Eternal Existence

Chapter 553: Fighting on Black Wind Village

Just as Jian Xiaotian's injuries were increasing, a long sword suddenly cut through the sky, and several people were killed in a quick circle.

"Tianxuan Sword Style, someone from our sect has come." Jian Xiaotian's eyes showed surprise.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The long sword kept circling, as if there was an invisible person holding the sword to defend against the enemy. This was a top-grade treasure. Every time it circled, a cultivator would be killed. When the person who attacked Jian Xiaotian appeared in front of everyone, the cultivators who besieged Jian Xiaotian had been killed cleanly.

A tall cultivator landed in front of Jian Xiaotian, and with a wave of his hand, the long sword turned into a sword light and drilled into his body.

"Senior Brother Liu!" Jian Xiaotian exclaimed.

"It's Junior Brother Xiaotian. Didn't you go to Beiyuan? How come you are here? Hey, you are now at the sixth level of Heavenly Man. How is that possible?"

The man is Liu Wenlong, a disciple of Tianjian Sect. At first, he was a little confused to meet Jian Xiaotian here, but he was immediately stunned after seeing Jian Xiaotian's cultivation. You know, when Jian Xiaotian left Tianjian Sect to travel, he was only at the first level of Heavenly Man. It has only been a few years since he cultivated to the sixth level of Heavenly Man. This cultivation speed is not something that many people in this sect can achieve.

"Did you take some precious elixir?" Liu Wenlong guessed in his heart.

"Junior Brother Xiaotian, since you have such a cultivation, why are you still besieged by these bandits? Did you get injured before? Humph, these bandits are getting more and more excessive and unrepentant. We killed a lot of them some time ago. I didn't expect that they are still besieging our disciples of Tianjian Sect in secret. When I return this time, I will call on some fellow disciples to kill them again." Liu Wenlong said murderously.

"I just returned from Beiyuan, and just survived the thunder tribulation. I was besieged before I recovered." Jian Xiaotian smiled bitterly.

"You are too careless. You dared to survive the tribulation without anyone to protect you. Don't you know how chaotic the mountains between the two worlds are? Moreover, it is a time of trouble." Liu Wenlong blamed.

"It is a time of trouble. What happened?" Jian Xiaotian was a little surprised.

"Our sect has started a war with Wuqing Tianzong." Liu Wenlong blamed.

"Wuqing Tianzong, how is the scale?" Jian Xiaotian's face did not change, because Tianjian Sect and Wuqing Tianzong were not on good terms, and there was a conflict between the two sides. It can be said that there was a small war every five years and a big war every ten years. Just when Jian Xiaotian left Zhongyuan, Tianjian Sect had just fought a war with Wuqing Tianzong, and many fellow disciples were killed and injured. Seeing his own weakness on the battlefield, Jian Xiaotian had the idea of ​​traveling to enhance his strength.

"It's bigger than ever before. This time, the War King Pavilion also intervened. However, our sect suffered heavy casualties as soon as the war started."

"What, the War King Pavilion also participated. The two sects united, which is simply bullying." Jian Xiaotian exclaimed.

"Even if ten sects united, what can happen? Our sect is not afraid."

"Yes, I must kill more people this time."

"Don't worry, the Qin family and the Wang family have also planned to send people to help secretly. When has our Tianjian Sect ever suffered a loss?"

"Of course, by the way, Senior Brother Liu, why did you come to the Liangjie Mountains this time?" Jian Xiaotian finally asked.

"It's a very important thing, you will know it later, now let's go and meet with others." Liu Wenlong said.

"There are other fellow disciples, how many people have come in total?" Jian Xiaotian was even more surprised. He originally thought that Liu Wenlong came to the Liangjie Mountains for adventure, but he knew it was not this matter as soon as he heard him speak.

"A total of 20 people came this time. Okay, you will know it soon." Liu Wenlong didn't seem to want to say more.

When Jian Xiaotian left with his fellow disciples, Chen Feng had already killed his way to one of the strongholds of Black Wind Village. Chen Feng didn't care about some small strongholds at all. Chen Feng's target was the three major strongholds of Black Wind Village.

"This is it. The people chasing me should come out of this valley." Chen Feng looked at the valley in front of him and stretched out his big hand and slapped it fiercely. A huge palm print whistled out, like a mountain pushing across. The restrictions arranged outside the valley were broken one after another, and some sentinels guarding outside all vomited blood and flew out.

"Who is coming to our Black Wind Village to cause trouble."

"Hurry up, enemy attack, enemy attack."

"Who dares to come to our Black Wind Village to die?"

"It won't be the people of Tianjian Sect who came to kill us. At the beginning, I told you not to provoke the other party. Now, the other party has come to kill us."

"Okay, don't panic, go and see what's going on." A burly man with a full beard came out.

"There is only one person. What's going on?"

At this time, everyone saw a young monk step by step into the valley. Wherever he passed, the aura on his body surged, and the robbers all vomited blood and flew backwards.

