Eternal Existence

Chapter 626 Wu Huai's Sacred Weapon

"I hope Li Shilong's formation can play some role." Chen Feng thought to himself.


When Wen Shaoxiu and others saw the opportunity coming, they all used their strongest killing moves to attack.

There were twenty-two killers plus Jiuxiao Palace monks in total. After five people were killed, there were still seventeen people left.

In terms of numbers, the opponent is still twice as many as Wen Shaoxiu, but Chen Feng, Jian Zhiqiu and Li Shilong use the magic weapon formation to carry out long-range attacks, which can be regarded as a super move. It doesn't matter to Chen Feng and the other three. The winner and loser can escape smoothly and are already in an invincible position. The worst result is that the formation is broken and slightly injured.

But the situation of Wen Shaoxiu and the five others is different. The five of them are confronting each other head-on and are in the most dangerous situation. If Chen Feng and the others do not cooperate well, these five will be killed one by one in an instant.

"There is someone on the other side lurking around and using a magic weapon to attack, and it is also a very powerful magic weapon. Zhao Tian, ​​you go find the other side. If you can't kill the other side, you have to delay the other side." Xu Shan, who practices the power of the earth, said.

"No problem, leave it to me." The monk holding the small drum in his hand is called Zhao Tian. He practices a very evil secret technique called the Blood-Resting Manual. The blood-shaking drum in his hand is a powerful sacred weapon.

I saw Zhao Tian taking out a magic talisman, looking into the sky and throwing it. A passage exploded with a bang, and Zhao Tian was a thousand meters away in a flash.

"No, someone came out of the formation."

"It's the Sky Breaking Talisman. It's a good thing. Most people can't refine it."

"Hey, the other party is going for Chen Feng, please inform Chen Feng quickly."

"No, Chen Feng must know about this. Chen Feng has a Dao weapon in his hand, so he must be fine. Li Shilong, your formation attack is stronger. You go help Wen Shaoxiu and the others, and I will block Wu Huai and the others." Jian Zhiqiu said. .

"Can you stop the three of Wu Huai alone? The four-cornered compass in Wu Huai's hand is very powerful." Li Shilong frowned and said.

"No problem, you don't have to worry about me, just think about how to kill those killers." Jian Zhiqiu said and his whole body flashed, as if a puddle of autumn water disappeared into the formation.

"Wu Huai, I didn't expect the three of you to collude with the killers from the Killer Hall." Jian Zhiqiu appeared in front of Wu Huai.

"Jian Zhiqiu, it is indeed the Qiushui Sword Formation you arranged, let us out quickly." Wu Huai shouted coldly, a square compass floating above his head kept rising and falling, and the power of the holy weapon exuded enveloped Wu Huai , blocking the constant attacks from all around.

"Let you leave, are you kidding me?" Jian Zhiqiu sneered.

"The Killer Hall has come to cause trouble to our sect over and over again, challenging our majesty. These people all deserve to die. Now you are actually getting together with the people from the Killer Hall. This is simply an act of cheating."

"Oh, by the way, why did I forget? Your Wu family is closely related to the Killer Hall. I heard that you have practiced in the Killer Hall. No wonder you would side with the other party. Comparatively speaking, our fellow sects are not. what."

"Also, if it weren't for you just now, how would the killers in this stronghold know that we are coming, so the three of you will definitely die today. Since you don't care about the friendship of the same family, we won't be polite." Jian Zhiqiu is usually taciturn, but This time there were surprisingly many words.

Of course, Jian Zhiqiu also had a motive for doing this. Jian Zhiqiu wanted to delay time and secretly arranged the formation. Now that he had taken action, he would kill all these people.

"Jian Zhiqiu, although your Qiushui Sword Formation is good, I'm afraid it can't stop us. If you remove the formation now, we will treat it as if it never happened. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude. The situation in front of us You also know that just the few of you who came here are going to die." Wu Huai sneered and did not attack again. He seemed to be confident and not worried about not being able to get out.

"There is only one ending for today, and that is that all the killers here will be killed. Of course, if the three of you are repentant and regret it now to kill the killers in the Hall of Killers, our senior brothers may be able to forgive you three."

"Sun Jin, Zhao Guang, your two families have been attached to our sect for generations. Do you want to follow Wu Huai and cause trouble? If this matter is reported back to the sect, your two families will be wiped out by the sect."

Finally, Jian Zhiqiu shouted fiercely at Sun Jin and Zhao Guang. His voice contained the power of the sword and the sword array, causing Sun Jin and the two to panic. It was obvious that Jian Zhiqiu's words had an effect.

"Kill you, and this matter will naturally not spread." Wu Huai finally couldn't bear it anymore, and the four-cornered compass hovering above his head suddenly stopped, and one of the corners suddenly shot out a light blue thunder and lightning. He fired at Jian Zhiqiu.

This is the power of the sky thunder in the four-corner compass. This is not the ordinary power of the sky thunder, but the power of thunder and lightning that has been condensed and mixed with other things. It is faster and more elusive than the power of the sky thunder.


