Eternal Existence

Chapter 5573 Is it the end?

"In front of the real masters, it turns out that I am so weak!" Chen Feng felt a little depressed. He had already accepted the reality during the previous period of rest, but when the reality appeared in front of him again, Chen Feng only felt a strong sense of excitement. Feeling of powerlessness.

Seeing this opponent launching another attack, Chen Feng mobilized everyone's strength and finally had a head-on fight with the opponent.

The effect was not very good, and it was just a delay, because the opponent's attack came later.

The Great Mind Emperor was unable to rescue him this time, and the Gate of Origin had not yet been reshaped, but he sent a fragment.

This piece of origin fragment perfectly enveloped Chen Feng, blocking the opponent's attack.

A long space crack appeared in front of the hundreds of Hunyuan Shang. They originally wanted to stay and help Chen Feng fight, but they received news from the Gate of Origin and had to leave along the crack.

Chen Feng followed closely, and the cracks healed quickly.

But that powerful being stretched out his finger, and a passage appeared in front of him, so he chased after him.

Chen Feng and others ran very fast, but the opponent paid attention faster. Facing such an opponent, even if Chen Feng's divine wings were restored, they might not be able to escape.

Seeing that the other party was chasing after him again, Chen Feng had no choice but to turn around and fight. At the same time, he was urging others to leave quickly.

The previous confrontation also proved one thing. The numbers above Hunyuan will not play a big role for masters of this level.

Although they were a little reluctant, these Hunyuan leaders also understood that Chen Feng's decision was correct. In addition, some people were also afraid, so naturally they did not want to stay.

"Keep on holding on, the opponent's clone power is also limited." At this time, news came from the Gate of Origin, and Chen Feng also noticed that although the opponent's attack was strong, it was indeed weakening compared to before.

Only then did he understand that the other party's clone was temporarily differentiated and was not a real clone after training.

This made Chen Feng even more surprised. The temporary clone had such strength, so how powerful is the opponent's body? Perhaps it is even stronger than what appears on the surface.

After all, Chen Feng cannot reach the level and cannot understand how powerful beings at this level are.

Although he had the comfort of the Gate of Origin, Chen Feng was no match, and he was still no match.

At this critical moment, Chen Feng finally had help arrive.

And this time the help came unexpectedly.

A war spear appeared out of thin air and stabbed at this powerful opponent.

Chen Feng's mind was shaken when he saw this war spear, but then his eyes lit up and he knew who the person was, and his heart suddenly relaxed.

Facing the attack of this war spear, this powerful being also blocked it immediately.

I saw that the war spear kept slowing down and stopped in front of this powerful being.


A sound of surprise came from far away in time and space, and the other party seemed not to have thought that his attack had been blocked.

But as the sound of surprise rang out, the war spear seemed to be blessed by endless power. It thrust forward and penetrated directly through the body of this powerful being.

Then the power in this powerful being began to lose control, but he still resisted and pulled out the war spear.

A tyrannical and invincible existence encounters a stronger existence, and it becomes very embarrassing just to deal with a war spear.

Although he successfully pulled out the war spear, the power within his body was still out of control, and the power erupted from the war spear just now was still frantically invading himself.

This being clearly felt that his power was invaded, assimilated and transformed.

"Such a powerful force, what kind of existence is this? I wonder if my body is an opponent."

This powerful being wanted to retreat, but it was already too late. The war spear in his hand was still vibrating violently, and the power emanating from it was still eroding the palm of his hand.

A majestic figure appeared, and with just one punch, this powerful being was torn apart.

"My little body still wants to fight with me. You are really overestimating your capabilities." The person said calmly.

Then he reached out and grabbed it, and the powerful being's collapsed body turned into billowing energy and sank into his hand.

"Great Emperor of True Yuan!"

Seeing that it was indeed the True Yuan Emperor, Chen Feng couldn't help but laugh. With the True Yuan Emperor appearing, the situation would naturally be different.

After dealing with that powerful being, Emperor Zhenyuan did not continue to look for the opponent's body, but looked at Emperor Yuanyang.

"Not good!"

Emperor Yuanyang's heart skipped a beat. When he and Emperor Bahuang joined forces to fight against Emperor Zhenyuan in Guixu, he knew at that time that he was in big trouble, but he didn't expect the trouble would come so quickly.

I remember that Emperor Zhenyuan had just escaped from trouble, and his strength was very low. I don't know if he has recovered now, and Emperor Bahuang is not here either.


Sure enough, Emperor Zhenyuan chuckled and walked towards Emperor Yuanyang.

"You go first!"

Emperor Yuanyang waved his hand, and several emperors behind him left through the air. They could no longer participate in a battle of this level.

With a wave of his hand, he grabbed the battle spear in his hand. At the same time, the runes flashed and a burst of battle armor covered the body of the True Yuan Emperor.

The power that originally suppressed Emperor Zhenyuan was used by Emperor Zhenyuan.

