Eternal Existence

Chapter 5587 Sigh

Even if the underworld retreats now, it will not change it. Practitioners from other places can carve up the origin of chaos.

Chen Feng saw some new practitioners, including some masters. However, these newcomers were self-aware and did not dare to provoke the major forces present. However, Chen Feng also knew that once the critical moment came, the relationship between each other would be fierce. There will probably be some disputes.

The phantom of the underworld appeared in the distance, and it was about to take action in a big way. In this way, the origin of the chaos would be even more unable to resist, and large areas were lost.

The underworld has also become the strongest invasion force. Faced with the domineering momentum of invasion, whether they are practitioners from the origin of chaos or outsiders from other forces, they will be involved if they cannot dodge.

It is not that the underworld and the Gate of Origin have not encountered powerful chaos, but the two of them are so powerful and full of stamina that even two powerful chaos can't change the situation.

"I don't know how many attribute masters have left." Although Chen Feng could feel that there were still many powerful attribute masters fighting hard, the number was indeed small.

The Lord of Power, the Lord of Truth, the Lord of the Sun, and the Lord of Thunder, these powerful attribute masters, are still here to fight. They are still majestic and powerful, but they are unable to change the situation. They are just struggling before death. That’s all.

To be honest, only a few of the attribute masters in Origin of Chaos can become emperors, and most of them have strength above Hunyuan.

In addition to attribute masters, there are also a very objective number of masters who were trained by normal life forms.

The two Chaos who were fighting with Chen Feng disappeared silently. This made Chen Feng a little surprised and worried about whether the other party would further merge.

After all, Chaos is so powerful now. How powerful will it be if they are merged again?

"The other party also has limits." At this time, the Great Mind Emperor spoke, obviously guessing what Chen Feng was thinking.

"If there hadn't been this war, if the Origin of Chaos hadn't collapsed, and if the other party was given some more time, then Chaos might have become stronger, but even if it successfully escaped from the Origin of Chaos, its strength would have an upper limit, just like me. ." Said the Soul Emperor.

All Chen Feng thought was that the Psychic Emperor was indeed not that strong at first. After the subsequent explosion, he thought that the other party was hiding something in the past. Now it seems that the Psychic Emperor is just making progress.

"If this is the limit of chaos, then the threat is greatly reduced, but the number is still considerable." Chen Feng said.

Without the chaotic entanglement of those two, Chen Feng's territory expanded again.

"So far, no strong force has joined. It seems that the situation is stable." The Great Mind Emperor said, and then disappeared.

The Mind Emperor doesn't care about grabbing some territory. Besides, even if he is grabbing territory, he won't do it with so many people.

The Mind Emperor has his own ideas.

Chen Feng didn't ask further questions. He was just looking for spiritual power and some powerful attribute energy.

"I wonder if there is still a chance to keep the Lord of Power and the others?" Chen Feng has been thinking about this, but Chen Feng also understands that it should be difficult to achieve this step.

Even if the Origin of Chaos collapses, even if they fight to the last moment, they still have the strength to leave.

To put it bluntly, Chen Feng's own strength is not enough. If he wants to achieve his goal, he can only find helpers. In such a situation, it is difficult to find helpers.

Chen Feng wanted to act alone like the Soul Emperor, but now he was also trapped by the situation, and in Chen Feng's current state, it may not be safe to act alone.


At this time, the second generation suddenly appeared in front of Chen Feng. Chen Feng looked curiously from a distance and saw a huge change at the Gate of Origin.

The Gate of Origin has been unrivaled in dominance since the moment it appeared, and as the number of opponents increased, it also exploded into stronger strength.

But now there are several fused Chaos rushing towards the Gate of Origin, and the fighting power they unleashed shook the Gate of Origin.

At this time, the Gate of Origin became larger than before, standing in the origin of chaos, like a mirror embedded here.

But now, although this huge portal was also shining with light, it also began to shake. Even from a distance, Chen Feng could see cracks appearing on the Gate of Origin.

"It won't collapse like before." Chen Feng said in a low voice.

According to the strength shown by Origin Gate from the beginning, shouldn't it be like this, or is it that after this period of strong explosion, it can no longer hold on?

In fact, if you think about it, you can understand that what came from the Gate of Origin is not the main body after all. It must have used special means to burst out such a powerful force before. Now facing the strong counterattack from the Origin of Chaos, it is normal for some damage to occur.

But if there is a complete collapse, then the Origin Gate side will be seriously affected.

Although there are many powerful masters who have entered the Gate of Origin, after all, it is better to gather strength and make the Gate of Origin stronger.

