Eternal Existence

Chapter 725: Volcano

After recovering from his injury, Chen Feng was sure that the young man had not chased him, so he practiced again in the cave he had opened up for a while.

A month passed quickly, and the place where Chen Feng was was very quiet. No cultivators passed by, and no monsters appeared. If it weren't for the chaotic spiritual energy in the outside world, it would really be a good place for cultivation.

Of course, for Chen Feng, the resources needed for cultivation were not a problem at all. Now Chen Feng used immortal crystals for cultivation. He had long stopped using treasure crystals. After he had immortal crystals, he rarely used even saint crystals.

Moreover, in the process of using immortal crystals for cultivation, Chen Feng gritted his teeth and broke tens of millions of treasure crystals into rolling spiritual energy, which floated in the medicine field in the Changsheng Tower, causing countless herbs in the medicine field to grow rapidly.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to break the saint crystals, but after thinking about it, he didn't do it. Saint crystals could be used in buying and selling things in the future, and immortal crystals were too ostentatious.

In the cultivation world, the lowest level of people who can use saint crystals is human immortals, which is already a very high-level spiritual stone.

If Chen Feng takes out the immortal crystals when trading after going out, it will definitely cause some trouble. Of course, if Chen Feng's realm is enough, it doesn't matter.

"This immortal battlefield has a huge territory. I actually met several people from the immortal world in such a small place. I don't know how many immortal world cultivators there are in other places."

"This space was originally discovered by the Tianjian Sect for exploration and looking for opportunities, but I didn't expect things to turn out like this. In front of these immortal world cultivators, the cultivators who came in from the Eternal World this time became little lambs." Chen Feng sighed.

"Then what do you think?" Ta suddenly interrupted.

"I naturally hope that more and more cultivators will come down from the immortal world, so that it will be more interesting." Chen Feng laughed.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I have a hunch that there will be a lot of cultivators entering this space this time, and maybe not just cultivators from the immortal world." Ta's voice became a little weird.

"What do you mean?" Chen Feng understood what Ta said.

"According to my guess, not many people may have entered this space in the past. This time, even people from the Immortal Realm have discovered it. Perhaps this is an opportunity, an opportunity for this space to be completely open."

"This is good and bad." Chen Feng pondered for a moment: "With more people, the treasures here will definitely be divided up."

"The competition is fierce. I don't know how many people will be killed or injured, but the more people die, the better. The blood of people from the Immortal Realm, maybe my blood-gathering beads can be upgraded again." Chen Feng laughed.

This time, when fighting with the opponent, Chen Feng put away his recent surge of contempt, and at the same time, he also understood that his strength was actually nothing. If it weren't for the help of the Longevity Tower, he would have died many times along the way.

"If the Longevity Tower is not by my side in the future, I don't know how many times I would have died." Chen Feng had thought of this idea in his heart in the past, but this time it was even stronger.

"My own strength is the most important."

Next, Chen Feng walked out of the cave and continued to walk slowly, sometimes stepping on the ground and climbing over the mountains, and sometimes directly flying into the air and flying quickly.

In this way, another month passed, and Chen Feng finally found out about Jian Xiaotian.

"Let me go, I can tell you an important news."

A cultivator stood in front of Chen Feng, trembling all over, and a golden rope tied him up in circles.

There were three cultivators lying around him, and it was unknown whether they were dead or alive.

During this period of time, Chen Feng successfully integrated several Dongxu silks snatched from the young man into the Immortal Binding Rope, which improved the grade of the Immortal Binding Rope again. At this time, this Immortal Binding Rope has been upgraded to a fourth-grade holy weapon.

A fourth-grade holy weapon can still bind a half-step human immortal.

"Tell me, if it is of no value, I can't guarantee that I will let you go." Chen Feng said lightly.

Chen Feng did not know these cultivators. When they were walking together, they saw that he was alone and wanted to take advantage of him. The result was obvious. They were dealt with by Chen Feng before they even had time to crush the teleportation talisman. The three people next to him were easily knocked out by Chen Feng. Chen Feng wanted to knock out all four of them and then rob them, but this person said a piece of very important news to him.

"I know about Jian Xiaotian." The cultivator looked at Chen Feng and said, but he didn't know that Chen Feng's eyes didn't change at all.

"Do you know me?" Chen Feng asked back.

"I know you are from the Tianjian Sect. I saw you and Jian Xiaotian together before I came in."

"Okay, go on." Chen Feng nodded, staring at the other party with his eyes, a little light in his eyes, and invisible fluctuations emanated from his eyes.

These were some pupil techniques that Chen Feng secretly performed, which were to confuse the other party so that he would not lie.

