Eternal Existence

Chapter 707: Recognizing the Tower of Immortality

This white compass almost swelled up when it saw the wind, and in a breath it became sky-covering, and the terrifying pressure made people's scalps numb.

As for the four demons of Hellhound, they trembled all over, and there was a kind of oppression that shook their hearts.

"Oh no, it's an immortal weapon."

"What should we do? It's an immortal weapon. We can't stop it at all."

"No, it's not a real immortal weapon, it's a fake immortal weapon."

"Since it's a fake immortal weapon, we can fight it."

The huge body of the Hellhound suddenly shrank and turned into a human body. At the same time, a boxing glove appeared on its fist, exuding a terrifying pressure.

It turned out to be a Taoist weapon.

The sky-covering skylark also made a clear sound, and a black spear appeared across the sky.

The earth violent bear flashed yellow light all over, and the lines on his body spread, and he was covered with a thick layer of armor.

The flaming demon ape took out a long stick with blazing fire.

They were all Taoist weapons.

On weekdays, these demons fought with their powerful bodies, and now under pressure, they finally took out their final treasures.

"I hope I can stop it."

In the Changsheng Tower, Chen Feng and the young Ta stood side by side.

Facing the two was Zi Wuming. At this time, Zi Wuming seemed to have changed. His whole body was filled with purple air, his breath was soaring into the sky, and purple light swept across his eyes, constantly scanning the surroundings.


A huge stone tablet fell from the sky and suppressed Zi Wuming. This was a move that Ta often used. When his strength was not enough, he had suppressed human immortals.


But at this time, this huge stone tablet was smashed to pieces by a punch before it fell on Zi Wuming.

"Boy, who are you?" Zi Wuming stared at Chen Feng with his eyes, his eyes gushing, trying to see through Chen Feng, but he was blocked by a wave of barriers.

"You are not Zi Wuming, you are a soul will in Zi Wuming's mind, it seems that you are a master of the Purple Blood Clan." Chen Feng said lightly.

"The cultivators from the small Eternal World actually know our Purple Blood Clan." Zi Wuming looked at Ta, his eyes showing a thoughtful look.

"Weapon spirit! Hahaha, do you think you can suppress me with just a magic weapon?" Zi Wuming laughed loudly, stepped forward and took a heavy step, and the whole Changsheng Tower trembled.

Chen Feng was also unsure when he saw Zi Wuming bursting out in a frenzy, and secretly communicated with the tower: "This guy is the will of the immortal, he should be able to deal with it."

You should know that the Changsheng Tower has not even recovered the realm of the Taoist weapon at this time, and is facing a higher-level immortal.

"No problem, don't worry, I still have some tricks." The tower said secretly.

"That's good." Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and with a thought, he distanced himself from Zi Wuming. His strength was too weak. Although he had the protection of the Changsheng Tower, he still had to be careful when fighting later.

"Have you discussed it? It's my turn." Zi Wuming stepped forward again, broke through the layers of blockade, and punched the tower.

This punch seemed ordinary and had little attack power, but Chen Feng in the distance felt that his entire vision was filled with a huge fist, and there was nothing but the crushing fist.

At the same time, Chen Feng's eyes went dark, and then his soul rolled in his sea of ​​consciousness, and severe pain spread throughout his body. Just looking at Chen Feng was traumatized.

"Sure enough, this level of battle is not something I can participate in now, even just looking at it." Chen Feng knew that he was still a little close.

The immortal qi circulated, quickly repairing the injuries in his body.


Facing this attack, the tower just flicked his fingers, and the immortal tower began to roar. Similarly, a fist condensed and collided with the opponent's fist.

The two fists dissipated, and Zi Wuming and the tower were motionless. It seemed that both sides were injured, but then Zi Wuming's eyes suddenly brightened, and he looked at Chen Feng like a sharp arrow.

"Eternal Qi, how is it possible, are you from the immortal clan?" Zi Wuming stared at Chen Feng and said.


Just when Zi Wuming was surprised, the tower laughed, and countless immortal chains emerged from the space, surrounding Zi Wuming tightly. At the same time, the shadow of an immortal tower suddenly landed and directly suppressed Zi Wuming to the ground.

"Eternal Tower, this is the immortal tower." Zi Wuming suddenly shouted excitedly. At this time, Zi Wuming was like a wounded beast, struggling constantly, with purple air surging all over his body, purple light blooming, and he didn't care about the countless cracks on his body.


The shadow of the immortal tower was shattered alive, and Zi Wuming did not attack immediately, but stared at Chen Feng and the tower while recovering from his injuries.

"I was mistaken. I didn't expect to meet a little guy from the Immortal Clan here, but he has no spiritual roots. What surprised me even more was that the Immortal Clan's artifact, the Immortal Tower, was not broken, and it seems that it has recovered some strength. If this news spreads, it will shake the heavens." After Zi Wuming said these words, his whole body suddenly exploded, his flesh and blood fell apart, and a ball of purple spiritual light rushed out quickly.

