Eternal Existence

Chapter 711 Larva

"What about this one in front of you?" Chen Feng said as he pressed his body against the insect. He felt the tentacles were smooth and hot, but he also felt the surging power contained within his body.

"This flame beetle is in the larval stage. Its strength at this time is equivalent to that of a high-level human immortal, and its intelligence has not yet been developed. Boy, you are lucky, now is a good opportunity to conquer it." Ta chuckled.

"The larval stage is the cultivation level of a human immortal. This is impossible." Chen Feng said in surprise.

"Hey, you are just huddled in a big world, how much can you know? When you have cultivated enough, go to the eternal world to explore outside the territory, you will know that the outside world is more colorful, some perverted The race is born with the power of a human immortal and does not need to practice. As long as it reaches adulthood, it can automatically ascend to the immortal world without even a catastrophe." Ta said proudly.

"Is there such a perverted existence?" Chen Feng opened his eyes wide: "I used to say that the vast world is full of wonders, but it seems that the vast starry sky is even more magical and unimaginable."

"Then what should I do now, directly enter the other party's sea of ​​consciousness?" Chen Feng was still a little doubtful when he said this.

"I have made it very clear before that this is a larva with little intelligence. It can be easily succeeded by using soul shackles. However, I am a little curious as to why there is an ancient flame beetle larvae here." Ta Bu He said patiently.

Chen Feng nodded, his soul power surged, and he quickly penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness of this flame beetle. As expected, the sea of ​​consciousness of this ancient flame beetle with the strength of a human immortal was in chaos, with only some sporadic fragments of consciousness. Chen Feng easily sensed some information from these fragments, including sleeping and eating, as well as some simple fighting methods.

Without having time to think too much, and fearing that it was an extraneous problem, Chen Feng quickly integrated the soul imprint into the ancient flame beetle's sea of ​​consciousness, and a wonderful feeling of soul after soul surged into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

Chen Feng knew that he had absolute control over this ancient flame beetle.

"Fortunately, this larva is sleeping. If it were awake, it would not be so easy to succeed." Chen Feng sent out a kind thought.

Then the sleeping ancient flame beetle immediately woke up. It was a little dazed at first, but soon expressed its enthusiasm and obedience to Chen Feng.

"This is a real pet, and it has reached the strength of a high-level human immortal in its larval stage, so the future development space will be wider." Chen Feng was also a little happy after collecting this ancient flame beetle.

After all, it is best to tame such a powerful being when it is at its most dim, just like ordinary people taming hounds. Of course, training must start from the time of cubs.

As Chen Feng conveyed his will, the ancient flame beetle immediately began to shrink, turning into an inch long and landing in Chen Feng's palm. At first glance, it looked like it was carved from fiery red crystal.

Then Chen Feng placed the ancient insect in the Tower of Eternal Life, and took out a large amount of fairy crystals for the ancient flame beetle to refine and absorb. At the same time, some of the fire attribute spiritual stones accumulated in the Tower of Eternal Life were also taken. When they came out, they were piled up like a mountain. Chen Feng's generous methods actually made the Phantom Divine Marten a little emotional.

"No matter what, this young man is still very generous." The two-headed dragon of wind and thunder shook his head, and then looked at the tree demon and tiger demon who were absorbing the fairy crystal for healing. These two monsters were the most seriously injured, but when they arrived at the Tower of Eternal Life Even if you want to die, it will be difficult, and with so many crystals and elixirs, it will only be a matter of time before you regain your strength.

What made these monsters and monsters even more desperate was that Ta gave some guidance on the other party's practice, and even worked out some immortal laws to penetrate into the bodies of these monsters and monsters. As long as these monsters and monsters understood it, they could be promoted to a higher level in a short time.

Of course, these immortal laws are simulated by the energy of the Eternal Life Tower, and some of them are contained in the broken sword that have not been completely refined and absorbed.

Compared with these immortal laws, Ta's instructions are more important. Ta just said a few words casually, which made these demons and demons at the level of human, immortal and earthly immortals excited. Their respect for Ta in their hearts instantly surpassed that of Chen Feng.

After putting away the ancient flame beetles, there was nothing to stay here. We quickly reached the ground and continued to move forward in the swamp.

Next, Chen Feng also collected some top-grade ores and elixirs, and even found fragments of a top-grade Taoist weapon, but the harvest was far less than that of the ancient flame beetle.

"Fortunately, I have been gaining a lot." Chen Feng was very satisfied. He had already gained a lot in the few months after joining.

"I don't know if anyone has broken through to the realm of human immortals. It's due in more than half a year, and those human immortals should also come in. But I don't have to worry. The cultivation environment here is good. I can stay here for a while. "Chen Feng has been practicing recently and has no contact with other monks. Naturally, he doesn't know what happened, let alone the human beings from the outside who have entered in advance.

