Eternal Existence

Chapter 5584: Expansion of territory

"There are still people on our side who haven't shown up yet." Chen Feng thought of the Nether Emperor with whom he had communicated before.

When the Silver Moon Emperor was out before, the Nether Emperor had actually escaped long ago, but the other party had other calculations, so Chen Feng and his friends didn't look for him again.

What's more, there is the Gate of Origin not far away to suppress the four parties. Even in the face of the siege of many masters, the territory of the Gate of Origin is still expanding little by little.

With such a big backer behind, the worst result is that the Gate of Origin gives up the current situation and there is no problem in rescuing Chen Feng and others.

Chen Feng even thought that at worst he would lead people into the Gate of Origin, and then the power of the Gate of Origin would become even stronger.

Anyway, he can advance in front and defend in the back, so Chen Feng is not panicked at all.

Although the Emperor of Bewitching wanted to kill all the people, Chen Feng's party was not vegetarian. Under the entanglement of the Shadow Emperor and Chen Feng, the Emperor of Bewitching had not achieved any results.

Later, when the Light of Origin locked onto the Emperor Guhuo again, the other party finally became impatient and fell directly into the void and disappeared.

Seeing the other party leave, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, his mind was a bit complicated. On the one hand, he really wanted to keep the other party, but on the other hand, he knew that he couldn't do this with his current strength.

It has to be said that the existence of the Emperor Guhuo is too threatening, but at least now the other party's departure has relieved the pressure on his side.

It is obvious that the Emperor Guhuo still wants to watch the two invaders continue to fight.

"The situation has become clear by now. If we continue, it will only benefit the other party." At this time, someone from the alliance spoke up.

The other party wanted to compromise. After all, without the help of the Emperor Guhuo, they were definitely not the opponent of Chen Feng's side.

"Well, let's stop for now." Chen Feng was unexpectedly straightforward this time. The practitioners who knew Chen Feng were a little surprised. This was not like Chen Feng's style.

"Take a break first. There may be a fight at any time next." Chen Feng just said it briefly.

In the fight just now, Chen Feng's side had the upper hand, and the Alliance suffered more casualties. However, if they really continued to test, even if they could completely defeat the other side, Chen Feng's side would suffer heavy losses.

Moreover, the departure of Emperor Guhuo just now made Chen Feng feel something was wrong, and he always felt that the other side had some conspiracy.

Although the two sides had stopped fighting, Chen Feng still felt that some people on his side were eager to try and wanted to continue. He knew that this was probably due to the secret influence of Emperor Guhuo.

Looking at the Alliance side, they were also the same. In order to avoid further chaos, both sides retreated.

"Now our strength is not enough. We will deal with the other side after the reinforcements arrive." Chen Feng certainly did not want to let the Alliance side go. Since they had become opponents, he naturally wanted to kill them all.

The biggest opponent in front of him was still the origin of chaos.

Chen Feng looked at the Gate of Origin. The fight over there was still going on. The strength of the Gate of Origin was really beyond Chen Feng's expectations. Even if there were a few more opponents, the territory of the Gate of Origin was still expanding steadily.

Chen Feng felt a little strange. He thought that with the increase of opponents, the Gate of Origin might stop expanding. But now it seems that the Gate of Origin is really full of stamina. With the increase of opponents, the Gate of Origin also showed its corresponding strength.

At this time, Chen Feng had guessed that there were not only those who imagined in the Gate of Origin, but also other helpers.

The helpers that could be found in such a short time were mostly from the underworld, which means that the Gate of Origin is now using more than just its own strength.

Chen Feng understood it after thinking about it.

However, no matter how strong the Gate of Origin is, there will be some limitations. It is impossible to withstand the power of so many emperors. Even the main body will be blown up, so there must be other things in it.

Instead of guessing, it is better to ask directly. Chen Feng soon got the news from the Gate of Origin.

Then the will of the underworld was also transmitted.

"Let's go, let's open up our own territory in another place." Chen Feng waved his hand and led everyone to change direction.

The Gate of Origin is expanding its territory, and the powerful alliance is also expanding. Chen Feng also plans to do so.

This is not as simple as a simple expansion, but a direct erosion of the territory of the origin of chaos.

In other words, the real division of the origin of chaos will begin next.

The place chosen by Chen Feng is naturally a bit special. Originally, Chen Feng wanted to find an attribute area to expand based on it, but who knew that he accidentally discovered an empty origin area.

