Eternal Existence

Chapter 628: Fierce Battle

"Two blood dragons may not be enough. I need to add some more ingredients." Chen Feng said, and then he activated the Dark Cave and the Void Cave and disappeared in space again.

At this time, Zhao Tian and Huo Feng were being attacked crazily by two blood dragons. The two blood dragons were not big, only ten feet long, but the bloody aura they exuded made Zhao Tian and Huo Feng dare not be careless.

Moreover, these bloody auras can also affect people's minds. More importantly, these two blood dragons are condensed by the power of blood. They can recover quickly after being broken up, as if they are immortal.

Zhao Tian lost the blood-shaking drum, but soon took out a blood-colored war spear. This war spear was shining with blood, and the blood patterns on it were like spirit snakes, straight and round, full of domineering, somewhat similar to Chen Feng's blood soul, but the grade was much higher than the blood soul. Even a thousand blood souls could not compare to this blood-colored war spear.

"Good fellow, these guys are indeed the core disciples of Jiuxiao Palace. They can easily take out two holy weapons, and they can even fight against human immortals. However, this blood spear is good. It happens that my blood soul level is a bit low, so it can be fused, or swallowed by the blood gathering bead." Chen Feng's eyes were hot, and he thought of snatching it when he saw the opponent's holy weapon.

"Blood and Qi are in chaos!"

Chen Feng launched an attack in the void. The attack method of Xue Mingyin was very strange. Different from physical attack and soul attack, it should be said to be a blood and Qi attack. It can affect the whole body and soul by affecting the essence, blood, Qi and veins in the opponent's body, so as to achieve the purpose of killing the opponent.

Sure enough, under Chen Feng's attack, Zhao Tian and Huo Feng were affected again, and the blood and Qi in their bodies began to boil and become chaotic, but the two had holy weapons to protect themselves, so there was no big problem.

But in this way, the blood dragon fighting with the two gradually gained the upper hand, making the two a little flustered.

"Zhao Tian, ​​I'll deal with these two blood dragons, you go kill Chen Feng." The axe in Huo Feng's hand had grown to a full ten feet in size, and he crushed the blood dragon's attacks again and again, and finally held the two blood dragons alone.

"Okay, I'll go kill Chen Feng first."

The blood-colored spear in Zhao Tian's hand shook violently, and the space shook. Strands of space force squeezed and bound Chen Feng.

Then Zhao Tian strode forward in the void, and the spear in his hand stabbed in the air and arrived in front of Chen Feng. The sharp breath stimulated Chen Feng's forehead.

"Just in time!"

Chen Feng smiled, and the two swords of life and death flew out at the same time, and the black and white sword energy crossed and cut on the opponent's spear from left to right.


This was a collision of holy weapons. The aftermath pushed Chen Feng and Zhao Tian away. The entire space of Sanghuai City was shaking violently, and the ground was destroyed beyond recognition. Fortunately, the places where Chen Feng and Zhao Tian fought were all dilapidated buildings, and there were not many people. Otherwise, it is unknown how many residents and monks would be affected.

"Two more holy weapons, and they are higher than my war spear." Zhao Tian's eyes flashed with surprise and fiery greed.


The blood-gathering bead suddenly appeared above Zhao Tian's head. At this time, the blood-gathering bead was as big as a wheel, and the blood light was dazzling, like the sun in the sky falling down.

"Battle the sky!"

Zhao Tian shouted loudly, and his whole body was steaming. He turned into a blood man, and the war spear in his hand turned into a blood dragon and stabbed at the blood-gathering bead that fell from the sky.


With a loud bang, Zhao Tian seemed to be hit by a meteorite. His whole body shook violently, and blood kept flowing out of his pores. Then he paused in the air and fell to the ground with a swish, disappearing, leaving only a huge pit.

"The holy weapon wants to collide with my Taoist weapon, it's really looking for death." Chen Feng no longer cared about Zhao Tian's life or death, but swayed his body and came to the air. With a wave of his hand, a total of three blood balls flew out.

This is the blood thunder condensed from the blood essence in the blood bead. Once it explodes, it will not only have a powerful physical attack, but also produce blood and killing aura that can affect the minds of the cultivators within the range.

"Explode." Chen Feng shouted.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three loud bangs in a row, thunder in the air, it really seems that thunder and lightning exploded, and the battlefield around has been completely shrouded in rich blood.

Huofeng's whole body was rolling with flames, but he was constantly impacted by the chaotic blood evil intentions and affected the blood essence in his body, while the two blood dragons became stronger and stronger.

"Okay, I won't play with you anymore. I'll deal with you later." Chen Feng said as he disappeared in the air with a flash of the blood-gathering bead, and the next moment he entered the battlefield of Wen Shaoxiu and others.

Because Chen Feng had already noticed that Wen Shaoxiu and others were in a bad situation, if he didn't go forward, he might really die.

Even now, Ma Tianfang and Situ Nan were covered in blood, their spirits were extremely weak, and they were supported by an unyielding sword intent.

But they couldn't hold on for too long.