"I wonder how Jian Xiaotian and the others are doing. Have they gained anything?" Chen Feng thought in his mind as he advanced through the swamp.

Chen Feng is not too worried about Jian Xiaotian. Jian Xiaotian has self-defense methods given by his master, so he can escape even if he encounters danger.

"But this time, many forces have joined forces to surround the Sky Sword Sect. It seems that after this adventure, we don't know how many monks will be killed or injured. The people who come in are all elites of each sect. After the heavy casualties, the days to come may not be peaceful."

"Let's find someone to ask about the situation first." Chen Feng sped up, and the whole person's aura was restrained. The dark cave and the void cave in his body were running at the same time. Although Chen Feng's speed was extremely fast, he seemed to disappear in space. It was difficult for cultivators below the human immortal to find Chen Feng.

It didn't take long for Chen Feng to advance thousands of miles, but he still didn't get out of this swamp. During the process of advancing, Chen Feng had used the pupil technique to check, and the swamp with a radius of 5,000 miles was full of miasma.

"I want to see how big this swamp is." Chen Feng said, and the air flow around him surged. He actually activated the Zhoutian domain to accelerate. Although he didn't fly, Chen Feng's whole person had turned into a faint shadow line. He was still here, but in the blink of an eye, he was dozens of miles away. Chen Feng's current speed has surpassed some human immortals.

Suddenly Chen Feng stopped abruptly. Because of the rapid pause, the impact force carried by his whole body overturned the two large-scale mud swamps in front of him.


I don't know how many bloodthirsty poisonous bees were drowned.

This kind of miasma-filled swamp is the most likely to breed mosquitoes and insects. Because of the abundant spiritual energy here and some special reasons, the mosquitoes that can survive generally have strong attack power.

In the past, Chen Feng had encountered this kind of bloodthirsty poisonous bees in the Eternal World, but it only posed some threats to the cultivators in the Heavenly Realm. But now it is different. The bloodthirsty poisonous bees swarming in front of Chen Feng can even drown the human immortals.

"There are at least tens of millions of them, and each of them has the strength of a great demon. It's really amazing. If it were in the outside world, it would be easy to complete the feat of massacring the city." Chen Feng also took a breath of cold air.

However, at this time, the bloodthirsty poisonous bees had already rushed in front of Chen Feng, and one contact submerged Chen Feng in it and disappeared. One by one, the sharp poisonous needles stabbed Chen Feng.

In just half a blink of an eye, dozens of bloodthirsty poisonous bees stabbed Chen Feng with their poisonous needles, and at the same time, more bloodthirsty poisonous bees crowded over.

The sound of the wings vibrating made people feel restless from the bottom of their hearts.

Chen Feng stood still, letting countless poison needles pierce his body. After a breath, he had been attacked hundreds of times, but his skin was not even broken.

"The attack power is comparable to that of a medium-sized treasure, but it is useless to me. No matter how many there are, it is useless, except for wasting some time." Chen Feng said lightly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

After the attack failed, several bloodthirsty poisonous bees attacked Chen Feng's eyes.


Two black divine lights shot out from Chen Feng's eyes, extending to an invisible place. Wherever they passed, countless bloodthirsty poisonous bees turned into ashes.

Chen Feng's eyes turned, and the black divine light kept sweeping, and large groups of bloodthirsty poisonous bees were involved.

In just a short breath, Chen Feng retracted his gaze. With Chen Feng as the center, all the bloodthirsty poisonous bees within a thousand feet were cleared out.

This time, more than a million bloodthirsty poisonous bees were killed by Chen Feng's gaze. Because of Chen Feng's violent and powerful attack, the bloodthirsty poisonous bees in the distance paused and stopped attacking Chen Feng.

"It is said that moths fly into the flame, but when their strength exceeds a certain limit, these desperate social creatures still know fear." Chen Feng's eyes flashed several times again, and streams of black light flew out of his eyes, and then fell into the dense swarm of bloodthirsty poisonous bees. Then these black streams exploded one after another, and the power generated swept these bloodthirsty poisonous bees again.

The bloodthirsty poisonous bees that were originally thinking of launching another attack finally began to retreat and soon disappeared completely.

"No matter where you go, strength is the most important." Chen Feng sighed, retracted his gaze, and his eyes returned to normal.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

His figure kept flashing, and Chen Feng moved forward again, but it didn't take long for Chen Feng to stop feeling bored, because Chen Feng finally met a monk.

"Finally I met someone. Let's go ask about the situation." Chen Feng smiled. He didn't care where the other party came from. He stepped on the Qilin Step and left a shadow on the spot. He had already arrived at another place.

"Who is it?" The cultivator who was targeted by Chen Feng also noticed something unusual. He didn't look back, but rushed forward a few steps. With a wave of his hand, a billowing black smoke rushed towards Chen Feng.

Wherever the black smoke passed, the ground became charred. Obviously, this black smoke contained a strong toxin.

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