Eternal Existence

Chapter 724: The Situation in the Immortal World

The moment the strongly compressed ice ball exploded, Chen Feng felt the danger, sighed in his heart, and still used the power of the magic weapon.

A blood-colored halo rose up, covering Chen Feng and dispelling the coldness around him.

After a fight, Chen Feng still used the blood-gathering bead. At this time, the blood-gathering bead had been repaired by Chen Feng and reached the level of a mid-grade Taoist weapon. According to the level classification, this is a magic weapon that only earth immortals can possess.

Pah pah pah pah!

The blood light and the white frost power kept colliding with each other, making bursts of explosions, but Chen Feng began to retreat, and the blood light kept flying and colliding, flying out tens of thousands of meters before rushing out of the range of the frost power.

"Tao weapon!" The young man was a little surprised. Although the magic weapons that this native took out one after another were nothing to him, it also made the young man look at Chen Feng with some new eyes.

"Look, let me see what else you have." When the young man was about to attack again, the long sword in his hand suddenly shook violently, and the sharp sword energy cut the skin of his palm, and then turned into two sword energies, one black and one white, and flew out.

This time the young man was finally moved, his face was a little ugly, looking at Chen Feng who was getting farther and farther away, he waved his hand, and a bronze war spear appeared in his hand.

"Since you have used the Taoist weapon, don't blame me for being rude." The young man said and stabbed out with the long spear in his hand.

At this time, Chen Feng had suppressed the two swords of life and death in the acupoints again, and under the protection of the blood-gathering bead, Chen Feng flew away quickly.

Since he was not the opponent's opponent, Chen Feng had no intention of continuing to fight, and leaving now was the best choice.

He did not use the strongest means, and the opponent had not yet made a move, and the four earth immortals had not yet made a move.

It's not that Chen Feng is afraid of the other party. It's mainly because the two of them have already lost by relying on their own strength in a one-on-one fight. Without deep hatred, Chen Feng doesn't need to expose his trump card. Of course, if the other party pursues him relentlessly or sends out earth immortals, then things will be different. If it really comes to that situation, Chen Feng will find a way to kill all the other parties as soon as he starts.

The other party is from the fairy world, and it is hard to guarantee that he will not recognize the origin of the Longevity Tower.

"I can't do anything to the other party for the time being. I will come back to get this place after I ascend to the realm of human immortals." Chen Feng said in his heart, and was about to urge the blood-gathering beads to speed up. At this time, a strong warning sign burst out from the ground.


Before Chen Feng had time to look back, the blood-colored light circle around him was pierced, and the sharp breath made Chen Feng's soul tremble.


In the sight of the young man, the attack he launched easily penetrated the circle of blood light, but after the blood light disappeared, the cultivator disappeared unexpectedly.

"Did it turn into pieces under my attack?" The young man instinctively thought of this at first, but he quickly denied it.

The young man's eyes flashed with light, and he penetrated the space directly and found Chen Feng's figure thousands of miles away.

"This guy still has hidden means. Could it be a top-grade Taoist weapon, or a top-grade Taoist weapon?"

"Forget it, you are capable of escaping from my hands, but don't let me meet you again next time." The young man's face regained calm again.

"Let's go!"

The four earth immortals followed the young man to find a direction, and soon disappeared.


Chen Feng stopped when he was thousands of miles away. In the crisis just now, Chen Feng still mobilized the power of the Longevity Tower. In fact, in Chen Feng's perception, the magic weapon used by the other party was definitely not an immortal weapon. But it can emit enough power to kill himself. This power is not only in the magic weapon, but also a very important part of the reason is the cultivator himself.

Chen Feng found a mountain, took out the flying sword, and quickly opened up a simple cave. After arranging some restrictions, he began to heal his wounds.

With his mind sweeping, all the situations in his body were clear. Chen Feng sighed, waved his hand, and a ball of green water appeared in his palm.

It was the Yuanchen crystal water in the Haili Pearl. After taking it, it can cleanse the soul and enhance vitality. It has the same healing effect as the spring of life.

Chen Feng blew a breath, and the ball of Yuanchen crystal water immediately dispersed, forming a water mist state, wrapping Chen Feng up.

"Hey, this ball of Yuanchen crystal water has a full hundred drops. I don't know how many spirit stones it will cost if I buy it." Chen Feng shook his head. Compared with the ocean-like Yuanchen crystal water in the Haili Pearl, these hundred drops are really nothing.

As Chen Feng entered the state of cultivation, the water mist around him continued to enter Chen Feng's body. In just one hour, the Yuanchen crystal water floating around was completely absorbed by Chen Feng.

As the Yuanchen crystal water was refined and absorbed, Chen Feng's broken internal organs, cracked meridians, and cracked bones began to heal one after another.

Originally, these injuries had been healed by 80% under Chen Feng's own recovery ability. Now, under the effect of Yuanchen Crystal Water, they were fully recovered in just one hour, and the power of the soul increased.

