Eternal Existence

Chapter 5585 Chaotic Mutation

Sure enough, when the land expanded to a certain extent, it began to be resisted by the origin of chaos, and the speed naturally slowed down.

However, soon as everyone continued to attack, the speed of expansion increased again, and it spread to an attribute area.

Chen Feng had come to this attribute area before, and had fought with the attribute master in it. This time, the two sides were against each other again.

It was a pity that the attribute master could no longer resist the attack of the army. After a fight, the two sides had no choice but to lead the lives in the attribute area to move out.

When this attribute area was integrated into the chassis of everyone, the speed of expansion had a volcanic eruption.

After all, this was not the power of Chen Feng alone. In addition to hundreds of Hunyuan, there were also these emperors from the Yin Realm. It was really easy for everyone to work together to refine an attribute area.

If there was no resistance, giving them some time, even refining the entire origin of chaos would not be a problem.

It can be said that after Chen Feng and his team released this force, it was even stronger than expected.

This is also the reason why the two sides joined forces. If there were no emperors from the underworld, the hundreds of above-the-primordial beings led by Chen Feng would suffer heavy losses once they encountered top masters.

Even if there are a few who have reached the above-the-primordial realm of the emperor, they can only barely enter the realm of the emperor after all. It can be said that they are at the bottom among the emperors.

"Daoyou, have you got any important news?" At this time, someone secretly asked Chen Feng.

After all, Chen Feng is now constantly leading people to expand the territory without any intention of stopping. Such a purposeful move naturally makes people curious.

"Of course it is to divide the origin of chaos. According to the news I got, the origin of chaos is doomed this time and will definitely be torn apart. So how much benefit we can grab now depends on how much territory we invade." Chen Feng said.

In fact, for most of the above-the-primordial beings, it is extremely important to master the laws and foundations of comprehending the origin of one side. In comparison, simply collecting some energy or other resources is not so important.

This time, the division of the origin behind will naturally make everyone gain a lot, and they will make rapid progress in a short period of time in the future and can see a higher level.

After all, this chaotic origin is stronger than the origins seen before, and this is indeed a good opportunity.

After hearing what Chen Feng said, everyone stopped asking, because they knew what would happen next, and asking Chen Feng just now was just to further confirm it.

Now that they have a bottom line in their hearts, everyone began to release more mana and cultivation, and the speed of expansion accelerated again.

"There is an attribute area not far ahead." The second generation suddenly said.

"I have been there before, but I didn't take much advantage at that time. I didn't expect that the two sides would meet again now. But now that things have come to this, these attribute masters are probably well prepared. They won't stay here and fight to the death." Chen Feng said so.

Facts have proved that Chen Feng's statement is correct. The attribute area in front is just an empty shell. Although he had guessed it long ago, Chen Feng was still a little disappointed.

If the attribute master is willing to stay and fight, then he can take this opportunity to deal with the other party.

And the attribute master who escapes is more dangerous and will cause some trouble to everyone in the future.

In any case, since the other party did not stay to fight, the speed of everyone's expansion will be smooth sailing.

"What a pity. It would be better if we left enough attribute power." Chen Feng felt a little regretful, because he needed these attribute energies very much.

"It's a bit strange. We didn't encounter any obstacles during this period. Did the Chaos Origin really give up?" Emperor Yin Yue said with some curiosity.

When everyone first came in, they were ambushed and fought with some masters. Moreover, after everyone expanded with great fanfare, the resistance of the Chaos Origin was surprisingly weak.

The most likely possibility is that the other party gave up, which can be seen from the empty shells of the attribute areas found, but Chen Feng felt that it should not be that simple.

It was because of the previous fight with the attribute lord that I understood the atmosphere here. Even if the Chaos Origin finally collapsed, the other party would have many attribute lords fighting to the last moment.

But no matter what, Chen Feng and others are still expanding.

At the same time, Chen Feng also noticed that another force entered the Chaos Origin with great force, destroying everything in its path, and large areas of the Chaos Origin were lost.

Originally, the Gate of Origin had entangled a large number of masters. At this time, facing the invasion of the army, the Chaos Origin could not mobilize too much power to stop it for a while.

Chen Feng saw several Chaos going to stop them. In Chen Feng's opinion, this should be the temporary split of Chaos Origin.

However, doing so would make Chaos Origin collapse more severely.

"The Yin Realm has launched a large-scale attack. It seems that the overall situation is set, unless Yang Realm also intervenes in a large-scale manner." Chen Feng knew that it was the Yin Realm that came. First, the Gate of Origin came out to attract some firepower. It seems that the Yin Realm was mobilizing forces before.