Just when Chen Feng was worried, he saw the Great Spiritual Emperor rushing forward to help him.

Help the Gate of Origin to block a Chaos.

The Gate of Origin gradually took control of the situation.

Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief, wondering in his mind whether the Spiritual Emperor had just left because he had expected such a situation, or whether he had simply received a notification from the Gate of Origin.

But no matter what, Chen Feng also knew that this should be the last struggle of the origin of chaos.

Sure enough, when the situation intensified further, the attribute masters that Chen Feng focused on also left.

Only Chaos was still fighting desperately.

Chen Feng noticed that there were more than a dozen equally powerful Chaos auras, but the equally powerful Emperor Riot and Emperor Bewitched also had no news.

"The Chaos Origin originally had several powerful allies. Now it seems that these allies may have left early, but I am really surprised that they did not take advantage of the fire." Chen Feng said in his heart.

When Chaos also began to leave, this side of the Origin was completely declining.

Hundreds of Hunyuan on Chen Feng's side continued to distance themselves from each other, which was caused by the rapid expansion of the territory.

The previous expansion had to withstand the obstruction of the Chaos Origin, but now it only faced pure benefits.

Not only Chen Feng's side, all the invading forces were expanding rapidly, plundering everything from the Chaos Origin.

"There should be disputes next." Chen Feng said in his heart.

Sure enough, a group of invading forces encountered the Yangjie side, and the other side was too late to give in. In the end, this force was swallowed up by the power of the Yang.

"The closest to us is the alliance we have dealt with before. It won't be long before we will meet each other." At this time, the second generation said.

"Although we were bewitched in the previous fight, there is a feud between the two sides after all, and we have a backer. If the other party knows what's good for them and leaves earlier, they can still survive. If they choose to fight with us, then the outcome is doomed." Although Chen Feng and others did not defeat the other party in the previous confrontation.

But this time is different, the situation is different.

Sure enough, the other party was still reluctant to give up the immediate benefits, and had not chosen to leave even when they had a collision with Chen Feng's side.

The origin of one side collapsed, and it was time to harvest. Who would be willing to leave?

Chen Feng understood the other party, but also felt that the other party was confused.

"Don't know whether to live or die, if so, then let's get rid of them." Chen Feng said lightly.

Without preparation, without verbal challenge, the attack was launched naturally.


The other party did not seem to expect Chen Feng's side to be so straightforward, but they were not afraid. It's not like they had never fought before, and they didn't believe that Chen Feng's side would really fight to the end.

But they soon realized that they had miscalculated. When the two sides just started fighting, the Gate of Origin and the Underworld fired some beams from afar, and the emperor in the alliance was immediately severely injured.

Only then did they realize the seriousness of the matter, but it was too late. Even if they wanted to run, they might not be able to escape.

The emperor was severely injured and solved, so the remaining Hunyuan was even more of a lamb to be slaughtered.

Chen Feng and others felt a different state from before. Without spending much effort, the opponent was defeated. The only thing that needed to be spent was to prevent the opponent from escaping.

"Being able to run away is also a skill. There is no need to chase after it." Chen Feng said so.

Everyone also knew that this was not the time to chase and kill, so after a melee, some of the opponents still escaped.

However, most of them were severely injured or suppressed, and some practitioners were even killed on the spot.

As for the territory occupied by the opponent, it naturally fell into the hands of Chen Feng's side.

"It's still faster this way."

After solving the opponent, not only did everyone present benefit, but even the territory controlled by them almost doubled.

At this time, the area occupied by Chen Feng and others was second only to the Yin Realm and the Gate of Origin. Even the equally powerful Yang Realm could not expand its territory as much as Chen Feng.

"Continue to expand!"

After solving the alliance with strong strength, Chen Feng's side was full of confidence and did not take other forces into consideration at all.

After all, he had a backer, and two big backers.

The shadow of the Yin Realm became more and more condensed and real, as if the Yin Realm had really come to this area.

Compared with such a powerful force, although the Yang Realm was also very explosive, it was still not comparable to the Yin Realm.

Chen Feng believed that this was not simply because of the distance. I am afraid that the most important reason was that the Yang Realm could not mobilize more forces to come.

"According to my initial understanding, the Yang Realm should be stronger than the Yin Realm, but after this battle, the Yin Realm may come from behind."

"But so far, the Taiyuan side has not appeared, it seems that they really went back." Chen Feng was still a little worried.

Fortunately, there were no more twists and turns until the various forces divided up the origin of chaos.

"I'm still a little disappointed and a bit of a pity." Chen Feng said with some emotion.

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