Eternal Existence

Chapter 5586: Divide

Facts have proved that the more you worry about something, the more likely it will appear. When a Chaos Killer came, Chen Feng felt something was wrong.

Emperor Changhe and Emperor Shura who rushed forward were quickly defeated. Chaos was surprisingly powerful. To charge alone, it not only required great courage, but also the corresponding strength.

The light emanating from the crack between Emperor Yin Yue's brows was trying to capture the other party.

"You can think of it as the product of the fusion of multiple Chaos. After all, they all belong to this side of Chaos. What I'm curious about now is whether Chaos can really get out. If this can be done, things will be troublesome in the future. "Emperor Silver Moon said.

Chen Feng understood what Emperor Silver Moon meant. He had also made speculations about this before, and even believed that the other party had reached this point early.

"Just like the original Soul Emperor, but this Chaos seems to be unable to turn enemies into friends. If the other party attacks me, it will be really troublesome, so this time I must at least be able to injure the other party hard." Chen Feng thought to himself.

The Chaos in front of him is also the strongest one Chen Feng has ever seen. You must know that a single Chaos can be considered a master among the emperors. After the fusion of multiple Chaos, their strength is naturally extraordinary.

However, Chen Feng also believed in the other party's method. It should not be used unless absolutely necessary, otherwise it would have killed everyone before.

Then Chen Feng remembered the situation about the Origin of One Party. Perhaps it was the collapse of the Origin of Chaos that led to the liberation of Chaos to a certain extent.

After all, when there were several intact ones mixed in before, enough strength was needed to support them to prevent the origin from operating.

Now that the origin of the society has collapsed, it is so chaotic that we can take the opportunity to escape.

After thinking about this, Chen Feng also frowned secretly. If this was the case, Chaos's power would be a bit unexpected.

"How powerful will it be? In order to avoid future troubles, I think other masters can also see this clearly, and they will naturally take action." Although he came to this conclusion, the chaos that rushed in front of him was not reality. of.

Emperor Changhe and Emperor Shura were no match, so the two inspectors from the underworld also rushed forward.

Four against one could suppress chaos before, but now it still cannot stop the opponent's momentum.

Moreover, it seems that the opponent does not want to simply inflict serious damage on some opponents, but wants to directly kill the camp where Chen Feng and others are.

It seems that they still want to relieve some pressure on the Origin of Chaos.

Others stepped forward one after another, and Chen Feng mobilized the power above Hunyuan to launch an energy impact, finally blocking the opponent's way.

The opponent almost broke into the tunnel opened by Chen Feng and others.

In the territory, if the Hunyuan on the scene is allowed to confront the opponent, it will definitely cause heavy damage.

Only the Great Emperor could deal with an existence of this level. Chen Feng only mobilized the power above Hunyuan to attack from a distance.

"It's simply unbelievable that just one opponent has entangled our power." Chen Feng suddenly collected the power he had released, and then accumulated it in another way.

We have a large number of people on our side, so even if the other side is very strong, logically speaking, it shouldn't lead to such a result.

To put it bluntly, it was better to catch one's own side by surprise.

Emperor Yinyue and the others understood what Chen Feng meant, and began to divide the work and cooperate. Some came forward to entangle them closely, while others restrained them from a distance. The situation was gradually brought under control.

Finally, the light emitted by Emperor Silver Moon briefly trapped Chaos, and Chen Feng gathered the power of hundreds of Hunyuan people to form a formation that wrapped Chaos in it.

The others immediately used seals and restrictions, and were about to suppress the people behind him.

Who knew that another Chaos would appear at this time, this one was equally powerful, but after the other party arrived, he did not go to the rescue, but chose to attack those above Hunyuan.

This scene was beyond the expectations of Chen Feng and others. Just a single contact between the two parties, and several members were severely injured.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng's eyes turned red and he immediately stepped forward to stop him. However, Chen Feng was no match and was still repelled by the opponent.

Fortunately, the Mind Emperor appeared at this time, and then stepped forward to block this Chaos.

After seeing the Spiritual Emperor appear, Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief, but he saw that the Spiritual Emperor was at a disadvantage in a head-on battle.

But fortunately, the psychic emperor's psychic skills are very good and can cause some trouble to the opponent.

Then Chen Feng quickly mobilized everyone's strength to condense the formation diagram again.

It was still a little too late, the trapped Chaos had already broken free.

The situation that was finally created before was destroyed.

"I don't know how much chaos the other party can fuse with such combat power, but I think the number shouldn't be too much. Otherwise, the origin of chaos would not end up in this situation." Chen Feng guessed.