However, Chen Feng was still a little dissatisfied with this speed: "It seems that only by entering the realm of human immortal can the quality of the immortal qi be improved again."

Chen Feng gained a lot from this fight with the opponent. Training himself was only second. The most important thing was that Chen Feng had an intuitive understanding of the cultivation of the immortal monks, and also made himself understand some of his own shortcomings. Regarding other aspects such as the application of laws, the performance of skills, and the reaction to the enemy, Chen Feng was secretly experiencing it while practicing, and his mind was replaying every fragment of the fight with the opponent.

"Ta, what do you think this person's qualifications are in the immortal world?" Chen Feng suddenly asked at this time.

"Just ordinary qualifications." Ta said calmly.

"Ordinary qualifications." Chen Feng narrowed his eyes: "Are all the monks in the immortal world so powerful? What about the three men and one woman from before?"

During Chen Feng's previous fight, all aspects of the young man's situation shocked Chen Feng. In Chen Feng's opinion, although the opponent's realm was higher than his own, the strength he displayed must be the number one in the fairy world, but he did not expect that Ta Chen Feng naturally didn't believe this kind of evaluation.

"Not as good as that young man." Ta said lightly.

"Ta, can you tell me what the geniuses in the immortal world are like?" Chen Feng suddenly asked with a smile.

"If you have anything to say, you will know after you have cultivated enough and ascended to the immortal world."

"Be mentally prepared in advance. Didn't you meet someone from the Immortal Realm? Otherwise, I wouldn't have remembered to ask you, or maybe you had never been to the Immortal Realm, but someone just lied to me." Chen Feng said deliberately.

"You don't need to use the provoking method on me, it's useless, but seeing that your cultivation level has improved relatively quickly recently, I still want to reveal some situations in the fairy world to you." Ta thought for a while and said.

"Actually, you should be able to imagine the gap between the two. The monks in the Eternal World usually only use the spiritual energy between heaven and earth for cultivation. Only after breaking through to the human immortal can they communicate with the immortal world and absorb the immortal energy."

"And in the fairy world, a newborn baby breathes an immortal weapon, or a very high-grade immortal weapon. How do you compare the two?"

Chen Feng was silent. Indeed, in the eternal world, if you want to cultivate to the realm of human immortality, it will take a person with extraordinary talents about a hundred years, and more monks will need thousands of years. Of course, this is about being able to cultivate to the realm of human immortality. Among the monks in the world, among all the monks in the eternal world, there will be some who will not be able to break through to the realm of gods and humans in their lifetime, and there will be even more who will not be able to cultivate to the realm of human immortals in their lifetime.

In the fairy world, babies can absorb fairy energy and practice as soon as they make a sound. In this respect, they are on par with the immortals in the eternal world.

If you start high, your achievements will be better.

There is really no comparison between the monks in the eternal world and the monks in the fairy world.

"Your current strength is considered to be a top genius in the eternal world. At the eighth level of heaven and human beings, you can compete with the middle-level human immortals, but compared with the young people before." Ta said again. .

Chen Feng thought for a while and then said: "If they are at the same level, I can easily defeat him."

"Oh, really, how do you know that the other party has no hidden methods." Ta laughed.

Chen Feng was silent, what he said did make sense.

"I can tell you clearly that with your current strength and qualifications, in the fairy world, you can only be regarded as an extremely ordinary low-level monk and an ant-like figure. If you continue to develop according to your current situation, even if you can ascend to the fairy world, you will only be able to ascend to the fairy world. He is an ordinary member of the many monks in the immortal world."

"So, you can't relax now. On the contrary, you have to practice harder."

"In the fairy world, everyone practices. Most of the people who are native to the fairy world can break through to the realm of human immortals before they are twenty years old. Some people with some talents can do it even earlier. They can cultivate to the realm of human immortals before they are ten years old. In this case Can you imagine."

"It's not that I won't tell you, but I'm afraid that you will be hit if you find out."

Chen Feng was stunned, and after a long time he said: "If what you said is true, I was really shocked."

It is not just one person, but most people who are promoted to Immortal before the age of twenty. This ratio is indeed shocking. For monks like Chen Feng in the world below, it is indeed unimaginable.

"I can only tell you so much now. Even if higher-level beings tell you, you won't be able to understand it. You only need to know that the fairy world is tens of thousands of times larger than the eternal world, and the number and quality of monks are also It’s thousands of times beyond Evergrande and the world, and I think you should be able to experience some of the competition and pressure in the fairy world.”

When it comes to this tower, I won’t say much more, and even if Chen Feng asks, I won’t say anything.

"Hey, what's so great? It didn't take me much time from formal cultivation to now. If I had grown up in the immortal world since I was a child, I would have cultivated to the earthly immortal realm by now." Chen Feng laughed.

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