Wen Shaoxiu, Liu Quan, and Jian Luobo were relatively better, but they were also covered in scars, and these wounds were almost all left by those erratic and strange killers.

Xu Shan and Wu Lei, two monks from Jiuxiao Palace, held Wen Shaoxiu and the other five people head-on, while the other killers hid in the dark and launched fatal attacks from time to time. If Li Shilong hadn't launched a crazy attack with the sword formation, I'm afraid Wen Shaoxiu and the other five people would have been killed.

"Wen Shaoxiu, you Tianjian Sect's people are really bold. You dared to come to our assassin's hall to make trouble, and even destroyed one of our strongholds. After this incident, a large number of elite disciples of your Tianjian Sect will be assassinated by us. This is all caused by you people." One of the thin black-clothed assassins sneered.

The black robe of this black-clothed assassin was embroidered with dots of gold light. Obviously, this person's identity was somewhat special. He was the person in charge of this stronghold.

"I heard that Tianjian Sect is the first-class sword sect in Central Plains. Even our Beiyuan Sword Pavilion is a force that has branched out from Tianjian Sect. But today, I am really disappointed. It turns out that all the disciples of Tianjian Sect are brainless and reckless. Even their cultivation is extremely ordinary." Xu Shan said loudly.

"Yes, I have heard about the disciples of Tianjian Sect in the past. Today, I see that they are just like this. If I fight alone, I can kill you all by myself, hahahaha." Wu Lei laughed even more.

"Humph, if that's the case, then fight alone." Wen Shaoxiu shouted.

"Okay, I'll fight you one-on-one. Take it, Thunder Rage!" Wu Lei waved his hands, and two balls of lightning suddenly exploded, turning into two lightning bolts that struck Wen Shaoxiu.

Wu Lei practiced the secret art of thunder, and he was the one with the strongest attack power among the four people who came to Jiuxiao Palace this time. This move locked Wen Shaoxiu firmly, leaving him nowhere to hide.

Facing this kind of attack, Wen Shaoxiu did not dare to be careless. The Thunder and Fire Holy Sword slashed out like lightning, directly dispersing the opponent's lightning, and then the Thunder and Fire Holy Sword emitted a suction force to absorb all the lightning energy.

"Thunder and Fire Nine Heavens!"

Waves of sword waves whistled out layer by layer, with fire in thunder and thunder in fire, faster, more domineering, and more destructive.

"Just in time." Wu Lei laughed, and a spirit whip with lightning flashed in his hand. He whipped Wen Shaoxiu's attacks one after another.

Just when Wu Lei and Wen Shaoxiu were fighting fiercely, two assassins in black suddenly escaped from the void, and two sword lights pierced Wen Shaoxiu from the left and right.



"We agreed to fight alone."

"Senior Brother Wen!"

Liu Quan and the others were all furious, and they rushed forward one by one, and everyone fought desperately.

However, although the four people fought desperately, it was impossible to break through the obstruction of Xu Shan and others and the attack of the assassins, and because of their rage, they were successfully attacked by assassins hidden in the dark several times.

"Everyone, don't be impulsive!" Wen Shaoxiu shouted.

At this time, Wen Shaoxiu had two more blood holes on his body. Although it looked a little scary, his life was not in danger. Wen Shaoxiu was secretly glad that if it weren't for the protective armor on his body, these two swords would be enough to kill him.

"Don't blame me, I am indeed fighting alone with you." Wu Lei waved his hand, and the thunder whip in his hand whipped Wen Shaoxiu again, obviously wanting to strike while the iron was hot and kill Wen Shaoxiu.

The two assassins just now did not hide, but their figures kept floating, and a stream of cold air kept locking onto Wen Shaoxiu, ready to attack at any time.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Sword Qi and sword auras broke through the air and attacked these assassins. Two of them slashed towards Wu Lei from the left and right.

It was Li Shilong's sword formation that was launched.

However, these series of attacks by sword Qi and sword auras did not seem to have any effect. They were blocked by the opponent one after another, or missed.

"The power of the sword formation is much smaller. It seems that you are not far from death." The assassin leader laughed, and then he joined the battle group besieging Wen Shaoxiu.

Everyone had the same idea. If Wen Shaoxiu was dealt with first, the other four injured people would be easier to deal with. As long as all these people were killed, the surrounding formation would be broken in an instant.


Wen Shaoxiu was hit by a bolt of lightning, and then he was slashed by the assassin leader. The wound burst open, blood kept flowing out, and lightning flashed on his body. Even though Wen Shaoxiu practiced lightning skills, he was still shaking all over. His cultivation level dropped again, and he was about to be killed.


At this moment, a huge blood ball fell from the sky at a very fast speed, like a burning meteorite, or like a falling sun. Wherever it passed, there was a red light, and the whole Sanghuai City was reflected red.

"It's a bit bad!" Xu Shan's face became solemn, but his hands moved quickly, wanting to get rid of Liu Quan and others as soon as possible.

Although Wu Lei and the assassin leader knew that the things that fell might have an impact on them, they didn't worry too much. With such a good opportunity, Wu Lei and others just wanted to kill Wen Shaoxiu in one go.

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