Eternal Existence

Chapter 627 Blood Dragon

Not to mention the battle between Wu Huai and Jian Zhiqiu, Chen Feng had already been killed by Zhao Tian.

After Zhao Tian used the Sky Breaking Talisman to escape from the two-layer formation, his soul swept across the entire Sanghai City and soon found Chen Feng's location.

So Zhao Tian did not hesitate and quickly came to Chen Feng. He slammed the small drum in his hand, and a wave of blood rushed over. The forbidden formations around Chen Feng exploded one after another, revealing Chen Feng's figure.

"Zhao Tian from Jiuxiao Palace, hehe, you Jiuxiao Palace are really haunting, like a group of flies buzzing, it's really annoying." Chen Feng laughed.

"You are? Chen Feng!"

Zhao Tian was also stunned, then he opened his eyes wide and shouted loudly, the sound was like thunder, and the cultivators in the entire Sanghuai City heard it clearly.

"What, Chen Feng is here?"

The other three people from Jiuxiao Palace looked at each other, their faces were full of surprise, and then the three of them showed a hint of joy.

Xu Shan and others came to the Central Plains to kill Chen Feng. Suddenly, they found Chen Feng and were all surprised and happy.

"I didn't expect it. I didn't expect to meet Chen Feng here. Yes, Chen Feng is with Jian Xiaotian of Tianjian Sect. It is reasonable for him to enter Tianjian Sect. Huo Feng, you go with Zhao Tian and kill Chen Feng quickly to avoid more troubles." Xu Shan shouted.

"Okay, I also want to see what's so magical about this kid." Huo Feng said and took out a sky-breaking talisman, breaking through the space and rushing to where Chen Feng was.

"It's a bit bad. Another person came. This is simply bullying the minority with the majority and the small with the big." Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, and then waved his hand to make two lightning bolts, one on the left and one on the right, strike Zhao Tian.

It was the palm thunder.

Facing Chen Feng's attack, Zhao Tian just beat the small drum in his hand.

The first drum sound came, and the palm thunder sent by Chen Feng was dispersed. The second drum sound condensed into a blood-colored wave and rushed towards Chen Feng.

Before the blood-colored wave arrived, Chen Feng felt that the blood and qi in his body began to become chaotic. Chen Feng was a little surprised. I didn't expect that this small drum could actually stir up the blood and qi to launch such a strange attack.

"It has the same effect as my blood-gathering bead. In this case, I will definitely take this small drum." Chen Feng's eyes lit up. Since this small drum is a sacred weapon, it is the best choice to integrate it into the blood-gathering bead and use it to repair the blood-gathering bead.

Running the blood and dark lead, the blood and qi in Chen Feng's body stabilized. Chen Feng suddenly punched back, and the fist wind exploded, dispersing all the waves that came over.

At this time, Zhao Tian was not idle. The small drum in his hand kept beating. The dull drum sound seemed to hit Chen Feng's heart, making Chen Feng's heart beat violently, as if it would explode or jump out at any time. As for the blood in the blood vessels, they were boiling continuously, and even some tiny blood vessels began to burst and explode.

Zhao Tian showed a mocking smile on his face. In Zhao Tian's opinion, Chen Feng could not resist his attack at all. Soon Chen Feng's heart would explode, blood vessels would burst, and all the blood in his body would dissipate.


But at this time, Chen Feng stretched out his finger and flicked the blood-gathering bead. The blood-gathering bead that was originally rotating suddenly stopped, and a stream of blood gushed out of the blood-gathering bead, breaking through the wave emitted by Zhao Tian, ​​and crashed into Zhao Tian with great force.


Zhao Tian flew backwards with blood gushing out of his mouth, and then Zhao Tian's pores burst, and countless blood gushed out.

"Not good!"

Zhao Tian's face changed drastically, and he gritted his teeth. A stream of blood and qi steamed out of his body. Zhao Tian was trying his best to resist the breath that entered his body.

"Come here!"

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the blood-shaking drum beside Zhao Tian flew over and fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"The first-grade holy weapon, the Blood-Shaking Drum, should be melted into the Blood-Gathering Pearl." Chen Feng waved his hand and threw the Blood-Shaking Drum into the Blood-Gathering Pearl.


As soon as the Blood-Shaking Drum entered the Blood-Gathering Pearl, it was concentrated by a thick blood light, and then it broke into pieces. Then, blood lights continued to appear, and soon the Blood-Shaking Drum was smashed into pieces, and then all these pieces fell into the blood pool, which was boiling and constantly melting and absorbing the Blood-Shaking Drum.

"Blood-Shaking Drum, my Blood-Shaking Drum." Zhao Tian gritted his teeth and shouted, wanting to go forward and fight desperately, but was affected by the breath of the Blood-Gathering Pearl, and could not exert all his strength.

At this time, a blood-red aura of more than a hundred feet cut through the space and slashed towards Chen Feng. It was Huo Feng from Jiuxiao Palace who arrived.

The axe in Huo Feng's hand was also a holy weapon. Seeing Zhao Tian at a disadvantage from a distance, he couldn't bear it and took action.

Huo Feng took action without scruples, and the power of the holy weapon instantly enveloped the whole city, causing the cultivators and ordinary people in the whole Sanghuai City to panic.

