Eternal Existence

Chapter 710: Ancient Flame Beetle

"If this is really the case, it can really restore me to the strength of the Taoist weapon. However, this idea is a bit unrealistic. No matter how lucky I am, I will not encounter such heaven-defying benefits. This time It's enough for me to find some fairy fragments when I come in. The most important thing now is that you should consider your own strength."

"Your cultivation speed is really too slow." Ta finally said.

"What, this is called slow." Chen Feng was a little dissatisfied. Compared with other monks, Chen Feng's cultivation speed is already unparalleled among the heavens.

"If you can cultivate to this level without resources, you are considered a genius, but you have so many cultivator resources. If you need spiritual stones, you need spiritual stones, if you need skills, you need skills, if you need magic weapons, there are magic weapons, and if you need elixirs There is a magical medicine, but you have not cultivated to the realm of human immortality for such a long time. Are you too slow?" Ta said calmly.

"Stop, stop, I won't say anything more to you now. You'd better quickly look for the fairy fragments." Chen Feng waved his hand, not wanting to continue on this topic.

Chen Feng understood that even if his cultivation doubled again, Ta would have something to say.

"There are no fairy artifact fragments around here, but there is a swamp a thousand miles ahead. Hey, there might be some good things there." Ta said with a smile.

"You can't explain clearly what it is." Chen Feng rolled his eyes.

"You'll know when we get there." Ta's smile was a little weird.

Chen Feng curled his lips. After such a long period of time together, he had gained some understanding of the tower. There were benefits, but there would definitely be some troubles waiting for him to face.

The distance of thousands of miles was nothing to Chen Feng. Chen Feng entered the swamp area in less than half an hour.

"It's strange. Since this is a swamp, how come there is such a strong power of fire." Chen Feng shook his head and felt strange. Although the spiritual energy here was a bit chaotic, Chen Feng quickly felt something wrong with it. .

"It seems that the swamp here is a little unusual." Chen Feng began to slow down, thinking that Chen Feng felt that after entering the swamp area, not only was the spiritual energy chaotic, but even the gravity here had some slight changes.


Chen Feng fluttered and stood in front of a small swamp. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The swamp did not move at all, but after a breath, the surface of the swamp began to vibrate slightly. A group of things broke through the swamp and flew to Chen Feng. Maple's hands.

It turned out to be a red-black stone. Chen Feng looked at it carefully and then said with a smile: "It is five elements of black gold, and it is the best. No wonder it contains the power of gold. It seems that there should be other ores."

Next, Chen Feng kept moving forward and accidentally stopped in front of the Quagmire Tan. He gained a lot in one day and found some top-quality ores that he had never seen before. Unfortunately, none of them were needed by the Tower of Eternal Life.

"Is it just some metallic ores?" Chen Feng's eyes kept scanning, and he kept skimming over the swamp. Suddenly, a strong suction force came from below, wrapping Chen Feng, trying to pull Chen Feng away. Come down.


Chen Feng stretched out his hand and slapped it suddenly, and the quagmire with a radius of a hundred feet suddenly exploded. The corrupt quagmire floated in the space, and a huge passage appeared under Chen Feng's feet.

It was like a huge monster opening its mouth, or a huge whirlpool appearing in the deep sea.

"It's so powerful that it can devour ordinary cultivators in the heavenly realm, but there shouldn't be monsters below." Chen Feng's eyes flashed brightly, and the situation hundreds of feet below was clearly seen, and no monsters were found.

"Go down and have a look!"

Chen Feng said that his figure flashed into it. As soon as he entered the hole, he felt that the suction around him became stronger again, making Chen Feng's figure shake uncontrollably.

"So hot!"

After falling hundreds of feet, Chen Feng felt that the temperature around him suddenly increased, and waves of hot air began to drift out from the ground.

"The sudden high temperature here is almost as high as the magma underground. There must be something underneath." The true energy in Chen Feng's body continued to flow, resisting the surrounding heat wave.

Under this situation, Chen Feng's eye skills were somewhat affected, so he had to carefully observe the situation around him while descending.

After descending thousands of feet, Chen Feng stopped on a protruding rock. The rock weighed at least tens of thousands of kilograms at first glance. It turned red under the heat wave, but showed no sign of melting.

"This is a strange rock underground that can survive magma without melting. However, it is still some distance away from the magma layer. How could there be such a rock?"

"Then this kind of rock should be erupted from the ground."

"There is a mysterious power below. It shouldn't be the power coming from the center of the earth."

Chen Feng did not dare to be careless. The Zhoutian Domain expanded, and the power of Zhoutian continued to evolve and flow, forming a small world that resisted the surrounding high temperature while absorbing the energy in it.

