Eternal Existence

Chapter 727: Passage

Boom! Boom! Boom!

These people finally found Jian Xiaotian's trace and began to bombard the barrier in front of them. It was said that these monks had been chasing Jian Xiaotian for a while. The purpose of these people was not to have a grudge against Jian Xiaotian, or to be irreconcilable with him. It was because Jian Xiaotian had obtained the inheritance of a high-level human immortal. This was a huge fortune. If he could get it, he could advance to the realm of human immortal in a short time.

For all the lower-level monks, becoming a human immortal was the most important first goal. Human immortals meant that they had already stepped into the immortal path. No matter how powerful the monks in the heavenly realm were, they were just ordinary people who had not comprehended the laws of the immortal path.

Pah pah pah pah!

As these people bombarded, the barrier in front of them continued to explode, and soon Jian Xiaotian's figure could be seen through the layers of restrictions.

Jian Xiaotian was also somewhat helpless. He was indeed very lucky, but there were other people present when he received the inheritance. Moreover, among the several cultivators who were chasing him, several of them had high cultivation and many trump cards. Even his teleportation talisman was ineffective. If he had not had some defensive magic weapons on him, he would have been killed by the other party long ago.

"Who are these people? It's strange. I don't know any of them. But they are quite capable to have persisted in this space until now. It's just that my current situation is not good." Jian Xiaotian thought about it and waved his hand. Two metal puppets appeared in front of him. Under Jian Xiaotian's command, they passed through the restrictions and attacked these cultivators.

These two combat puppets have the attack power of a half-step human immortal. Although they cannot use soul attacks, their defense is strong enough to even block the attacks of human immortals for a short time.

"Give me some time." Jian Xiao turned around and walked into the cave.

Strange, strange, this cave is inside the volcano, but the temperature has not risen because of the magma. On the contrary, this cave feels a little cool. The most important thing is that this cave is full of pure spiritual energy. Although the fire power accounts for most of it, it is still no problem to use it for cultivation and healing. This is why Jian Xiaotian was happy after entering the cave.

"I don't know what is deep in the cave, I hope it's not a dead end." Since there is no way out, Jian Xiaotian has to go deep into the cave.


After these people blasted open the ban, Jian Xiaotian's breath was completely lost, and only a burst of rich spiritual energy gushed out of the cave.

"What's going on, this kid's breath disappeared."

"Don't worry about it, there is only one passage here, let's chase it."

"Still have to be careful, I think it's a bit weird here."

"Hey, what are you afraid of, there are so many of us, and we have magic weapons to protect ourselves. It will be a big gain to catch this kid."

"Let's go!"

Two hours later, Chen Feng finally came to this volcano. Standing on the top of the crater, Chen Feng was a little amazed.

"There is such a big volcano, it is really a geographical wonder. If there is enough magma erupting underground, the scene will be even more spectacular."

"According to the situation along the way, Jian Xiaotian should be inside this volcano." Chen Feng thought about it, and the soul power surged and began to surge into the volcano, but soon Chen Feng's face showed surprise, because Chen Feng's soul power could only go deep into a thousand feet before being affected by some forces.

"There is something strange, let me take a good look." Chen Feng said, and black streams of light shot out of his eyes. In Chen Feng's eyes, the entire huge volcano appeared densely packed, layered, and countless restrictions. These restrictions seemed to have no offensiveness, but they blocked Chen Feng's power to investigate.

"Strange, these restrictions seem to be natural, but there are signs of artificial modification. Could it be that this is a restriction left by the immortals during the previous war?" Chen Feng began to guess in his heart.


Chen Feng thought about it, and two black streams of light shot out from his eyes, and immediately a piece of restriction was cut off, and nothing happened.

So Chen Feng was relieved to descend, and the picture in the Qianxun mirror in his hand was constantly flashing, as if it was disturbed by the power here.

Not long after, Chen Feng found the entrance of the cave where Jian Xiaotian was before, and walked in after a moment of hesitation.

"The restriction here was blasted open by someone, I hope Jian Xiaotian can be safe and sound." At this time, the Qianxun mirror in Chen Feng's hand had completely lost its function, and no picture was revealed.

"Strange, this cave is not simple, such pure spiritual energy, it seems that there should be a large spiritual gathering array and a magic array for purifying spiritual energy in it. There is only one purpose for doing this, that is, it is suitable for cultivation."

"Then, the one who can arrange this magic array here must be an old monster who survived the immortal war."

"Hey, if he can live until now, it's a bit bad. I wonder if the Changsheng Tower can deal with it?"

Although all kinds of thoughts flashed through Chen Feng's mind, he did not stop, but moved forward at a faster speed.