Although it was said that they had experienced a large-scale war before and were not suitable for launching a war again, firstly, it was a good opportunity in front of them, and secondly, the power was strong enough, so after confirming that the power of Taiyuan had really left, the Yin Realm reached an agreement with the Gate of Origin.

However, soon a force appeared in another direction of the Hunyuan Origin. Chen Feng looked from afar and saw only a bright light, and the power of Yang was rising and sweeping.

"The Yang Realm is here too."

Chen Feng said slowly, but unexpectedly, the Yang Realm did not deal with the Yin Realm this time, but joined other intruders in the territory where the chaos in the dormitory originated.

This is the same as what Chen Feng had guessed before. After the collapse of Chaos Origin, even allies began to change their stance.

What's more, the Yang Realm and the Origin of Chaos are not allies. They simply don't want to see the Yin Realm become stronger.

"Since we can't stop the collapse of Hunyuan Origin, we can simply join in. In this way, we in the Yin world will benefit, and so will the Yang world." At this time, Emperor Silver Moon said.

"Actually, I'm not worried about this. Speaking of which, the Yang Realm is further away than us, and the benefits are not as good as ours. What I'm worried about is whether the opponents who left before will appear." Emperor Changhe said.

"If the previous opponent appears, he will definitely plunder the origin of chaos as soon as possible, but now I have not received any news about this. I think the opponent will not participate, but this time the power from Yangjie is not as good as It seems that we just want to grab some benefits." While receiving the news, Emperor Yinyue was still using his pupil skills to investigate.

"It's just that in this way, we in the Yin Realm will not be able to get all the benefits. It will take advantage of the Yang Realm, and we will continue to fight in the future." A patrolman in the Yin Realm said with some displeasure.

The best situation is of course to swallow up the entire Origin of Chaos. In this way, the Yin Realm will be significantly improved, and then the war with the Yang Realm will gain the upper hand, and maybe the Yang Realm can be solved.

But now the idea is shattered.

However, after looking at Chen Feng and then at the Gate of Origin in the distance, the two inspectors of the underworld looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts.

Since we can't take Yangjie, we can definitely find foreign aid.

If it were just Chen Feng and his group, it would definitely not work, but it would be different if the Gate of Origin was added.

After all, the Gate of Origin is very high-level and has brought so many great emperors.

However, the two most powerful beings, the King of Gods and the True Yuan Emperor, were familiar with Chen Feng. Together with the equally powerful Soul Emperor, the two underworld inspectors had a lot to think about.

With the addition of the Yin Realm and the Yang Realm, the origin of chaos is truly doomed. The region begins to collapse, and some practitioners who are strong enough even begin to run away.

"The more you collapse, the less you should panic." Chen Feng said.

Under this situation, even if the origin of chaos collapses and overflows the original energy, everyone will still have to control the expanded territory to spread.

If someone couldn't stand the temptation and left the territory to grab the benefits, it's not that Chen Feng would stop him, but doing so would be very dangerous and could easily disrupt his own camp.

Fortunately, everyone has been working together for a long time. Instead of causing chaos, they continue to release their magic power or use the ultimate method to expand their territory.

Because everyone knows that the more this happens, the more dangerous it is. Even if Chaos Origin collapses, there will still be some strength to fight for it.

If the energy generated by the collapse of such a powerful origin is used well, even the Great Emperor will be torn into pieces.

"The Yin Realm, the Yang Realm, and the Gate of Origin are the main forces. Then there will be some alliances and scattered outsiders. I don't know which side these great emperors from the Origin of Chaos will fight back." Chen Feng has always been very careful in his heart, worried about the concentration of the other party. Some masters came to raid their side.

Facts have proved that the more you worry about something, the more likely it will appear. When a Chaos Killer came, Chen Feng felt something was wrong.

Emperor Changhe and Emperor Shura who rushed forward were quickly defeated. Chaos was surprisingly powerful. To charge alone, it not only required great courage, but also the corresponding strength.

The light emanating from the crack between Emperor Yin Yue's brows was trying to capture the other party.

"You can think of it as the product of the fusion of multiple Chaos. After all, they all belong to this side of Chaos. What I'm curious about now is whether Chaos can really get out. If this can be done, things will be troublesome in the future. "Emperor Silver Moon said.

Chen Feng understood what Emperor Silver Moon meant. He had also made speculations about this before, and even believed that the other party had reached this point early.

"Just like the original Soul Emperor, but this Chaos seems to be unable to turn enemies into friends. If the other party attacks me, it will be really troublesome, so this time I must at least be able to injure the other party hard." Chen Feng thought to himself.

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