"Friend Zhenyuan, why bother? I was helpless at the beginning." Emperor Yuanyang's body was full of yang energy, as if countless blazing suns were colliding, which was constantly tapping the power in his body.

However, the words spoken by Emperor Yuanyang were a little timid.

"Idiot, what kind of existence do you think Guixu is? How dare you join forces with Guixu? Haha, I won't say more to you. I'll kill you first today." The war spear arrived in front of Emperor Yuanyang in an instant.

The two sides were fighting, regardless of whether the Yang Realm emperors who had left before did not leave. At this time, they appeared and jointly launched an attack on the Zhenyuan Emperor.


The True Yuan Emperor sneered, as if he had already understood everything, and beams of light penetrated into these people's bodies.

These powerful emperors suddenly lost control of their power, and were then whipped out by chains one after another.

Emperor Zhenyuan struck out with unparalleled domineering and majestic momentum, killing Emperor Yuanyang so much that he retreated continuously. He couldn't resist it, and a ball of blazing sun exploded, causing the aperture behind Emperor Yuanyang to tremble violently.

Not an opponent!

Although Emperor Yuanyang mustered up the strength to fight, there was a gap between the two sides after all, and he was hit again soon. This time the injury was not serious, but the power of true energy invaded, and his mana cultivation and all his strength were affected.

Seeing that he could no longer resist, the assassin king suddenly launched a surprise attack on Emperor Zhenyuan.

The True Yuan Emperor's war spear swept across to block the attack, and then the war spear instantly pierced countless afterimages, wrapping up the assassination king.


The blood flower bloomed, and the King of Assassination disappeared again through a ball of blood.

Emperor Zhenyuan ignored the other party and continued to attack Emperor Yuanyang.

It is obvious that Emperor Zhenyuan is here for Emperor Yuanyang, and anyone who dares to help Emperor Yuanyang is an opponent.

Although I understand the intention of Emperor Zhenyuan, seeing Emperor Yuanyang at a disadvantage, I can't ignore it. After all, everyone is on the same side, and if we really don't care, once Emperor Yuanyang is solved, the situation will get out of control again, but if we ignore it, Well, I have offended such a powerful being again. The most important thing is that no one present is the opponent of the True Yuan Emperor.

Also, Emperor Zhenyuan saved Chen Feng just now, and it was obviously related to Chen Feng.

Furthermore, that powerful being had a clone killed by the Zhenyuan Emperor, and he would not let it go.

"Whoever takes action again will die." Emperor Zhenyuan couldn't help but feel embarrassed because he didn't deal with Emperor Yuanyang. He secretly said that he hadn't been born for many years and yet he couldn't do anything to these juniors. He was really a little annoyed.

Before the threatening words could be heard, the King of Assassination took action again, along with the several Yang Realm Emperors who had been beaten away.

Emperor Zhenyuan was really angry this time, these guys didn't even put themselves there.

The King of Assassination's attack fell on Emperor Zhenyuan, and the powerful force caused the rune armor to begin to collapse.

This blow seemed to hurt Emperor Zhenyuan.

But that's all.


Emperor Zhenyuan snorted coldly, and the Assassination King's body trembled, and the look in his eyes began to fade away.


With another cold snort, the Assassination King's eyes showed a hint of fear, he withdrew his weapon and quickly escaped into the void.


Emperor Zhenyuan snorted coldly for the third time. The Assassination King's body trembled and blood overflowed from all parts of his body.

The extremely powerful King of Assassination fell down like a lifeless rock.

At the same time as he snorted for the third time, the power of billowing true energy spurted out, forming a large hand seal of true energy. With a fierce wave, the emperors of the Yang Realm were knocked away again.

Too lazy to pay attention to these miscellaneous fish, the big handprint of Zhenyuan suddenly changed its direction and caught the stupid king of assassination in his hands.

The King of Assassination finally regained his clarity, and the next moment there was a super powerful explosion. Holes were pierced in the big hand seals of the true essence. He was worthy of being a super master. He burst out twice in a row, and the big hand seals of the true essence also turned into Crush.


After regaining his freedom, the Assassination King did not escape or hide in the dark to look for opportunities. Instead, he directly launched an attack on the True Yuan Emperor.

Emperor Yuanyang has also prepared his power, and the power of the rolling sun turns into a torrent and sweeps towards Emperor Zhenyuan.

It looks like Emperor Zhenyuan is under siege.

"I don't know whether to live or die, I'm really afraid that you will run away." The Emperor Zhenyuan sneered. The broken Zhenyuan handprint suddenly condensed again, but it became different. The power of Zhenyuan was fused with the power of evil. , the power of the curse was slapped hard, and the assassination king couldn't help but stop.

The chains suddenly twisted into ferocious spears and charged towards the Sun Frenzy.

The two collided fiercely, and during the process, the spears emitted bursts of explosions. It seemed that Emperor Zhenyuan suffered a loss, but Emperor Yuanyang had a solemn expression.

"You are using my power to condense these chains." Emperor Yuanyang said.




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