Eternal Existence

Chapter 5583: The Fighting Power of the Bewitching Emperor

The Gate of Origin could still muster the strength to lock down the Bewitching Emperor in the face of so many opponents. I am afraid it has reached its limit. Of course Chen Feng understood this, so he tried his best to entangle the Bewitching Emperor.

After numerous avenue clones blocked the four sides, they immediately used Chaos Frenzy, while Chen Feng held the Spear of Destiny and locked the opponent firmly.




The Bewitching Emperor released a powerful fighting force with just a wave of his hand, shattering the chaotic frenzy from around him, and sending several Dao clones flying. Then he clashed head-on with Chen Feng's Spear of Destiny, and finally came in and landed a blow. On Chen Feng.

The powerful force Ling Chenfeng retreated continuously, and after finally regaining his balance, he saw the Bewitching Emperor rushing in front of him again.

"You don't think I'm only good at bewitching, right?" After the Bewitching Emperor finished speaking, he came up with another combo.

Chen Feng was completely at a disadvantage. The close combat methods that Chen Feng was proud of were suppressed by the opponent.

To put it bluntly, there is almost no power to fight back.

However, the Bewitching Emperor also saw that Chen Feng's defense was very strong, so he changed his tactics and used the sealing technique to compress Chen Feng into a very small space.

After Chen Feng finally broke out of the sealed state, he saw that his Dao clones suffered heavy casualties. Every time the Bewitching Emperor made a move, one of his clones would be seriously injured.

Seeing that his clone was about to be slaughtered by the opponent, Chen Feng was extremely distressed and angry. Just when Chen Feng was about to rush forward, he saw the Bewitching Emperor flash forward and rush towards other battles.

Chen Feng secretly sighed that something was wrong, he couldn't stop the opponent, and others certainly couldn't.

Sure enough, under the impact of Emperor Bewitching, Chen Feng's Hunyuan could not withstand it at all, and people continued to be hit hard.

"This guy has been hiding in the dark until he was so powerful." Chen Feng felt a little headache.

The opponent rushed into the chaotic battlefield, and even the Gate of Origin might not be able to attack as it pleased.

Fortunately, the Shadow Emperor hiding in the dark finally took action. First, a shadow barrier appeared out of thin air and enveloped both sides, including the Bewitching Emperor.

In order to be effective in one blow, the scale of the shadow barrier this time was very large. In addition to the Bewitching Emperor, there were also many people fighting above Hunyuan.

But in this case, the effect of the shadow barrier will be greatly reduced, which is enough for Chen Feng.

In an instant, Chen Feng rushed into the faint barrier, waved and threw a few energy balls, and enveloped the Bewitching Emperor.

As a result, the Bewitching Emperor dodged these energy balls.

The energy ball still exploded, but it formed a silk net that almost covered the entire barrier.

When Chen Feng used it, he attacked indiscriminately in order to delay the pace of bewitching the emperor.

Finally, Emperor Silver Moon arrived, with rays of light shooting out from between his brows, trying to envelope Emperor Bewitching. Although some conflicts occurred during the process, which resulted in failure, Chen Feng was relieved by the addition of Emperor Silver Moon.

However, Chen Feng still felt that it was a bit unrealistic to trap the opponent with his current power, but it was a pity that he could not draw stronger power now.

"It would be great if we could get the other party into the Gate of Origin, but now there are many opponents in the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng once again found an opportunity and rushed in front of the Bewitching Emperor.

Although Chen Feng suffered a loss in the close combat just now, Chen Feng is still confident in his own defense.

Sure enough, facing Chen Feng's style of play, Emperor Bewitching did not dare to take it lightly. After all, except for Chen Feng, Emperor Silver Moon and Emperor Shadow were not that easy to deal with.

In particular, the silver moon radiance emanating from the center of Silver Moon Emperor's eyebrows was very troublesome even for Bewitching Emperor.

This is the result of the Shadow Emperor only trying his best to maintain the shadow barrier. Otherwise, if the Shadow Emperor also joins the battle head-on, the Bewitching Emperor will definitely be at a disadvantage.


However, Emperor Bewitching sneered secretly, but he was not panic at all, because he also had helpers.

Sure enough, a chaotic man with a weapon appeared, and the situation was broken again.

The Shadow Emperor directly removed the barrier and tried to stop the chaos. In the confrontation between the two sides, the Shadow Emperor quickly fell behind.

At this time, Emperor Chou could leave at any time, but this time Emperor Chou didn't hide. Instead, he opened and closed to show his super combat power.

It was originally a war between outsiders, but now that the Bewitching Emperor is involved, it is equivalent to the intervention of the Origin of Chaos.

Although he is also the conspiracy behind the other party, it is now unfriendly to Chen Feng.

This also shows that compared to other invaders, Chen Feng's power is more important to Chaos Origin. Their ultimate goal is to eliminate Chen Feng's power.

This is an obvious thing, and Chen Feng will not care about it. Anyway, the final opponent is Chaos Origin, and some other troubles encountered are also created by Chaos Origin behind the scenes.

