Eternal Existence

Chapter 708 Tianju Immortal Palace

The huge hand was not very fast, but it contained an irresistible artistic conception, and when the hand waved, the surrounding space was solidified, making it impossible to dodge.


The two purple-clothed men were actually knocked away by the huge hand.

Then the hand dispersed and condensed into a human-shaped light and shadow, and the terrifying pressure enveloped the entire planet.

"An immortal appeared, no, it was the immortal's thoughts, but it was much stronger than the previous one." The Changsheng Tower, which was shuttling through space, suddenly stopped, and Chen Feng appeared and landed on a mountain.

"Could it be the thoughts left by the Tianju Immortal?" Chen Feng said. If it weren't for the power of the Changsheng Tower to protect him, Chen Feng would even have difficulty breathing under this mighty immortal will.

"It is the projection of the will of the immortal, left by the immortal Tianju."

"The inheritance of the immortal Tianju must be within the planet."

The two purple-clothed men looked at each other, with fiery sparks flashing in their eyes. This is a good opportunity. These two people are only at the level of earthly immortals. The inheritance of an immortal is still very tempting, and this immortal Tianju is still the best among the immortals.

"Do it!" The two purple-clothed men said and attacked the human-shaped light and shadow at the same time.


The whole planet shook violently, and the human-shaped light and shadow stretched out suddenly, like a smoke, and the next moment the two purple-clothed men were knocked out again.

This time the attack power was very strong, and purple blood flowed out of the mouths of the two purple-clothed men.

"It's a bit bad. There is such a strong attack power. Could it be that the immortal Tianju is not dead?"

"Even if he is really not dead, it's useless. Go ahead and take out the immortal weapon." The two purple-clothed men were covered with purple flames, as if they were on fire, and they were extremely majestic.

A purple spear appeared between the two of them, with the laws of immortality circling and the power of immortality fluctuating. It turned out to be a pseudo-immortal weapon.

This purple spear looked nothing special, and its shape was also ordinary, but the pressure it exuded was so strong that it seemed that one shot could pierce the planet.

"It's just a pseudo-immortal weapon. These two people are dead." Ta said.

"Why do you say that?" Chen Feng asked.

"No matter how powerful the pseudo-immortal weapon is, how can it stop a real immortal weapon? Moreover, this planet has been completely refined by Tianju Shangxian, and it has an advantage in innateness. Look, it won't take long for these two guys to be killed." Ta laughed.

"Will it be so easy?" Chen Feng looked at the spear that exuded a strong pressure and was a little unconvinced.


The spear suddenly rose up and stabbed down from high in the sky. The spear completely drilled into the planet, and a circular deep hole was rapidly expanding in size.

The planet shook, as if it was about to break.

Chen Feng had already flown up, with the shadow of the Longevity Tower protecting him, blocking the chaotic energy around him.

"The planet is about to break, what a strong attack." With the help of the power of the Longevity Tower, Chen Feng could barely see the scene just now.


As the two purple-clothed men waved, the spear flew out again, circling for a while before stabbing at the planet again.


A dazzling light came out from the ground, and the cracks on the ground became even bigger, accompanied by a roar and the spiritual energy that filled the world.

"What is coming out?" Chen Feng said in surprise.

"It's the Tianju Immortal Mansion, the Tianju Immortal Mansion is about to be born." The hellhound was in a state of shock after entering the Longevity Tower. It had just recovered at this time. Seeing the situation outside through the Longevity Tower, it shouted excitedly again.

"Tianju Immortal Mansion, is it an immortal weapon?" The Phantom Divine Marten said lazily while lying on the ground. Although the Tianju Immortal Mansion was born with a lot of noise, and although these demons were a little surprised, they were not surprised, because they all guessed that the Longevity Tower was a more advanced existence.

"Of course it's an immortal weapon. This is the immortal mansion of Tianju Immortal, and all the treasures are in it." The hellhound shouted immediately.

"After a great war, how many things can still exist? I think even this immortal mansion may not be complete." The Nine Nether Earth Python said lightly.

After hearing this, the hellhound's eyes dimmed immediately: "Yes, the war that year was too cruel. There are probably not many complete immortal weapons left. Although the Tianju Immortal Mansion has also been damaged, it is basically still intact."

"I want to see what this immortal mansion looks like." Chen Feng showed curiosity in his eyes.

It doesn't matter whether this immortal mansion is damaged or not. It can still increase the strength of the Longevity Tower. Of course, it would be best if it is complete, but I don't know if the Longevity Tower can easily swallow it.


The Tianju Immortal Mansion came out very quickly. With just a flash of golden light, a palace hundreds of feet tall appeared in the sky.

The palace was shining with golden light and surrounded by immortal energy. Except for being a little ethereal, it didn't look strange. It was just like an ordinary palace, and the human-shaped light and shadow transformed by the will of Tianju Immortal Mountain stood on the top of the palace.