Chen Feng did not intend to kill anyone this time, but his attack was not light, enough for the other party to recuperate for a while.

"You are looking for death. You dare to come to our Black Wind Village and be arrogant. You don't even ask. Even the Tianjian Sect can't do anything to us."

Two monks walked out of the crowd on the left and right, and attacked Chen Feng with magic weapons.

Chen Feng's body shape did not change, and he still maintained the speed of advancement, but the aura around him changed, condensed into two palms, and easily grabbed a flying sword and a steel ring.

Then he squeezed hard, and the two magic weapons exploded into pieces. The two men immediately fell to the ground with pale faces.

"I'm here, the sea is boundless!"

Another person attacked, and the waves of true energy rolled towards Chen Feng, but Chen Feng was like a rock that had been immortal for thousands of years. He remained unharmed despite these attacks. Then a flash of light passed, and this person was also knocked out.

Chen Feng was a little impatient, and the power of the heaven and earth surged and spread out in all directions. The various forces of heaven and earth, mountains and swamps, water and fire, wind and thunder continued to evolve and condense and combine, forming various new means of attack. Chen Feng seemed to have become a star that was exploding, and everything around him began to be destroyed one after another.

There were constantly cultivators flying backwards, and the surrounding rocks, plants, and thick vines all turned into ashes and debris.

After this wave of attacks disappeared, at least hundreds of cultivators around Chen Feng were knocked out, and a circular trace with a radius of 100 feet appeared with Chen Feng as the center.

"Is this a human or a ghost? How can he be so powerful?" Seeing Chen Feng showing off his power, the other cultivators who wanted to take action all became honest.

"Stop, who are you?" The burly man took out a pagoda in his hand, and his whole body was covered with a layer of golden light, looking majestic.

"Who are you?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"I am the sixth leader of the Black Wind Village. I don't know where my friend is from. Has our Black Wind Village offended you in any way? If there is something, it's not too late to make a move after everyone has made it clear." The sixth leader talked to Chen Feng while secretly ordering others to deliver the letter. At the same time, people around him began to activate the magic array that was still arranged in the valley.

"The matter is very simple. You Black Wind Village offended me. The purpose of my coming this time is to flatten your Black Wind Village. As for who I am, you don't need to ask. Okay, I see that you are almost ready, let's do it together." Chen Feng said lightly.

In fact, there is another reason why Chen Feng came to the Black Wind Village this time, that is, to test his current strength. It would be even better if he could meet a master, so that he could polish his own cultivation.

"Get started, set up the formation!" The Sixth Master said as he shook the pagoda in his hand. A beam of light from the top of the pagoda shot towards Chen Feng. At the same time, a series of killing formations were opened around him, launching waves of suppression and annihilation against Chen Feng.


Chen Feng quickly swung his fist and broke the attacking beam of light, but he was also a little surprised. That is, this beam of light actually completely penetrated the energy wrapped in his fist, and left a white mark on his fist.

"Not a bad treasure." Chen Feng smiled, and then his aura suddenly converged. He raised his foot and chopped it heavily. The earth trembled, the ground cracked, and the whole valley shook. The formation that had just been activated was immediately destroyed.

"The Great Sky Net!" The Sixth Master stretched out his hand and slapped the pagoda in his hand. The pagoda immediately burst into golden light, and a spider web formed between the crisscrossing and covering Chen Feng's head. At the same time, some masters behind the Sixth Master also attacked at the same time, and flying swords, treasure seals, thunder beads, talismans, bronze bells, and square tripods attacked Chen Feng one after another.

Chen Feng did not dodge, allowing the spider web to cover himself, and he punched out one punch after another. Every time he punched out, a magic weapon would be broken. After all the magic weapons were broken, the sword energy condensed by the killing formation also hit Chen Feng heavily.


Seeing this scene, all the monks present shouted, but Chen Feng just shook a little, and then his whole body struggled violently, and the spider web covering his body exploded with a bang. Chen Feng jumped forward and punched. The Sixth Master felt that he was suffocating and quickly blocked the pagoda in front of him.


The dull sound spread out in waves, and the pagoda in the hands of the Sixth Master was knocked away. The Sixth Master also retreated under Chen Feng's attack, and smashed several cultivators behind him into pieces.

"How is it possible? Are you a human immortal? This is impossible. I have survived seven thunder tribulations, and the pagoda in my hand is an eighth-grade treasure." The Sixth Master shouted in disbelief.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and the pagoda fell into his hand. Chen Feng was confident that he could blow up a small mountain with that punch just now, but this pagoda seemed to have no damage.

"Tower, you can swallow this small pagoda. I only need one longevity pagoda." Chen Feng threw the pagoda into the longevity pagoda, but the pagoda pouted and kicked the pagoda aside: "With my current strength, I can't even look down on the holy weapon if I want to swallow the magic weapon. Are you using this broken thing to disgust me?"

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