"If there are no helpers, it seems that it will be difficult for us to deal with these opponents." Chen Feng observed the entire situation.

Originally, our own side could defeat those alliances, but now that the Bewitching Emperor has appeared, there may be chaos next.

After thinking about this, Chen Feng immediately ordered everyone to start gathering together, and the initial attack became defensive.

Although it looked a little timid when viewed this way, no one cared. They just changed their strategy and felt the danger. There was no need to go on a rampage anymore.

In addition to protecting himself, Chen Feng did not want the other party to succeed. Moreover, Chen Feng believed that even if the other party was bewitching behind the scenes, the practitioners in the alliance would not really fight to the end. After all, the other party was only affected by some emotions, and at least they could still control some of it.

Sure enough, as Chen Feng's side completed the defensive momentum, the alliance side continued to attack, but it did not reach the point of desperate.

Although it seemed that they were a little excited because of Chen Feng's retreat, some people obviously regained some rationality.

It was obviously because the Emperor of Bewitching was entangled that they were not affected by the power of bewitching.

Being able to cultivate to this point, they can certainly see the situation clearly, and even see through the root cause behind it.

They also knew that they had become the thugs of the origin of chaos, but the previous fight between the two sides had caused damage to each other, and it was impossible to stop now.

Since hatred has been formed, no matter what the reason is, it must continue. However, the alliance side does not have too much power, and it also understands that even if it fights hard, the best outcome is that both sides will suffer losses. In this case, it is better to restrain some of the power. If the Chaos Origin side can still send a helping hand, if the opportunity is right, then it is not impossible for them to take advantage of the opportunity.

So as the situation changes, these alliances also have new calculations, and these calculations are also within Chen Feng's expectations before, which is also a very important part of the reason why Chen Feng shrinks the formation.

"It depends on who will be more anxious if this war continues." Chen Feng also has a certain gamble in doing this. If the other side comes to reinforce, as long as the number is not too large, then his side can still resist.

"There are still people on our side who have not shown up." Chen Feng thought of the Nether Emperor who had communicated before.

When the Silver Moon Emperor was out before, the Nether Emperor had actually escaped long ago, but the other party had other calculations, so Chen Feng and his friends did not look for the other party again.

What's more, there is the Gate of Origin suppressing the four parties not far away. Even in the face of the siege of many masters, the territory of the Gate of Origin is still expanding little by little.

With such a big backer behind, the worst result is that the Gate of Origin gives up the current situation and there is no problem in rescuing Chen Feng and others.

Chen Feng even thought that at worst he would lead people into the Gate of Origin, and the power of the Gate of Origin would become stronger at that time.

Anyway, he can advance in front and defend in the back, so Chen Feng is not panicked at all.

Although the Emperor Guhuo wanted to kill all the people, Chen Feng's party was not vegetarian. Under the entanglement of the Shadow Emperor and Chen Feng, the Emperor Guhuo had not achieved any results.

Later, when the Light of Origin locked the Emperor Guhuo again, the other party finally became a little impatient and fell directly into the void and disappeared.

Seeing the other party leave, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and his mind was a little complicated. On the one hand, he really wanted to keep the other party, but on the other hand, he knew that he could not do this with his current strength.

It has to be said that the existence of the Guhuo Emperor is too threatening, but at least now the other party's departure has relieved the pressure on his side.

It is obvious that the Guhuo Emperor still wants to watch the two invaders continue to fight.

"The situation has become clear now. If we continue, it will only benefit the other party." At this time, someone from the alliance spoke up.

The other party wants to compromise. After all, without the help of the Guhuo Emperor, they are definitely not the opponent of Chen Feng's side.

"Okay, then let's stop for now." Chen Feng was unexpectedly straightforward this time. The practitioners who knew Chen Feng were a little surprised. This was not like Chen Feng's style.

"Take a break first. There may be a fight at any time next." Chen Feng just said it simply.

In the fight just now, Chen Feng's side still took the advantage, and the casualties on the alliance side were relatively large, but if they really continued to test, even if they could completely defeat the other party, Chen Feng's side would suffer heavy losses.

Moreover, the departure of the Guhuo Emperor just now made Chen Feng feel something was wrong. He always felt that the other party had some conspiracy.

Although the two sides have stopped fighting, Chen Feng still feels that some people on his side are eager to try and want to continue. He knows that this is probably due to the secret influence of Emperor Guhuo.

The same is true for the Alliance. In order to avoid further chaos, both sides retreat.

"We are not strong enough now. We will deal with the other side after the reinforcements arrive." Chen Feng certainly does not want to let the Alliance go. Since they have become opponents, they naturally want to kill them all.

The biggest opponent in front of him is still the origin of chaos.

Chen Feng looked at the Gate of Origin. The fight over there was still going on. The strength of the Gate of Origin was really beyond Chen Feng's expectations. Even if there were more opponents, the territory of the Gate of Origin was still expanding steadily.

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