Eternal Existence

Chapter 726: Pursuit

"Sealing the space is exactly what I want." At this time, Chen Feng had already emerged from the flames.

The flames disappeared, and Chen Feng was naturally safe and sound, but the monk who had just taken action was left with only ashes.

The moment they saw Chen Feng appear, seven or eight people took action immediately, using various magic weapons and secret techniques to kill Chen Feng.

These people are not fools. Their accomplice died in such a strange way just now. Of course, these people will not be careless when they take action.


A bloody light wave protected Chen Feng, blocking all attacks from around him.

"No, it's the breath of the Taoist weapon." The two immortals were the first to react. After looking at each other, they made a quick decision and fled far away, no longer caring about the lives of other monks.

Swish swish swish!

The moment the two people escaped, the blood-colored light waves around Chen Feng immediately exploded, turning into countless bloody swords and piercing the void. The surrounding monks, including the two immortals, were all hit.


Following Chen Feng's soft drink, these people were immediately horrified to see the blood and essence in their bodies spurting out from the wounds.

In just a blink of an eye, these half-step immortals turned into human skins. Only two immortals were still holding on, but they gradually shriveled up.

"Spare your life, spare your life!" In the fearful situation, the two immortals just begged for mercy, and they didn't even have the courage and strength to rush out.

"Don't kill me. I intend to recognize you as my master."

"Hey, I blame you for being unlucky, or maybe I don't have eyes. If you don't take action against me, I certainly won't kill you." Chen Feng said and sucked his palm sharply, and the two human immortals shriveled up quickly, and they were in the same heavenly realm as before. Like a monk, only a layer of human skin is left, and the essence, energy and blood in the body have been swallowed up.

"I didn't expect that using the Blood Gathering Bead to perform the Blood Ming Yin and Sky Devouring Absorption Techniques would have such power." Chen Feng was also a little surprised.

Although Chen Feng did not practice Xue Ming Yin at the beginning, after completely refining the blood gathering beads, Chen Feng naturally mastered the essence of Xue Ming Yin. In addition, Chen Feng practiced the Heaven Swallowing Absorption Technique and the Heaven Swallowing Demon Technique. The two more domineering techniques, as long as the cultivator is not much higher than Chen Feng, can't stop Chen Feng from devouring them.

Groups of blood energy essence were constantly swirling and compressing in Chen Feng's palm, and finally compressed into a small ball and collected by Chen Feng into the blood gathering bead.

Chen Feng's current state does not bother to directly swallow the essence and blood of these people. It is better to directly use the Blood Ming Fruit.

Of course, it would be different if it were the blood essence of a high-level monk. For example, a drop of blood from the Earth Immortal would be enough for Chen Feng to slowly refine and absorb.

These people were killed by Chen Feng, and everything they had on them naturally fell into Chen Feng's hands. After a casual inspection, Chen Feng put it away: "There are some good things in these people. It seems that they have robbed many monks." ”

"There is Jian Xiaotian's aura here." Chen Feng finally searched for Jian Xiaotian's aura in an inconspicuous volcano crater, and then used the Qianxun Mirror to restore Jian Xiaotian's figure in the surrounding area.

At this time, the Qianxun Mirror was different from before. In Chen Feng's hands, it was fused with the magnetic compass and mixed with some precious materials. It can be said that the Qianxun Mirror in Chen Feng's hands has undergone earth-shaking changes. A few days ago, I was successfully promoted to a first-grade holy weapon. Correspondingly, Chen Feng's strength also increased slightly.

You must know that these magic weapons suppressed in the acupoints have been refined by Chen Feng. Their flesh and blood are connected, and their souls are fused. As Chen Feng's strength increases, these magic weapons may not necessarily increase his level, but as these magic weapons increase their level, Chen Feng's strength will definitely increase. .

"Here Jian Xiaotian encountered fire monsters. These monsters were quite powerful, but unfortunately they were surrounded and killed by several human beings."

Following Jian Xiaotian's aura, Chen Feng began to pursue it. Pictures continued to appear in the Qianxun Mirror, and finally settled on the scene of three half-step immortals chasing Jian Xiaotian.

There was another thing that surprised Chen Feng, that is, Jian Xiaotian couldn't resist and wanted to crush the teleportation talisman and send it out. The talisman was crushed, but it failed, and no space channel was opened.

In the end, Jian Xiaotian blocked the opponent's attack with the help of a magic weapon and escaped, but he was also seriously injured.

"The situation is not good. What happened? Even the teleportation talisman has failed. Is it because of the laws of space here or the methods of these monks?" Chen Feng was a little confused.

"But no matter what, the most important thing now is to find Jian Xiaotian first. I just hope that Jian Xiaotian has a strong enough magic weapon to protect him."

You must know that Jian Xiaotian is only at the seventh level of heaven and human beings now, and he is the lowest among the monks who came in. If he didn't have magic weapons to protect him, he probably wouldn't be alive now.

Whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng quickly moved forward in this volcanic area, constantly changing directions, and sometimes even entered the volcano to look for clues. At this time, Chen Feng had given up on collecting the spiritual stones in the volcano. Just now , a volcano full of spirit stones flashed past Chen Feng's feet. The fire energy emitted from it surprised Chen Feng. He knew that there must be a large number of spirit stones in the volcano, but Chen Feng gave up because Chen Feng Feng didn't want to waste this time, just to find Jian Xiaotian as soon as possible.

For Jian Xiaotian who was being hunted, perhaps every breath he took was extremely important.

"There are also traces of fighting here. It's strange why this volcanic area is so big." Chen Feng has entered the volcano group hundreds of thousands of miles deep, and the power of his soul is constantly sweeping away, but he still has not found the end of the volcanic area.

"If so many volcanoes erupted at the same time, it would be enough to destroy a planet. How much energy is contained in the depths of this land?"


A volcano erupted in front of Chen Feng, and the hot and sticky magma erupted for tens of thousands of miles. A large hole was burned in the entire sky. The temperature around him began to rise, and countless unmelted rocks began to roll down. Chen Feng did not dodge, his whole body was covered with domain power, and he passed directly through.


Just as Chen Feng flew over the volcano, a dull roar came from the volcano, and then a huge fiery red figure wrapped in magma rushed towards Chen Feng.

"It's a magma beast. It's really troublesome."

"Go away."

Chen Feng punched quickly, and the magma exploded, revealing a figure made of crystal.

"Get away if you don't want to die." Chen Feng shouted. This was a fire demon king. Although it was very powerful, it was not taken seriously by Chen Feng, but Chen Feng didn't want to get entangled with it now.

But after the demon king was knocked back by Chen Feng's punch, it roared up again and at the same time, another roar came from below.

"court death!"

Chen Feng stretched out his finger, and the Sword of Death turned into a black light and flew out. It circled and then flew back. Then countless cracks appeared all over the body of the crystal-like demon king. Finally, it exploded with a bang, and a The demon core flew and landed in Chen Feng's hands.


Chen Feng snorted coldly and left quickly. The roar below Huo Sha also suddenly stopped because he felt the strong murderous intention and energy emanating from Chen Feng.

"There are traces of fighting here, and there is a pool of blood here." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it suddenly, and traces of blood seeped out from the ground, condensing into a blood ball and falling on Chen Feng's palm.

Feeling the domineering aura in the blood cells and the indestructible sword intent, Chen Feng easily determined that this was left by Jian Xiaotian.

"It seems that Jian Xiaotian is a little embarrassed this time." Chen Feng laughed. Chen Feng had already guessed a lot of things from the blood stains. The most important thing is that the blood stains lasted for a very short time. In addition, From the traces of fighting around him, Chen Feng surmised that Jian Xiaotian should still be alive.

"We are not far from Jian Xiaotian." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Just a hundred thousand miles away from Chen Feng, Jian Xiaotian is hidden in a huge volcano. This volcano is one hundred thousand feet high. The huge mountain occupies a radius of thousands of miles. In addition to its huge area, this volcano is There are actually some restrictions inside and outside the volcano, and most of these restrictions are natural barriers.

The power of thick and rolling earth fire continuously erupted from the wide crater, making the sky thousands of miles above the sky red. As for tens of thousands of miles around, the temperature was extremely high, the earth was cracked, and almost no grass could grow.

Just inside this huge volcano, thousands of feet away from the crater, there is an increasing number of restrictions. These restrictions have existed in the high temperature for who knows how many years. They have not dissipated. Instead, they have relied on the earth's fire. The power makes the ban more stable.

Within these restrictions is a round and smooth cave. The cave is winding and undulating, and it is unknown where it leads. Gathered in this cave, Jian Xiaotian was lying on the ground covered in blood, his face twisted, and he gritted his teeth. Repair body injuries.

"Hey, although I was hunted this time, the harvest was huge. Not only did I get a lot of spiritual stones, but I also got the inheritance of a high-level human immortal. My cultivation level broke through again, but the teleportation talisman is gone. , If you want to go out, you have to find someone else to snatch it. "Although the situation is not good, Jian Xiaotian's eyes are still bright, and his energy and spirit are not weak.

"I hope I can recover almost all my injuries before the other party finds me, otherwise no matter how many treasures I have on my body, it will be useless if I can't get rid of the immediate crisis." Jian Xiaotian was surrounded by pieces of spiritual stones, and the spiritual energy was emitting from them. Enter Jian Xiaotian's body.

These spiritual stones are all fairy crystals.

Jian Xiaotian had been practicing for three hours, and as soon as his injuries improved somewhat, he felt that the restrictions outside the cave began to violently turbulence.

"We are chasing you. These people are really lingering. If my cultivation reaches another level, I will kill you all." A trace of killing intent flashed in Jian Xiaotian's eyes.

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