Eternal Existence

Chapter 709: Human Immortal Enters

In the Tianjian Mountains, in the valley leading to the Immortal Battlefield, the immortals from all forces have gathered together.

One third of the cultivators from all parties who entered the Immortal Battlefield for training have been teleported out. How many of these people were teleported to the outside world because they encountered irresistible dangers?

Of course, there are also some cultivators who were teleported out by chance, or after they entered some formations or participated in some tasks out of helplessness.

These people are lucky, because at least they have saved their lives.

For some unknown reason, the Immortal Battlefield has become more chaotic than before. Some long-hidden magic weapons or inheritances have appeared, causing the danger to increase greatly. According to the information obtained by everyone, at least two hundred of the more than a thousand cultivators who entered it have lost their lives so far. This is still known to everyone, and there will definitely be some unknown ones.

So when the time came, these immortals couldn't hold back. Everyone wanted to enter early and bring their disciples back safely. Of course, part of the reason was that they also wanted to get some opportunities.


Finally, the space channel opened, and a famous immortal entered the channel impatiently.

"Let's go. We didn't gain much last time. I hope we can meet some opportunities this time." Sun Moon Immortal said with a smile.

"Forget it, you clearly got a fragment of an immortal weapon last time. Don't think I don't know. Your cultivation was not as good as mine, but now you have surpassed me. This is the ironclad evidence." Iron Sword Immortal said unhappily.

"That's because I practice harder than you."

"Hey, I have been stuck at the initial stage for decades. This time I must break through to the intermediate level of immortal."

"I don't want to think about it. I will be satisfied if I can get a Taoist weapon."

"Hey, you think well."

A group of immortals, more than a hundred people, entered the space channel one after another. According to the previous agreement, all those who entered this time were at the initial stage. In this way, both in terms of competition and overall coordination, it would be the best. Of course, the Tianjian Sect had the most immortals.

Not to mention that these immortals would have their own experiences when they entered, and other immortals who had not been eliminated before were still wandering around in this space.

Some people gained a lot and even advanced to the realm of human immortals, while others gained nothing and were still wandering around in pain. Others encountered many dangers and were severely injured, and some died in it and their souls dissipated.

The first person to break through the realm of human immortals was Young Master Tianhen of the War King Pavilion. Young Master Tianhen was worthy of being the top and outstanding disciple of the War King Pavilion. He actually chose to break through here, experienced a heavenly tribulation that was much stronger than the outside world, and successfully broke through. Then, after his cultivation was stable, he immediately went to hunt down the disciples of the Tianjian Sect.

Among the same level, Young Master Tianhen was a high-ranking figure. At this time, breaking through to the realm of human immortals was not something that other cultivators could afford.

So for a while, there were heavy casualties in the camp of the Tianjian Sect.

However, not long after that, Liu Mingdao and Ye Ziwen of the Tianjian Sect both broke through and advanced to the realm of human immortals. As a result, the Tianjian Sect began to increase its strength again, so it was the turn of the cultivators of the War King Pavilion to be hunted down.

Then, someone from the Wuqing Tianzong also broke through to the realm of human immortals.

Under pressure and opportunity, some monks with extraordinary talents and good luck broke through one after another, so during the expedition, the fighting between the crowd became more brutal.


Underground, in a deep cave, the magma rolled, and iron and stone would be melted instantly. Jian Xiaotian hid in a small cave near the magma with a protective magic weapon on his body.

At this time, Jian Xiaotian was panting, his face flushed, and sweating. He didn't know whether it was because of the injury on his body or because of the environment here, or maybe both.

"Huhu, this time I'm really lucky. I didn't expect this guy to break through to the realm of human immortals. Even the protective talisman that my master gave me was broken. Fortunately, I ran fast, but I hid here, and you should not be able to come down even if you are a human immortal." Jian Xiaotian said in his heart.

Before, Jian Xiaotian first encountered a group of man-eating bees. After escaping with great difficulty, he met a cultivator from the Dongfang family. Who knew that a cultivator from the Dongfang family had actually broken through to the realm of human immortals and severely injured Jian Xiaotian. If Jian Xiaotian had not had the protective magic weapon given by his master, he would have been killed instantly.

Then Jian Xiaotian was chased and killed all the time. Finally, he escaped into a dangerous place, that is, this cave deep underground, and was temporarily safe.

"This protective talisman can support three days, just right to recover from the injury." Jian Xiaotian took out the pill and swallowed it into his mouth to start practicing.

Ten thousand miles away from Jian Xiaotian, Wen Shaoxiu was besieged by a group of strange creatures. These creatures were not big, but they were numerous, and they carried evil energy all over their bodies. While launching attacks, they would also erode the opponent's mind.

