Eternal Existence

Chapter 731: The Core of Earth Fire

"What a powerful fire poison." Chen Feng was surprised.

"If I practice here for a long time, I will be possessed by the devil. But if I can refine and absorb these fire poisons, I will have another killer weapon when fighting against the enemy."

"Tower, have you found the core of the earth fire?" Chen Feng's soul power can't work here at all. Here Chen Feng feels that he is only a little stronger than ordinary people. The soul power will be easily burned by the fire power here.

"Still below."


The shadow of the Longevity Tower became more solid, resisting the magma around. It is unknown how much it has descended. In Chen Feng's opinion, it is at least hundreds of miles. A strong breath of burning the sky and destroying the earth is transmitted. Even Chen Feng, who is shrouded by the Longevity Tower, feels his heart beating, his mouth is dry, the blood in his body begins to evaporate, and even sweat flows out.

"Have you found it?"

At this time, the tower did not answer, but included Chen Feng to speed up the descent. Just like this, it descended more than a hundred miles, and finally a group of sun-like existence appeared in Chen Feng's sight.

Just a glance, Chen Feng felt like he was blind. His figure shook, and Chen Feng arrived at the Longevity Tower. He picked two ice pears and began to eat them. The cool air flowed through his body, and Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief and felt much better.

"Is this the Earth Fire Core?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Hahaha, what luck, I didn't expect it to be a high-grade Earth Fire Core. It looks like this fire core has been nurtured for at least tens of millions of years. Although it is not as good as the power of the origin of the world, it is just right for me." The tower laughed loudly, and the entire Longevity Tower trembled, sending out a signal of joy.

"Boy, I like this Earth Fire Core, so don't think about it." The tower's voice sounded again.

"Whatever you want." Chen Feng shook his head and waved his hand. A huge round jade table appeared in front of him.

Chen Feng's figure shook and he sat cross-legged on it. This jade table was made of ten thousand years of cold jade. When practicing on it, you don't have to worry about Zhou Huo's demonic possession, and it can also expel the fire poison in the body.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng just grabbed with his palm, and pieces of fire spirit stones flew over, floating in front of Chen Feng, and then a trace of fire spirit energy emanated and penetrated into Chen Feng's body.

"Fortunately, the purity of these spirit stones is quite high. Although there are some fire poisons, it is not a big deal." During Chen Feng's practice, the thousand-year cold jade in the local area emitted a trace of cool air to neutralize the increasingly vigorous body temperature in Chen Feng's body.

The two forces of ice and fire continued to conflict at first, but soon condensed into a ball and began to circulate. Each cycle would produce a large amount of essence and melt into Chen Feng's body.

Half an hour later, during Chen Feng's practice, a group of scorching sun suddenly appeared in the Longevity Tower, and then countless restrictions appeared around, blocking the energy fluctuations emitted by this group of scorching sun.

"Is this the core of the earth fire?" Chen Feng stopped practicing and looked at the scorching sun in front of him in surprise.

In Chen Feng's eyes, this highly concentrated fire core is exactly the same as the scorching sun in the sky. Of course, if you really compare them, the one in front of you is countless times smaller.

However, the energy contained in it should not be underestimated. Chen Feng knew that if the restrictions of the Longevity Tower had not blocked the surroundings, the heat energy emitted alone would probably burn him to ashes in an instant.

"This should be a concentrated small star." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Boy, your current strength is not enough to absorb this level of energy, but don't worry, I will leave some for you."

"Such a ball of fire core is equivalent to a low-level fairy weapon for me." The tower has been completely integrated into the Longevity Tower. Countless forces have condensed in the Longevity Tower, and various restrictions have begun to be constructed in space.

Then Chen Feng saw a series of channels extending around the core of the earth fire.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Pieces of top-quality ore flew up, and space bags opened automatically, and ore flew out. A large amount of metal ore merged into a torrent, constantly flying towards the core of the earth and fire. Of course, no matter how hard the metal ore or the metal spirit stone was, it would be melted immediately once it approached the core of the earth and fire, and then mixed with a trace of flames began to flow along the channels floating in the void.

These channels are naturally connected to the Longevity Tower. Chen Feng also understood the tower's actions. This is to use the core of the earth and fire to melt the metal ore to repair the damaged body of the Longevity Tower. These cores of the earth and fire also contain powerful energy, and will eventually be absorbed by the Longevity Tower to restore its own strength.

Chen Feng smiled, and then continued to practice. As Chen Feng practiced, the Zhoutian domain began to slowly unfold. As the Zhoutian domain expanded, Chen Feng absorbed spirit stones faster and faster.


Finally, the power of the domain expanded to a hundred feet away, with lightning and thunder, water and fire rushing, and spirit stones of other attributes stored in the Longevity Tower also floated up and gathered around Chen Feng.

