Eternal Existence

Chapter 552: Rapid Increase of Cultivation

This time, the black-armored boy used the pure power he had cultivated for many years. After a tempering, not only did the quality of the various magic weapons in Chen Feng's body change dramatically, but the acupoints that had already been opened also expanded again.

As the magic weapons were tempered, powerful forces continued to gush out from the acupoints. Feeling the growing power in his body, Chen Feng was a little excited and a little overwhelmed. He had not yet passed the thunder tribulation, but he had a power stronger than that of the Tianren realm cultivators. Chen Feng didn't know if he would have any problems if he continued like this.

"Hey, you think you are very powerful. If all the magic weapons on your body are removed, I don't know how many times you will die along the way." At this time, the voice of the tower exploded in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

Chen Feng was suddenly startled and stopped thinking about it. He immediately gathered his mind and began to practice with full concentration.

This time, Chen Feng practiced for a longer time. The black-armored boy would inject a group of pure power into Chen Feng's body every once in a while. Once the power in the black-armored boy became thin, he would obtain it from the body again.

"This is a revelation, a cleansing of the essence and marrow, but it's a pity that it wasn't someone from my clan who did it." Ta sighed.

This time, Chen Feng practiced for half a year. During this half year, Chen Feng's body kept buzzing, sometimes like thunder, like a tsunami, like a river rushing, like gold and stone colliding, like a bronze bell ringing.

Finally, all the acupoints that had been opened in Chen Feng's body were reopened and stabilized, and the magic weapons in them were tempered more deeply many times. Now each magic weapon is connected to Chen Feng's flesh and blood. Chen Feng feels that as long as he has enough strength, he can exert the full power of these magic weapons.

And more importantly, the five seas of consciousness have been integrated into the sea of ​​consciousness. After half a year of practice and revelation, Chen Feng has integrated the eight seas of consciousness, and is only one step away from breaking through the sea of ​​consciousness. The state of nine nines returning to one is only one step away. At that time, Chen Feng can survive the thunder tribulation and take another huge step on the road of cultivation.

"Look at my eyes." At this time, the black-armored boy suddenly shouted, and the sound directly shook Chen Feng's soul.

Chen Feng couldn't help but look at the other party's eyes. The black-armored boy's eyes turned into two dark whirlpools, and the talismans in them kept flashing, which made people lose their souls at a glance, as if they could devour everything in the world.

"Dark Demon Eyes!" Chen Feng exclaimed. With the formula of the Dark Sutra in his mind, he naturally knew what the black-armored boy was going to do now.

"Yes, I will help you refine the Dark Demon Eyes now." The black-armored boy said that the whirlpools in his eyes turned faster and faster. The two divine rays acted on Chen Feng's eyes, causing Chen Feng's eyes to change, slowly turning black, like two black holes, and then the black energy in them began to rotate, faster and faster, and soon caught up with the frequency of the black-armored boy's eyes.


Jian Xiaotian flew out of the crack with a long roar, his whole body was full of sword light, his eyes were shining, and his aura was more intense than before. It was obvious that Jian Xiaotian's cultivation had improved again.

"It's bad. Half a year has passed. I wonder where Brother Chen went?" Jian Xiaotian took out a jade talisman and carefully sensed it for a while, but there was no breath at all.

"Strange, it's not within the sensing range. Could it be that Brother Chen left without taking me?" Jian Xiaotian guessed in his heart.

Then Jian Xiaotian waited for another three days. Finally, a strong breath emerged from Jian Xiaotian, and the clouds of disaster in the sky began to brew.

"The thunder disaster is coming again." Jian Xiaotian frowned. He didn't think about finding Chen Feng before going through the disaster, but now it's not possible, because the breath on his body can no longer be suppressed.

"Let's find a place to go through the disaster first." Jian Xiaotian flew up quickly to find a quiet place to go through the disaster.

Chen Feng was still practicing, and his strength had been rising step by step. This speed of strength growth has continued for more than half a year. Not to mention Chen Feng, even Ta was a little surprised.

"Boy, the magnitude of your strength increase this time is really too large. You must hone it well after you go out, otherwise your foundation may be unstable." Ta said with some concern.

"Of course I know this." Chen Feng nodded. At this time, Chen Feng's eyes had turned pitch black. At first glance, they looked like two black holes. Chen Feng's mind moved, and his eyes turned into two rapidly rotating vortices. A powerful suction force emanated, and the dark power around was swallowed up by Chen Feng.


At this time, streams of black flames shot out from his eyes, and wherever they passed, even the hard rocks were easily scorched.

"Okay, the fire pupil has mutated, and the power has at least doubled." Chen Feng said in surprise.

"You actually practiced the Heaven Devouring Demon Art. Where did you get this skill from?" The black-armored boy returned to his original appearance and sat lazily on the crystal stone.

