Eternal Existence

Chapter 706: Incident

Four earth immortals surrounded the middle-aged cultivator and launched a violent attack, which made Chen Feng feel relieved and began to deal with the young man in his hand.

"Listen, answer one question I ask, otherwise you will be in trouble." Chen Feng looked at the young man in his hand and said coldly.

"Humph!" The young man was extremely ashamed and angry, and sneered at Chen Feng's question.

"What's your name?" Chen Feng asked indifferently.

The young man didn't say anything, Chen Feng smiled, slapped him, and pulled out two teeth from the other party again.

Chen Feng's slap was tens of millions of pounds of force. If it weren't for the young man's strong body, he would have been beaten to death long ago.

"Since you don't say it, I will keep beating you to death." Chen Feng laughed.

"Zi Wuming." The young man gritted his teeth and said.

"From the Purple Blood Clan." Chen Feng laughed, this kind of person will not be honest unless he is beaten.

"Since you know why you don't let me go quickly, you have angered our Purple Blood Clan, and we can send anyone to destroy the world you are in." Zi Wuming said proudly.

"Really? Is the newcomer also as useless as you?" Chen Feng didn't care. Although the Eternal World couldn't be compared with the Immortal World, it was not simple either. The tower had revealed some things to Chen Feng on weekdays, that is, there were masters in the Eternal World that frightened the immortals in the Immortal World. Of course, they would not appear in the world, and the Eternal World itself was not simple either.

A world that could use the name of Eternity would certainly have some unusual things.

"How do you want to let me go? In fact, we can discuss it. There is no need to make things so stiff." Zi Wuming suddenly calmed down, with a cunning look in his eyes.

"Oh, how to discuss?" Chen Feng showed a mocking smile.

"If you let me go, I can give you something." Zi Wuming's eyes turned.

"Really? What good things?" Chen Feng smiled.

"Pills, spirit stones, I can give you a secret technique for cultivation, how about a heavenly secret technique?" Zi Wuming said.


Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a gorgeous ring on Zi Wuming's finger fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"This should be the storage magic weapon." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You!" Seeing Chen Feng snatching his storage ring, Zi Wuming's face suddenly changed.

"It's useless, it's useless for you to snatch it. There are restrictions set by the earth immortals on it. You can't open it at all." Zi Wuming's face calmed down again.


Chen Feng shook his palm, and the ring was in the Longevity Tower.

"Tower, can it be opened?"

"No problem, it's just a small restriction left by the earth immortal."

The tower acted quickly, and soon the ring appeared in Chen Feng's hand again, and then Chen Feng shook his palm, and a piece of top-grade spirit stone appeared in his hand.

"Moruo Spirit Stone, this is my Moruo Spirit Stone." Zi Wuming's eyes almost spit fire.

"So this is the Moro Spirit Stone, which contains wonderful energy that even the Immortal Crystal cannot compare to. Let me see what else is there." Chen Feng's mind entered the ring and quickly imprinted his soul imprint. He found that the space inside was very wide. The first thing Chen Feng saw was the piles of Immortal Crystals. As for the other things, they were all placed in an orderly manner.

"It turned out to be a high-level holy weapon. It seems that you have a lot of good things, but now they all belong to me." Chen Feng said and threw Zi Wuming on the ground. At this time, Zi Wuming's whole body was sealed, and even the storage ring fell into Chen Feng's hands. There was no room for resistance at all.

"Huh!" No longer paying attention to Zi Wuming, Chen Feng looked at the two parties who were fighting, with surprise in his eyes.

"So powerful?" Chen Feng said in a lost voice.

Under the siege of the four earthly immortals of the hellhound, the middle-aged cultivator did not fall behind. The purple light soared into the sky, and his figure was erratic. He kept fighting with the four earthly immortals of the hellhound while wandering.

The Fiery Demon Ape's attack was full of demonic fire, as if it was going to burn the world.

The Earth Violent Bear communicated with the power of the earth to interfere with and suppress the middle-aged monk.

The Sky-Covering Skylark relied on its speed to continuously attack the middle-aged monk. As for the Hellhound, it used its strongest method, the Nether Eye, to confuse the opponent right away, but the effect was not very good.

"You are looking for death." The middle-aged monk fought again and again, and the attack power he exerted became stronger and stronger. The whole person was covered by the rich purple air. The purple air released by the middle-aged monk was a little strange, like a perverted flame, constantly corroding everything around, and the attacks of the Hellhound and others were generally corroded.

"What kind of skill is this?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"The purple hair true qi that can only be cultivated by the Purple Blood Clan can corrode everything in the world, even the true qi can be corroded." Tower said.


At this time, the middle-aged monk suddenly looked at Chen Feng, and a purple light pierced through the void, quickly passed through the blockade of the Hellhound, and attacked Chen Feng.