The figure stretched out his hand and clapped his hands. The palace began to grow rapidly. At the same time, countless patterned prohibitions appeared on the walls of the palace, and an overwhelming momentum swept around.

In the blink of an eye, the entire palace became thousands of feet tall, like a huge mountain pressing down on the two purple-clothed men.

"It's the Tianju Immortal Palace. I'll stop them, and you go into the Immortal Palace to find the core." One of the purple-clothed men stepped forward, grabbed a purple spear, and attacked the Tianju Immortal Palace.

"You really overestimate your own abilities." Ta said lightly.


The purple spear accurately pierced the palace, and a powerful wave broke out, but the entire Tianju Immortal Palace did not shake at all, and still suppressed the two people.

Another purple-clothed man performed a flying technique and wanted to get into the immortal palace, but the human-shaped light and shadow standing on the Tianju Immortal Palace just pressed his hands, and two large hands condensed by energy whizzed out of the Tianju Immortal Palace and directly grabbed the two people in their hands.


The Tianju Immortal Palace shook slightly, and the pseudo-immortal spear was shattered into pieces. At the same time, countless cracks appeared on the bodies of the two purple-clothed men, and then with a scream, the two turned into blood mist all over the sky, and then the blood mist dissipated in the space.

"It's done like this." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Hey, this is a real immortal weapon. Under the will of the Tianju Immortal, it can exert all its power. Not to mention a pseudo-immortal weapon, even ten or a hundred pieces can't stop it." Ta said lightly.

"What is a fake immortal weapon? Could it be a half-step immortal weapon?" Chen Feng asked.

"Of course not. A fake immortal weapon is a replica of an immortal weapon, but it is mixed with the power of a genuine immortal weapon, and it cannot be used for a long time in battle. Once the time is too long, the immortal weapon will contained in the fake immortal weapon is exhausted, and then this fake immortal weapon is a waste." Ta explained.

"So that's what happened." Chen Feng nodded.

At this time, the human-shaped light and shadow standing on the Tianju Immortal Mansion turned his head, and Chen Feng immediately felt the strong gaze directly penetrate his soul.

"After waiting for so many years, I finally waited for my successor. Although his cultivation is a little weak, he has great potential. It depends on you how far you can go. Of course, I can help you now." The human-shaped light and shadow did not speak, but his thoughts were transmitted word by word to the depths of Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.


The human-shaped light and shadow suddenly dissipated, and then condensed again in the air. A fairy book exuding a supreme aura floated in the air.

There are four big words on the cover of the fairy book: Tianju Fairy Book.


At this time, the Tianju Immortal Mansion also began to shrink rapidly, and finally condensed into a point, rushing towards Chen Feng with the Tianju Immortal Classic on the left and right, and entered Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness in a flash.

Chen Feng just thought about it, and felt that he had established a connection with the other party. This was a very strange feeling, somewhat similar to the fusion of mind and spirit. Chen Feng didn't need to deliberately refine it, and he felt that these two things were completely under his control.

"Tianju Immortal Mansion! Tianju Immortal Classic! Good stuff, if this kind of thing appears in the Eternal World, it will definitely cause a strong shock. I'm afraid that at that time I will have to face the pursuit of human immortals again, and even earth immortals will come out." Chen Feng smiled,

Of course, Chen Feng naturally understood that all this was the effect of the light and shadow of the Tianju Immortal, otherwise it would not be so easy for him to refine an immortal weapon and an immortal classic.

"Last time I got a copy of the Dark Scripture, and this time I got a copy of the Tianju Immortal Scripture, but I've practiced the Changsheng Scripture, so it's a bit of a waste to have these two immortal scriptures in my hands."

"Tower, quickly devour this immortal mansion, and you can recover some strength." Chen Feng said.

"You should keep this immortal mansion, I won't devour it for now, and now is not the time to talk about these things, because something will happen here soon." Tower said.

"What's the change?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.


At this time, the entire planet began to shake violently, the earth continued to crack, and even the magma inside the planet flowed out, just like the end of the world.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

The tree demon, the tiger demon, and the wind and thunder double-headed dragon quickly flew out from the ground and soon joined Chen Feng.

"Get out of here quickly, this planet is about to explode." The wind and thunder double-headed dragon shouted.

"Yes, the immortal mansion was born, the inheritance was obtained by me, the will of the Tianju Immortal disappeared, and this planet has no mana support, and it's time to destroy it." Chen Feng said in his heart.


The space shook, and a space channel appeared in front of Chen Feng. This was the trick left by Tianju Shangxian.

"Let's go. We have gained a lot this time. It's time to find a place to digest it." Chen Feng took the lead in walking into the space channel, and the three demon fairies followed closely.

After the space channel was closed, there was a force inside the planet that could no longer be suppressed. It began to expand outwards, the earth cracked on the surface, water and fire flowed backwards, magma was everywhere, and finally the planet was compressed suddenly, then expanded rapidly, and finally exploded with a bang, turning into countless fragments and chaotic energy.

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