Eternal Existence

Chapter 5575: Go to the Origin of Chaos Again

Chen Feng believed that the Shadow Emperor and the others must have made a decision after discussing with the underworld. They would first go see what was going on at the origin of the chaos, but if the opportunity was right, they would naturally send more force.

From the perspective of origin, the distance between the two families is actually not that far.

Moreover, Chen Feng and others were all practitioners at a very high level of life, so it didn't take them too much time to get there.

Similar to what was detected before, it seems that the origin of chaos has returned to its original state.

But if you really want to know the specific situation, you will naturally have to investigate in depth.

After experiencing the previous war, once everyone breaks in, they are likely to be attacked by the other party that has been prepared for a long time.

So this exploration operation is quite risky.

"There are still power fluctuations transmitted, which shows that the war here has not really ended." Emperor Silver Moon said.

"It's a battle between great emperors, but it doesn't seem that chaotic to the whole origin of chaos." Chen Feng nodded. Such obvious power fluctuations can be detected even by those above Hunyuan.

At this moment, several practitioners rushed out from the origin of chaos.

Beifang was running for his life, and the pursuers behind him turned out to be familiar people.

Originally, these practitioners could have run away, but the pursuers were the Lords of Holy Light, so they quickly caught up with these practitioners.

Under the entanglement of the Lord of Holy Light, two more attribute owners from the origin of chaos rushed out and began to kill these fleeing practitioners.

"Do you want to take action?" Chen Feng was ready to make a move. This was a good opportunity.

But before Chen Feng could take action, the other party discovered where he and others were.

After all, although Chen Feng's party said they were here to inquire about information, there were too many people, so it was considered a big show.

What's more, an emperor who follows the Lord of Holy Light is good at the art of insight, and his two gazes can break through all barriers.

"I haven't met the other party yet, and I don't know whether the other party's method was developed later or brought about by attribute power." Chen Feng said with some curiosity.

"This is the Divine Eye Emperor. The opponent does not belong to the Origin of Chaos, but it has some cause and effect with the Origin of Chaos. The opponent appears here as reinforcements this time." Emperor Silver Moon said.

Now that the other party has discovered themselves and others, they will naturally not hide them. Chen Feng and others immediately launched an attack.

Chen Feng, on the other hand, is firmly targeting the Lord of Holy Light. His magical wings have not yet recovered. If he can peel off the opponent's wings, he can recover his magical skills in advance.

"You came to us to cause trouble just after the war in the underworld. You really think that the reason for our chaos is that you are easy to bully." The Lord of Holy Light mocked, and the wings of Holy Light behind him kept trembling, making it impossible to catch him. true location.

"Hey, your expression wings are actually damaged. It seems that the previous war was very tragic. It's a pity that we, Chaos Origin, didn't participate in it, otherwise it might really tear your underworld apart." The Lord of Shengfang saw that Chen Feng In this state, I felt a little surprised, but then I laughed.

Everyone is an old rival, so it is a joy to see Chen Feng suffer a loss, but it is a pity that Chen Feng's expression and wings are broken, and he cannot harvest.


The power of Chen Feng and others was too strong. Although the Lord of Holy Light mocked them, he still led them to retreat.

A good man will not suffer the immediate consequences. If the fight between the two sides really continues, the Lord of Holy Light may be able to get out of trouble, but it may be difficult for the Divine Eye Emperor and others to escape.

"Come on."

The Silver Moon Emperor took the lead in chasing after him, while the Shadow Emperor disappeared without a sound.

Without people, the Shadow Emperor can use his stealth skills to the extreme, and there is no problem with sneak attacks on the Emperor.

Originally, according to everyone's plan, the Shadow Emperor released the barrier and led some people forward quietly as before. Who knew that it was exposed in advance now? It's really bad luck.

But since they were invading Chaos Origin, it was normal for them to have bad luck when they came to the other party's territory.

Just as they were about to rush into the origin of chaos, Chen Feng and others suddenly stopped, then changed direction and went to other places.

In the end, only the Shadow Emperor sneaked into the origin of chaos.

The previous aggressiveness was just an act. After all, this was the opponent's territory. Even if Chen Feng and others were twice as powerful, they would not be reckless.

After changing direction, Chen Feng and others continued to retreat, and only stopped after they had put a certain distance away from the origin of the chaos.

While waiting, a group of cultivators were detected approaching the origin of chaos, so II stepped forward to question them.

Sure enough, this group of practitioners came from a very distant area of ​​life. Some of their companions had lost contact at the origin of chaos, so they summoned some forces to investigate.