As the time of practice grows, Chen Feng's understanding of the Zhoutian Domain becomes deeper and deeper. Every time his level improves, Chen Feng feels that the Zhoutian Domain is too mysterious. The Zhoutian Domain consists of eight types: heaven, earth, wind, thunder, mountain, lake, water, and fire. It is composed of the power of the source, and can evolve a world on its own after cultivating to a high level.

Of course, Chen Feng is still far from reaching this realm, but the level of protection in the expanded domain is already comparable to the protective armor under the skin.

If he burst out with all his strength, even a human immortal would not be able to break Chen Feng's domain barrier easily.

"Tower, do you know what's down there?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"Of course I know." Tower said lazily.

Chen Feng shook his head. He didn't want to ask anymore when he heard Tower's voice. He sped up, the power of his domain kept surging, and he rushed towards the ground like a sharp arrow.

The heat wave below was getting more and more violent, and Chen Feng seemed to be traveling through the underground magma.


After descending for an unknown period of time, Chen Feng finally saw the rolling magma. The gurgling hot magma was constantly churning, and the strong breath of flames rose up, hitting Chen Feng's domain and making crackling sounds.

"It's a bit strange. I have practiced in front of magma in the past, but it is far inferior to the magma here, and I seem to feel a sense of danger." Chen Feng muttered.

Gurgle gurgle!

At this time, the magma rolled more violently, and at the same time, a dull sound seemed to be transmitted from the depths of the magma.

"Is it going to erupt?" At this time, Chen Feng recalled some rocks he saw on the way in.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Sure enough, not long after Chen Feng's thought flashed through his mind, groups of magma gushed out, like burning meteorites swarming out and impacting the ground.

And wrapped in these groups of magma were the hard rocks that Chen Feng had seen before.

Chen Feng's body swayed and dodged the attack of these rocks, and then the power of the domain suddenly extended out, rolling one of the magma over, and the magma dissipated, revealing the hard rocks inside.

After dodging for a while, the magma calmed down, and only dozens of rocks flew out. This also made Chen Feng understand why there was still a quagmire outside. This scale of magma riots was dispensable and would not have any impact on the terrain.

"Go in and take a look." Chen Feng thought about it and decided to enter the magma to investigate.

The Zhoutian domain became more solid, and Chen Feng's body jumped up and the magma on both sides began to roll around, and Chen Feng disappeared.

All that was visible was the rolling crimson color. Apart from the fire power contained in the high temperature, other pressures were dispensable to Chen Feng.

"This is a good place to practice." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it. A trace of fire power condensed into a ball in his hand, emitting a fiery red color.


After descending a distance, Chen Feng suddenly exclaimed, because Chen Feng felt a wave of life coming from below.

"There is something below, I don't know what it is, let me take a look."

"Dark Demon Eyes!"

Chen Feng's eyes became dark, and the black eye beams that condensed into substance formed two beams of light that pierced through the rolling magma below.

Soon, a huge blurred outline was reflected in Chen Feng's mind.

"What kind of creature is this?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

In Chen Feng's sight, it was an oval, slender creature with no limbs, and no obvious head and tail. It was a hundred feet long and floated motionlessly in the magma.

"You'll know if you come to see it." Ta laughed.

Chen Feng nodded, took out the blood-colored war spear with a flick of his hand, and stabbed it fiercely, and a passage was opened in the magma in front of him.

After descending a thousand feet again, Chen Feng came to the creature. The creature was completely wrapped in boiling magma and motionless. If it weren't for the life wave transmitted from the creature's body, plus the surrounding fire power gathered here, Chen Feng would really regard this creature as a dead thing.

With a wave of his hand, the magma in front of him dissipated, revealing the true face of the creature.

The body was a hundred feet long, and the whole body was red and smooth, like a red crystal, but it was covered with some patterns and some regular spiral patterns.

"It looks like an insect?" Chen Feng said uncertainly.

"This is the ancient flame beetle." Ta interrupted at this time.

"It is indeed an insect, but why is it not moving? It seems to be asleep." Chen Feng stretched out his fingers and tapped twice.


There were two crisp sounds. Chen Feng's two blows had a force of more than one million pounds. Even a big monster could be killed alive, but this insect did not move.

"Huh!" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"The ancient fire beetle usually absorbs the power of fire to evolve. Its attack method is very simple, that is, it breathes fire, but its defense is amazing. It can withstand attacks two levels higher than itself. The most important thing is that it takes a long time for this creature to develop intelligence." Tower said.

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