"At that time, we went to a cave to look for some fire spirit stones, and accidentally saw Jian Xiaotian being chased. Jian Xiaotian seemed to be injured before, and was in a very bad state. It seemed that he didn't even have the teleportation talisman." The man said while looking at Chen Feng's reaction.

"What is the specific location?" Chen Feng asked calmly.

"There are several huge volcanoes 300,000 miles ahead."

"Okay, regardless of whether what you said is true or not, I will spare you first." Chen Feng said and waved his hand, and all the space bags on these people were taken away by Chen Feng. Of course, the teleportation talismans on these people were also taken away. Left behind.

After Chen Feng left, the monk sighed and stepped forward to revive the three unconscious people. The four of them discussed with ugly faces for a while, then sighed at the same time, took out the teleportation talisman and left.

Speaking of which, these four people are self-aware. Chen Feng did not kill the four of them. They can only be considered lucky. If they meet other people again, they may not be so lucky. The most important thing is that these four people are empty. Coupled with the injury, it is indeed not suitable for him to continue his career.

"Three hundred thousand miles? I hope I can make it in time, but it's not easy for Jian Xiaotian to persist here until now." Chen Feng did not pause. The two swords of life and death appeared on the soles of his feet at the same time, and the two qi of life and death communicated with the two vitality points in the body. In operation, Chen Feng's speed was already comparable to that of a small teleportation array.

The distance of 300,000 miles is not too far for Chen Feng, but what worries Chen Feng is that Jian Xiaotian should have fled to other places when being chased.

Chen Feng mobilized all his strength and finally arrived at the place in one day.

"Such a rich power of fire, and the smell of magma." Chen Feng landed on a tall volcano crater. Although the volcano did not erupt, there was still a rich energy spewing out of the crater.

"The spiritual energy here is too mixed, not a good place for cultivation, but there will definitely be spiritual stones within the volcano." Chen Feng's soul power spread and soon enveloped the entire mountain, and then began to move into the volcano. Start exploring.

The hot magma cannot stop Chen Feng's soul power, but the chaotic spiritual energy that keeps emerging from the depths of the ground also greatly reduces Chen Feng's search ability.

"The spirit stone inside was climbed by others first. There is no aura of Jian Xiaotian in it. Are you going to look elsewhere?" Chen Feng left the volcano in a flash.

Whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng was extremely fast, the power of his soul enveloped the earth, and he searched seven volcanoes before stopping.

"It's a bit strange why there are so many volcanoes here." Chen Feng's eyes flashed. During this search, Chen Feng only got tens of thousands of fire-type spiritual stones. Most of the spiritual stones were dug away by others. .

"The volcano just now had at best hundreds of millions of fire-type spiritual stones. Each piece was at the level of a holy crystal. Hey, I don't know which lucky guy took it away. These many spiritual stones are enough to buy a Taoist weapon. ." Chen Feng flew out of a volcano crater.

However, as soon as Chen Feng came out, he was surrounded by a dozen monks. What surprised Chen Feng was that two of these people were in the realm of human immortals.

"Boy, no matter who you are, please hand over the spirit stones on your body." Seeing Chen Feng come out, one of the Half-Step Immortals immediately spoke.

"I have just arrived. The spirit stones here have been taken away by others." Chen Feng said lightly. Although the monks in front of him are very strong and can walk sideways in this space if they unite, but for those who have already competed with the middle-level people in the immortal world, For Chen Feng, who has fought against immortals, these people are somewhat incomprehensible to Chen Feng's eyes.

"Who believes this? Take out the space bag on your body and let us investigate, otherwise it will be difficult for you to die." The speaker had already taken action against Chen Feng.

These ten monks were a small group. After entering the space battlefield, they gained a lot by relying on the strength of their numbers. Especially after two people broke through to the realm of human immortals, the principal became arrogant. Many monks who were alone were killed. These people have looted it. In the eyes of these people, it is easy to capture the monks in the heavenly and human realms.

"Fire Dragon Hand!"

This man used a fire-type grappling hand, a huge flaming palm that exuded terrifying pressure, and there was even a heart-shaking dragon roar.

Except for this person, everyone else was scattered around. In the eyes of these people, Chen Feng didn't have time even if he wanted to crush the teleportation talisman.

The cultivation level of the person who did it was already close to that of a human immortal. Everyone had confidence in this person, but soon everyone's expressions changed.


The man's fire dragon hand suddenly exploded, and then a bigger explosion sounded. A ball of flames exploded violently and spread around, accompanied by screams, as if a soul was being burned in the fire, in hell. tortured.

"not good!"

"Seal the sky and lock the earth!"

The two immortals, who had always been very calm, took action at the same time. They fired out a series of immortal laws and jointly sealed the surrounding space, forming an independent small world.

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