"You are going to die if you go in so rashly." The second generation calmly looked at the practitioners in front of him.

They are all above Hunyuan, and there is not even a great emperor. Maybe they could gain some benefits in the chaotic war before, but now the origin of the chaos is unknown. If you enter rashly and encounter a few powerful attribute masters, it will be really difficult. is certain to die.

"Do you understand the situation in this origin?" II continued to ask.

Some people were unhappy when they saw the posture of the second son. They wanted to speak but felt the powerful aura emanating from the second son and immediately became silent again.

"Please be patient, I understand some of the situation." Then II briefly talked about the origin of chaos and some powerful existences in the origin of chaos.

"So your companions are probably in danger. It's extremely dangerous for you to enter now. It's better to wait for the opportunity." After saying this, the second generation left.

After all, they are still a group of people above Hunyuan, and they can cause some troubles in the Origin of Chaos at critical moments.

"If we go to other places to search, there will definitely be some outsiders." Some people were separated in twos and threes, in preparation to concentrate their efforts and attack the origin of chaos in one fell swoop.

But the Shadow Emperor quickly conveyed the news.

"It's not a big problem. Chaos Origin ultimately won the previous war, but there were still quite a few outsiders trapped in the Origin, which is a bit interesting." Chen Feng laughed.

As previously guessed, it turned out that after the underworld retreated, the Origin of Chaos gradually took control of the situation.

While fighting against outsiders, while recovering the origins of the collapse, there were not too many disturbances during this period, and it has developed step by step until now.

"The Origin of Chaos is indeed not simple. We can survive that kind of situation. Now some outsiders have escaped, some have fallen, and some are trapped in the Origin of Chaos. Sooner or later, they will end up being killed, so our strength may be somewhat It’s not enough.” Emperor Changhe said.

"You're already here, why do you have to wait here?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Let's go in first, and the remaining Taoist friends will continue to look for other outsiders. Moreover, we have passed the news here back. Once we encounter trouble, help will come soon. Don't forget that there are several people in the underworld. A top master, just one of them can deal a major blow to the origin of chaos," Emperor Silver Moon said.

The underworld side is more concerned about the origin of chaos than Chen Feng and others, not to mention that they are also worried about the danger that the Shadow Emperor will encounter alone.

Therefore, all the people from the underworld entered the origin of chaos, and only Chen Feng's side was left.

"Should we enter from another place?" Some practitioners who had never been to the Origin of Chaos before were eager to give it a try.

Chen Feng originally wanted to stop him, but after thinking for a while, he said: "Everyone has been informed of the origin of the chaos. If anyone thinks they can enter, they can give it a try, but be sure to keep in touch at all times, and finally It’s better not to act alone.”

After all, there are hundreds of Hunyuan above Chen Feng around him this time. Although there are many people, they are powerful, but they will also cause a lot of noise. It is better to break them into pieces. Although it is a bit risky, gathering in twos and threes is not something to be trifled with. , the combat effectiveness of several has even reached the level of the Great Emperor. Besides, most of the attribute masters here are above Hunyuan in strength. After all, there are only a handful of existences like the master of strength. If you really meet them, then It can only be regarded as bad luck.

To Chen Feng's expectation, many people were willing to separate. In addition to those who had left to look for outside practitioners, hundreds of people quickly left in twos and threes.

"It's really exciting. Haven't you had enough fun in the underworld before?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

In fact, these Hunyuan Shangpai had been practicing quietly for a long time, but since entering Guixu, they have met a series of masters and have long mobilized their previous ambitions. Coupled with the suppression of the masters, they have created Feeling unsafe.

Many people want to become stronger, including some practitioners who are inherently adventurous.

"Let's continue changing places." Chen Feng said.

The scale of Origin of Chaos is still very large. There are a lot of people like Chen Feng, but if they really spread out, they will seem insignificant.

What's interesting is that after Chen Feng and others walked a certain distance, a force actually sent out the will to contact them.

Chen Feng knew the opponent's situation with just a sweep of his will.

There were quite a few people in this alliance who were above Hunyuan. Chen Feng also felt some familiar aura among them and knew that some of them had fought in the Origin of Chaos before, but most of them came later.

"The other party is qualified to join forces with us. Which of you is willing to communicate with the other party?" Chen Feng asked casually.

Naturally, several people were dispatched, including an emperor-level combatant. The two sides quickly reached an agreement to jointly attack the origin of chaos.

"The other side doesn't have a real master, so I'm afraid they will become cannon fodder in the next war." II said.

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