dissipated without a trace.

Under the pressure of the blood-gathering bead, the octagonal compass finally burst out with all its power. The fight between a ninth-grade holy weapon and a Taoist weapon, the aftermath was enough to destroy a small planet.

What Chen Feng didn't know at this time was that as the fight between the two escalated, restrictions began to emerge in the huge cave. Waves of restrictions were like tides, which actually blocked the spread of the power of the two.


With just a collision, the octagonal compass collapsed, and it made a wailing sound like a living creature, and there were also fluctuations of thoughts begging for mercy.

"This is the wave of evil thoughts. It's not simple. It can actually block the attack of a Taoist weapon, although this Taoist weapon has not exerted its full power." Chen Feng was somewhat satisfied and surprised. This octagonal compass just matched his Zhoutian domain.

In order to prevent the opponent from being shattered, Chen Feng suppressed the power of the blood-gathering bead and attacked the octagonal compass again.

After three consecutive collisions, the evil thoughts in the octagonal compass were finally shattered, turning into scattered energy and dissipating. As for the soul imprint of the short monk, it was wiped out completely.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the octagonal compass shrank rapidly, and then fell into Chen Feng's palm. After playing with it for a few times, Chen Feng was very satisfied.

Feeling the breath on the octagonal compass, Chen Feng's Zhoutian eight acupoints in his body were all ready to move.

"This magic weapon should be a few years old, and I don't know where the other party got it from." This octagonal compass was dark and unclear at first, but now it was in Chen Feng's hands, and the smallest damage on it was immediately revealed.

"Ancient style, mysterious runes on it, and dissipated evil thoughts. The most important thing is that it contains the power of Tao. Hey, it seems that it will soon be promoted to a Tao weapon." Chen Feng observed the octagonal compass while inputting his soul into it and began to refine it.


The octagonal compass finally turned into a ray of lightless light and drilled into Chen Feng's body, temporarily suppressing it in the Tianzhi Cave in the Bagua Cave.

"The octagonal compass sounds a bit unpleasant. Since it contains the power of Zhoutian Bagua and can form a Zhoutian world, I think it should be called Zhoutian Compass." Chen Feng named this magic weapon.

After everything returned to calm. Chen Feng and Jian Xiaotian began to explore the surrounding situation. They had been fighting before, and they didn't know much about the surrounding situation. They just knew that this was a very wide cave, and it was not a simple cave.

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