"This is a mutant insect in hell. I didn't expect to be encountered by us. It seems that this time there is no escape." In addition to Wen Shaoxiu, there were others who were also surrounded by these insects.

"Forget it, I'm leaving. If I don't leave now, I'll die." Finally, one of the cultivators couldn't hold on any longer and crushed the teleportation talisman. The power of space surged and teleported the man out.

"I can't go out. I haven't gained anything after being here for so long. I won't give up. I must persist." A cultivator shouted loudly, but soon his body was covered with insects. One arm was eaten clean. He had no choice but to crush the teleportation talisman.

Wen Shaoxiu was also injured, but the sword light around him was still strong. As long as there were insects approaching, they would be strangled into pieces by the sword energy. However, Wen Shaoxiu also felt a mountain of pressure, because there were too many insects around him, and the evil energy kept attacking his soul. Wen Shaoxiu knew that if he couldn't get out, he would soon crush the teleportation talisman.

"Hey, although I got two pieces of immortal artifact fragments, and I also refined them, but to activate them, I need to consume a lot of power in my body. I won't use them until the critical moment."

Speaking of it, among the cultivators who entered the immortal battlefield, Wen Shaoxiu was the one who gained the most. The two pieces of immortal artifact fragments were something that would make immortals jealous and snatch them, especially these two pieces of immortal artifact fragments could burst out powerful attacks at critical moments, allowing Wen Shaoxiu to resolve dangers many times, but Wen Shaoxiu's cultivation level was not enough, let alone fully exerting the power of these two pieces of immortal artifact fragments, even wanting to control them slightly was extremely difficult.

However, what made Wen Shaoxiu happy was that he still refined the two pieces of immortal artifact fragments, but it was a bit difficult to activate them with his own strength.

After an hour, Wen Shaoxiu finally couldn't hold on, so he gritted his teeth and activated the integrated immortal artifact fragments.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The powerful sword energy swept out continuously, and the insects in the area within thousands of feet around were strangled into pieces. There were also two cultivators who didn't have time to dodge, and they also turned into blood mist.

"You are just unlucky." Wen Shaoxiu naturally saw this scene, but the other party was not a disciple of his sect, so there was no psychological burden to kill him.


Then Wen Shaoxiu rushed out immediately. After finally getting rid of the pursuit of the regional insects, he felt that the power in his body was surging like a tide, and the feeling of extreme exhaustion surged throughout his body.

"Let's find a place to recover our strength first." Wen Shaoxiu said as he rushed into a stretch of rolling mountains, settled down in a relatively safe place, and began to practice after setting up some restrictions.

There was a small lake a million miles away from Wen Shaoxiu. At this time, the calm water surface of the lake began to boil, and there were flashes of lightning in every group of water.

A small animal that wanted to come to the lake to drink water was stunned by the power of lightning as soon as it approached the water surface. As for the fish, shrimp and other creatures in the lake, they had disappeared completely.


A ball of water rose into the sky, and a monk in light blue clothes flew out. When he reached the surface of the water, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The whole lake surface suddenly flashed with lightning. Countless lightning flew out of the water, gathered into a lightning ball and fell into the hands of the monk, spinning non-stop.

"Hey, my current strength should be able to pass the thunder tribulation again, but it's better to wait for a while."

This monk is Chen Feng. Since he got the inheritance of Tianju Shangxian, Chen Feng has been practicing in seclusion. He practiced in this lake for a month. In this month, he refined most of the lightning power in his body, and his perception of lightning power rose to a higher level.

Coupled with the hidden tree energy in his body, Chen Feng felt that he was now sure to pass the tribulation, but he felt that the continuous improvement of his realm was a little unstable for his state of mind, so he gritted his teeth and suppressed it.

"The gains from this visit are enough for me, but the Longevity Tower needs a lot of immortal artifact fragments and high-level energy to restore its strength."

"Hey, I still have to cultivate to the human immortal realm as soon as possible. When I am strong enough, I can explore some dangerous and secret places, or cross the void and go directly to the outside world. I should find some high-level materials by then. It would be even better if I can find the innate divine objects that the Longevity Tower needs." Chen Feng kept muttering.

"Innate divine objects also have high and low levels. Low-level innate divine objects are still easy to find, but high-level ones are difficult. Even some innate divine objects I have never seen in my heyday." At this time, the tower interrupted.

"This is the place where the ancient immortals once fought. There should be a lot of immortal artifact fragments. If you can find a few more immortal palaces, you should be able to restore the strength of the Taoist weapon, right?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

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