Eternal Existence

Chapter 5574: Small Character

"Fool, what do you think Guixu is? You dare to join forces with Guixu. Haha, I won't say much to you. I'll kill you first today." The spear instantly arrived in front of Emperor Yuanyang.

The two sides fought, regardless of the matter. The emperors of Yangjie who had left before did not leave. They appeared at this time and joined forces to attack Emperor Zhenyuan.


I saw Emperor Zhenyuan sneer, as if he had seen through everything long ago, and beams of light penetrated into these people's bodies.

These powerful emperors suddenly lost control of their power, and then they were pulled out by chains.

The Zhenyuan Emperor's move was unparalleled and majestic, killing Emperor Yuanyang and forcing him to retreat again and again. One could not resist, and a ball of scorching sun exploded, and the light circle behind Emperor Yuanyang was violently shaking.

Not an opponent!

Although Emperor Yuanyang mustered up his strength to fight, there was still a gap between the two sides, and he was hit again soon. This time the injury was not serious, but the invasion of the power of the true essence affected his own magic power and all his strength.

Seeing that he could not resist, the assassination king flashed and launched a surprise attack on the True Yuan Emperor.

The True Yuan Emperor swept his spear to block the attack, and then the spear instantly stabbed out countless afterimages, wrapping up the assassination king.


Blood flowers bloomed, and the assassination king disappeared again with a ball of blood light.

The True Yuan Emperor ignored the opponent and continued to attack the Yuan Yang Emperor.

It was obvious that the True Yuan Emperor was coming for the Yuan Yang Emperor, and anyone who dared to help the Yuan Yang Emperor was an opponent.

Although he understood the intention of the Zhenyuan Emperor, he couldn't just ignore it when he saw the Yuanyang Emperor falling behind. After all, they were on the same side. If he really didn't care, once the Yuanyang Emperor was dealt with, the situation would get out of control again. But if he cared, he would offend such a powerful being. The most important thing was that no one present was the opponent of the Zhenyuan Emperor.

And the Zhenyuan Emperor just saved Chen Feng, which was obviously related to Chen Feng.

Moreover, the powerful being would not let it go after the Zhenyuan Emperor killed one of his clones.

"Whoever attacks again will die." The Zhenyuan Emperor was a little embarrassed because he didn't deal with the Yuanyang Emperor. He secretly thought that he had not been in the world for many years, but he couldn't do anything to these young people. He was really angry.

Before the threatening words fell, the assassination king attacked again, and the several Yangjie emperors who were beaten up also attacked together.

This time, the Zhenyuan Emperor was really angry. These guys didn't put him there.

The attack of the Assassination King landed on the True Yuan Emperor, and the powerful force caused the rune armor to begin to collapse.

This attack seemed to hurt the True Yuan Emperor.

But that was all.


The True Yuan Emperor snorted coldly, and the Assassination King's body shook, and the spirit in his eyes began to fade.


Another cold snort, a trace of fear appeared in the eyes of the Assassination King, he retracted his weapon, and quickly fled into the void.


The True Yuan Emperor snorted coldly for the third time, and the Assassination King's body trembled, and blood flowed out from all parts of his body.

The extremely powerful Assassination King fell down like a lifeless rock.

At the same time as the third cold snort, there was also a rolling True Yuan force gushing out, forming the True Yuan Great Handprint, and with a fierce wave, the emperors of the Yang Realm were knocked away again.

Too lazy to pay attention to these small fish, the True Yuan Great Handprint suddenly changed direction and grabbed the stupid Assassination King in his hand.

The assassination king finally regained a bit of clarity, and the next moment he burst out with super power, and all the Zhenyuan handprints were pierced with holes. As expected of a super master, he burst out twice in a row and rushed out, and the Zhenyuan handprint was also shattered.


After regaining his freedom, the assassination king did not escape, nor did he hide in the dark to find an opportunity, but directly attacked the Zhenyuan Emperor.

The Yuanyang Emperor had also prepared his strength, and the rolling Yang power turned into a torrent and swept towards the Zhenyuan Emperor.

It seemed that the Zhenyuan Emperor was besieged.

"Don't know whether to live or die, I'm really afraid that you will run away." The Zhenyuan Emperor sneered, and the broken Zhenyuan handprint suddenly condensed again, but it became different. The evil power and curse power were integrated into the Zhenyuan power, and it was slapped hard, and the assassination king couldn't help but stop.

The chains suddenly twisted into ferocious spears and rushed towards the Yang frenzy.

The two collided fiercely, and the spear emitted bursts of explosions during the process. It seemed that the Zhenyuan Emperor suffered a loss, but the Yuanyang Emperor looked solemn.

"You are using my power to condense these chains." Yuanyang Emperor said.

Although the Zhenyuan Emperor can use these chains, these chains come from Guixu after all. Even after being sacrificed, there are still some hidden dangers.

Besides, even if the hidden dangers are eliminated, the Zhenyuan Emperor still wants to make the chains according to his own model.

The extreme yang power in front of him is the best power.