It turned out that this immortal will hidden in Zi Wuming's sea of ​​consciousness chose to escape from here as soon as it discovered the Immortal Tower, and even sacrificed Zi Wuming. The purpose is self-evident, that is, to bring this news back.

"Want to leave? Can you leave? Not to mention a will, even if you come in person, don't think of escaping once you enter the Tower of Immortality." The tower laughed, and the entire Tower of Immortality shook violently. The Hundred Thousand Formation suddenly started, and the powerful force began to collide and condense in the Tower of Immortality.


The purple spiritual light was blocked back, and then layers of silk screens quickly appeared, wrapping the spiritual light in the middle. These layers of silk screens were all transformed by the power of the Tower of Immortality, especially inside the Tower of Immortality, which was more tenacious and stable, so that the purple spiritual light failed to collide several times.

This group of spiritual light kept colliding in the silk screen, bursting out extremely powerful power, as if a purple sun was emitting energy.

Chen Feng closed his eyes and did not dare to look at this scene, but the words that Zi Wuming said just now drilled into Chen Feng's ears word by word, which shocked Chen Feng's mind and made his thoughts churn.

"The Immortal Clan."


Just these two words can make Chen Feng's heart beat like a drum.

From these two words, Chen Feng has guessed a general idea: "I am a member of the Changsheng clan, and the Changsheng Tower is actually a divine weapon. I only know that the highest level is the immortal weapon. Could it be that this divine weapon is higher than the immortal weapon and higher level?"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The purple spiritual light continued to collide, and the silk net restrictions surrounding it continued to explode. It was about to rush out, but the tower had a calm face and no one knew what it was thinking.


Finally, the purple spiritual light broke through the restrictions and clashed out, screaming and boiling again in the distance.

"Hahaha, is this the only ability of the Changsheng Tower that once dominated the universe? It's a pity that my real body didn't come, otherwise I would try to refine you, hahaha." The purple spiritual light laughed.


At this moment, the tower suddenly raised his hand, and a sword light fell from the sky, slashing at the purple streamer. Feeling this powerful and unparalleled sword energy, Chen Feng immediately understood the tower's intention.

When he refined half of the immortal sword before, Ta actually retained a stream of sword energy, and it was this stream of sword energy that came in handy at this time.

When the sword energy came, the purple spiritual light screamed in fear, but it could not change the fact that it was split by the sword energy.

Although the dissipated spiritual light was still trying to condense, it was far from being Ta's opponent. The immortal furnace appeared and quickly refined these purple spiritual lights.

"Okay, kid, we'll talk about it later if there's anything. Let's deal with the guys outside first." Ta said lightly.

"Hey, it doesn't matter whether I say it or not. I will definitely know what I should know in the future." Chen Feng smiled.

"This is the best."

At this time, the situation outside was not good. The hellhound and the earth violent bear were seriously injured. Only the sky-covering skylark and the flaming demon ape were still struggling with the middle-aged monk.

And the middle-aged monk fought more and more fiercely, and the pseudo-immortal weapon, the heaven-turning compass, burst out with a trace of immortal power, suppressing the two from retreating continuously.


The flaming demon ape was also suppressed alive, and its huge body was smashed into the ground.

"There is one more." The blood flowing from the middle-aged monk's body was getting more and more. It was obvious that using this pseudo-immortal weapon also cost him some price.


At this moment, a sword energy shot out from the void and slashed heavily on the Fantian Compass.


The sound of the collision spread to the surroundings, and the entire planet was violently vibrating, causing the soil on the surface of the planet to become soft.

"Puff!" The middle-aged monk opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Good opportunity!" The Sky-covering Skylark quickly stepped forward, and the long spear turned into a black light and pierced through the middle-aged monk.

The Hellhound and the Earth Violent Bear also struggled to attack.


The sword energy slashed down again, and there was another earth-shaking sound. This time, the middle-aged monk could no longer control the Fantian Compass, and let this pseudo-immortal weapon fall to the ground.

No matter how powerful the pseudo-immortal weapon is, it is not a real immortal weapon, while the broken sword is a real immortal weapon, but it attacked the purple spiritual light before, and now it has attacked the Tianfan Compass twice, making the sword energy dim a little.


After barely coping with it for a few times, the middle-aged monk was thrown into the air, and then the sword energy passed through, and the middle-aged monk was cut in half.

The shadow of the Longevity Tower appeared and directly swallowed the middle-aged monk.

"Longevity Tower, it turned out to be the Longevity Tower." This was the last soul fluctuation emitted by the middle-aged monk.

"Oh, what a trouble!" Looking at the injured demons on the ground, the tower sighed, and then all of them were collected into the Longevity Tower. Obviously, they could not fight anymore in this situation.

Just as the Longevity Tower shuttled through space to rescue the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon, another change happened.

When the tree demon, tiger demon and the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon were about to be captured and killed by the two purple-clothed men, the ground suddenly cracked a huge crack, and quickly sucked the three demon beasts in.

Then a huge pure white hand stretched out from the crack and slapped the two men in purple hard.

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