"From a devouring beast." Chen Feng told the truth. As soon as he started practicing the Dark Sutra, Chen Feng had a feeling that there were some similarities between the Heaven Devouring Demon Art and the Dark Sutra.

"The Heaven Devouring Demon Art and the Dark Sutra have some origins, but the Heaven Devouring Demon Art you practiced is just the most basic fragments, and the power is not very great." The black-armored boy said.

"Please give me some advice, senior." Chen Feng said immediately. You know, even the tower praised the Heaven Devouring Demon Art.

"Hehe, I don't have the Heaven Devouring Demon Art either. If you want to get the full version, you can only go to the Demon Realm." The black-armored boy smiled.

Then the face of the black-armored young man changed and became serious: "I have improved your cultivation now. Now it's time to talk about my purpose."

"Senior, please tell me." Chen Feng naturally understood that benefits would not fall in vain from the sky.

"Come back here when you have cultivated to the realm of human immortals, and then help me out of trouble. Of course, you must practice the Dark Sutra to the realm of Xiaocheng. When I am out of trouble, the benefits will naturally be yours." Heijia The boy said.

"Senior, don't worry, I will do my best when the time comes." Chen Feng said in a deep voice. Since he agreed, he will definitely come back when he practices to become an immortal. If he fails to make the appointment, he will have inner demons when he practices in the future.

Next, the black-armored boy said nothing more. He just waved his hand and Chen Feng entered the space passage, and then reached the ground.

"Huh! It finally came out. Although I gained a lot this time, I still have to pay back in the future." Chen Feng shook his head, and his excited heart slowly calmed down because of the great increase in strength.

"Brother Jian doesn't know where he is. Hey, I have been practicing for such a long time. Maybe Brother Jian can't wait any longer." Chen Feng said and was about to leave here.

"Wait a minute, there is something I want to take out of your body." Ta suddenly spoke, then stretched out his hand, passed through the Eternal Life Tower, and grabbed Chen Feng's body, and a black seed appeared in Ta's hand.

"What is this?" Chen Feng was surprised.

"It's the dark seed left in your body by the other party. If you break your oath and don't come, this seed will take root and sprout, and eventually swallow up all your flesh and blood and soul." Ta said with a smile.

"So vicious." Chen Feng was shocked. He didn't expect that the other party had such a hand, but he didn't even notice it.

"It's not vicious, it can only be said to be a means. Maybe there were people like you before. It's always good for the other party to arrange a few more chess pieces. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a loss if you ran away afterwards? , But you don’t have to worry, since I have found this dark seed, there will be no problem, and it can also increase your power." Ta said and squeezed his palm suddenly, and the dark seed shattered and turned into a trace of black. The energy entered the cave of darkness and was completely absorbed by the dark talisman floating in it.

The young man in black armor sensed the shattering of the seed, and a hint of surprise immediately flashed in his eyes: "It's really not simple. I hope there will be some hope this time."

Then the black-armored boy turned into a ball of light and disappeared, passing through the layers of space and layers of restrictions, and entered the body of a huge monster beast.

This demonic beast is extremely huge, its entire body is thousands of miles long, its body is pitch black, its limbs are thick, it lies in the void, its body is wrapped with shining golden chains, and its body is suppressing a tall mountain peak. The mountain peaks are covered with talismans containing powerful essence.

This huge monster turned out to be a dark unicorn that was rare in the fairy world, a very powerful dark attribute monster.

After leaving the big rift, Chen Feng began to search for Jian Xiaotian, but there was no news. However, he encountered a group of robbers and robbers. What surprised Chen Feng even more was that these robbers came for him.

In just three days, Chen Feng encountered them three times. Chen Feng was naturally merciless in taking action. A total of hundreds of people were killed or injured in Chen Feng's hands.

"Black Wind Village." Chen Feng was a little angry. He didn't expect that this gangster den was endless, and they kept sending people there. He really didn't know whether to live or die.

"I wonder if Brother Jian has also encountered these bandits. Let's go to Heifeng Village to have a look. It is also a famous bandit den and there should be some good things." Chen Feng set off directly after asking the location from the bandits. .

At this time, Jian Xiaotian was injured all over his body and was fighting with a group of monks who surrounded him. Jian Xiaotian successfully survived the thunder tribulation and was promoted to the sixth level of heaven. However, he also became a little weak after the thunder tribulation. , just when Jian Xiaotian wanted to heal his wounds, a group of monks suddenly came out and wanted to surround Jian Xiaotian.

At first, Jian Xiaotian thought he was from Heifeng Village, but after taking action, he found out that he was from another bandit gang, Huo Lang Cave. After killing many people, Jian Xiaotian's wounds continued to increase, and he tried to rush out several times but failed. Success, Jian Xiaotian was a little helpless and depressed. In normal times, it wouldn't take long to kill these people, but now it feels like a tiger has fallen flat.

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