"It can be done this way." Chen Feng saw this scene from a distance, and his eyes lit up. He also had this kind of chain in his hand, and in addition to the chain, there were some other magic weapons or hard materials. Although he mastered various powerful flames, it was still a little worse than the extreme yang power of the Yuanyang Emperor.

Chen Feng thought that the Zhenyuan Emperor would solve the battle with a crushing attitude. In fact, the Zhenyuan Emperor did this from the beginning, but the Zhenyuan Emperor was rough and meticulous, and took some things into account.

Even the sneak attackers and helpers were beaten back as soon as they approached, and they even took out the chains to use the power of Emperor Yuanyang.

It seemed that they were here to settle accounts with Emperor Yuanyang, but in fact, Emperor Zhenyuan entangled several opponents on the other side with his own strength, and he was still in the upper hand. No matter who the other side sent out, they were beaten very badly.

The war spear turned into a residual image, and once again enveloped the assassination king. The two sides had a fierce collision, and several special forces were also looking for opportunities to sleep.

The ferocious spear formed by the chain was used to deal with Emperor Yuanyang. Although it was burned by the power of the sun, Emperor Zhenyuan didn't care at all.

As for the emperors of the Yang world, they didn't come forward for a while, but the other party was still accumulating strength. Their request was very simple, as long as they could cause a little impact on Emperor Zhenyuan.

"Hey, it seems that it is difficult to deal with Emperor Yuanyang." Chen Feng watched the battle from a distance, feeling a little regretful.

Emperor Zhenyuan was naturally the strongest on the scene, and he could deal with Emperor Yuanyang one-on-one, but the other party had helpers.

Chen Feng didn't want to get involved, but thinking about the previous embarrassment, he decided to forget it.

Chen Feng looked at the others helplessly. With the appearance of a figure like the True Yuan Emperor on his side, he was entangled with so many forces on the other side at once. The Yin Realm should have the upper hand, or he could also spare some manpower.

Just as Chen Feng was watching, the space suddenly burned, and two emperors from the Yang Realm rushed towards Chen Feng.

"Can't I just watch the excitement?" Chen Feng thought that the crisis was resolved, but who knew that someone was still eyeing him.

Although the other party was far from being comparable to those powerful beings, they were also emperors from the Yang Realm, and every Chen Feng was not an opponent.

So the situation in front of him was still very tricky.

However, Chen Feng felt differently at this time. Even if there were two emperors, Chen Feng didn't feel it was a big deal. This was the impact brought about by facing that powerful being before.

There was a change in mentality, but Chen Feng was not slow to act. The clone appeared, the sword formation appeared, and he hid behind.

"You two are really not afraid of death. You dare to deal with me in this situation." Chen Feng said with a smile.


The battle formation formed by the clones suddenly dispersed, but gathered together again the next moment.

The sword formation was shining brightly, and it also blocked the opponent's attack.

It was Chen Feng's limit to be able to block the attack of the two emperors by means of means, and it was just to delay some time.

Sure enough, as the two Yangjie emperors continued to attack, the power of the extreme yang burned everything, and Chen Feng's clones and sword formation began to be unable to resist.

Chen Feng had been hiding behind, even if the opponent's all-pervasive power rushed in front of him, he was dodged by Chen Feng, and he shattered it by swinging his weapon.

It seemed that Chen Feng was not strong enough and did not dare to take action.

However, just when Chen Feng's battle formation and sword formation were about to collapse, a long river of power crossed the void and rushed directly to the two emperors.

Under the powerful force, the two emperors could not resist and were hit and retreated again and again, but Chen Feng finally took action and rushed into the long river of power with a flash.

As Chen Feng entered, the power in the long river seemed to come alive, gathering around Chen Feng and changing with Chen Feng's thoughts.

Chen Feng was like the dragon head of the long river, waving the spear of destiny. With just one blow, a great emperor was stabbed, a big hole appeared in his body, and he began to collapse under the impact of the power.

Another great emperor began to fight desperately, but was hit by a torrent of will hidden in the long river of power, and he himself fell into trouble.

The other end of the long river of power was the hundreds of Hunyuan who had left before. Although they were of different strengths, they were powerful in numbers after all. The explosion under the joint efforts brought a fatal crisis to the two great emperors.

"I didn't expect to kill two masters of the Yang Realm here. Speaking of it, the loss of the Yang Realm is also quite large." Chen Feng couldn't help laughing as he looked at the two opponents who were collapsing.

Seeing that the two were about to be completely shattered, Chen Feng suddenly felt the danger, and at the same time there was a warning from the Emperor of the Heart.

Then Chen Feng saw a beam of light coming through, and the strong crisis forced Chen Feng to mobilize all his strength to resist.

This was an arrow fired by the Kaitian Emperor in the distance, regardless of his own injuries. Chen Feng could not resist it by himself, but with the power of the Long River of Power, it was different.

The Spear of Destiny collided with the arrow, and Chen Feng began to retreat in the violent explosion. The Long River of Power also began to collapse, and the two emperors also collapsed together, but the damaged bodies of the other party soon gathered again not far away.




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