"Someone is fighting. It's a holy weapon. It's the breath of a holy weapon."

"What? It's a holy weapon. How is it possible? If the holy weapon collides, our entire Sanghuai City will be destroyed."

"Don't worry. Sanghuai City has restrictions set by immortals. It's impossible for the other party to destroy Sanghuai City."

"Why are you still standing there? It's safer to leave here first."

The monks who were playing and living in Sanghuai City ran out of the city and were affected.

Teams of knights wearing fine armor quickly gathered in front of the city lord's mansion. There were a total of 500 knights, riding tall and mighty Qilin war horses. They were all wearing gorgeous armor from head to toe, and they had unified war spears in their hands. They were full of murderous aura, and the fighting and killing intentions were mixed together, revealing the quality and strength of this team.

The city lord and his four commanders quickly appeared in front of these knights. Seeing the city lord appear, these knights immediately stepped forward to salute, their movements were neat, and their fighting spirit was even higher.

"City lord, do you want me to lead people to investigate?" One of the commanders stepped forward and said.

The city lord of Sanghuai City was a middle-aged man who looked like a scholar. He had a few strands of beard on his chin, which made him look more bookish. Although his face was normal at this time, his eyes showed deep worry.

"Everyone, don't get close to the place where the other side is fighting. You guys take people to control the order in the city. It's best to move all the residents in the city out and come back after the chaos is over." The city lord thought for a while and said.

"My lord in the city, at this rate, I'm afraid the entire Sanghuai City will be damaged beyond recognition. Let's go and take a look?" The commander who spoke before said again.

"Follow my orders, don't worry about other things." The city lord shouted coldly.


Soon these commanders led their cavalry to spread throughout the city, stabilize the chaotic situation, and move the residents in the city.

"Alas, I didn't expect a battle of this scale to happen in our small Sanghuai City. I hope we can get through this disaster." The city lord sighed.

This city lord is only at the eighth level of the heavenly man realm. He can be regarded as the best master in this medium-sized city. However, this city lord traveled around when he was young, and he was knowledgeable and experienced a lot. He was sensitive to danger and knew that some things were not for him to participate in. Just like what was happening in front of him, the city lord knew that he could not participate in it, or even get close to it when he felt the breath of the holy weapon, otherwise he might lose his life.

Boom! Boom!

The huge axe shadow fell heavily on the position where Chen Feng was, and then the earth trembled, and countless cracks spread around. I don't know how many buildings were affected and collapsed. Some residents who didn't have time to leave screamed.

"I was hit like this." Huo Feng quickly landed beside Zhao Tian, ​​looking at the big pit in front of him with some surprise.

Although he didn't know Chen Feng's specific strength, he knew that Chen Feng was not easy to deal with because he could put Zhao Tian at a disadvantage.

Huo Feng raised his hand, and a stream of true energy entered Zhao Tian's body. With a series of crisp sounds, Zhao Tian stood up again, and the boiling blood in his body had stabilized.

"Are you okay?" Huo Feng asked.

"My blood-shaking drum was taken away by Chen Feng, and Chen Feng has a Taoist weapon in his hand." Zhao Tian shouted coldly.

"What! Taoist weapon, this is trouble." Huo Feng's face was solemn.

"Be careful, above." Zhao Tian raised his hands suddenly, and two huge blood handprints whistled out, and countless blood lights were all dispersed.

Chen Feng reappeared in front of the two with the blood-gathering bead in his hand, but Chen Feng laughed and looked at Zhao Tian and the two of them without rushing to attack.

"It's Chen Feng, Chen Feng, the Taoist weapon in your hand should be damaged, you can't exert all your strength at all, otherwise you wouldn't hide in the dark to attack us." Huo Feng waved the axe in his hand, raising waves of holy weapon pressure.

"But it's enough to kill you two." Chen Feng smiled, and then shook the blood-gathering bead in his hand. Two blood-colored dragons emerged from the blood-gathering bead and rushed towards Huo Feng and the others.

Although Chen Feng was fighting with the two, he still observed the situation of Wen Shaoxiu and others clearly. Although he killed several killers and now two more were attracted, the situation of Wen Shaoxiu and others was still extremely bad. If Li Shilong hadn't used the Eight Diagrams Sword Formation to launch a strong and fierce siege on the killers, I'm afraid that some of Wen Shaoxiu's five people would have started to die.

Even now, Ma Tianfang and Situ Nan have become blood men, with several wounds on their bodies, especially Ma Tianfang's chest, which has a transparent hole.

So Chen Feng wanted to quickly solve the two people in front of him. Wen Shaoxiu and others' battlefield needed him very much, and Jian Zhiqiu might not be able to stop Wu Huai.

"Kill these two first."

The two blood dragons that emerged from the blood-gathering bead were condensed by Chen Feng using the energy in the blood pool in the blood-gathering bead by running the blood dark lead.

The blood power in the blood bead can be used to condense various blood beasts, especially when the blood bead is in its full state, and with the blood dark lead, it can condense a dark dragon.

The two blood dragons condensed by Chen Feng at this time are only the strength of a high-level demon, not even the strength of a half-step demon king, and are far from the demon fairy-level dark dragon.

However, it is enough to entangle the two people in front of him.

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