The lightning power in the Thunder Pearl, the Yuanchen Crystal Water in the Haili Pearl, and the spiritual energy emitted by various spiritual stones all sank into the Zhoutian domain. This made the domain around Chen Feng even more violent.

During Chen Feng's cultivation, the Zhoutian tree growing in the Changsheng Tower also began to shake, and a fierce suction force was emitted, directly absorbing most of the Zhoutian energy around Chen Feng, and even the Zhoutian domain almost dissipated.

"This, this." Chen Feng was a little stunned.

Just when Chen Feng was depressed, a more concentrated Zhoutian energy emanated from the Zhoutian tree and descended on Chen Feng, causing the Zhoutian domain around Chen Feng to surge again, expanding to two hundred feet in one breath before stopping.

Crash! Crash!

The Zhoutian tree shook slightly, and the roots and branches directly pierced into the void, and began to quickly devour the Zhoutian power in the universe.


At this time, the Changsheng Tower also emitted a force and descended on the Zhoutian tree, causing the Zhoutian tree to open more layers of time and space void.

In addition to the rich fire power, the entire Changsheng Tower was filled with rolling Zhoutian power.

"Good opportunity, it seems that the Zhoutian tree will grow a lot this time." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

Because in just a short period of time, the Zhoutian Bagua acupoint in Chen Feng's body expanded by one time, and the Zhoutian domain became several times stronger. Even the eight holy swords suppressed in the Zhoutian Bagua acupoint showed signs of advancement.

This practice forgot about time again.

It took Chen Feng two full months to wake up from his training.

During Chen Feng's training, some things happened in the immortal battlefield. The most important thing was that the Tianren realm cultivators who came in to hone their skills were teleported out.

Of course, some cultivators who got the benefits didn't want to go out, but when the time came, the teleportation talisman automatically exploded, emitting an irresistible force to wrap the cultivators, and then opened the transmission channel to transmit them out.

"Sure enough, there is still a problem."

In the valley of the Tianjian Mountains, the faces of some waiting cultivators became very interesting, because these people found that after the prescribed period, some cultivators were still not transmitted out.

And through understanding, most of these cultivators who were not transmitted out were still alive, but they were stranded in the space battlefield because of some special reasons.

"The time has come, and you still want to stay in it. It is simply a challenge to the majesty of our Tianjian Sect. Quickly notify the predecessors of this sect, use the traction technique to teleport these people out, and then severely punish them." Some immortals in the Tianjian Sect have already shouted angrily.

Not long after, a cultivator from the Tianjian Sect descended. This was a terrestrial immortal, the top existence in the Eternal World. He rarely appeared in the world and was far from being approached by cultivators below the human immortals.

The invisible pressure emanating from this terrestrial immortal after his arrival had already subdued the scene. The invisible pressure seemed to have even quieted the surrounding heaven and earth. All the cultivators saluted respectfully, which was a kind of spiritual oppression.

"Meet the ancestor." The human immortals of the Tianjian Sect saluted one after another, with extremely respectful expressions on their faces. Even in a sect, it is rare to see a senior of this level. This is a master who has comprehended the power of the Great Dao. If he goes one step further, he can break the void and ascend to the immortal world.

"Well, no need to be polite!" This terrestrial immortal looked like a middle-aged Confucian scholar. He glanced around casually, and the human immortal masters around him suddenly felt that their souls were pierced.

"As expected of an earthly immortal, just the look alone is so oppressive."

The earthly immortal of the Tianjian Sect had a jade token in his hand, and without any movement, the jade token suddenly emitted a dazzling light, which disappeared into the void.

Not long after, the space began to float, and one space channel after another opened, and one cultivator after another was wrapped in the power of space and teleported out.

Some of these cultivators' faces changed a little, as if they didn't expect to be teleported out like this.

"Hey! I was teleported out, it's really strange, the space I was in at that time shouldn't be teleported out, not to mention that the teleportation talisman on my body was also broken." Jian Xiaotian was a little surprised, but he didn't notice a flash of mark behind him.

"Chen Feng really didn't come out, I knew it was like this, I should have been with Chen Feng earlier, hey! A year has passed too fast."

"But I have also gained a lot, and I can impact the realm of human immortals next."

"There are still three people who haven't come out, and the reason for this is at least the power of the earthly immortal level, I can't do anything." After the earthly immortal finished speaking, he disappeared directly.

Including Jian Xiaotian, a total of 23 cultivators were teleported out later, and these people will be interrogated next.

"Humph, no matter which faction these 23 people belong to, they must be interrogated. If they are tied up by the restrictions inside and cannot get out, it is understandable. If it is their own fault, hehe, they will inevitably have their cultivation abolished and suppressed for a hundred years." A human immortal from the Tianjian Sect said coldly.

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