The whole cave was winding, and Chen Feng advanced tens of thousands of meters in one breath before he found a fork in the road, so Chen Feng stood still and began to shrink the breath around him.


Chen Feng punched the wall fiercely. This punch of Chen Feng had a force of over a million pounds, but it only opened a small hole, and this small hole returned to normal in a few breaths.

"Sure enough, there are some tricks." Chen Feng smiled and entered the passage on the left.

This time the route was more winding, with many forks in the middle, and even Chen Feng felt like he couldn't find the direction.

"The spiritual energy is getting purer and purer, and it's almost close to the level of immortal energy. Tsk, it seems that we are almost there." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

As Chen Feng moved forward, he clearly felt the increasingly pure spiritual energy like a gust of wind flying over, which made Chen Feng feel like his pores were opening.

"It's good to practice here."

After moving forward in the passage for another hour, Chen Feng stopped and listened attentively. The faint sound of fighting came along the passage.

"Found it!" Chen Feng was delighted and ran quickly in the direction of the sound.

Although he heard the sound, it still took nearly two hours to find Jian Xiaotian.

"What is this place?" The passage in front of him suddenly opened up, and Chen Feng came to a spacious giant cave.

The spiritual energy was so rich that it kept rolling. Although it was not an immortal weapon, its purity and grade were comparable to those of an immortal weapon.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely. A channel immediately appeared in his palm, and a large amount of spiritual energy entered Chen Feng's palm.

After a few breaths, Chen Feng stopped. The spiritual energy he just absorbed was equivalent to ten pieces of immortal crystals.

This speed surprised Chen Feng, because in Chen Feng's understanding, even the immortal energy absorbed by the immortal world by the human immortals every day could not reach the level of ten pieces of immortal crystals. Of course, this is the most ordinary human immortals.

So Chen Feng got a lot of immortal crystals in Tianju Immortal Mansion, which was so shocking when he thought about it now. It was an indescribable wealth for Chen Feng now.

"Brother Chen!" At this time, Jian Xiaotian's surprised voice sounded in front. Jian Xiaotian was covered with scars all over his body, and he was a little out of breath when he spoke. Although he was a little short of breath, he still laughed excitedly after seeing Chen Feng, and at the same time he knew that his life was not a problem.

"Brother Jian, you seem to be a little embarrassed." Chen Feng strode forward while secretly observing the situation around him.

"Where did you come from, little guy? Get out of my way." At this time, a fist flashed with a metallic luster and blasted towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng smiled and raised his hand to punch. The iron fist disappeared, and a cultivator vomited blood and flew out. After landing, he struggled twice and died.


The group of cultivators surrounding Jian Xiaotian all exclaimed, and even a few of them looked at Chen Feng who was getting closer and closer, and a sense of fear and oppression rose in their hearts, and then released from their eyes.

"Who are you?"

"Stupid, catch Jian Xiao first."

These people are not fools. Naturally, they can see that the person is in the same group with Jian Xiaotian, and they look very powerful, so the easiest way now is to catch Jian Xiaotian in their hands first, so that the person who comes can be cautious.

Three cultivators stood in front of Chen Feng, three cultivators reached out to grab Jian Xiaotian, and two stood separately on both sides to observe Chen Feng's movements.

And Jian Xiaotian's condition was very bad at this time. Facing the attacks of these people, he almost lost the power to fight back.

However, Jian Xiaotian was not worried at all, because he believed in Chen Feng.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and two sword lights, one black and one white, flew out. The black sword light killed the three people who attacked Jian Xiaotian, and the white sword light killed the three people who stood in front of him.

"Be careful, it's a holy weapon." The two monks standing aside changed their faces and attacked Chen Feng at the same time.

"Colorful clouds chasing the moon."

"Emperor of the Earth!"

A colorful cloud suddenly exploded, like a stream of ribbons entwined towards Chen Feng, and under the colorful cloud there was a huge black palm grabbing towards Chen Feng.

Facing the attacks of the two, Chen Feng simply took a step forward, and then disappeared out of thin air. When he appeared again, he was standing with Jian Xiaotian.

The black and white sword energy continued to crisscross, emitting a strong sword energy and domineering pressure, suppressing these monks and retreating again and again.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and a stream of Yuanchen crystal water entered Jian Xiaotian's body, and the injuries on Jian Xiaotian's body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the scattered aura began to condense continuously.

"Brother Jian has made another breakthrough in cultivation. Congratulations. You can escape from the pursuit of so many masters. It seems that you are not far from the realm of human immortals." Chen Feng said with a smile, not taking the cultivator opposite him seriously.

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