Chen Feng had no time to react. The speed of this purple light was too fast, as if it had no concept of time and space. However, this purple light was blocked by an invisible barrier when it was one foot away from Chen Feng. The purple light exploded and blocked Chen Feng's sight.


Seeing that the middle-aged monk still had time to attack Chen Feng, the four demons of Hellhound were immediately angry, and each of them burst out with a soaring breath, especially the Fiery Demon Ape and the Earth Violent Bear, who no longer defended, but launched a violent attack.

"Purple Hair Heavenly Conquest!"

The middle-aged monk used a unique skill, and a purple light flashed, which actually directly knocked the flaming demon ape away.


The middle-aged monk rushed towards Chen Feng, but was stopped by the sky-covering skylark.

"Tower, aren't you going to attack?"

"No hurry, no hurry, if you attack, it will be a one-hit kill."

Chen Feng grabbed Zi Wuming and retreated again, and did not stop until he reached a distance of ten thousand feet, because the battlefield was constantly expanding. This was a fight between five earth immortals. If it was normal, this level of fighting would have destroyed the planet long ago, but here there was the power of the Tianju Immortal, so it has persisted until now.

However, even so, the whole planet began to tremble.

The fight on the hellhound side naturally alarmed the wind and thunder double-headed dragon. At this time, the tree demon and the tiger demon had been severely injured, and they could only persist until now with the support of the wind and thunder double-headed dragon, but they could not persist for long under the attack of the two purple blood monks.

Originally, the Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon was thinking that there would be no pressure after the Hellhounds arrived, but he didn't expect that what came was a fight.

"Trouble." The Wind and Thunder Double-Headed Dragon's face darkened.

"Don't surrender, if you attack again, I will kill this kid now." Chen Feng grabbed Zi Wuming and shouted, trying to distract the middle-aged cultivator's attention.

Who knew that no matter how Chen Feng shouted, the middle-aged cultivator didn't pay any attention to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed with a fierce light, and he stretched out his hand to hit Zi Wuming's head. Chen Feng showed no mercy and obviously wanted to kill him.

But even so, the middle-aged cultivator was still indifferent, and seemed to not care about Zi Wuming's life or death. At this time, Chen Feng instinctively felt that something was wrong. When he saw the light flashing in Zi Wuming's eyes, Chen Feng was more certain that something would happen.

But Chen Feng not only did not stop, but also added a bit of strength again.


Chen Feng's palm hit Zi Wuming's head heavily. Chen Feng believed that this palm could break the peak and cut off the surging Yangtze River.

But unexpectedly, Zi Wuming was safe and sound. Chen Feng's power of more than 100 million pounds fell on Zi Wuming's head and was absorbed cleanly by a strong suction.

It was as if there was an independent space in Zi Wuming's head, and he easily resolved Chen Feng's attack.


Purple light burst out from Zi Wuming's body, and a series of explosions, all the restrictions imposed by Chen Feng on Zi Wuming were broken, and even Chen Feng's soul-locking technique was easily shattered.

"Hahahaha, didn't expect it, now it's you who died." Zi Wuming laughed, stood up, and completely regained his freedom. At the same time, the aura on his body began to rise.

Immortal beginner, intermediate, advanced.

Earth Immortal.

After reaching the realm of Earth Immortal, he is still improving.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng did not retreat, but launched several attacks at Zi Wuming again like lightning, but all the attacks fell on deaf ears, without even a ripple.

"It's very simple, there is a soul imprint left by a master in this kid's soul." Ta said lightly.

"Come here." Zi Wuming stretched out his big hand and grabbed Chen Feng fiercely, and Chen Feng was unable to resist this grab.

But at this time, Chen Feng became ethereal, and a space crack suddenly appeared, and then a big hand appeared in the space crack, and suddenly grabbed Zi Wuming and pulled him in.

Including Chen Feng, everything disappeared, and the space returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

"What!" The middle-aged monk was really surprised.

"Come out, Tianfan Compass!"

A monstrous momentum rose from the middle-aged monk, and then the middle-aged monk's clothes exploded, and streams of purple blood flew out, constantly blending in the air, forming a strange pattern.

"What is this for?" The hellhound had a bad feeling.


The purple pattern flickered, and then a sharp sound wave was projected from it. This was a very magical sound wave. The space did not shake, but the hellhound and other demons felt their souls tremble.

"Sonic wave attack? It doesn't seem to be the case."


A white light flew out from the purple pattern and landed directly in the hands of the middle-aged monk.

This is a compass that is only the size of a palm. It is white and simple in shape. There are countless patterns engraved on it, as if it was carved from rock.

"Is this a magic weapon? Be careful, I have a bad feeling." Zhatian Yunlark stared.

"I didn't expect that you still forced me to use this magic weapon. Now you have only one end, that is death." The middle-aged monk raised his hand, and the white compass floated up. Every time it turned, it would increase a circle, and at the same time, there were sharp waves sweeping around.

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