His own side alone has welcomed two such powerful Chaos, and it’s hard to say about other places.

Although powerful chaos has emerged, it still cannot change the situation of the collapse of the origin of chaos.

On the contrary, the collapse of Chaos Origin is still accelerating, and the expansion speed of the Gate of Origin and the underworld is also accelerating. According to Chen Feng's speculation, it will not take long to occupy half of the entire Chaos Origin.

The Origin of Chaos has collapsed, and this is a situation that no one can change, even if all the masters in the Origin of Chaos appear.

Even if the underworld retreats now, it will not change it. Practitioners from other places can carve up the origin of chaos.

Chen Feng saw some new practitioners, including some masters. However, these newcomers were self-aware and did not dare to provoke the major forces present. However, Chen Feng also knew that once the critical moment came, the relationship between each other would be fierce. There will probably be some disputes.

The phantom of the underworld appeared in the distance, and it was about to take action in a big way. In this way, the origin of the chaos would be even more unable to resist, and large areas were lost.

The underworld has also become the strongest invasion force. Faced with the domineering momentum of invasion, whether they are practitioners from the origin of chaos or outsiders from other forces, they will be involved if they cannot dodge.

It is not that the underworld and the Gate of Origin have not encountered powerful chaos, but the two of them are so powerful and full of stamina that even two powerful chaos can't change the situation.

"I don't know how many attribute masters have left." Although Chen Feng could feel that there were still many powerful attribute masters fighting hard, the number was indeed small.

The Lord of Power, the Lord of Truth, the Lord of the Sun, and the Lord of Thunder, these powerful attribute masters, are still here to fight. They are still majestic and powerful, but they are unable to change the situation. They are just struggling before death. That’s all.

To be honest, only a few of the attribute masters in Origin of Chaos can become emperors, and most of them have strength above Hunyuan.

In addition to attribute masters, there are also a very objective number of masters who were trained by normal life forms.

The two Chaos who were fighting with Chen Feng disappeared silently. This made Chen Feng a little surprised and worried about whether the other party would further merge.

After all, Chaos is so powerful now. How powerful will it be if they are merged again?

"The other party also has limits." At this time, the Great Mind Emperor spoke, obviously guessing what Chen Feng was thinking.

"If there hadn't been this war, if there hadn't been the origin of chaos

If you collapse and give the opponent some more time, Chaos may become stronger, but even if you successfully escape from the origin of Chaos, your strength will have an upper limit, just like me. "The Great Mind Emperor said this.

All Chen Feng thought was that the Psychic Emperor was indeed not that strong at first. After the subsequent explosion, he thought that the other party was hiding something in the past. Now it seems that the Psychic Emperor is just making progress.

"If this is the limit of chaos, then the threat is greatly reduced, but the number is still considerable." Chen Feng said.

Without the chaotic entanglement of those two, Chen Feng's territory expanded again.

"So far, no strong force has joined. It seems that the situation is stable." The Great Mind Emperor said, and then disappeared.

The Mind Emperor doesn't care about grabbing some territory. Besides, even if he is grabbing territory, he won't do it with so many people.

The Mind Emperor has his own ideas.

Chen Feng didn't ask further questions. He was just looking for spiritual power and some powerful attribute energy.

"I wonder if there is still a chance to keep the Lord of Power and the others?" Chen Feng has been thinking about this, but Chen Feng also understands that it should be difficult to achieve this step.

Even if the Origin of Chaos collapses, even if they fight to the last moment, they still have the strength to leave.

To put it bluntly, Chen Feng's own strength is not enough. If he wants to achieve his goal, he can only find helpers. In such a situation, it is difficult to find helpers.

Chen Feng wanted to act alone like the Soul Emperor, but now he was also trapped by the situation, and in Chen Feng's current state, it may not be safe to act alone.


At this time, the second generation suddenly appeared in front of Chen Feng. Chen Feng looked curiously from a distance and saw a huge change at the Gate of Origin.

The Gate of Origin has been unrivaled in dominance since the moment it appeared, and as the number of opponents increased, it also exploded into stronger strength.

But now there are several fused Chaos rushing towards the Gate of Origin, and the fighting power they unleashed shook the Gate of Origin.

At this time, the Gate of Origin became larger than before, standing in the origin of chaos, like a mirror embedded here.

But now, although this huge portal was also shining with light, it also began to shake. Even from a distance, Chen Feng could see cracks appearing on the Gate of Origin.

"You won't collapse like before again." Chen Feng said in a low voice.

According to the strength shown by Origin Gate from the beginning, shouldn't it be like this, or is it that after this period of strong explosion, it can no longer hold on?

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