Although the origin area is extremely important to one origin, the area found by Chen Feng has been somewhat defeated, or it can be said that there was a war here before, which caused it to be severely damaged, and the origin energy in it was basically lost.

But after all, the area is still there, and it also has a certain effect on the entire origin. In short, in Chen Feng's opinion, it is much better than finding an area at random.

At this time, everyone also understood Chen Feng's idea, so they began to form camps very skillfully. With the release of power, a unique area was formed in a short time.

As the power expanded in circles, the surrounding areas of the origin of chaos were constantly being eroded. This was originally a process of one gaining and the other losing. As the territory controlled by Chen Feng and his team became larger and larger, it would have a huge impact on the entire origin of chaos and relieve some pressure on other forces.

But at the same time, we must also truly face the origin of chaos.

Sure enough, when the territory expanded to a certain extent, it began to be resisted by the origin of chaos, and the speed naturally slowed down.

However, soon as everyone continued to attack, the speed of expansion increased again, and it spread to an attribute area.

Chen Feng had come to this attribute area before, and had fought with the attribute master in it. This time, the two sides were against each other again.

It was a pity that the attribute master could no longer withstand the attack of the army this time. After a fight between the two sides, they had no choice but to lead the lives in the attribute area to move out.

When this attribute area was integrated into the chassis of everyone, the speed of expansion had a volcanic eruption.

After all, this is not the power of Chen Feng alone. In addition to hundreds of Hunyuan, there are also these emperors from the Yin Realm. It is really easy for everyone to work together to refine one attribute area.

If there is no resistance, giving them some time, even refining the entire origin of chaos is not a problem.

It can be said that after Chen Feng and his team released this force, it is stronger than expected.

This is also the reason for the cooperation of both parties. If there were no emperors from the Yin Realm, the hundreds of Hunyuan led by Chen Feng would suffer heavy losses once they encountered top masters.

Even if there are a few people whose combat power reaches the Hunyuan of the emperor, after all, they are just barely entering the realm of the emperor. It can be said that they are at the bottom of the emperor.

"Daoyou, did you get any important news?" At this time, someone secretly asked Chen Feng.

After all, Chen Feng is now constantly leading people to expand the territory without any intention of stopping. Such a purposeful move naturally makes people curious.

"Of course, we have to divide up the Chaos Origin. According to the information I received, the Chaos Origin is doomed to fall apart this time, so how much benefit we can get now depends on how much territory we invade." Chen Feng said.

In fact, for most of the Hunyuan, it is extremely important to master the laws and foundations of the origin of one side. In comparison, simply collecting some energy or other resources is not so important.

This time, the origin of the origin will naturally make everyone gain a lot, and they will make rapid progress in a short period of time and see a higher level.

After all, this Chaos Origin is stronger than the origins seen before, which is indeed a good opportunity.

After hearing what Chen Feng said, everyone stopped asking, because they knew what would happen next, and asking Chen Feng just now was just a further confirmation.

Since they had a bottom line in their hearts, everyone began to release more mana cultivation, and the speed of expansion accelerated again.

"There is an attribute area not far ahead." The Second World suddenly said.

"I've been there before, but I didn't get much advantage at that time. I didn't expect that the two sides would meet again now. However, at this point, these attribute masters are probably well prepared. They won't stay here and fight to the death." Chen Feng said.

Facts have proved that Chen Feng's statement is correct. The attribute area in front is just an empty shell. Although he had guessed it long ago, Chen Feng was still a little disappointed.

If the attribute master is willing to stay and fight, then we can take this opportunity to deal with the other party.

The escaped attribute master is more dangerous and will cause some trouble to everyone in the future.

In any case, since the other party did not stay to fight, the speed of everyone's expansion will be smooth sailing.

"It's a pity. It would be better if enough attribute power was left." Chen Feng was a little regretful, because he needed these attribute energies very much.

"It's a bit strange. We didn't encounter any obstacles during this period. Does it mean that the Chaos Origin Party has really given up?" Emperor Yinyue said with some curiosity.

When everyone first came in, they were ambushed and fought with some masters. And now after everyone's big expansion, the resistance of the Chaos Origin Party is surprisingly weak.

The most likely possibility is that the other party has given up, which can be seen from the empty shell of the attribute area found, but Chen Feng feels that it should not be that simple.

It is because he has fought with the attribute lords before that he understands the atmosphere here. Even if the origin of chaos finally collapses, the other side will have many attribute lords fighting until the last moment.

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