The power of thunder struck Jian Zhiqiu, but at this time, waves of water patterns spread out on Jian Zhiqiu's body, and his whole body seemed to be condensed by running water. Finally, it exploded with a bang and turned into water mist all over the sky.

Jian Zhiqiu disappeared, and just when Wu Huai wanted to search, a stream rushed towards him. The watery water reflected the human figure, making people feel like a stream was flowing over.

"Get away, this is Qiu Shui Sword Qi."

Wu Huai waved his hand, and the four-cornered compass was already in front of him. Invisible power emanated from the four-cornered compass, forming a shield. The Qiu Shui sword energy hit the shield, making a popping sound. Wu Huai took a step back every time it exploded, but the Qiu Shui sword energy was also constantly consumed. After Wu Huai retreated ten steps, the Qiu Shui sword energy dissipated completely.

"Jian Zhiqiu, you can't stop the three of us by yourself. You'd better get out of the way so that we can meet again in the future." Wu Huai's face changed, and finally calmed down.

"We won't meet again in the future, because you will die this time." Jian Zhiqiu's voice kept floating around, making people lose their sense of direction.


Wu Huai suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely. A ball of sword light exploded in Wu Huai's hand. Then Wu Huai kept moving his feet and his palm kept grabbing, and every time a sword light was crushed.

Sun Jin and Zhao Guang were also surrounded by flashing sword lights, resisting the sudden attacks from all around, and they were constantly rushing forward, trying to break Jian Zhiqiu's Qiu Shui Sword Formation.

"Jian Zhiqiu, since you know that I have practiced in the Killer Hall, then you should also know that your method is useless to me, and you can't break my defense."

Wu Huai said, and his whole body burst into a dark red light, as if a ball of fire suddenly exploded, and the light gradually faded. Wu Huai was wearing a fiery red armor. This set of armor almost covered his whole body, and his hands and feet were wrapped tightly. I don't know what material it was made of. There were flames constantly jumping in the fiery red metallic luster.

Sword lights exploded on Wu Huai's body. At this time, Wu Huai no longer took action, but completely relied on the armor on his body to take the attack. Under the attack of sword lights, Wu Huai just shook slightly, and there was not even a trace left on the armor.

It was almost a complete defense.

"It's troublesome, it's a holy weapon-level protective armor." Jian Zhiqiu looked a little ugly.

At the same time, Chen Feng also noticed the situation here. Seeing Wu Huai's shining armor, Chen Feng couldn't help but envy him. Chen Feng had quite a few holy weapons, but he didn't have any holy weapon-level armor.

Of course, with Chen Feng's current physical strength and the ninth-grade treasure-level armor on his body, it was enough to block the attack of ordinary holy weapons.

Wu Huai strode forward, no matter how fierce the attack in front of him was, he didn't take it seriously, and he was completely hard-resisting. Wu Huai was going to break the formation with force.

"Jian Zhiqiu, are you still okay?" Chen Feng's voice sounded in Jian Zhiqiu's ears.

Chen Feng's soul was extremely powerful, and with the effect of the blood-gathering beads, every move of the entire Sanghuai City was within Chen Feng's perception. At this time, Chen Feng did not take action again, but accumulated strength to deal with the disciples of Jiuxiao Palace who were coming to kill him. However, when he saw Wu Huai calling for a holy weapon, he was still a little worried about Jian Zhiqiu.

"No problem, I can still hold on for a while." Jian Zhiqiu said in a deep voice.

"If you can't stop it, you can let these three people go. After all, they are also disciples of Tianjian Sect." Chen Feng said.

"Hey, this kind of person is even more hateful. This is a good opportunity. We must kill him." Jian Zhiqiu said murderously.


A wave of swords hit Wu Huai. This time, the sword energy was different from before. Layers of swords were like the continuous impact of the Yangtze River. The powerful destructive force exploded on Wu Huai in succession.


Wu Huai, who was originally indomitable and majestic, blushed, spit out a mouthful of blood, and then retreated repeatedly, in a mess. The holy armor on his body was not damaged, but the power just now was transmitted to Wu Huai through the armor, causing Wu Huai's meridians and internal organs to be injured.


Sun Jin and Zhao Guang protected Wu Huai on the left and right. They were also surprised to see Wu Huai injured, because they knew clearly Wu Huai's strength and the power of the armor on his body, but they did not expect that he was still injured under Jian Zhiqiu's attack.

"Qiu Shui sword technique has thousands of waves. I didn't expect that you, Jian Zhiqiu, have cultivated it to this level. However, this is your strongest attack, and it is also with the help of the power of the formation. Let's see what other methods you have next." Wu Huai's face had returned to normal while he was talking, as if he had not been injured just now.

"We are all disciples of the Tianjian Sect. You practice the Qiu Shui sword technique, and I practice the Four Symbols sword technique. With the four-cornered compass and the Qilin armor, you are not my opponent at all." Wu Huai said, holding the long sword and continuing to stride forward. The holy artifact four-cornered compass hovered above his head, and he was wearing a holy artifact-level protective armor. As he walked along, the Qiu Shui sword formation set up by Jian Zhiqiu began to shake.

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